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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190168-4 INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROAD!'A5T5 CD NO. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORTI CLASSIFICATION coI;FID:,Irl~rrT, SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE Daily .newspapers vssR 2 Dec 1953-3 Apr 1954 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. FREIGBT-ILIIJLING OP~ITIONS Oid SOVIET RAILROAD OPERATION OF AEOVE-*IOF,t'1 ~?IEIG:fP CODI3ISR5 -- ldoscow, Pravda, 3 Dec 53 In 1953 the locomotive crcwn of Yeicts Division, Moscow-Kursk-Donbass Railroad System, operated 4,700 above-norm-,refight consists, haulinG more than one million tons of freight above the norm. Tfre crew of locomotive No 787-of3 of the f;ta:,r~ Oskol Terminal operated 132 above-norm-weight trains, hauling 40,000 tong of freight above the norm. ldinsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiy^, 31 Dec 53 lluring 1953 the Belorussian System operated 21,374 above-norm-wei;;ht trains, haulins more than 4 million tons of freiE;ht above the norm. These operations permitted the system to use, for a 24-hour period, on an wcra~e of four locomotives less than provided for in the p1.1n, thereby saving r_early 2 mil- lion rubles. Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, 22 Dec 53 During 10 months of 1953, more than 1,OW above-norm-weip~rt trains wer: operated from the Kalinl:ovichi Engine Terminal, Belorussian Railrcad System. The average daily locomotive run Bras exceeded by 5.9 kilometers. Moscow, Moskovskaya Pr^vda, Fi Dec 53 During 11 months of 1953, more than 70,000 above-norm-weight trains were operated on the Donets Rai Lroad System, hmaling millions of tons of freight above the norm. ?~ STATE ARMY NAW .1iR Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190168-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190168-4 ~ Since the beginning of 1953, s locomotive crew of the Donets System has operated 160 above-norm-weight consists on which more than 35,000 tons of freight above the norm were hauled. This same locomotive crew has declin~ri the airl .,r tt,,, +-?i?Pr engine in the Kamyshevakha-Vengerovks and Volodino- Ysemennoye section.,, where above-norm-weight consists usually employ this additional aid. Nearly 60 percent of the freight locorotive crews are fol- lowing the example of this engine crew. Moscox, Izvestiya, 17 Mar 54 abovelnonn5weightTtrninsvandohauledhmillions ofrtonDoofafreight aboverthednonn~ The reduction of tiie cost of hauling saved 2 million rubles. Since tkre beginning of 1954, the division has operated more than 2,000 above-norm-weight trains, hauling 400,000 tons of freir~t above the plan. In the freight yards of the stations of Shchekino, Laptevo, Tula, Ynsnaya Polyana, and others, comruct londir.,; of cars is being stressed. Various freight, including cotton wadding and sugar, formerly loaded in csrs in one or two Layers, is now loaded in the^e and four layers, thereby increasing the load weight of each car by several tons. Riga, Sovetskaya Latviya, 26 Dec 53 The 1953 car-loading plan was completed on the Baltic Railroad System by 25 December and exceeded by the Riga, Rezekne, Vil'nyus, Shyaulyay, and other divisions. In 1953 23,000 above-norm-weight trains hauling nearly 6 million tors o? freight above `he nexm xere operated. To haul this above-norm freight an nddi- tionnl 6,300 trains would have been needed. Above-norm-weight train operations saved 6,040 tons of fuel, amounting to n saving of nearly 2 :pillion n;bles. Rik;a, Sovetskaya Latviya, 13 Jan 5h An analysis of the operations of the Baltic System for 1y53 shows the: great effect the operation of above-norm-weight trains has upon the utilization of existing transportation facilities. It is estimated that the amount of above- norm weight freight hauled in 195? would have required the foncation and dispatch- ing of an additional 5,670 consists of normal weight. It also would have been necessn~. to ^esi^n nenrl;' ,000 ndditionnl locomotives for these trains, re- quiring the expenditu,?e of almost 2 million rubles. In 1953 the Daugavpils Lngine Terminal operated nearly 2,000 above-norm- waight trains, hauling 5y0,000 tons of freight above the norm. Hy these opera- tions +he engineers raised the productivity of locomotives by 6.2 percent, eliminated the necessity of forming and dispatching an ndditionnl 420 trains, and provided for the early delivery of 2!t,000 cars for unloading, thereby con- siderably hastening the car-turnaround time. Riga, Sovetskaya Latviya, 7 Jan 54 In December 1953 the Yelgava Engine Terminal, Baltic Railroad System, oper- ated 190 above-norm-weight trains, hauling 54,000 tons of freight above the norm. