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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400655-0 COUNTRY SUBJECT HOW PUBLISHED WHERE PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED LANGUAGE INFORMATION FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD NO. CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT CLASSIFICATION S-II.C-R-E-T SECRET Economic - Meat industry Daily newspapers USSR ' 15 Feb - 30 Mar 1951 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES WITHIN THE NEANINS OF ESPIONAGE ACT 30 U. S. C.. SI AND SE. AS AMENDED. ITS TNANSIISSION ON THE REVELATION OF ITS CONTENTS IN ANT MANNER TO AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PRO' NINITID ST LAW. REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PNONIRITSD. SOME DATA ON THE USSR MEAT INDUSTRY, AS OF FEBRUARY - 1951 -MMO This report presents information from February - March 1951 Soviet newspapers on meat and dairy industry plan fulfillment, planned 1951 livestock productivity, livestock increases, cattle breeds, and meat industry conditions for certain Soviet repub- lics. Numbers in parentheses refer to appended sources. Uzbek SSR Meat and Dairy Industry Plan' Fulfillment, February 1951 (1) Percent Ministry of Meat and Dairy Industry Meet uP48A.8ge:PEQCZUCts Animal fats a?t9a '.: -pow Latvian SSR Meat and Dairy Industry P1an:Fulfillment, February 1951 (2) Percent Ministry of Meat and Dairy Industry Meat Sausage products Animal fats Enterprise:: Riga Neat-Packing Combine DATE OF 1950 - 1951 INFORMATION DATE DIST. ? Aug 1951 NO. OF PAGES 4 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 94 87 115 100 87 107 131 57 SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400655-0 S-E-C-R-E-T SECRET Belorussian SSR Livestock Plan Fulfillment for 1950 (3) The Belorussian SSR fulfilled the 1950 livestock plan as follows: cattle, 102.8 percent. sheep and goats, 107.1 percent; horses, 118.7 percent; swine, 79.5-percent;. and ff#R1., 51.6 percent. In the Belorussian SSR 1950 collectivized ed.lives sheep totals d thesfollow- ing percentage increases over 1949: 46.5, and swine 36.6. Pledged 1951 Livestock Productivity, Azerbaydzhan SSR (4) Iambs per Calves per Colts per Rayon 100 Sheep 100 Cows 100 Mares Shamkhorskiy 115 100 86 86 Sal' nskiy 105 1095 0 85 Sabirabadskiy Pledged 1951 Livestock Productivity, Belorussian SSE (5) Lambs per Calves per Colts 'per Suckling Pigs Oblast 100 Shee 100 Cows 100-Mares ?er Brood Sow Baranovichi X25.. 85 65 13 Bobruysk 125 90 60 13 Brest 120 95 65 12 Gomel' 140 90 75 12 Grodno 135 100 Minsk 120 90 70 13 Mogilev 65 12 Molodechno 150 190 70 12 Pinsk ]P0 85 6o 12 .Polesa 60 15 Polotsk 150 '95 70 12 60 Vitebsk 156 Livestock Increases Moldavian SSR: By the end of 1951, there will be 7.5 times more cattle,. 5 times more sheep, and 4 times more swine in the republic than in 1941.(6) Armenian SSR: A decree of the Council of Ministers USSR dated 30 May 1950 e requires that 6there . In e1 220,000 swine 500 and 2.5 308,000 chickensnonhthe republic by 1955 .republic's kolkhozes.(7) Ukrainian SSR: In 1950 there were 49 percent more cattle, 151 percent L.;re swine, and 101 percent more sheep on the kolkhozes of the republic than in 1948.(8) Kazakh SSR: In 1950 not one rayon of Alma-Ata Oblast fulfilled all parts of the livestock-raising plan.(9) During the postwar Five-Year Plan in Sary- Suyskiy Rayon, Dzhambul Oblast, the number of sheep and goats increased 150 percent, the number of cattle 51.9 percent, and the number of horses 84.7 per- cent.(10) RSFSR: The number of cows and sheep in Vengerovskiy Rayon, Novosibirsk Oblast,has doubled since 1947.