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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750009-9 ROUTING AND TRANSMITTAL SLIP TO: i, (Name, office symbol, room number, building Agency/Post) D/OGI Initials 2 Dab 4, 2. DD I 2 Ja82 ES a on File Note and Return proval For Clearance Per Conversation s Requested uested For Correction Prepare Repl y late ircu For Your Information See Me m ent Investigate Signature i0oordination Justify DO NOT use this form as a RECORD of approvals, concurrences, disposals, clearances, and similar actions _ D/OGI Room No.-Bldg. 3G00 Hg Phone No. OPTIONAL FORM 41 (Rev. 7-76) Pmcribid by GSA FPMR (41 CFR) 101-11.206 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750009-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750009-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750009-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP10M02313R000100750009-9 26 April 1982 MEMORANDUM FOR : Thomas B. Cormack Executive Secretary Director, Ottice'of Global Issues STAT SUBJECT Versailles Summit: Presidential Draft Briefing papers 1. We have passed our comments on the attached briefing papers directly to the Department of Energy. We had no major substantive problems with any of the drafts, but provided the following comments. 2. U. S. Supply Developments: The first Point-Counterpoint under the Key Points section refers to the 1978/79 doubling of world oil prices. These price increases actually took place in the 1979/80 time frame. 3. Stockpiling: No comments 4. Oil Price Trends/Outlook: The second paragraph leaves the mistaken impression that oil prices are expected to continue their downward spiral no matter what happens to the economy. We suggested that the second sentence in this paragraph be revised to read something like: "The US position is that the upturn in economic performance beginning later this year is unlikely to generate upward price pressures." Similarly the reference to an "essentially irreversible trend toward lower oil consumption" as a Counterpoint left the impression that consumption will never rise above current depressed levels. We recommended that this phrase be struck from the text. 5. Natural Gas -- Pricing and Supplies: No comments. 6. Nuclear Energy: The first sentence under the Essential Facts section points toward the cancellation of some 90 nuclear reactors in the United States. Our records show only about 50 reactors have been cancelled. The first sentence in the next paragraph points to the problems experienced by the nuclear industry in other Western countries. We suggested it would be worth pointing out that despite these problems, no plants have been cancelled. Finally, we recommended the addition of another talking point dealing with the question of nuclear waste disposal since most OECD countries are waiting for the United States to take the lead in this area. STAT STAT CON? T15EN If t At A I -h -1-) 4,0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP10M02313R000100750009-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750009-9 'Doibnent of ftwo Wes. D.C. 20U5 N1tJiows uN frog grate Room Depar tONFIEEN1IAL Chose 143 sent of Treasury Aim arson Room 336 DeparTosnt of state John sugh Room $62 Depar srnt of Commerce stove Perrar Rom 235 now 6 eoutive office Roger Porte r Room 3 5 Old E ecutive Office building FS&C~IY{~ Z 77777/-~ b u i ld i n~~ 9(f--fiber ftenry NSul ROOM 9 2 Old a ecutive office Building Thoea B. Cormack Rope 7913 CIA >r K I gorge Sr l dlr,ctly to my staff person coordinating our contributi" (Carol I.*s 252-6383). Principal Assistant for Interact 1 Affairs ~gJ~CTi Vershilles Susuuiit: Clearance of Draft briefing Papets for President's briefing Book for June 4-6, '82 Attached for your a ncy's clearance are papers on key bqy L*sues preps - *y 062 for the President ? s br ist i ng biaW; ior, the Orssilles Immit, lesse, provide your oo*.snts by Noo $, April 26, Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP10M02313R000100750009-9 it Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750009-9 APR 161982 U.S. SUPPLY DEVELOPI(NTS tie positive vupossit of u s. 1Mireleura markets to the immediate itrol of oil decision in Jiuy 1101 ttrsnply supports the free-market approb to polity advocated by this Adj nistration. ofterv II. Essential Pbctors Oacostrol of oil and rmaov 1 of the Entitleralnts Pro ram li i t g e m na ed idles for U.S. 011 C60601110100 and o 1 sports end encouraged domestic oil oration and Berl. ~.owor U.S. oil imports, resulting from decontrol. N to lower for OPEC tl l 1 - -- - o sea sl*pbrt the decontrol dec i s on. III. XPRIEM ~Slnce daontrol in January $$1. U.S. oil drilling activity has been $tian all t' Nigh, domestic oil prod" IN remained flat instead of declining over tOrr h barrels per day a previously expected and world oil prices 911 by over $4.00 per barrel and 9asoli prices by about 14 cents per gallon. .12k q--%* iprove t: in the U. S. of 1 market result core tram t! ? ~d$b1 isg Of nor oil prices in 1970/79 (rather than the decontrol decision.- tnt--TM oil price Increases fn 1970/7 created hi U a Mot t1111 motive . ac ion. Oil decontrol released potential by al warp ! 