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Publication Date: 
January 3, 1985
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000605290003-0 +..;real-Ril..- __0 - NEW HAVEN REGISTER (CT) 3 January 1985 r Publisher Jahn Quirk says he'll By Bill Lazarus Stuff Reporter spill a few about tne C!A .. Quirk, 39, has visions of recount-, ing spy activities from the past 200 GUILFORD - John Quirk just can't keep a secret. "Do you know that the United States has a whole division of troops dressed up in Russian uni- forms?" he asked excitedly, gestur- ing over his office conference table sprinkled with photographs and i drawings of U.S. spy satellites and ultramodern jet planes. "That we have pictures of every harbor in the world from above and below? That the KGB (Rus- sian secret police) goal for the 1980s is to put. 300 agents in the United States?" There are many more secrets where those came from. And Quirk isn't planning to limit their spread to his visitors. This spring, the long-time publisher of special education hooks expects to pro- duce a detailed history of the Cen- tral Intelligence Agency, complete with maps, charts, graphs and, yes, secrets. The book is being written by former CIA agents and will include interviews with current director William Casey, former director William Colby, retired agents and experts in the field as well as de- tails dug out of unclassified files Much of the data was just re- leased by the agency under the fed- eral Freedom of Information Act and has never been published be- fore, Quirk said. The, book, estimated to run close to 300 pages and retailing for at least $29, is scheduled to be the first in an long-running series pro- duced by Quirk's newest publish- ing venture, the Foreign Intelli-I gence Press. Other books will examine the KGB, the FBI, the Is- raeli secret police, the. U.S. Secret Service, Soviet military intelli- gence and similar organizations. A former. history teacher who started publishing materials fori, handicapped children in 1977, years in the series. It is a mammoth undertaking, but the Chicago native is excited by the possibilities. "I made a little money in special education," he said. "This is my project now. I'm having a good time." His new company, which will be relocated eventually in New Haven to separate itself completely from Quirk's parent firm, Special Learning Corp., conducted a mar- keting survey to find out if there were any interest in spies and spy history before going into produc- tion. Researchers also surveyed at- titudes of junior-high-school and high-school students. They found that the subject matter attracted enough attention to make the books feasible. "There were also many miscon- ceptions about the intelligence agencies, and about the CIA in particular," said Quirk, a direct, excitable man who holds a B.A. in history from DePaul University and has worked in publishing for almost 19 years. Quirk had a few misconceptions himself at first, he said. Initially, Quirk said, he felt that foreign agents had little influence in worldwide organizations. Now, af- ter years of travel worldwide, he believes just the opposite. His parent company had landed contracts to publish books for the handicapped in such countries as Israel, Venezuela and England as well as for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultur- al Organization (UNESCO). To service the accounts, Quirk spent much of his time abroad. While traveling, he said, he be- came aware of how governments and agencies were affected by So- viet agents. in particular, he was intrigued by how Soviet agents in- fluenced United Nations decisions on. policy, particularly at UNES- CO. ktie pointed out that the Unit- ed States withdrew financial sup- port for UNESCO as of Jan. 1, because, the government claimed, of "political shifts" within the agency.) That interest expanded to in- clude all' intelligence gathering. Checking libraries, Quirk found that most books on intelligence agencies were "negative, exposes,"- he said. Those that weren't were "sensationalized, glamorous." Not his book. "I have no axe to grind," Quirk insisted. Instead, the Guilford resident decided to pro- duce a "coffee-table size history" appropriate as a textbook or for the general public. Because of the recent release of the previously classified docu- ments, the descriptions of CIA-re- lated events of the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s will be as complete as .possible, Quirk claimed. Episodes in the 1980s will be sketchy, how- ever, because much of that data is still classified and unavailable. The intelligence agency has coo- perated with the book's authors, Quirk said,- a less-than-surprising development since the book will be unabashedly pro-CIA. That's to ' counter the common impression that, somehow, intelligence gather- ing is wrong, Quirk said. "Most of the media has focused on the abuses," he said. His book, instead, will examine the agency's goals. It will start with the begin- ning of American intelligence gath- ering in the 1700s, advance to the founding of the CIA in the late 1940s and conclude with-a look at current activities. Any misdeeds will not be ig- nored, Quirk claimed. "I think we'll bring out everything," he said. Continued Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000605290003-0 f" Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000605290003-0 Among the areas to be covered will be the role of the CIA with the Shah of Iran in the 1950s, the overthrow of Salvador Allende in Chile and in the unrest in. Guatemala. The reported $1 million fund backing the publishing venture is being provided partially by Quirk and by unidentified investors. Quirk said the CIA is not supply- ing the money. "I'm not affiliated .with any right-wing or political group," he insisted. Instead, Quirk said, he. is"just interested in history and wants to let the general public in-on the' facts - and the secrets - he has discovered. John Quirk, left, is finishing work on a new book that he says will detail both the history of the Central Intelligence agency and -some of its recent -and contro= I versial - programs: William Donovan, above, first director and. organizer of U.S.'s spy agencies, played an important) role in that history. Nathan; Hale, below, an early American' spy, confers with Gen. George Washington. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000605290003-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000605290003-0 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/08: CIA-RDP90-00965R000605290003-0