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March 12, 1985
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STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000807470047-8 WASHINGTON POST 12 March 1985 ARTICL$ ON PAGE-~, Flaws Seen in Grenada Invasion Report Says Field Decisions Prevented Disasters in Nick of Time By George C. Wilson Washington Post Staff Writer The Grenada invasion was far from the well-oiled operation adver- tised at the time but was frequently saved from disaster by last-minute decisions of commanders in the field, including one that kept the Marines from blowing up the Vene- zuelan Embassy. The picture of troops feeling their way into hostile territory without the benefit of maps, accu- rate intelligence, functional radios or protective artillery emerges strongly from a Marine after-action report obtained under a Freedom of Information Act request. In separate interviews, officers involved in the Grenada operation underscored the lack of preparation and said casualties would have been much higher than the toll of 19 killed and 115 wounded had it not been for the ability of some officers on the ground and plain luck. A big 1gsson of Grenada, accord- ing to the written reports and high- ranking ifficials interviewed, is that the world's least developed nations can obtain enough modern weapons to down helicopters. Therefore, sending helicopters into hostile ar- eas without first suppressing de- fenses can be disastrous. In the Grenada invasion, which started Oct. 25, 1983, the Marines lost three helicopters, two Cobra gunships and a CH46E, to enemy fire. The Army lost one Blackhawk troop-helicopter and had five others damaged, four seriously. A high-ranking Navy officer on the scene said the guns on Navy ships standing off Grenada should have been used to suppress enemy fire before Army Blackhawk heli- copters were sent in and before Army Rangers parachuted onto the the Point Salines airfield. The Army Rangers jumped from 500 feet, missing antiaircraft fire that Cubans had set for targets at 800 feet, of- ficials said. The Rangers then ran into into heavy fire and armored vehicles on the ground. Under the battle plan, code- named Operation Fury, the Marines were to secure the northern half of Grenada and the Army the southern, half, with Air Force support. High- ranking critics said the Grenada operation would have been much smoother had only the Navy and Marines been involved rather than making it the kind of four-service enterprise that also complicated the unsuccessful 1980 attempt to res- cue American hostages from Teh- ran. "The wisdom is that everything has to be a four-service show," one top official said. The Marine after-action report, obtained in the form of an unclas- sified report sent to Marine com- mands, documents how the 22nd Marine Amphibious Unit was caught by surprise as it was or- dered to reverse course from Leb- anon to Grenada. But it improvised on. the ground to solve problems and avoid disaster. The report states that charts of Grenada were "ungridded, small- scale or very outdated .... The original plan for the assault at Pearls airfield was to land one com- pany by helicopter directly on the runway to achieve maximum shock effect .... Reasoning that an as- sault directly onto the runway could result in disaster if the airfield was heavily defended by enemy troops or protected by antiaircraft artillery sites, the decision was made to uti- lize another landing zone approx- imately 700 to 800 meters south- east of the Pearls airstrip. As it turned out, the airfield was pro- tected by light AAA [antiaircraft- artillery.]" The two Marine assault compa- nies climbed into helicopters aboard the USS Guam and flew toward their landing zone in the pre-dawn dark of the 1983 D-Day, to land on what the charts and maps showed as a smooth race track. "But when the helicopters dropped toward the landing zone, they encountered tali palm trees and unexpectedly high scrub brush," the report states. Pilots wearing special glasses that en- hance night vision found a flat spot and landed the first Marines there. Just as the Marines who secured the Pearls airfield were handi- capped by inaccurate maps ano charts, the ones flown toward Gren- ville to the south found that the landing zone chosen from the maps was unusable. The helicopter com- mander made a quick change and landed on a soccer field in the mid- dle of the town without drawing fire. 1NW Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000807470047-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000807470047-8 "Throughout D-Day," states the report, the Marine battalion land- ing-team commander on shore "was restricted in the command and con- trol of his remaining unlanded as- sets" still on the ships offshore ,be- cause he was not able to maintain adequate communications with them" by radio. Two days after D-Day, Marines looked for armed Cubans believed to be in the St. George's area of Grenada. For lack of hard int ni_ ence on the Cubans' wherea a Manne commander looked with suspicion on Fort Adolohuc hero Je it was flvii an "unknwn tvue" of flag. The company commander con- sidered using preparation fires to soften what he believed to be a pos- sible Cuban stronghold," the report said. "This consideration was re- versed and prep fires were not used. This decision not to precede the attack with preparation fires was sound because, as it turned out, Fort Adolphus was the Venezuelan' Embassy." The report said the Cuban com- mander was not incompetent, but had not had time to prepare his de- fenses before the United States in- vaded the island and thus, with mi- nor exceptions; "was forced to con- duct a purely static defense. Given more time, the enemy would have been much better prepared." Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000807470047-8