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February 18, 1979
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/21 : CIA-RDP90-00552R000404370002-3
I.it I C LE -. 't F-o I 1 WiLlAff ;NGTON NEWS JOUM7AL
G p kGm - /__- 18 F BRUARY 1979
On Aug. 11, 1977, Turner sent let-., By JOE TRENTO tors to the heads of the institutions Gottlieb, brandishing large
involved. In that mailing was a let- amounts of CIA research money,
On a hot July night in 19?, ter to Edward Arthur Trabant, began to putto;ether a network of
James JesusAngleton, the retired president of the University of scientists to devise a chemical
director of counterintelligence for Delaware. means of gaining control of the
the Central Intelligence Agency, ? The letter from Anthony A. Lap-?' human mind. Under this tough-
coended a secret to a dinner com- ham, a CIA lawyer, told the uni-- minded scientist, now turned CIA
panion from Delaware. . - "- 1 versity president that information operative, the finest minds in their
Leaning over his broiled fish at connecting the school with CIA re-, disciplines were to be recruited to .
Duke- Zeibert's Washington res- search money could become pub- turn CIA-picked targets into "The
. ,
efic an Candidate."
taw; ant, Aygletoa told his guest. lic through the Freedom of ; Manchuri
"Within two weeks word will Information Act. The fictional character of the
-come out that a program .ostensi What Lapham's letter-did not book of that name, played in the
film of two decades ago by Lau-
bly under me. called MK'LLTRA, _ say, and what Trabant and his col- rence Harvey, had been an Amen -
used unwitting human guinea leagues at other'. schools would can POW and was programmed
pigs. We used it to develop mind--soon learn, was that the CIA used by the Red Chinese to go home and
coot-101 drugs. I wanted a reliable these institutions to develop unt- commit political murder oa com-
truth serum out of it. None of. it _ ested mind-control compounds wand.
>-worked acd it cost millions." that would be given to-unwitting -For nearly 10 years scientists
Little did- Acgleton's dicer .: victims, used as agency--guinea ., -
.; produced drugs that had the caps-
guest realize that the furor would Pigs. bility of causing people's minds to
-.reach -Delaware because - Dr: Some of the victims would be
used for sexual experimentation. be altered -- drugs that are, ac-
ding A. 3foor had been con Other unknowing subjects would cording to the Senate hearings on
Jam I
ductin, such Rork ~i on the Newark be "treated" using bizarre psychi- biKULTRA, far more powerful
campus of the University-of Dela-- atric means. Several would , kill than the hallucinogens popular in
ware. themselves, and their fames the 1960s' counterculture
Just a few weeks after Angle- would never be given an explana- , One of. those brilliant; minds,
ton's conversation, CIA Director ! James A. Moore, then 29, was des-
Angleton to had the said, real mooeth As
Are se than a tined to carry on the search for the
Stansfield Turner was confronted -
with the problem. On Aug. 3,1977, dozen unwitting victims of the pro- CIA into mind-control drugs from
six fie boxes had turned up with gram went insane, and an un- natural substances.
documents relating to the funding., known number of other experi- Moore was -contacted by the
of the top-secret, 25-year-old mental subjects suffered varying.; CIA's liaison with the- scientific
31KL"LTRA mi d-coatrol :'pro- degrees of mental damage. community, Henry . Bortner.
-gram. " . There is no evidence any tests on through Moore's boss at Parke,
The program= had been --run-! humans were conducted at Dela- Davis and Co. Moore had just re-
out of the office of Richard ! ware. The work on the Newark turned from a year of postdoctoral
3I. Helms, an agency career rnaa, campus was apparently confined research at the -University of
who in 1973 would go from the post t to the laboratories. - I Basel in Switzerland. In March
of director of central intelligence MKULTRA traces its history to 1953, Moore's boss, Leon - Sweet, _
to Iran asU.S. ambassador. - the CIA's World War 11 predeces- l asked him if he would be interest-1
What became public knowledge sor, the Office of Strategic Serv- ed in being underwritten at Parke
is that Helms ordered the destruc- : ices. The program took on a new ; Davis with a CIA contract..
Lion of all files in the MKULTRA level of seriousness in 1933 after Prior to attending the University
proram.- but somehow six vital . "brainwashed" American prison- of Basel, Moore" had received
cartons were ignored. The boxes, ers of war denounced the United graduate degrees from Purdue
in storage at Suitland, bid., h--.-! States from Red Chinese prison. University. in Indiana and Penn-
been turned up by a, low-level camps. It was then that CIA Direc- sylvania State university -and a t=
clerk who indexed then'S into the- "tor Allen Dulles ordered his up- tended undergraduate-.school at
main CIA computer, called"Otto- - and-coming aide, Richard Helms,; Washington and Jefferson College
p " to find a way to use mind control to, in Washington; Pa.
? Once it was in the computer and the CIA's own advantage.. - ! In an interview last week Moore
declassified under the Freedom of To do that, Helms recruited Sid- explained that "those were.not
Information Act, there would be i , articularly prosperous tunas,
no practical way for the CIA to ney Gottlieb, who has a doctorate P
hide a program that once involved in chemistry and who, when con- and the company was glad to get
&5 universities, 15 private medical fronted in 1978 by the Senate com-- someone else to pay my salary
foundations and more than a - mittee investigating - the (2, a year)."
dozen r. MKULTR.A program, - asked for,
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/21 : CIA-RDP90-00552R000404370002-3