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190168-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190168-4 Tallin, Sovetskaya Estoniya, 23 Jan 54 Locomotive engin_er~ ~f the Tapa Station and dispatchers of the Tallin Division, both of the Baltic Railroad System, are organizing the operation of above-norm-weight corrsisto on the Tallin-Narva section, with each freight +^'in to exceed the weight norm by not less than 200 tons. The railroad workers of the Estonian SSR have also proposed to the :corkers of the Leningrnd- Baltiyskiy Division, October Railroad System, that t:re operation of above-nora- weight consists be organized on the Tallin-Leningrad route. On 18 January a locomotive engineer of the Tapa Terminal completed three runs with above-norm-weight consists. The second run completed by the engineer on that day wau on the Tapa-Tallin section. During 18 days of January, the Tallin Division operated 167 above-norm- weight trains. Moscow, Komsomol'skaya Fravda, 2 Jan 54 The distance from the Vorkuta Station to the Sivaya Maska turnaround termi- nal is 130 kilometers. The operation of above-norm-weight trains is now a common occurrence on iris section. The administration of the Pechora Railroad System estimated that the amount of freight healed by above-norm-weight consists on the system in 1953 would be equal to an additional 5,500 fully loaded trains. Profiting from the experience of 1953, the engineers of tiro Vorkuta Engine Terminal decided to increase the weight of above-norm-weight consists by another 200 tons, thus surpassir.~ the existing w>ight norm by 400 tons in all, $owever, the administration of the Pechora System ordered the formation of not more than five above-norm-weight consists in any 24-hour period. An appeal has been made to the Ministry of Railways by the locomotive engineers to correct this ruling since there is no real basis for it. Since switching is difficult with above-norm-weight consists, the signaling equipment must be in perfect workin; order. For 3 years the division has been complaining that waning disks are not, placed ir. front of al' the entrance semaphores ns prescribed. This condition still has not been rectified. The dispatching service of the Pechora System is not operating properly, and since mar>,y divisions of the system have 75 percent of their engineers opera- ting above-norm-weight consists, the dispatchin.~ service should be improved. Alma-Ata, Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 26 San 54 Locomotive engineers of Alma-Ate in 1953, after perfecting the hauling of trains by one locomotive on the Alma-Ate -- Otar section, operated 3,500 above- norm-weight trains and hauled nearly 1.5 million tons of freight above the noru., saving 1,842,000 rubles. The schedule provides for the use of two locomotives on the Kos-Kuduk - Alma-Ata sectior. when the weight of the train exceeds 2,500 tons. At a recent meeting of locomotive engineers,, conductors, and other railroad workers it was decided that trains could be hauled on this section by only one locomotive without changing the weight norm. It is estimated that the amount saved by using one instead of two locomotives or. the Alma-Ata -- Kos- Kuduk section woald amount to 3 million rubles annually. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190168-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190168-4 locomotiveiwhiletthe weightanormwr=~inedethensameaend calledmfo~ytle u eyofne =' locomotives. b'iIEIGHT HAULING ON CIIARDZHOU-~GR~ RAIL LIh1E -- Moscow, Pravda, 2 Dec 53 Traffic began on the Chardzhou-Urgench section of the Chardzhou-Kungrad railroad line sore than 6 months ago. Cotton fiber, astrakha:. fur, wool, sills cocoons, grapes, fish, alfalfa, and melons are shipped over this line from the Turkmen and Uzbek SSRs F . rom the centr++?. regions of the country, Siberis, n~-~ the UJn?aine, grain, cotton and wool fabrics, petroleum products, mineral ferti- lizer, cement, lumber, aqd other construction materials, hydroe'_ectric turbines, excavators, tractor;, trucks, bicycles, rac;io receivers, etc., arrive here for dispatch over the line. The roadbed is now 1?ein,- prepared on the next section