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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/29: CIA-RDP9O-00552ROO0404440174-5 CONCERN BY INDIA; it) zr-r ji, ON. C, I. A. RELATED U.S. Envoy Says Reports on Chile Have Confirmed Mrs( Gandhi's Suspicions By SEYMOUR M. HERSH Speda! to The Newyork Times WASHINGTON, Sept. 12- Daniel P. Moynihan, ambassa- dor to India, has privately; warned Secretary of State Kis- singer that recent reports ofi Central Intelligence Agency activities in Chile have con firmed Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's "worst suspicions and! genuine fears" about American! policy toward India. In a stinging rebuke of suchi clandestine activities, Mr.' Moynihan noted in a confiden that his embassy formally de- nied last year to the Indian Government that the United States had intervened against the Marxist President of Chile,! Salvador Allende Gossens. Mr.' Allende died in a bloody coup! d'etat last September. Writing of Mrs. Gandhi, Mrl Moynihan said: ! "Her concern is whether the United States accepts the In- dian regime. She is not sure 'out that we would be content to see others like her over-i thrown. She knows full welt that we have done our share and more of bloody and dis- honorable deeds." Not Worried About Ouster The ambassador said Mrs. Gandhi was not worried about being overthrown, and added: "It is precisely because she is not innocent, not squeamish and' not a moralizer that her concern about American inten. tions is real and immediate. "And of course the news from the United States, asl printed in th? Indian press, re- peatedly confirms her worst suspicions and genuine fears. ' Nothing will change her un- less she is satisfied that the United States accepts her In- dia. She does noto now think do. She thinks we are a profoundly selfish and cynical counter-revotu[ionary power." BecausA nF that helief. Mr. '?tovnihan r,o-ed, "she will ac- cordingiv proceed to develop n:t fear weapons and a missile delivery s~ stern preaching non- violpnce all the way." State Deoair.ment officials acid that tiro cablegram had'! -.,en persona; v reviewed 0% 1 Kissing-r. but his reaction. could not b' .. arneJ. T;1ere ?:. :,o official cnri- c't from State Depart.1 .. ?at a',),)u: t:1P ambassac.,i-'s a'~'~. Ors .:'l -informed o[fi- cial ;acknowledged . that. Mr-.i dignant about the C.I.A.'s ac- tivities"=in -Chile.... ... "Pat's always indignant," the official added. "He write beau- ( tifully-and his cables are a'de- light tt, but he's always indignant." Other officials said that, as far as they knew, Mr. Moyni- han was still in good standing with the Ford Administration. Kissinger Testimony Urged 'Representative Michael J. Harrington, the Massachusetts Democrat whose concern over Chile policy led to the C.I.A. disclosures, urged at a news conference that Mr. Kissinger publicly be called upon by Congress to account for that policy. He said that if the agency did not cease its clan- destine activities, it might jeopardize all of its overt in- telligence-gathering work. 4Senator Edward M. Ken- nedy, Democrat of Massachu-i setts, made public a letter to l Mr. iKssinger in which he sought an explanation for the legal basis of the agency's in- volvement in Chile as well as an explanation of why State Department officials misled Congress during sworn testi- mony about the United States policy toward Cuba. William E. Colby, director of the C.I.A., testified in secret about the Chile operations be- fore the Senate Armed Serv- ices subcommittee on intelli- gence. The hearing was led by Senator John C. Stennis, Dem- ocrat of Mississippi and chair- man of the full committee. rlA two-day conference on "the C.I.A. and covert actions"opened in a Senate hearing) room', with Senator Philip A. Hart, Democrat of Michigan, declaring that if Congress did not fully investigate the agency's role in Chile, "it will be sending the executive branch a clear signal that it is not really serious about ras- serting all its powers and its right to participate in the foreign pol:rv area." Adverse Effect Is Seen Mrs. Ghandi's anger and fears, as reported by Mr. Moy- nihan, could have an adverse effect on the continuing United States attempt to improve rela- tions with India in the after- math of Mr. Kissinger's tilt to- ward Pakistan in the 1971, India-Pakistan war. The Secretary of State was) known to be planning a visit to India next month and was expected to set up a number of joint United States-Indian com- missions to work out economic and-technical aid agreements. . Mr. Moynihan reported that Indian newspapers had given wide circulation to dispatches about C.I.A. activities against Mr. Allende thatw ere author- ized by Mr. Kissinger as direc- tot of the 40 Committee, a high- level intelligence review group that meets in the White House. Mr. Moynihan also noted thatl th?,Indian newspaper had re-1 printed Mr`Kissinaer=s denials; last rear about United States) involvement in Chile. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/29: CIA-RDP9O-00552ROO0404440174-5