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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200270-8 COUNTRY China INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD CLASSIFICATION C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY RE HOW PUBLISHED Monograph WHERE PUBLISHED shanghai DATE PUBLISHED Nov 1953 LANGUAGE Chinese SUBJECT Economic - Agriculture, fiber crops, ramie, flax, lute, hemp, ambary, abutilon T?l DY? ,u I u y l . OPNH ?lL{. T,NO D DI ,I,LI I ~ttT10?) p{ Tf,, Or T?t'Y. CDD[.I ,1 .?t,DIO.I ITf }r.,fYlf{lo, 0 lrl? Or I TI CD?T[?,{ 10 D{ ?ID[IrT {r ., Mou 1tD rbf0, I ? D.LITIDJ DATA ON FIBER CROPS IN CHINA [Suvsnaxy: The principal fiber crops cultivated in China are ramie, flax, hemp, jute, ambary, and abutilon. Ramie and jute are cultivated in the regions south of the Yangtze River, flax in the Northeast and Northwest, abutilon in North China, and Central China, ambary in the Northeast and in East China, and hemp is grown through- out the nation. The annual production is difficult to estimate. Ramie, hemp, and abutilon have been exported in the past, but as yet jute, anbary, and flax do not meet domestic demands. The main fibers produced in China are ramie, flax, hemp, jute, abutilon, and ambary. In the different regions of the nation, however, these six fibers are known by various names. Below are the fibers and various names by which they are known: Variations in Names Ramie (Boehmeria nivae) Chu (Chekiang); ch'u-tzu Kwantun ( 8 g); hsien- ch'u (Ronan); pai-ma, shou-pa-ma, p'ien-ma ch'ing-ma (commercial names given according to quality. and manufacturing use) Flax (linum usitatissimum) Hu-ma (Northwest provinces) DATE OF INFORMATION 1951 DATE DIST. ~28' Dec 1954 NO. OF PAGES 6 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION Ch -kuo ti Me.-lei Tso:wu (China's Fiber Crops), Shang-wu Yin-shu Kuan Commercial Press , Shanghai, 2d printing, 1953 STATE ARMY Maw t+SRB DISTRIBUTION I IA1R ~ FBI I I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200270 8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200270-8 Fiber Variations in Names Hemp (Cannabis sativa) Huo-ma (Szechwan); huang-ma (Chekiang, Anhwei); hsien-ma (North, East China); hua-ma, mu-ma, ta-tzu-ma, hao-ma (Hopeh, Pao-ting); hung-ma (Honan); pai-ma, ch'- ing-ma, hei-ma (commercial) Jute (Corchorus capsularis) Lu-ma, to-ma (Chekiang); Taiwan lu-ma, t'ai-ma (Chekiang); sha-ma, chia-t'ou- lu-ma, chi-kua-huang-ma Ambary (Hibiscus cannabinus) Yin-tu-lu-ma (Chekiang); chin-ma Abutilon (Abutilon avicennae) Pai-ma (Hopeh); huo-ma, ch'iu-ma, hsiu-ma (Ronan); ch'ing-ma (Northeast, North China); yao-yung-ma (Anhwei); ch'ing-ma (Kiangsu) Generally speaking, the regions south of the Yangtze are considered the main ramie- and jute-producing areas; the Northeast and Northwest are flax regions, and North and Central China are abutilon-growing regions. Ambary is a relatively new crop, and at present is mainly produced in the Northeast and in East China. The distribution of ramie extends from Hainan in the south to the southern portions of Shansi and Shensi in the north. All provinces within these limits cultivate ramie, but the main ramie-growing areas are in the Yangtze River basin -- Kiangsi, Hupeh~and Hunan. The ramie production of these provinces is more than one half of the total national production. Other provinces, such as Szechwan Kweichootj~ and Anhwei, each have an annual ramie production of over 50,000 tan [about 2. million kilograms]. Flax is cultivated in the Northwest, Northeast, and North China. The flax grown in North and Northwest China is cultivated for its seed oil; flax used for its fibers is grown mainly in the Northeast, which produces over 90 percent of the national production. In the past, Heilungkiang, Sungkiang, and Kirin were the main producers of flax. After liberation, the Northeast Peoples Government promoted the cultivation of flax for its fibers, and it is expected that flax growing will be expanded throughout the nation. China is the hemp producing center of the world. Hemp is grown in almost all of the provinces but the Northeast, East, and North China produce the most. Anhwei produces the most hemp, with Shantung next; but Kirin, Heilungkiang, and Sungkiang all have an annual production of more than 100,000 tan [about 5 pil- lion kilograms).. Jute is grown in the regions south of the Yangtze, where rains are com- paratively heavy, and East China is considered the main jute region. In Chekiang, the 1951 production of jute increased more than five times; over that of 1949. Ambary was introduced into the Northeast by the Japanese in 1938, but its cultivation was not developed very much during the war years. Since the libera- tion, however, there has been an annual expansion of the ambary area, and at present Liaosi and Chekiang are the main producers of this fiber. Abutilon is cultivated in the areas north of the Yangtze. The main pro- ducers are East China, North China, and the Northeast; very little abutilon is grown in the other regions. Among the provinces, Hopeh and Shantung_ produce the most, each having an annual production of more than 100,000 tan [about 5 million kilograms]. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200270-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200270-8 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L China has the greatest variety of and the most extensively cultivated fiber crops in the world. However, because of the corruption and ineptness of the previous government, there was no desire to develop the rich agri- cultural resources. There were no dependable production statistics for the various agricultural crops. Nevertheless, based on many incomplete and fragmentary statistics, the annual production of fibers can be approximated: China's Fiber Production (in tan Area Bernie Flax Rem Jute Ambary Abutilon Northeast -- 1,322,504 581,048 448,454 160,892 North China - 3,120 98,890 1,500 205,470 Northwest 15,000 11,780 51,040 East China 224,700 24.800 S-4A Fnn South China 856,930 9,880 75,050 -- S 27,500 outhwest 179,250 28,790 15,000 -- Total 1,275,880 1,361,204 1,308,248 1,040,550 499,694 631,192 * (one tan equals 50 kilograms) ** Jute production in East China includes some ambary. Of the six types of fiber ciil tivated in China, ramie, hemp, and abutilon have been exported. Jute, ambari, and flax as yet do not meet domestic needs. Following are a few brief notes on past production, trade, and domestic con- Gumption of China's fibers: According to Japanese estimates, ramie production in prewar China aver- aged 1.6 million tan [about 80 million kilograms] annually, of which about one fourth was exported. World markets for ramie were almost completely sup- plied by China. Production was greatly reduced by 8 years of war, but since liberation ramie production has rapidly expanded. Before the war, the hemp output was about 1-1.3 million tan [50-65 mil- lion kilograms] annually, with a small amount exported. Northeast and North China hemp was exported from Tientsin, while that from Chekiang was exported from Shanghai. Much flax is cultivated in the Northeast and Northwest, but it is used mainly for its oil seeds. After liberation, flax was extensively cultivated in the Northeast, and in 1950, flax fiber output reached 83,000 tan (about 4,150)000 kilograms). In the future, with the liberation of Taiwan, flax production will be further developed. Although Jute and ambary are two different crops, their fiber character- istics and uses are very similar. For this reason the production of ambary is usually calculated with that of Jute. The histo very short, but its usefulness ro g a i is tivation is fairly , yields and prices are e s so good od that t its c snt ul- cul- widespread. -3- C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200270-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200270-8 C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Prior to the war, the annual production of abutilon was 600,000-900,000 t 5 an [about 30-45 million kilograms], with approximately 100,000 tan [about ams ofma utilon,lwith 60-80 percent Tientsin was and the the Northeast for Northwest shipped through this port. In the past, Japan was the largest importer of abutilon, but there were also shipments going to Germany, France, and the US. Because abutilon may be combined with jute in manufacturing, the government is increasing its production. With the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the cultiva- tion of agricultural products for industrial use has developed rapidly. For example, national grain production in 1950 was 16 percent higher than in 1949, and 87 percent of the average annual production before the war. The 1951 grain total was 7 percent more than the 1950 production, and 93 percent of the prewar average. Cotton production in 1950 increased 60 percent over 1949, and was 84 percent of the prewar average annual production. By 1951, cotton production was 58 percent over that of 1950 and 133 percent of the prewar average. There was also a rapid development in the cultivation of fiber crops. In 1949, fiber production was only 13 percent of the highest production year (1938). But with the establishment of the new government, the old fiber- growing regions were revitalized and new areas developed. For example, in Chekiang over 798,000 tan [about 39.9 million kilograms) of jute (includes ambary) were produced in 1950, a 290 percent increase over 1949, and the 1951 production was 70 percent higher than that of 1950. Fiber production during 1950 was 80 percent of the highest production mark, and by 1951 production was 304 percent of the highest level. In 2 years, many-successes have been obtained in China. In 1950, the output of yarn and cloth was already 99.5 percent of the highest prewar level, and the 1951 production exceeded that of 1950 by 33 percent. On the industrial front, the 1950 production of steel, electrical power, etc. was more than ten times that of 1949. Foreign trade in 1950 exceeded previous marks by 9.34 percent. The need for fibers will increase along with the industrial develop- ment of China. As industry grows and mechanized equipment is provided for the farmers, agriculture will make still greater achievements, including expansion of the fiber industry. bable showing geographical distribution of fiber crops follows:) -4- C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T-I-A-L Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31 : CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200270-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200270-8 Distribution of Fiber Crops (Numbers in parentheses indicate rank in terms of volume of production. All numbered provinces produce over 100,000 tan [about 5 million kilograms] of fiber.) Area Ramie Flay Northeast (3) Jehol Liaotung Liaosi Kirin Mukden Jehol Liaotung Liaosi - (2) Sungkiang (2) Kirin to (1) Heilungkiang (5) Sungkiang to (4) Inner (4) Heilungkiang Iz Mongolia Inner Mongolia IH It, ILi I I North China Suiyuan Chahar Suiyuan Chahar Iz Shansi IH Hopeh I f-I la Ir Northwest Tsinghai Ningsia Kansu Shensi East China Kiangsu Taiwan Anhwei Chekiang Fukien Taiwan (2)'Shantung Kiangsu (1) Anhwei Chekiang Ambary Abutilon Mukden Mukden Jehol Jehol Liaotung Liaotung (1) Liaosi Liaosi (2) Kirin Kirin Sungkiang Sungkiang Inner Heilungkiang Mongolia Inner Mongolia Kiangsu Shantung Anhwei (3) Chekiang (1) Chekiang Taiwan Fukien (2) Taiwan (2) Shantung Kiangsu Anhwei Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200270-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200270-8 Central South Honan (2) Hupeh (1) Kiangsi (3) Hunan Kiangsi Kvangtung Yunnan Kveichov Szechwan -lonan K iangsi Kiangsi Kwangtung Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/31: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700200270-8