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Document Release Date: 
August 27, 2010
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Publication Date: 
March 15, 1981
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/27 :CIA-RDP90-005528000403680039-0 THE WASHIi~GTON P05T MAGAZI~I 15 Parch 1981 uzing the past dec- ade--while the United States has felt ~ guilty about Vietnam, sided away ~ fmm sanding troops' into An- gola, refused to protect a dic- - tatorial rye in. Niearagua- and generally tried to be moral and decent in itsforeign policy -what have those sneaky Russians. been up to? The short answer, given by a growing number of conser~a- tive foreign policy thinkers with influence in the Reagan administration, is that the Soviets have been up to no good. The argument goes lilts this While soft-minded liberals in Washington .and the capi- - tats of Western Europe were seeking 'friendship -and trade with the Soviet Union, the Soviets conspired thmughout the 1970e with terrorists of every stripe to disrupt and dis- turb the governments of Great- Britain,Spain, West Geznany,. Italy, Turkey, Japan and se-' lectecl countries in -Latin ' America and Africa. Examples . abound. / T1rte beloved English war hero, Earl Mountbatten of Burnie, was murdered in 1979 on his fishing boat by a Provi- sional IRA terroist who learned his bomb-making craft in Libya under Soviet supervi- sion. /~ Aldo Mom; the Italian Christian Democrat states- man, was ladnapped and Ia71ed in 1978 by terrorists of the Red Brigades, the radical left underground organization whose leaders trained in' Soviet KGB camps in Czecho- slovakia and Soviet-sup_norted terrorist camps in South ; -Yemen. ' / The legendary terrorist ~ "Carlos the Jackal," who helped organize the massacre ~ of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics in Munich _ and in 297b led a kidnapping squad that seized Il Arab oiI minis- ters in Vienna, Teamed host to ply his bloody trade in three special training, camps in the .U.S.S.R. There you have it: a conspir- acy. Carlos the cold-eyed faller drin3s vod'3a with the KGB. The Pzovisional 'IRA slaugh- tens helpless school girls with Soviet-made. Kalashnikov as- sault rifles. The violence- ` crazed Baader-I~Yeinhof Garg blows up West German banks for the furtherance of Soviet world domination. The con- spiracy theory of terrorism, witia the Russians as the bad. guys, has an intoxicating polit_ ~ leaf appeal in this city where R.ona?d Reagan reigns. Reagan ~i-mself claims the Soviets re- ~ serve the right "to commit any crime, to lie, to cheat". to fur- ther their goal of world domi- nation: Secretary of State Alesan- der Haig, the soldier turned diplomat, accuses the Soviets of "training, fuadiag and equipping" the forces of worldwide termrism. The blur-eyed? former general -has Haig' home tiona. canes Th seers: newly powerful tteputsucan hard-liners that Democrats who used. to run U.S. foreign policy (and Aho now stand ac- cused of i~noriag Soviet in- volvemeat in terrorism) ques- tion whe?hrr the "Russians did it" theory is based on genuine intelligence infornza- tioa or on anti-Communist conservatism that's welded to . a keen sEnse of what the elec- torate wants to hear. "I have a feeling theta is a Iot of locaz-talk going around with very lit#3$ support," says former United- Nations ~- basaador Donald F. N1cblenry. "It has the pungent smell oY politics.? Whatever its 'motivation, the Reagan administration's finger-pointing has provoked the Soviet Union into one of its more hyperbolic, self-right- eous rejoinders since the Cold War_ Soviet Defense Minister Dmitri Ustinov said last month the U.S. accusaticas veers Eu "evil-minded decep- tion" to cover un Western suh- version in Poland and other C3nzmuiist countries. `"Ter- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/27 :CIA-RDP90-005528000403680039-0