from Urgench to Kungrad. REGULIR TRAFFIC OPENS ON KULUNDA-BARPIAUL LINE -- Moscow, Pravda 3 Apr 54 On 1 April 195!i regular traffic began;on the recEntly completed rei.l line from Kulunda to Darnaul. On 1 April the first train with tractors and construction materials was dispatched for Kuluada and the first passenger train departed from Stalinsk. FREIGHT FOR AGRICULTURE pT1 TUR1(gIB SYSTEM __ Alma_Ata, Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 8 Jan 5!t Railrcad workers of the Turkestan-Siberia Railroad System are cu:npeting in the faster hauling of seeds and agricultural machinery. The Rubtsovka Station is leading the system by the fast loading and dispatching of tractors produced at the Altay plant. The loading ans. dispatching plan for December was consider- ably surpassed. There has also been a speed-up in the loading and dispatching of agricultural freight at the Chaykunik Station. In December, at the Dzhambul Superphosphate Plant, nearly 200 cars of mineral fertilizer acre loaded and dispatched above the plan. FREIGHT OPERATIONS I1J BAKU DIVISION, T'2ANSCAUCASUS RAILROAD SYSTII+1 -- Baku, Bakinskiy Rabochiy, 3 Dec 53 The number of fast freight trains is increasing on the railroads cf the Azerbaydzhan SSF. Consumer goods and industrial raw materials are arriving at Baku, and machinery for the hips, mineral fertilizer, trucks, and tractors are being loaded and dispatched for the agricultural regions. In November, the Baku Division, Transcaucasus System, loaded and dispatched hundreds of nbove- plan cars of vegetables, fruits, conned goods, tooacco products, flour, and other consumer goods. HAULING FREIGHT FROM MOSCO'n' TO THE tTISiiAINE __ Moscow, 14oskovskaya pravda, 2? Jan 54 ldotor vehicles, machine tools, agricultiu?al machinery, various industrial equipment, and other freight ar= sent daily from Moscow to ?he Uluaine. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190168-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190168-4 In recent months more than 4,000 cars of i'reight were dispatched to the Ukraine from the Moscow Division of the Moscox-Rynznn' Railroad system. Most of the freight was delivered over the Done`s, Stalin, Southern, and Odessa- Kishinev Railroal systems. In recent months the Voakresenskiy Chemical Combine imeni V. V. Kuybyshev loaded and dispatched for the Ukraine nearly .'?000 tons of mineral fertilizer. The Lyubertsy Agricultural machinery Plant imeni Ukhtomskiy is increasing the amount and variety of agricultural machinery dispatched tc the kolkhozes, sovkhozes, and MTS of the Ukraine. In January, the enterprise dispatched 58 cars of agricultural machinery for the Ukraine. HAULING OPERATIONS ON TADZHIK SSR NAT1RCfd-GAUGE RAILROAD -- Stalinabad, Ko~unist Tadzl:lY.istana, 2 Jan 54 The narrow-gauge railroad of the Tadzhik SSR is rendering great service to the kolkhozes of the Va}dishskaya Valley in the delivery of mineral fertilizers, fuel, and grain, which comprise a large amount of the freight hauled. Agri- cultural machinery, coal, food, industrial products, and ail types of construc- tion materials are also being delivered to the kolkhozes. The kolkhozes have been accorded preferential treatment in transporting agricultural preducts- (vegetables, potatoes, fruits, etc.) to the city workers. The 1953 freig}lt-hauling plan was fulfilled by the railroad ahead of time, the productivity of labor increased 5.5 percent compared with a planned 1.2 percent increase, car turnaround time was reduced by 0.7 hour, and the cost of hsuling was reduced by 1+,7 percent. These operations resulted in an above-plan profit amounting to nearly 500,000 rubles. In hauling operations special attention was paid to the timely delivery of mineral fertilizer (the plan for this type of hauling was fulfilled by 111 per- cent), fuel for the 1~II'S (fulfilled 116 percent), and cotton freight (fulfilled by 108 percent). In addition, certain kolkhozes received agricultural machinery and equipment for power plants. Stalinabad, Kommunist Tadzhi}:istann, 11~ Jan 54 The First Division of the narrow-au~e railroad completed in November the 1953 carloading and unloading plan and the year plan for freight hauling. The productivity of labor was increased by 5.5 Percent, car-turnaround time was reduceu by 0.2 hour, and ~he cost of heulin~ was lowered by 4.2 percent. Above- plan profit amounteu to nearly 500,000 rubles. As a result of the efficient or^ration of the narrow-gauge railroad, the kolkhozes of the Vakshskaya Valley received needed freight on time. CONTAINER A4ULING, FREIGHT TRl+IISFER, AND FOAlJARDING OPERATIONS ON ODE:,SA-KLSHINEV SYSTEM -- Kishinev, Sovetskaya bioldnviya, 19 Jan 54 The Office for Container Hauling and Transfer and Fonrarding Operations (DORKPSK) of the Odessa-Kishinev Railroad System is conducting the renewal of contracts for the year 1954 for transfer and fonrarding of freight to and from the railroad (carload, container, and less-than-carload consignments). Neu container-handli^q areas have been opened at the Kotovsk, Golta, Uman', Vozne- sensk, Bendery, tielgorod Dnestrovskiy, and Ungeny stations. