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STAT r Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/09: CIA-RDP90-00965R000403630001-8 ARTICLE APPEARED 22 April 1987 ON PA~ /.-r= Dope Story Doubts Rise on Report Reagan Cited in Tying Sandinistas to Cocaine Little Evidence Backs Tale, Which Came From Pilot Who Claimed CIA Link Deal for a Lighter Sentence T By JONATHAN KwiTNY Staff Reporter of THE WALL STREET JOURNAL In the early-morning darkness of June -P 26, 1984, Adler Barriman al a wealthy, convicted drug smuggler working as a fed- eral informant in hopes of leniency, landed his C-123 cargo plane at Homestead Air Force Base near Miami. On board was 1,500 pounds of cocaine he said he had brought from Nicaragua. Within a few weeks, unnamed "admin- istration officials," citing information pro- vided by Mr. Seal, leaked to the press sto- ries saying that top Nicaraguan leaders, including a brother of President Daniel Or- tega, were trafficking in cocaine with the help of Soviets and Cubans. The Reagan administration has used the Seal story-which Nicaragua denies- ever since in attempts to rouse congres- sional and public support for aid to the Contra rebels fighting to overthrow Mr. Ortega's Sandinista government. On March 16 of last year, in an appeal for a Contra aid package, President Reagan dis- played on national television a photo taken by a camera hidden in Mr. Seal's plane. "I know that every American parent concerned about the drug problem will be outraged to learn that top Nicaraguan gov- ernment officials are deeply involved in drug trafficking," Mr. Reagan said. "This picture, secretly taken at a military air- field outside Managua, shows Federico Vaughan, a top aide to one of the nine commandants who rule Nicaragua, load- ing an aircraft with illegal narcotics bound for the United States." Some Problems But Mr. Seal's evidence of Nicaraguan drug trafficking doesn't appear to be as sweeping as he or the Reagan administra- tion portrayed it. The Drug Enforcement Administration says the cocaine on Mr. Seal's C-123 is the only drug shipment by way of Nicaragua that it knows of-and Mr. Seal said he had brought it there to begin with. The Nicara- gling dope. He said he made $610,000 or guan "military airfield" that officials said $700,000 while working for the DEA in the Mr. Seal flew from is in fact a civjliaq field., Nicaraguan case, which the government h fl n used c ie y for crop-dusti g flights, the says it let him keep to cover expenses. S tate Department now concedes. That con- cession undermines the basis for linking Defense Minister Humberto Ortega, Presi- dent Ortega's brother, to the operation. In fact, the man who supervised Mr. Seal's work for the government-Richard Gregorie, chief assistant U.S. attorney in Miami-says he could find no information beyond Mr. Seal's word tying any Nicara- guan official to the drug shipment. As for Federico Vaughan, the man Mr. Reagan called an aide to a Sandinista comman- dant, federal prosecutors and drug offi- cials now say they aren't sure who he is. Asked about the matter, a White House spokesman says, "We got the information from DEA and have received no indication from them of any change in their original assessment." Contra Supply Network Meanwhile, some DEA officials com- plain that the administration's use of Mr. Seal's story against the Sandinistas sabo- taged a much bigger drug case, against Colombians. Now there are allegations that besides drugs, Mr. Seal may have been involved with other sensitive cargo. Four drug pi- lots in prison in Florida say they knew Mr. Seal as part of a network that deliv- ered weapons to airfields in Central Amer- ica for the American-backed Contras and then sometimes flew back to the U.S. with cocaine. Over the years, Mr. Seal told as- sociates and testified in court that he sometimes did work for Central Intelli- gence Agency operations. Though the Jus- tice Department was quick to follow up Mr. Seal's Nicaraguan story with an indict- ment, it rejected allegations from the pi- lots and others of drug dealing by Con- tras. The Seal case is a complex double helix of politics and law enforcement. Mr. Seal provided his story about Nicaragua after contacting Vice President George Bush's anti-drug task force and offering to be an informant. He