(11) - 2 - S-E-C-R-E-T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400655-0 SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400655-0 r 1 SECRET Breeds of Cattle Red Steppe cattle are to be found in many parts of the RSFSR, Ukrainian SSR, Belorussian SSR, and the Baltic republics. In North Kazakhstan, they compose 80 percent of all cattle.(12) The .Alatau breed of cattle is derived from crossing Kirgiz cows with Shvitskiy and Kostroma bulls. Hybrids of the first generation have an average live weight of 455 kilograms; hybrids of the second generation average 565 kilograms. The average live weight of Alatau cows on four Kirgiz SSR farms is as follows: Almedin Sovkhoz, 590 kilograms; Sovkhoz imeni Il'ich 595 kilo- grams; Sovkhoz imeni Frunze 507 kilograms; and Kolkhoz imeni Lenin 542 kilo- grams.(13) The Kazakh white-oheaded breed of cattle is derived from crossing a Here- ford bull and a Kazakh cow. The Hereford strain has been adapted to Kazakh conditions over an 18-year period. The live weights of Kazakh white-headed cattle average as follows: 8-month calf, 220-240 kilograms; 18-month calf, 350-400; grown cow, 530-550; and bull, 800-900 kilograms. The slaughter weight of mature cattle of this breed fed on natural pasture and weighing live 500- 600 kilograms is 59-62 percent of live weight. The bones average 13-15 percent of the total weight of the carcass. There are already 400,000 head of Kazakh white-headed cattle in the Kazakh SSR. In the next 5 years, this -n fiber will increase to one million. This breed is now to be found in 64 rayons of the rejublic.(14) Status of Tadzhik SSR Meat Indust Discussion at a meeting of Tadzhik SSR meat industry personnel brought out the following complaints-. Chief Engineer Zvonarev of the Stalinab L Meat-Packing Combine complained of serious mismanagement in the combine. The supply system is faulty, cattle are not delivered on time, and the work cannot be planned. The technical sec- tion of the Ministry of Meat and Dairy Industry Tadzhik SSR is occupied with administrative details, and does no work of a truly technical nature. Other speakers asserted that not enough attention is paid to young spe- cialists in the industry. A certain Leonov, a young specialist in the Leninabad Meat combine,did not have working quarters for 3 years. He complained to the authorities, and one Yuldashev, chief, Cadre Section, Ministry of Meat and Dairy Industry Tadzhik SSR, disciplined him for improper conduct and discrediting the authorities. Ashurov, Minister of Meat and Dairy industry Tadzhik SSR, spoke on 1950 plan fulfillment., Kulyab and Leninabad Oblast Meat and Dairy Trusts showed good pro- duction indexes in 1950, as did the Stalinabad Meat-Packing Combine. The Germ and Kulyab Oblast?Meat and Dairy Trusts were admonished for excessive expenditure of state funds. Labor productivity rose 16 percent over 1949 throughout the ministry. New Russian-made equipment has been delivered to many enterprises of the ministry.(15) 1. Tashkent, Pravda Vostoka, 23 Mar 51 2. Riga, Sovetskaya Latviya, 20 Mar 51 3. Minsk, Kolkhhzaaaya"' Pravda, 15 Feb 51 4. Baku, Bakinskiy Rabochiy, 22 Mar 51 5. Minsk, Sovetskaya Belorussiya, 7 Mar 51 - 3 - S-E-C-R-E-T SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400655-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400655-0 SECRET 6. 7. .8e 9. 10. 11. 12 14. 15. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/08/25: CIA-RDP80-00809A000600400655-0 Kishinev, Sovetskaya Moldaviya, 17 Mar 51 Yerevan, Kommuniat, 21 Mar 5151 Kiev, Pravda Ukrainy, 30 Alma-Ata, Kazakhstanskaya Pravda, 22 Mar 51 Ibid., 7 Mar 51 Moscow, Izvestiya, 6 Mar 51 Vil?nyus, Sovetskaya Litva, 30 Mar 651 Frunze, Sovetskaya Kirgiziya, 23 Alma-Ata, Kaza:hstanakaya Pravda, 23 Mar 51 Stalinabad, Kommunist Tadzhikistan, 6 Mar 51