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Publication Date: 
September 19, 1980
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STAT C Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/17: CIA-RDP90-00552R000404350019-7 ARTICLE APPEA1 ON PAGE NEW YORK TIMES 19 SE i.M ER 1980 Mondale Says Subpoenas Iffiperil Pressj ?.SpecialtoTh.NewYork Times KANSAS CITY, Mo., Sept. 18 - Vice President Mondale today cautioned that the nation "must be wary of the flood of subpoenas that threaten to drown the very editorial process" of a free press. "Reporters should not be turned into bailiffs or detective agencies," Mr. Mon- dale said, addressing a group of about 500 people at a luncheon celebrating The Kansas City Star's centennial. "Their job is gathering news. And that -is the way this Administration believes they should betreated." The Vice President did not discuss spe- cific instances, including the recent cas in which the Justice Department subpoe- naed and received from .the. telephone, company toll records of the business andi personal calls of reporters at the Atlanta bureau of The New York Times- In his speech, Mr. Mondale talked of court sub- poenas and said that only a minority of litigated subpoenas were obtained by Federal prosecutors. "Still," he added, "subpoenas that pry into the records of reporters, that invade the editorial process,; that compel report- ers to testify against' sources, have what everyone knows to be a chilling and men- acing effect no matter who makes the re- quest or which court you're hauled into." 1978 Court Decision Cited The Vice President said that "few re- cent events were more threatening" to the public than the 1978 Supreme Court decision upholding a local prosecutor in California who had the newsroom of The Stanford Daily searched by government investigators. The President,: Mr. Mon- dale said,,looks forward to signing a bill now in Congress that would protect news- papers against this and would leave re- porters "tree of fear, free of searches." :?. He also '.criticized recent closings of court. trials. by judges who have- cited theirconcern over harmful publicity. The Carter,, Administration,;; Mr. Mondale. said, feels "that in all but extreme, cases trials must be open." "It's only as witnesses that you should 'be kept out of court,". Mr. Mondale told the reporters and editors at the luncheon. In praising .. The "Star; which - has produced such writers as William Allen White and Ernest:Hemingway,. the Vice. President cited the "prqud;. skepticism"I of the Missouri character as a key to open and informative journalism. He also praised Attorney General Ben- jamin R. Civiletti for building what Mr. Mondale called "an unprecedented rela- tionship of respect and harmony with the American press." The subpoenaing of the Atlanta telephone records of The Times was believed to be the first time that newspaper records had been secretly ob- tained since the Nixon Administration.. Justice Department regulations treat the subpoenas of toll-call records as a confidentiality should be respected. How-i ever, a spokesman for the Attorney Gen- eral criticized the phone-record subpoe-; na, approved by a deputy, as "a mistake" after it was disclosed and said the regula-I tions allowing it would be studied. I Citing the Carter Administration's, record on t e lrs ALmCn-d--rn Tr. +Ionda e sal , - of onci' u n .rrAd- mrntstrat! rr-mJ;~-r -American repo ter. e so so sal e, thought a balance could-be ;voc ct-ed~ouE Tn pendingiagrsTatt it tween M e6T -of matter of phone company property, and a-tree press and ate prolectlon-oTfhe lden- lesof ini~elugence agents. not as newspaper source material whose I f_______ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/17: CIA-RDP90-00552R000404350019-7