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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160065-1 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160065-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160065-1 RULES FOR I}4 LLTIENTING THE PROVISIONAL REGULATIONS FOR ADbD NISTRATICN OF CHINESE FOREIGN TRADE Chun yang, Ts ai-chin Chong-tse Fa Ling Hui-pion Compendium of Laws and Decrees on the Financial and Economic Policies of the Central People's Government) Vol II, Peiping, Jun 1951, pp 390-893. (Promulgated by the N'nistry of Trade, Cenral People's Government, 12 February 1951) Articla 1. Th=se rules have been prepared in accordance with ,1rticle 13 of the Provisional Regulations for the Administration of Foreign Trade (hereafter referred to as Administration Regulations). Article 2. The term import-export trade employed in the Administration Regulations refers to commodities which are imported or exported across our national boundaries. All trade conducted between out nation's ports is known as domestic trade and is not affected by the.~e rules. Article 3. Before the importer shall import commodities, he must fill out an import permit request form In quintuplicate and submit this, together with two copies of the documentary proofs necessary for the transaction, to the local Foreign Trade Control Office. After the request has been approved, it will be so stamped. The original import permit shall be sent by the applicant to a designated ban]: as authorization for the purchase of foreign. exchange. After the import procedures have been carried out and after the original import permit has been forwarded by the bank to the Bunk of China for a guarantee of sale, it shall then be sent to the Foreign Trade Control Office for final dispositicn. Of the remaining four copies, one shall be retained in the Foreign Trade Control Office, and one each shall be sent to the Bank of China, the designated bank, and the customshouse. The original copy of the documentary proofs will be returned to the applicant for his retention and the rerunning copy will be kept in the Foriegn Trade Control'Office for future reference. When the importer supplies his own foreign exchange, he must fill out an import permit renrest form in quadruplicate prior to importing commodities. After the local Foreign Trade Control Office has, together with the Bank of China, jointly investigated and approved the request, it will be on stamped. The original will be returned to the applicant. Retaining one copy for the files, the local office shall send the other two to the Bank of China and the customshouse for future reference. Article 4. Customs duties shall be collected on baggage and household effects of travelers entering the country at all points. Whether the articles are brought in by the travelers themselves or whether they come by ship, plane, or parcel post within 6 months after the travelers' arrival, they sisall be subject to customs inspection and duties. Each adult traveler entering the country at points other than Hong Kong or Macao will be all wed to bring in actual baggage and household effects to the value of 500 American dollars. If the items do not fall in these categories or are in excess of the prescribed amount, it will be necessary for the traveler to apply for au import permit. The same applies to travelers who come to China after changing ships at Hong Kong. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160065-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160065-1 Each adult traveler entering the country at Hong Kong or Macao will be allowed to bring in actual baggage and household effects to the value of 250 Hong Kong dollars. If the items do not fall in these categories or are in excess of the prescribed amount, it will be necessary for the traveler to apply for an import permit. Article 5. Before an exporter exports commodities, he must fill out an export permit request form in sextuplicate. iris shall be submitted, along with the correspondence with foreign firms, to the local Foreign Trade Control Office. After the request has been examined and approved, one copy shall be retained in the local office, and one each sent to the customshouse and to the Bank of China in that place. The remaining three copies (including the original) shall be returned to the exporter who will take them to a designated bank that takes care of the foreign exchange transaction and endorses the permit. One copy shall be retained by the bank, the remaining two copies (including the original) shall be returned to the exporter as an authorization for declaring the exports at the customshouse. After the Customshouse has made its examination and stamped the permit, one copy shall be sent to the Bank of China for future reference and the original shall be transmitted to the Foreign Trade Control Office for final disposition. In cases when the goods are not exported at the place where they have been declared at the customshouse, the original export permit, which normally is sent to the Foreign Trade Control Office for final disposition, shall be handed over by the customshouse to the exporter to take to the export point as an authorization for clearing customs there. Then the customshouse at the export point shall send the original export permit back to the Foreign Trade Control Office at the original request point for final disposition. Article 6. With respect to baggage and household effects belonging to travelers leaving the country, customs duties shall not be levied on those articles which conform to customs regulations, are not in excess of the legal amount, and are already used or in use. It is not necessary to secure an export permit for baggage and household effects containing new articles, provided that they are not intended for resale and conform to the customs regulations governing value and amount. Article 7. The fee for issuing import permits shall be uniformly l/l,000 of-the value of the commodities. It shall be calculated on exports at the off-shore value of the commodities. On imports, it shall be calculated on the or.-shore value of the commodities, as expressed in yuan. Article e. If the government indicates that he imports or exports must be inspected, the importer or exporter must, prior to declaring them at the customshouse, take them to the Merchandise Inspection Office at the port and request inspection. After proof of their inspection has been secured, then they may be imported or exported. Article 9. Postal packages of a noncommercial nature, as well as advertising product:, samples, and items for the recipients personal use are permitted to enter the country frcm abroad as nonsaleable gifts or contributions, shall not require import or export permits, provided the value of each does not exceed an equivalent of 25 US dollars or the weight of 5 kilograms. Ordinary gifts and contributions which do not contain articles subject to license may also enter without an import permit, provided the value of each does not exceed an equivalent of 10 US dollars. Individwlle receiving packages containing these item: are limited to one a month from the same donor. These detailed rules for the control of imported and exported postal packages have been drawn up by the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, the Ministry of Trade, and the Customs Administration acting in concert. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160065-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160065-1 Rules for the control of items brought into the country by overseas Chinese are provided elsewhere. Article 10. When commodities for export are certified and declared at a customshouse in one port within the county and then are transferred to another port within the country for transshipment abroad, they are subject to the regulations governing transshipment of merchandise. The same regulations apply to goods that are granted an import permit and processed at a customshouse in one port, but are declared at a customshouse in another port. These regulations governing transshipment of imports and exports were prepared jointly by the Ministry of Trade and Customs Administration and are provided elsewhere. Article 11. Amendments to these rules shall be promulgated by the Ministry of Trade, should the need arise. Article 12. These rules shall be in effect from the date of their promulgation. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/08: CIA-RDP80-00809A000700160065-1