gave the administration the photographs and testimony it used to ac- cuse Nicaraguan leaders of drug traffick- ing. In return, federal prosecutors helped him wriggle out of a long prison term he faced on three drug convictions. He got six months' probation. Fleet of Planes Doubts about portions of his story first were raised last year in the Village Voice and Columbia Journalism Review by Joel Millman, who helped locate sources for this broader investigation of the case. It is clear Mr. Seal was a major drug runner. He had a fleet of at least four planes, and he testified in federal court that he earned more than $50 million smug, The money did him little good. On Feb. 19, 1986, as Mr. Seal was getting out of his white Cadillac at a Louisiana shelter where his probation required him to spend nights, a squad of hit men gunned him down. When Mr. Seal first faced various drug charges several years ago, he initially got nowhere in seeking a deal. He twice went to Justice Department and DEA officials in Florida seeking a milder sentence in ex- change for doing undercover work to catch big Colombian drug-cartel leaders, and he made the same offer in another federal drug case in Louisiana. The prosecutors all decided they preferred to have Mr. Seal in jail. So in March of 1984 he called Mr. Bush's drug task force, got an appointment and flew his Learjet to Washington, he ex- plained later in testimony at drug trials of others in federal court in Miami and Las Vegas. Two task-force staffers say they met Mr. Seal on a Washington street and escorted him to a meeting with Kenneth R. Kennedy, a veteran DEA agent. The Justice Department says that he was accepted as an informant to trap Co- lombian dealers and that everyone was surprised to learn later of a Nicaraguan connection. But Mr. Kennedy recalls Mr. Seal's saying at their first meeting that "the officials of the Nicaraguan govern- ment are involved in smuggling cocaine into the United States, specifically the San- dinistas; that he would go through Nicara- gua and get loads and bring them back; that he had brought loads of cocaine [through Nicaragual In the past and he could continue to do it." Thomas Sclafani, who was just becom- ing Mr. Seal's lawyer In Miami at the time, says that he is "absolutely" sure that nailing Nicaraguans was "a key Ingredi- ent" in the deal Mr. Seal offered the gov- ernment. Getting Started Mr. Kennedy sent Mr. Seal to agents Robert Joura and Ernest Jacobsen in the DEA's Miami office. They authorized him to go to Colombia and Panama to arrange a drug shipment, but they say it was a to- tal surprise when he returned with news ..that cocaine-cartel leaders were moving their operations to Nicaragua because of 'law-enforcement pressure in Colombia. 'Mr. Seal testified that the cocaine leaders explained to him, "We are not commu- nists. We don't particularly enjoy the same philosophy politically that they do. But they serve our means and we serve tl4eirs." Continued Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/09: CIA-RDP90-00965R000403630001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/09: CIA-RDP90-00965R000403630001-8 Mr. Gregorie, the federal prosecutor in Miami, says the politics of it made no dif- ference to him, either. "Nobody cared." he says. Nicaragua "was just another place they I the cocaine cartel l did business." As Mr. Seal related the story in his tes- timony, it was in Panama in mid-May 1984 that the Colombians introduced Mr. Vaughan to him as "some sort of a govern- ment official from Nicaragua." He said Mr. Vaughan claimed to be a top aide to Tomas Borge, the Sandinista interior min- ister and security-police chief. Mr. Seal testified that Mr. Vaughan took him, and a co-pilot to Nicaragua on an airliner, dodging customs at the airport, and that they stayed at Mr. Vaughan's house overnight. Then, he said, a Nicara- guan military driver gave them a tour of an airfield and Mr. Vaughan pointed out antiaircraft batteries they should avoid, before putting them on a flight to Panama. As evidence of the trip, he offered his boarding pass on an airliner to Managua and a receipt for payment of the Managua airport tax; neither document appears to bear any date or name identification. On his first scheduled drug run after be- coming an