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190168-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190168-4 The designated offices and loading areas may dispatch and receive in con- tainers consumer goods, agricultural products, and household articles not re- quiring special packing. Further information may be obtained by contacting the nearest office for container hauling and freight forwarding, SOME 1953 INDEXES OF BELORUSSIAN SYSTEM __ Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, 15 Dec 53 As a result of the unsatisfactory work of a number of economic enterprises which permitted xaste and the unfulfillment of many norms, the profit plan of the Belorussian Railroad System fcr 1953 was only 47.9 percent fulfilled. On the whole, "ar_turnaround time on the Belorussian System for 9 months of 1953 was 2.1 percent faster than prescribed in the norm and imp-cued over the corresponding period of '95p by O.v hour. But the car-turnaround ~iae norm was fulfilled only on the Brest, Grodno, and Baranovichi divisions of the system. The unfulfillment of the car_turnaround-time norm on the Minsk, Zhlobin~ and Mogilev divisions of the system resulted in a deficit of more than 5 million rubles. These divisions did not maintain the traffic schedule of trains, did not observe the speed inclirdRng stops and speed excluding stops, and greatly increased car-layover time during loading and unloading operations. Extended car layover in many instances is a result of the poor organiza- tion of loading and unloading operations at many of the enterprises along the system. The shippers are largely responsible for this. Car-layover time is especially long at several enterprises located at Kozyrevo, Brest, Zhitkovichi, Bobruysk, at the Klick,evskiy Timber Management, and at the Match Factory imeni Kirov. The leaders of t},ese enterprises refuse to work for the reduction of car- lsyover time, preferring ;:o pay large demurrages. All this, however, is very costly to the state. These enterprises pay hundreds of thousa?ds of rubles in demurrages, which raises the cost of their products, The strict observance of the order for routing freight flows is the hest method for hastening cyr-turnaround time, and consequently, for lowering the cost of hauling. Nevertheless, the system often tolerates long, circuitous routing. For example, freight shipped 1'rnm the eastern regions of the coun- try to Stepyanka Station goes first to Minsk and then to its destination at Stepyanka, Many cars hauling freight consigned to stations located on the Lida-Baranovichi section go first~to Bara?ovichi Statior, and then to their points of destination. In 1952, this practice led to a loss 5 million rubles. Also, the sys*,em has poorly regulated the run of empty cars, The de- livery of empty cars during 1953 has been 6 percent below the plan, which has meant a loss of 4 million rubles. In recent years, the railroads of the USSR have adopted highly effective methods for the complete utilization of the load limit and cubic capacity of the rolling .stock. 9owever, at several stations, particularly in the Gomel', Grodno, and Minsk divisions, these methods are not widely used. As a result, during the first half of 1953 eech car dispatched on the Belorussian Railroad System vas underloaded on an average of ,.05 ton. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190168-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190168-4 ~ o=rcrai aivisions and stations toward the Qualitative fulfillment of the loading plan has caused an underfuli'ilLaent of the revenue plan for hauling amounting to 16 million rubles for the first 6 months of 1953. At a aeries of economic conferences of railroad xorkers, held in March and April of 1953, a number of changes in the coat-accounting system of ter- minals and stations of the Belorussian System were suggested and subsequent?y put into practice. As a result, the 5,211,000-ruble lose, representing the unprofitable operations of 22 percent of all enterprises in the first half o4 1953, has been reduced during the second haL? of the year to 2,856,Op0 rubles. Under the old system of c oat accounting, engine te.