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, . Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2012/10/23 : CIA-RDP82-00457R009200190007-7 ;1-1-10M t?...1te t.,11 . 71 INKLIVIATION REPORT . .. , A CCtJfRY Oyie 7b Zone) . . . . , . ToPIc_ eeer 'eeuetadt Airfield EVlLUATO 'L DATE OF CONTENT... DATE OBTAINED LACE OBTAINED REFERENCES, PAGES ? --ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS -- DATF PRFPARFD 17 October 1951 0.1?0700.,10/ INIUNIMTIOMW110111.... 01?11e....11111101100111?10???????? , Free 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on 14 July 19510 26 jet aircraft and 30 fighters fitted with in-line engines and four-bladed propellers were observed at ;,,iener Neustadt (0 48/1. 35) Airfield. Six other jet aircraft and 5 fighters were possibly parked at the field. One biplane landed dueing the period of observation. roJt of the planes seen at the installation were covered with tarpaulins@ others were being worked on. (1) L radar eet was observed soleth of the road running along the southern edge of the field. (2) Two 3-axle radio trucks were seen there. 1, seaichlights about 1.7 meters high were posted along the soethern edge of the landing field. A hangar and some small beildings were sell on the Theresienfeld F radio installation or weather station were seen. Two re-2 were pareee in front of the hangar from which the noise of engiees was heard. A twin- engine plane fitted with radial engines and a single major assembly was seen next to the hangar. A buildiag located north of the hangar quartered Soviet airforce soldiers. (3) From 9 a.m. to 2:0 p,m. on 30 July, 24 jet aircraft and 27 fighters fitted with in-line eneines were observed at the field. Light jet planes were covered with tarpauline. A fighter plane flew over the field for 10 to 15 minutes. (1) . There was no Change in the status liehts previously observed at the fitted with two antenna masts was former Artillery IZaserne. A cable Kaserne, 6,, of radio installations an installation. Radio truck seen 400 to 500 meters behind the extended from the radio truck to the The ferner Naehriehten Kaserne on Pernerstorferstrasse quartered airforce soldiers. Six trucks, 2 tank trucks? 1 sedan. and 1 anbulanee werp nnrked thorre Trnnk 7,- A radio installation with four nests was Observed southwest of Felixdorf (0 43/5C 35), south of the elixdorf - Bad Fischau (c) 4CA 34) highway. A cable extended from the installation to the searchlights on ;:ienee CLASSIFICATiVel It I 17:1T. /CO7 TROLAJ arr Tr IL T Document No. 110 No ri-AT,gr i Class. 1.1.1e7,41 Class. ak:KgLd To: TS S (165 Anita- IF 704 n A nun itlIA I I 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM 50X1-HUM I 50X1-HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/23: CIA-RDP82-00457R009200190007-7 50X1-1-111M _ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/23: CIA-RDP82-00457R009200190007-7 z 10. ,,adt i1rfield. (4) ircto 12:15 to 4 p.m. on 7 AuLuet, there was flying b.; jet aircraft at ,Ins field. Croups of two jot planes took off simultaneously and romain- ed 15 to 0 minutes aloft. ft 12:15 p.m a jet plane took cff and five Pinutes later eight other jet planes followed rive ninntoo aftor this to other jet planes took of:. The formation flew for 45 minutes. The aircraft landd in oroups of two. (3) 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM r'ank truck truck and sedan were observed at the field. A radio inotallation wito four masts, located southoost of relileorfs'did not 001.1 to be in operation. (4) Another radio installation (a radar sat oonolootin of two frame-liko devices each fitt:d -with nine horizontal dipole and perpendicular Trims) vas seen aboot 200 notorv outh of the aener Leustadt 3ad fischan nchway. The sot rotated while the jet planes 'ere flyinz. (2) Two rows of searchlichts were also seen0 there has been intensive nioht flyino by jet planes recent - 37. (5) The former I:adetton Anstalt (Cadet :',chool) in rind fischau,was unoccupied0 flovevrr, individual soldiers uearin, Llack-'oordored blue epaulets wore seen in the barracks area and in the tot,o. The soldiers of the cuard detail at the cantonment near the road fork west of :loner I:oustadt uore black-bordered blue epaulets. ',t) activities wore observed there. Comments. A jet fiAter re merit and a fiohter raiment equipped with conventional 4,ircraft still seems to be located at :donor 1:eustadt, Airfield0 rlo'inG lith jet aircraft Observed there since April 1951 :.roves that the Sovioto use airfields that are loroo enouoh oven if they are not orovidod with ruaways? at least for traininc purposes. 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM 50X1 -HUM it is believed that a Dumbo-type radar as used in the soviet Zone of Gernany is concerned. Th:s stotonent is correct. A central repair shop primarily for Pe-2s is located In Therorienfeld. This statement probably refers to an Adcock Dr station. It is believed that this station, ju5t as sone fields in Ioe Coviet Zone of Germany., is located in the direction of landino. The cables runninc a'om this installation to the search-liohts on the border of the landino field indicate that these landino searchlichts are operated from t DF station, The conduct of nicht flyino was known orevi000ly. 50X1 -HUM nioht flyini; in Austria is being dons in 50X1 -HUM tne same intensity as observed in the Soviet Zone of Cermany0 i!o details have become available to date. mc,04,incLiu or:Icr.u;OIlY IVIZENTV 50X1 -HUM Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/10/23: CIA-RDP82-00457R009200190007-7