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Document Release Date:
August 16, 2010
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Publication Date:
May 5, 1981
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/16: CIA-RDP90-00552R000404780002-8
The GAZETTE, Montreal, Tuesday, May 5, 1981
acid diethylamide (LSD) and at
least a dozen other controversial
"Once I thought I was a squirrel
running around in -a cage unable to
escape," she said.
"Sometimes I thought I would
She told Judge Marcel Belleville
she was drugged daily and expect-
ed to write down all her thoughts
Court told
of tests
with LSD
of The Oaz?tt?
A Winnipeg psychiatrist said
yesterday the wile of federal New
Democratic Party MP David Orli-
kow was subjected to "psychologi-
cal torture" at Montreal's Allan
Memorial Institute, alleged to be
the site of secret brainwashing ex-
periments on unwitting patients
for the U.S. Central Intelligence
Agency (CIA).
Dr. Gordon Lamberd of Winni-
peg testified yesterday in Quebec
Superior Court that Velma Orli-
kow, 64, suffered irreparable dam-
age from the brainwashing experi-
ments conducted on her between
1956 and 1964.
Orlikow is suing the Royal Vic-
toria Hospital for about $80,000 for
damages allegedly resulting from
treatment received from Dr.
Douglas Ewen Cameron, former
director of the institute, the psychi-
atric wing of the hospital. Cameron
was killed in a mountaineering ac-
cident in 1967.
Cameron's experiments were al-
legedly known as Subproject 68 -
the largest behavior control proj-
ect in the brainwashing research
program, called MK Ultra, operat-
ed by the CIA.
Orlikow alleges she was used as
a guinea pig for unethical experi-
ments that left her with permanent
brain damage.
During four hours of emotional,
highly descriptive testimony yes-
terday, Orlikow said she was
forced regularly to take lysergic
MP's wife
as she listened to tapes played over
Velma Orlikow leaves court with her MP husband David
versations she had with Cameron. to her. She said she was forced sev-
"I really tried hard," she said. eral times to dress skimpily and be
But after several months of listen- filmed by Cameron's assistant,
ing to the same tapes she could who would call out instructions to
only write "lost, lost, lost" over , her like "sit down" or "stand up"
and over again. Orlikow's lawyer, Phil Cutler,
She said Cameron did not want. said that CIA documents used the
her to go back to her husband and code name Miriam to refer to Orli-
daughter who lived in Winnipeg at kow in the brainwashing experi-
the time. She said he told her to ments, which were part of a $25-
take an apartment in Montreal million mind control program to
when she was released from the find ways of breaking down enemy
hospital. agents and manipulating behavior.
The suit alleges that Cameron Orlikow and several other pa-
received subsidies from a CIA tients suspected to have been
front group, the Society to Investi- treated by Cameron are also each
gate Human Ecology, to carry out suing the CIA for $1 million in
his experiments. damages. That case is before U.S.
and over for up to five hours a day. Orlikow said she was never told courts. ,
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