~-minals received fends for the run of locomotives, regardless of the amount of freight hauled, and classification stations received money for the number of dispatched trains re- ^ gardless of the weight norm established by the graph or the length of the twin. Abusae of the old system led to the introduction, on an experimentnl basis, of a new method oa 1 July 1953. Engine terminals are nox financed according to the amount of freight hauled, and classification statioae.according to the num- ber of trains dispatched, ;,eking into account the xeight norm aa3 the length of the coasiat. The nex system of finenciilg the terminals and classification stations has gives. positive results. Stations and locomotive crews are no longer interested in dispatching and operating underweight or underlength consists. As a result, the xeight of trains has risen sharply. Although a number of care at the terminals have been serviced by nex equip- ment, the equipment is poorly utilized. As a result, the layover of freight care undergoing repairs has considerably exceeded the norm: in capital repair 1.7 times; in medium repair, 1.4 times; and in annual repair, 3.9 times. In many terminals of the Belorussian System a nex method of systematizing the repair of care has been introduced. This raw method entails an account of each car undergoinE repair as regards the planned and actual cost of separate .,, elements. At the Bar'anovichi Car Terminal the coat for the medium repair of freight cars was constantly padded. With the introduction of the new method of planning, the cost of this type of repair xas 603 rubles lower than the plan. ~ Still, some car terminal leaders are ignoring the nex method of repair. At the Minsk-Tovarnyy and Volkovysk car terminals on 1 November there xas a loos of 772,000 rubles in car repairs. RESULTS OF 1953 SOVIET RAIL OPERATIORS -- Moscow, Pravda, 31 Jan 54 The 1953 Plan for freight turnover on the railroads of the USSR vas ex- ceeded and increased by 7 percent as compared with 1952. The general plan for average daily carloading xsa completed 101 percent. The railroads exceeded the plans for loading petroleum sad petroleum products, ferrous metals, mineral construction materials, ore, flux, coke, chemical and mineral fertilizers, grain floor, salt, and sugar. The plans for loading tim- ber, firewood, cement, refractories, scrap ferrous metals, past, and cotton was not fulfilled. The plan for hauling hard coal from the mines of the Min- istry of Coal Industry also was not Elxlfilled.. -7- CONFIDERTIAL Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190168-4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190168-4 0 The average daily car-loading ~f all freight on the railroads in 1953 ir~- creased 7 percent as compared with 1952? In this figure the loading of coal increased 5 percent, petroleum and petroleum products 13 percent, ferrous meeals 9 percent, timber 2 percent, cement 13 percent, refractories 6 percent, 9 Percent, fluxes 8 portent, coke 9 percent, and chemical and mineral fer- tilizers 7 percent. The loading of flour, sugar, metal, vegetable oils, tobacco, raw makhorka [low-grade tobacco] and tobacco products, m4caroni, tea, fruit, and vegetables increased 15-26 percent. The average freight-car-turnaround time in 1953 was decreased 3 percent as compared with 1952, but the plan for accelerating car-turnaround time was not fulfilled. The speed inclu3ing stops of freight trains in 1953 was increased as compared with 1952 but the 1953 Plan was not fulfilled. Car-layover time during loading and unloading operations and at car servicing stations decreased in 1953 as compared with 1952, but the task in 1953 for shortening the 'ayover of cars for loading and unloading operations by the shippers was not completed. Although the average dsily freight locomotive run in 1953 increased as com- pared with 1952, the 1953 plan was not completed. Fuel consumption per ton- kil~meter vas decreased 3 percent as compared with 1y52. -8- _coRF%nbrrrlAi, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/14 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000700190168-4