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Si Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA- 1 ARTICLE AFFAkM ON PAGE A? c2a R D P90-00965 R000201180014-8 WASHINGTON POST 30 May 1985 Castro Calls U.S. Unfit. To Mediate in Africa Says Cuban Troops Will Remain in Angola By Edward Cody Washington Post Foreign Service ISLE OF YOUTH, Cuba, May 29-President Fidel Castro sharply criticized U.S. mediation in south- ern Africa today, charging that the Reagan administration is an "ally" of South Africa and therefore unfit to serve as go-between with Angola. Addressing 600 youths here from Namibia, the Cuban leader said that .,not a single Cuban soldier will be withdrawn from Angola until con- crete steps" are taken to carry out United Nations Resolution 435, which spells out a U.N.-supervised transition to independence for the South African-ruled territory. And if more soldiers were needed, he said, Cuba would send more. Castro's remarks demonstrated his evident irritation at the capture last week of a South African com- mando team that he said was trying to sabotage U.S.-owned oil instal- lations in Angola's Cabinda enclave. The sharp tone also reflected of- ficial Cuban anger at the start-up 10 days ago of Radio Marti,a U.S. gov- ernment broadcasting facility beam- ing news and commentary specif- ically at the Cuban people. , But despite the tone of his com- ments, Castro did not quite -close the door to cooperation with the U.S.-led effort to mediate an agree- ment between South Africa and An- gola. Castro said last February that he was prepared to cooperate in the U.S.-led mediation effort, which would link independence for Nami- bia to withdrawal of about 20,000 of the Cuban troops that have been helping the Marxist government of Angola fight South African-backed guerrillas. About 10,000 Cuban sol- diers remaining behind under the agreement would be concentrated in the Angolan capital, Luanda, and in other northern points, including the Cabinda oil fields, where Gulf Oil produces about 150,000 barrels a day, he added then. Castro's statements today, with United Nations Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar looking on silently, appeared to indicate a hardened posture on the possibility of pulling out the Cuban troops. "There will be no solution in southern Africa without Resolution 435 and without the independence of Namibia," he declared. "Through Angola have passed 200,000 Cu- bans and, if necessary, 200,000 more Cubans will pass through there."~, The recent developments in Af- rica have combined with the begin- nings of Radio Marti to dash an im- pression here during the last six months that there was a- possibility of lessening tensions with the Unit- ed States in President Reagan's second term, Cuban and other Latin American diplomats said. Two days before today's address, for example, the official Communist Party newspaper Granma published aiS unusually long front-page edito- rial saying the "U.S.-South African axis" is composed of a pair of "free- booters"-language of a tone the official Cuban media had avoided since the beginning of the year, these diplomats added. ,Castro seized on the theme with his customary' gusto as he spoke here today at the Hendrick Witbooi secondary school for Namibian youths affiliated with the Southwest Africa People's Organization (SWAPO), fighting for the indepen- dence of the South African-ruled territory that lies between South Africa and Angola. : Castro visited the installation on this island just off Cuba escorting Perez de Cuellar, who is on a four- day official visit to Cuba. : U.N. Security Council Resolution 415 underpins efforts by the Rea- gpn administration to foster an agreement between South Africa and Angola, which has offered ref- uge to SWAPO forces fighting South African control over the ter- r1tory. The Reagan administration also has sought to link the agreement to withdrawal of Cuban troops from Angola. After refusing the attempt at lipkage over several years, the An- golan government announced last November that it would agree to a phased withdrawal of 20,000 Cuban soldiers from southern Angola over three years. In return, South Africa would pull out of Namibia, grant the territory independence and stop aid to the guerrillas of Jonas Savimbi's National Union for the Total Inde- pendence of Angola (UNITA). :In his comments here today, Cas- tro, after recounting the South Af- rican commandos' capture in Cabinda, ridiculed South African and American statements on the subject and implied President Rea- gan was lying along with President, P.W. Botha of South Africa. "They never tell the truth-nei- ther Reagan nor Botha," he said. "Not even by accident. I am waiting for the day when they will make a mistake and, by accident, actually tell the truth." :Botha's government has main- tained that the commandos were on a reconnaissance mission. The United States last week expressed. concern over the operation. I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/20: CIA-RDP90-00965R000201180014-8