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ST Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: Cl ARTICLE APp ON PAGE ~2 7 RETIRED OFFICER January 1985 $ciet biirottmatien By Arnaud de Borchgrave We have heard the media-my pro- fession-accused of being biased, cynical, conspiratorial, lazy and apa- thetic. I plan to be a little more critical. Legions of pseudo-intellectuals, both Western and non-Western alike, care- fully encouraged by Marxist disinfor- mation specialists, have seized upon Third World themes as so many pegs on which to hang very facile and in- stant anti-American cliches. What has been going on for some time now, quite openly in my judg- ment, is the introduction into Western politics in general and American pol- itics in particular of a radical anti-U.S. Third World ideology. It is reflected in our major media outlets which see America as the villain. America the racist. America the exploiter. America on the wrong side of history. Carlos Rangel, a very well-known Venezuelan author and journalist, in his latest book The Third World and the West, documents how millions of peo- ple throughout the developing world have been disinformed into believing that Yankee bogeymen are responsible for most of what goes wrong in their countries. Jean-Francois Ravel, France's most important media voice, a man who came from the left, for 10 years edited France's most important magazine, L'Express. In his latest best seller How Democracies Perish, to be published next month by Doubleday, he demon- strates like Range) how disinformation has quite literally invented a new ide- ology that's called "Third World-ism." It has one basic principle: The consum- er society has stifled the revolutionary ardor of Western workers and, ergo, it is now up to the problems and pres- sures of the Third World to bring down capitalism. This new ideology is Moscow's secret weapon for destabilizing the West and eroding our will to resist. Under this false flag of convenience, revolutions have quite literally been highjacked by a tiny minority of Marxists who then proceed to impose a worse form of dic- tatorship than the one they overthrew. The good news, ladies and gen- tlemen, is that it ain't working. Marx- ism is proving to be a catastrophic failure all over the Third World. And, miracle of miracles, a prominent American academic and long-time sympathizer of the Sandinista regime in Nicaragua has publicly conceded that he was wrong, yet another victim of disinformation. His name is Dr. Robert S. Leiken, the Carnegie Endow- ment Scholar? who edited what was de- scribed as the Democratic alternative to the bipartisan Kissinger Commis- sion Report on Central America which, as you may recall, last January docu- mented the scale and the scope of the Soviet-Cuban enterprise to outflank the United States in Central America. Dr. Leiken has now written an as- tonishing repudiation of his previously held pro-Sandinista views on Nicara- gua. Leiken's untold story about the Sandinistas-at least untold in our major media outlets-appears as the cover story of the Oct. 8, 1984, issue of the liberal magazine, The New Re- public. The story was read on the floor of the Senate a couple of weeks ago and began opening a number of Demo- cratic eyes on Capitol Hill. L eiken has made six trips to Nic- aragua. He has testified before congressional committees against any further aid to the so-called Contras or counterrevolutionaries who are fighting the Marxist regime in Nic- aragua. And now, after his latest trip to Nicaragua. Leiken admits that the Contras, referred to locally and ad- miringly as Los Muchachos-"the bovs"-enjoy widespread support in the population and that the Sandinista regime, propped'up by some 3,000 Cuban military and 6,000 Cuban civil- ian advisors; is widely despised. You'd never guess any of that from reading our press. Leiken, a liberal aca- demic, comes down very hard on the U.S. press corps covering Nicaragua. He says American journalists have been- taken in, co-opted in effect, by a larger group, the so-called Marxist in- ternationalists, a term which embrac- es all the foreign camp followers who express solidarity with the Sandinis- tas-from Bulgarian and Cuban jour- nalists to idealistic leftists from North America and Western Europe. Disaffected Sandinista intellectuals who poured their hearts out to Leiken in Nicaragua said they were afraid'to meet with American reporters because they knew that they sympathized with the Sandinistas. Continued Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201460021-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201460021-9 a, None of this should come as any sur ry. Yet the very first document was a Mozambique, an African Marxist ise to those of you who have heard secret speech given by the late Prime state, has signed a non-aggression trea- -,: before discuss disinformation, Minister Maurice Bishop a year before tv with the hated enemy, South Africa, hose most pernicious aspect is what I the U.S: led invasion in which he told and has actually expelled 800 guer- ,%11 "censorship by omission." Stories his politburo colleagues that the objec- rillas to Zambia and Tanzania-all, in. that are deliberately ignored, sur- I tive was to impose a Marxist-Leninist cidentally, against Moscow's wishes. because they might change percep- I ning the U.S. into believing that it was ngola, yet another Marxist state tions in a way that the self-appointed doing something quite different. Pre- in Africa which is protected by opinion molders might disapprove of. cisely the same disinformation tech- 25,000 Cuban troops, is losing Leiken furnishes many examples of .piques were used in Nicaragua in 1978, ground daily to the anti-communist re- this practice in Nicaragua, but the in Vietnam from 1956-75, in Cuba in sistance fighters led by D Jonas Sav- same thing has been going on all over 1958-59, and in many other parts of the imbi, and to this I can pee s nally testi- the world throughout my 38-year ca- world. fy, having recently returfie;d from a trip reer in this profession. The word that Possibly the most successful Soviet behind the lines in Angola. the Nicaraguans employ most fre-1 disinformation campaign in recent Soviet client-states in the Third quently, according to Leiken, is engag-', years was the effort to make millions of' World are'on the brink of economic di. no, Spanish for "hoax" or "trick." Even people on both sides of the Atlantic be- saster, and there is apparently nothing the Sandinistas' much-vaunted liter- lieve that we were on the brink of a the Soviets can do about it except to acy campaign about which you've read global nuclear holocaust and then send them more weapons. But I'm sure a lot in our media is a hoax, according blaming that horrifying prospect on you would all agree with me that weap- to Leiken. U.S. President Ronald Reagan. As the ons is what Africa needs least. You've seen mass rallies in favor of French Foreign Minister Claude Cheys- To understand the magnitude of the the Sandinistas on your evening news son, a Socialist and a man I've known Soviet failure and the phase I believe programs. But what you were never since Saigon in 1952, told me at dinner we are presently entering, I think one told is that ration cards are confiscated in New York recently the Soviets has to dial back to 1972. The year then- if an individual fails to show up at these launched an unprecedented campaign President Richard Nixon, with the as "spontaneous" demonstrations and; of intimidation to prevent the deploy- sistance of Dr. Henry Kissinger, signed that people are jailed for so much as' ment of Euromissiles, which were, as 29 bilateral agreements with the Sovi- criticizing visiting Sandinista officials you all know, NATO's response to et Union, including the SALT I treaty or perhaps asking them embarrassing Moscow's deployment of the SS-20s be- and the famous space rendezvous pro- questions."The most depressing aspect ginning in 1977 and targeted prin- gram. of our trip," Leikin concluded, "was to cipally against Western Europe. The United States at that time was hear from so many people that their If this campaign had succeeded, engaged in a damage-limitation opera- lives are far worse today than they ever Cheysson said Moscow doubtless tion. Nixon and Kissinger were still were under the Somoza dictatorship." would have achieved its principal ob- hoping somehow to head off final de- If the media does not report inconve- jectives: the decoupling of the NATO feat in Vietnam by weaving the Soviet nient facts, how then is our Congress, Alliance, the encouragement of neu- Union into a web of mutual interest whose perceptions are largely shaped tralism in Europe and of isolationism with the United States. Somehow that by the media, supposed to make intelli- in our own country. Fortunately, would temper their Third World be- gent decisions? Which explains again, Moscow's strategic gambit was check- havior and discourage the Kremlin in my judgment, why Congress refused mated. As a consequence, Cheysson be- from exploiting our defeat if one were the $21 million requested by the ad- lieves that the Western Alliance to occur. This U.S. strategy did not ministration to fund the so-called Con- achieved its single greatest political work, because several administrations tras. A movement which Leiken, a victory since its inception 35 years ago. failed to grasp the real nature of Democrat, now regards as legitimate The Soviet Union is faced with crum- Moscow's professed policy of peaceful resistance against an oppressive Marx- bling colonial outposts and the spread- -coexistence. ist regime, whose elite, he says, is living ing phenomena of anti-communist na- Between January 1973, when the very "high on the hog," while the rest of tional liberation fronts on Mozam- Paris Peace Accords on Vietnam were the population has been cowed into si- bique, Angola, Ethiopia, Afghanistan, signed, and April 1975, when Saigon lence. Cambodia and Nicaragua. Guinea be- fell to the communists, our Congress The administration's 800-page White came Africa's first Marxist state in cut military aid to South Vietnam by Paper on the thousands of documents 1958. It turned against Marxism with a 76 percent. And during that same peri- that vve captured in Grenada a year ago vengeance when its first and only pres- od, the Soviet Union doubled its mili- was released in Washington two weeks ident, Sekou Toure, died last March tarn aid to North- Vietnam. ago. The Washington Post reported this after a quarter of a century of despotic news at the bottom of page 30. with the rule. headline "Selected Grenadian Mate- rial Released by State" guaranteed to make the average reader ignore the sto- Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201460021-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201460021-9 3, Never forget that despite all of their difficulties, the Soviets remain ex- traordinarily skillful at pursuing their objectives by all means short of open warfare-objectives that are more tra- ditionally pursued at least in our West- ern minds by war itself. And here, of course, I am referring to state-spon- sored terrorism, in many cases fi- nanced by drug rackets as explained in my latest book, Monimbo. I am refer- ring to penetration, subversion and disinformation. Two kamikazes, driving five-ton trucks loaded with explosives, trig- gered the unravelling of the entire Western position in Lebanon on, Oct. 23, 1983, and literally changed the course of history. Libyan plots to mine the Red Sea, to bomb the Aswan High Dam-which would have wrecked the Egyptian economy-and to seize the holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia- with hundreds of terrorists disguised as pilgrims-have all been uncovered in recent months, and Col Muammar Qadhafi is not the lone wolf operator that our media make him out to be. His intelligence service has been under East German management since 1974-a fact known to every Western intelligence service. So, like a wounded predator, the Kremlin may be at its most dangerous as its many difficulties deepen. Weak or strong, the Soviet Union will remain locked in protracted conflict with the Western democracies. The bottom line is that containment remains the only viable foreign policy. There are no shortcuts and no quick fixes. By way of conclusion, when afflu- ence, freedom and peace are taken for granted, when instant gratification be- comes a way of life, when well-inten- tioned people feel that nuclear freeze without verification equals a safer. world, when people are no longer will- ing to fight and die to preserve their freedom and eternal principles of the American revolution, then totalitarian temptation cannot be far behind. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201460021-9