informant, Mr. Seal testified, his plane skidded off a muddy Colombian airstrip and crashed as he was taking off. He said the accident forced the cocaine shipment onto a smaller plane that needed to refuel to reach the U.S.; the refueling stop was in Nicaragua, he said, and Mr. Vaughan met the flight. As he related it, after taking off again, his plane was hit with antiaircraft fire and limped into the main Managua airport, where he and his co-pilot were held by military officers. Eventually, Mr. Seal testified, Mr. Vaughan's military driver brought a truck to the Managua airport, transferred the co- caine off the plane and drove it away. He said he was jailed overnight, then picked up by Mr. Vaughan and given a small plane to fly home to the U.S., leaving the cocaine in Nicaragua. He said this plane was owned by Pablo Escobar, who the DEA says is a major partner in Colombia's largest cocaine syndicate. Secret Camera On the night of June 24, 1984, Mr. Seal continued, he, a co-pilot and a mechanic headed back to Managua to get the coke, flying his newly acquired C-123 cargo craft. Hidden within it was a secret cam- era, installed by the Central Intelligence Agency at Rickenbacker Air Force Base in Ohio. Although the camera didn't work right, he said, he managed to squeeze off dozens of grainy, shadowy photographs. Most of them show a few men in casual attire lounging against a grassy back- ground. Mr. Seal identified one as Mr. Vaughan, one as Mr. Escobar, the Colom- bian drug kingpin, and a third as another Colombian drug dealer. Several pictures show men, whom U.S. officials called sol- diers, carrying canvas bags. After this trip the DEA sent Mr. Seal back down to Nicaragua with $1 million, and he said he arranged with Mr. Vaughan for another cocaine shipment. But in mid- July of 1984, DEA agent Joura remembers getting a call from his agency in Washing- ton saying that a story based on Mr. Seal's C-123 trip would shortly appear in the Washington Times. Chances of using Mr. Seal to catch members of the Colombian drug cartel vanished. "At that time, there was a Con- tra funding bill that was up for approval, and I guess that precipitated the leak of the photographs," says Mr. Joura. "It ru- ined the case. We hoped to go a lot further with it." Mr. Joura did have time to tell Mr. Seal to round up some Florida distributors and another pilot for a meeting so they could be arrested. (It was at the 1985 Miami trial of these men that Mr. Seal, as a govern- ment witness, related his Nicaraguan story. He repeated it at another federal drug trial that year, in Las Vegas.) Los Brasiles The Washington Times story, which touched off many other press accounts, quoted "U.S. sources" as saying that "a number of highly placed Nicaraguan gov- ernment officials actively participated in the drug smuggling operation," naming In- terior Minister Borge and Defense Minister Humberto Ortega. U.S. officials have said that the defense minister could be impli- cated because the drug shipment used a military airfield, Los Brasiles. But the State Department now confirms reports from Nicaragua that Los Brasiles is a civilian airfield used mainly for agri- cultural flights. It is also listed as a civil, ian field in a Defense Department Flight Information Publication. The Justice Department said in 1984 that cocaine-processing labs had been es- tablished in Nicaragua and that the drug was being shipped in "multi-ton" amounts. Within a month after the story of the flight broke in the press, Mr. Vaughan was in- dicted. The department says it knows that Mr. Seal's C-123 went to Nicaragua because a device aboard the plane enabled satellites to track It. But Mr. Gregorie, the federal prosecutor in Miami, and the DEA's Mr. Joura:concede that their only evidence of who Mr. Vaughan is comes from Mr. Seal and a tape of a call to a, man Mr. Seal identified as him. The Nicaraguan govern- ment says that a Federico Vaughan worked in 1982 and 1983 as the deputy man- ager of an export-import company run by the Sandinista government but had left be- fore the Seal flight and was never an aide to a commandant. Mr. Vaughan hasn't been put on trial. Though the U.S. has an extradition treaty with Nicaragua, the federal prosecutors never tried to extradite Mr. Vaughan. Mr. 