0110101 roducers t t l p o see ac ua prl in -The t q"". lnistr t ion decontrol decision -only speeded -i t was al- NW- well underway from t Carter Administration. int--President Car r deserves a lot of credit, but the on ; rceful now to de~ofttrol oil and clearly stated eb ilw allowhg k ~.lect~ ~tvel Of all l arlp s to work eliminated any doubt about the possbility of futw* 0040 cestrols and allowed producers to Invest now in drilling and production acti ty knowing that free-markett prices woul prevail in the future. QQ~,~r .-manila decontrol may eve helped brTd oil prices are slowing down investmentrin U.S.? s~yntheticl fueoil otion, lpw ~icfs coupled with our e ~~!! s~~. atlation are 101 the expected lmpro projected costs of synthetic f l Aso vezoo IS rule tic Rue1s i ~ n t ' g s on paa r ng ahead with loatd n guaranees an prop ams to in~rre some synthetic fuels development so that if world oil pric 04~ rise In the future, private Industry cane rapidly expand synthetic fuels production ,asp needed. John Stanley-0iller/P0A1*RU_ 11 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750009-9 is -I; Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP10M02313R000100750009-9 bTOCKPI LINO AN di i ;pM minor supply disruptions. utilising flexible 'urge stocks to reduce pressive on the market is,', ' The United 8tat" A s remained strongly opposed to any! iakmal sturiar drawdown arrangeasn coordination, such as that propot by Ito end Prance, to veun er the effects of minor supply dis tioas. !hose same ~ntrie have attempted to link discussion 7of lace agl Stock levels with se of stock use, and in the past ooated: or dealing with future oil supply disruptions of what tar props ti i i1 strategic stocks to discretionary national use are the R best means A The United iltat s has emphasised on numerous octal +s that primary reliance on market forces together with high iAels of stock management in sonseg note for i all price levels. ' eel III. Ti ikina r-o t stook 1 ?tion, where iv ?' . ~i~ - ssM - , Suppport high levels of oil stocks we remain etro gly; to it evasion which wo ld link stock levels and stock w ed as topic for the 110 Ministerial in May. While we coat fleeting, the United. States successfully eliminated this: we hope to disvoura4e further stock k--uss -irittatives.- issues to MW of th IRA subgroups for further consij belegattcn s.UIONsfpily won IRA support for remanding, TI. B~tsentiax Ps-ct~t: t thl ftbft _ 16 0nttt ing of the I VA Governing soarid; i s U.s. Me=* a The ' relionce on the mar Stocks for disoreti dealing with oil di proportions. Forma the effective opera Said technical ' rooso effectively in a su Sharing system country , and yet be below the level that would trigger: *M* 2iA app, .eda~u. C t gismi !u ly interruptions similar to thosh :; 1979, Say y the c ources of private oil stocks tort.: i,nidividbtl: it Counter ints oh acac rlat as of must build governme supplies and be pre consult closely wit by national govern security stocks shu whatever action is tively minor oil disruptions cane h -I dcamatjic i ,i ividual countries supply positiofs,Seal tot over,; netheless there is no system whl klldresaei, . if these situations. et together with high levels of tt tgia nary national use are the best noa Of uptions of either sub-trigger or rgsnoy interventionist mechanisms iatelrf with ion of _ the market and for a varij" 0 legal n oil supply disruption. Theref ro_#, tee t emergency oil stocks to supplewe 4 privates ared at the time of a supply inter ptios to industry and other governments . .;O take udged iecessary. However, emege Sod other d be available for use on a di scre 4spary bass : nts as they see fit. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP10M02313R000100750009-9 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP10M02313R000100750009-9 GIIL PRICE TRENDS/OUTLOOK altesnativee r?uch4 as coal aid nuclear. In the abs of an unexpected supply disruption, then should be lit or no upward pressurr on real oil prices for the next Mwsal year.. the trend, suJ g from OPEC? on past overpricing U.B. t toward lower oil ooasumptioo downturn in the *pomm&c performance in the industrial .sed countries. The S. position is that the upturn , 000namic Pori begi ing later this year is unlikely rawesae APR 2 1*2 I . ISSUE I ' Recent dealins in world crude oil and refined predict prices. ? The outlook ,f4 oil prices in the future. The world oil aariket has been extremely weak in 1982. Oil coasw*ptioa has cipntinu*d its steep decline which boom in 1079. At the time, oil exporting countries haves been prod=&W more o than they could sell. The resultibg over-supply hs0 t pressure on prices, forcing oil producers either to give official and/or unofficial price cuts as most non-OPJC and OPEC oil exporters have done, or to out production as OP did beginning April 1, 1982. The decline in oil prices can be attributed to both is long- term, essential' irreversible trend toward a more efficient utilization of a rgy and non-oil alternatives and a cyclical III. TALKING POINTS or decline ii oil consumption, and as a result, when the Point: Low economic activity has been primarily resmonsibl r re on-a economic recovery' arrives oil consumption will incres, renewing upward pressure on prices. Counter into Pat overpricing of oil by OPEC and this decontrol of crud oil industry have toward greater of alternatives to o inforcement of market forces thro oil prices and deregulation of th+Nm+ 0,8. been the driving forces behind the trend iciency in energy useage and uses if 1 in the U.B. This Administration's market-oriented policies will offer American consumes the proper incentives' to continue to became more effi tt in lower oil aonsump boost from Admini recovery, which w capital invests ien perpetuating an e their use of ener y y and to use alternatives to of us IL ion.