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STAT 1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000403800002-8 ObPAE11 ElP"Y Congress and the Contras: The Battle for Capitol Hill By WE M M. Uwaa dd WASHINGTON President Reagan is encountering intense resistance in Congress to his request for $100 million to aid the counterrevolutionary exiles, or con- tras, fighting to overthrow the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. The mood on Capitol Hill has changed since last year when Congress gave the President a major victory by lifting the 1884 ban on aid to the contras and approving $27 million for non-lethal (sometimes re- ferred to as "humanitarian") assistance. A major factor is Reagan's failure to keep the promises he made last year when he was trying to entice a reluctant Congress to approve the $27-million aid package. In a letter to Rep. Dave McCurdy (D-Okla.), the President pledged to re- sume bilateral negotiations with the San- dinistas, clean up the contras' horrific human-rights record and keep Congress fully informed on how the aid money was being spent. Congress gave Reagan his aid, but the President has yet to keep his promises. The CIA looked into allegations of contra human rights abuses by askinir the controls the reports were true. They said no. When the General Accoun Office an invest' ative arm Congress, tried to find out how the co or wo the - t ation continues to reject requests . ,that it resume , insisu' on a impossi e e the teas first agree to nego ft_U0_5__ with h ontraa. The Administration's obstinate refusal to do what it promised has alienated many of the moderate Democrats who provided Reagan with his margin of victory last year. McCurdy, who serves as a.spokes- man for some of these members,. has already announced that he will vote against the request for $100 million in additional aid. Skepticism about the aim of Reagan's policy is also on the rise. Last year, the President argued that aid for the contras was needed as an adjunct to diplomacy- to bring the Sandinistas to the bargaining table. Most members are now convinced that the Reagan Administration has no interest in a diplomatic settlement with the Sandinistas, but is implacably dedicat- ed to overthrowing them. Administration officials routinely argue that there are only two alternatives to aiding the contras: the direct use of U.S. troops or the surrender of Central Ameri- ca to the Warsaw Pact, as White House Communications Director Patrick J. Bu- chanan put it. Glaringly, absent is the option Reagan claimed to be seeking last year-a negotiated political settle- ment. White Hoqse spokesman Larry Speakes finally punctured that polite fiction two weeks ago when he was asked if the purpose of U.S. policy was to overthrow the Sandinistas. "Yes, to be absolutely frank," he replied. The candor was refreshing, but it didn't help the Administration's cause on Capitol Hill. If Reagan is intent upon cutting out the Sandin- ista "cancer," as Secretary of State George P. Shultz calls it, then the contras are clearly inadequate to the task. Despite the renewal of aid from the United States, the contras' have been incapable of establishing themselves inside Nicaragua be- cause they have no political appeal, not with a command structure including former members of So- moza's National Guard The last two commanders of the U.S. Southern Command agreed that the contras could not overthrow the Sandinistas, even with signifi- cant U.S. assistance. In Congress, the suspicion is growing that aid to the contras is not intended to avoid direct U.S. involvement, as the Administration claims, but is setting the stage for it. If the contras cannot eliminate the Sandinistas, then U.S. troops can. If the Administration is un- willing to negotiate, then the logic of its policy is inexorable. Eventu- ally it will have to mount an invasion or accept defeat. This is why House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. (D-Masi) warns that Reagan's policy is leading to anoth - er Vietnam in Central America. The conviction that Reagan is intent on deposing the Sandinistas is also widespread in Latin Ameri- ca. Last month the foreign minis- ters of eight Latin American na- tions came to Washington urging the Administration to stop aiding the contras and start talking with the Sandinistas. The ministers rep- resented all the major democracies and all our major allies in Latin America. They were turned down flat. The ease with which the Reagan Administration is sacrific- ing broad hemispheric interests to its obsessive policy of hostility Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000403800002-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000403800002-8 .1 toward Nicaragua has become a source of mounting distress on Capitol Hill. The efforts of the Latin Ameri- can countries are widely heralded in Congress as the best hope for negotiating a regional peace ac- cord. As evidence of the Adminis- tration's antagonism toward the Contadora peace effort grows and the Contadora nations themselves become more vocal in their opposi- tion to U.S. policy, members are finding it harder to maintain the illusion that they can support both Contadora and the contras. Even the Administration's friends in Central America have become uncertain allies. Oscar Ari- as, who takes office in May as president of Costa Rica, has reaf- firmed his country's neutrality to- ward Nicaragua, called on Wash- ington to halt aid for the contras and opened talks with the Sandin- istas to establish joint supervision of the border. If the talks succeed, it will mean an end to Washing- ton's hopes of reviving a "southern front" in the contra war. Jose Azcona, the newly elected president of Honduras, has sur- prised observers by refusing to allow the United States to resume aid shipments to the contras through Honduras. And Christian Democrat Marco Vinicio Cerezo, newly elected president of Guate- mala, has been a major catalyst for resuming regional peace talks. On- ly Jose Napoleon Duarte of El Salvador, mortgaged to Washing- ton by $500 million in yearly aid, still gives unflinching support to Reagan. It is no accident that El Salvador is Philip Habib's first stop on his new assignment as presiden- tial envoy to advance peace in Central America-a calculated at- tempt to show that the Administra- tion will negotiate. The key to Latin reaction is nationalism. The human and eco- nomic toll of the region's conflicts is staggering. Central Americans are coming to resent Washington's willingness, in pursuit of its own interests, to fuel the wars that are consuming their countries. Reagan has an uphill battle to win approval of his $100-million aid proposal. Neither the President nor his Democratic opponents in the House of Representatives are talk - ing about compromise. The stage is set for confrontation-a simple yes or no vote on the President's proposal. The outcome of this vote will not settle the issue of Washington's relations with Nicaragua, of course, but it will be a major turning point.' Reagan will no doubt interpret a victory as an endorsement of his drive to depose the Sandinistas. The war against Nicaragua will escalate, the chances for a negoti- ated settlement will diminish and the United States will !rove one step deeper into the Central Amer- ican quagmire. If Congress hands the President a defeat, it will he a clear vote of no confidence in Reagan's policy and a signal that both the Congress and the American people want a nego- tiated agreement with the Sandin- istas, not a war against them. ^ William M. LeoGrande i aassociate pro- fessor of political 8cience at American University and co-editor of "Confronting Revolution. Security Through Diplomacy in Central America," due soon from Pan- theon. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000403800002-8