'A I Gregorie says the State Department told him it would be futile. While the account of Sandinista drug in- volvement brought swift Justice Depart- ment action, U.S. officials have rejected accusations of major drug trafficking by the Contras. The handling of those accusa- tions now is being reviewed by two con- gressional committees and the independent counsel for the Iran-Contra affair. "There have been allegations that the laws have not been evenly and appropri- ately carried out, so we're looking into that," says Hayden Gregory, an investiga- tor for a' House Judiciary Committee sub- committee. Former TWA Not The imprisoned drug pilots say Mr. Seal was involved in flights that brought weapons to Central American airfields for the Contras and sometimes returned to the U.S. with drugs. The pilots claim that their Contra weapons deliveries were directed by the CIA. The people they say they worked with are known to have been su- pervised or monitored by the CIA and by Lt. Col. Oliver North, the National Security Council staffer fired for his role in the pro- gram to sell arms to Iran and fund the Contras. As is its practice, the Central In- telligence Agency refuses to comment. Mr. Seal once was a pilot with Trans World Airlines, but he lost the job in 1972 after being charged with smuggling explo- sives to Mexico. The explosives, he later testified in federal court in Las Vegas, were for CIA-trained rsonnel trying to. overthrow C a6'ss Fidel Castro. An appeals court threw out the indictment. Fred Hampton, whose Mena. Ark., firm does a global business repairing aircraft, says Mr. Seal used to talk in 1982 and 1983 about working for the CIA. He says Mr. Seal was secretive about it but discussed aerial reconnaissance of Nicaraguan air bases when the subject came up. Jack Terrell. a former Contra merce- nary who now opposes U.S. intervention in Nicaragua, says that "we knew he (Mr. Seal] was flying for the Contras" at Agua- cote, a Honduran supply base. And a jailed drug pilot named Gary Betzner says he once ran into Mr. a at opango air base in El Salvador, where much of the Contra weaponry was transshipped. Another imprisoned drug pilot, Michael Tolliver. says he was recruited toot the Contra supply network by Mr. Seal, whom he had known since they were both airplane enthusiasts in Louisiana. He says Mr. Seal called him in the spring of 1985 and said, "I've got some interesting flying for you to do." Says Mr. Tolliver: "I fi- gured it was government because every- body knew he was working for the govern- ment." Gotnued, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/09: CIA-RDP90-00965R000403630001-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/09: CIA-RDP90-00965R000403630001-8 J, Gumed Down Following Mr. Seal's drug convictions, his undercover efforts served him well with sentencing judges. In federal court in Fort Lauderdale, Judge Norman C. Roettger reduced a 10-year drug sentence to six months' probation after DEA agents spoke to him. The judge specifically praised Mr. Seal's cooperation in the Nica- raguan case. Then, under a deal worked out with the Justice Department, Mr. Seal also got probation for another Florida drug conviction and for drug charges in Louisi- ana. But the judge in the Louisiana case, up- set at the leniency of the Justice Depart- ment terms, required Mr. Seal to spend nights during his probation at a Salvation Army shelter in Baton Rouge. The require- ment made him easy for his enemies to find, and one day early last year some of them did. Three Colombian men have been charged with killing him. Of the two others Mr. Seal said went to Nicaragua on the C-123, one, co-pilot Emile Camp, died in a crash of his one-man plane. The other, mechanic Peter Everson, who has never been charged or asked to testify, won't discuss Mr. Seal's story ex- cept to say he would corroborate it if called. He lives in a fortresslike building in Louisiana. One final footnote: Mr. Seal's C-123, af- ter a change in ownership, crashed in Nic- aragua last October while on a Contra sup- ply run. The Nicaraguans captured an American cargo handler who survived. His name was Eugene Hasenfus and his cap- ture began the unraveling o secret U.S. ef- forts to supply the Contras. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/09: CIA-RDP90-00965R000403630001-8