( This process will also reaei$esa tr on policies to stimulate eaon 11 also encourage new energy-effivs nt s. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750009-9 Declassified in Part -Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP10M02313R000100750009-9 NATUtAL GAS - PRICING AND SUPPLIES I[ I. ISSUE ' Deregulation of U.S. wellhead natural gas prices. ? European dendence on Soviet gas imports. It. EUZNTIAL FACTS The European C nity is concerned about the U.S. osoaa.itment to the accelera ed decontrol of domestic natural gas prices. They fear that ontinued controls will increase U.S. demand and reduce prod tion and force the U.S. to draw more heavily on intsrnationa gas markets. This concern has been heightened by the decision to defer legislation to accelerate natural gas deregulation. in addition to the current comeitments being made to.inorease Soviet natural s imports, Europeans are considerthg:the possibility, of other increment of Soviet gas in the late 1990's or early i990's. The U.S. position is to encourage the Europeans to de top alternative sources, especially now No tha rwegian gas suplies. The U.S. would like to demonstrate the seaurit provided by alternative sources outweighs the additional ebat. III. TALKING P?xIM oft: The U.S.' Administration appears to have reC0*$1dered Its dowitment to proceed with accelerated deregulation of natural gas priors. our ints Due to an extremely heavy legislative Calendar, we i ro' csd tb defer introduction of legislation to modify and Improve the manner in which the Natural Can Policy Act achieves deregulation of the wellhead price of natural gas. We remain firmly Committed to the principle of introducing market forces to our energy markets, including the pricing of natural as g . O to Natural as from the Soviet Union provides d urope with a asonably pri "d source of energy to use in the reduction of dependence on'Middle East oil. Count! Dints I estimating the cost of gas, Europe must Q io cos , in terms of their own security,, of- depend-ence on the "vi t Union. More consideration must be given to the developlebt of ""cure sources of gas supply such as gas from Norway. I Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP1 OM02313R000100750009-9 APR 2 ! k2 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP10M02313R000100750009-9 NUCLEAR ENERGY !Z 2 I. issue Strong suppppoor~t from Summit leaders of commercial nuclear energy as an alternative to reliance on insecure oil would help alleviate some pt the problems associated with inoteseed Wolear energy use. One major public concern is waste management which could be specifically addressed in the context of inoreasedjinternational technical cooperation. xh ESSENTif,4 PAfTSi The US 1+aalear Industry has experienced cancellati" of C9~4 reactors sin 1978 and has no current prospects for Kim domestic orders. The major US problems are: 1) reduced rate of growth of sl ctricity demands 2) utility finanotal problems= 3) burden owe regulations and licensing delaysl and 4) failure to adequa Sly resolve the waste management issue. e ~ot We ern co ntri*s, with the exception of PranOs, -AE?e ncin s ' re ions in planktd nuclear grow al- 44. cular, all western cpuntrt*o have some degree of a public per- geption problem assn sated with high-level waste disposal. Most technical exper s would agree that the technology for such disposal in a sate manner is in hand, but the political and in- stitutional decision necessary to implement it have not been mode. Given this si uation, nuclear energy prospects in these countries would u btedly be enhanced and confidence renewed if Heads of State ma a strong statement in support of Wadle- ar Energy, and re nded some action to resolve the public concern about waste. In the latter regard the Heads of State could ask the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) to assess the feasibility of a joi$tt international waste management project. w -w P I-1I . TALKING 111T8 .6L 4. Punts It is i tant that all energy sources, in lud- ? ~~ ing nuc eat ens y, utilised to their fullest potential to - A minimize future son insecure oil and gas sources. R!2s lranae may press for a stronger pro-nuclear statement. Pont: In view of widespread public concern over the nu- clear wasts issue th OECD/NBA should be asked to assess the feasibility of an in ernational waste management project. Responses Sbme Eurnp' n countries may suggest that this be omitted is fast a forte to define such a project on a scale that would have public impact have been unsuccessful. Poin : We support a Summit mandate to the High-Level Monitor ng Group to devote special attention to nuclear energy issues over t~e next two or three years. A Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/03/08: CIA-RDP10M02313R000100750009-9