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December 5, 1981
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/06 :CIA-RDP90-005528000404180012-3 A 'I ~ CT ~~P~:1.~D p~; P~iGE Sn hir. Carter's order. Tlie most signifi- cant change. the otfiUals said, was in the order's "tone acct approach" to the , intelligence agencies' missicrr. I The order retains sei~eral restrictions contained in Ivlr. Carter's order. For ez-i ample, the new order aiw a bans asses- ~ sinations by intelligence agendas.. . The order accepted 15 of the 13 major ~ froa3 members oI the House wad Senate ; , . "_ `clr3zrges pLOposed by the House and San- { Such AeLo~ fiery Rant '? ~ ~ ate els va intelli ertce. S trcall , panels ca intelligence and from civil j .. Pan g P~ ~ Y liberiiesorganiuti~. I -~At a:nesvs comterence today, a senior` ~e Adarinistratioa decided to delete I Adnsinistratlon otfidal who declined to ~ provisions contained in an earlier draft '~~8' sect Very ~' {' be ideatiiied, stressed that such actions that would have permitted lire C.I.A. to Representative Edward P. Boland, i wcuid be "veryrare." - -: . ` ? ' _ ~ infiltrate and influence American or- ~Democrat of Massac3wsWtts sotto is 'The order defines covert atxions,~or ganizatiorsswithoutacourtwarrant. spades activities, as those "cotrducted It eliminated a rovision that ovould chairman of the Houses .Intelligence P j Cocamlttee, viewed as ''irdrbliag" a is supportof national tareign policy ob- have freed. agency2reads from being re? ' on that its the CZA. to col- jetxives abroad-whidt sire planned and quired to report possible Federal crimes ~~ ~ eSlCirtCd rather Lhe r01@ Of the United by their wmnlnv~we_ It ~tPtett+cl a draft Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/06 :CIA-RDP90-005528000404180012-3 ~ WPSHL~IGTON, Dec. 4?= President ;Sect "sigLtifir_tnt" creign -1nte11{ _. rli~ YORK 1?If~~S 5 D.~c~t~~t 1981 syJL-DTl?il'lII~>; Ragan is-saed an executive order today .that broadens the 2uthority of the tra- ticn's intelligence agerxies to collect in- fr.; maLiQrr trace AniericatTrs at lime acct abroad. It suthotizrs the Central Intelli- ges:ce Agency for tbe~first Lime to raa~ duct co'tert operationsdorcestically_ ~. HoF+wer, ~ the 1?-page order omits roost of the provisiars of an earlier draft that vrere opposed h7i members of Zhe Text oJorder, pages 18.19. House and Serrate Inteliigerjce commit. tees and civil liberties incl~dirrg a ::action t,~at would have permitter. the C.I.A. !,~ infiltrate and iniluerrce Aa~eri- carr orgaaizatiom sritho+it a coral srar- rant Tie order signed today replaces an e:.erutive order signed by President Carter on.Jan 2f, 19'78 that is the basic lratrrev~ork for all intelligence activi- ties. TDe rre'47 OrdCl, like ice ~?'. tar the force of levy. ~t;,.ano~ai,gn?r+~misa . ~:.; .,: In a statement releagcd by the ~llt'rtte Haase, President Reagan said the' intelli;ence order :and a companion order r~estabiislring a three-mem'oez) secretly arithin tLe United States if ~eifort is rct aimed at leartriLr$ about Go~estic activities o f Atr^erican ci ' arxi car~oraticas. PresideLrt Carte order restricted sack collectica to ei ccma:ercial iLrforrnatica or data a American residents and carporati believed to be acting ar ~'-sU of a f eigapo -er. . Representative Don Ed4rards, Demo. crai of California and chairman of the Hcux Judiciary Subcommittee on Civil and Ccestitutic~al Rights, descxiDed as "very disturbing' itat provision . LZ particular a,^d, more broadly, the:over- ;had reviewed, but he added that the ~ all order. ?. - - - :. -., ~ .:;~.: _ : ~mcnitoring sessions had not been. ~ The order. he said, cxeates a "secret I`?~~7 Pat-err-the-bac3tsituations." t police that can operate clandestinely ~~ , ::::_. ~2rys1ca15une111anceAbraacl ! abooad wad domestAcally." ~ Z'he new order also permits physical ~ "$ig Brother has returned;" Mr. ?d- ;surveillance of -American citizens and ~ ~+ards reLnarked. - .. . Leaders of fire Senate Select Commit- tee on Intelligence disc ~: ? ` . '" . Senator Barry Goid~rater,Republican Of Arizona":and. the, Ch$irmaa Of the panel'-echo"'is?rewveritrg from a hip 170rCCa t0 L*1e H0~39e ana ,~ncC rnlCirr- ' Bence oversight panels. The official ac- 'siowiedged that the panels had not dur- ing tlrls Administration copcsed any of j corporations abroad is aLrycounterintel- I ligence im~stigatcrr or in any inv-stiga- tioa for si~mificant foreign intelllgenee thatcannot be obtained by other means. &ir. Carter had limited such surveil- lance abroad to Americans and United c~eration, praised the order.. stating ~ States gaups suspected of being agents ~ that it provided "adequate safeguards ~oiaforeignpovrer. .- against improper intelligence..opera- ; 1Zrrea Admiristzatlon offidals di~- bons withitr 22:e United States while al- ~ ~-~ the new order with .reporters i Ic'wing the agencies to perform the hm~ today: Edwin ;rl ?e;;e 3d, counselor to L`~e flans that are needed io prated err na? `Prrsident; Richard K Williard, head of 1 to maritor iatelli activities; uorsaisectnrlry: ? iheJusticeDepartmentOtficeof Intelll- P~ S~ Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan ' gerrce Policy and Review; and Adm. were "consistentv-ithmypromiseinthe: Dertrocrat of New Yor1L' and- acting ~13obby R. IrrmaLt, Deputq Director of campaign to revitalize America's inte3- u, of the panel, said that the Cc:rttrsl Intelligence. , , lige~ sysieLn." T;re executise order, order "makes it clear that the mission ; 'Ihe senior Administration officials he aged. v-ill help the nation "ccrfrart of Llie C.I.A. 3s abroad," He added that maintained that- the eaeartive order ~, ttre increasing challenge of espicxlage o~y a ..yQry fevr" provisions of the .would riot result in ma jar changes in t,`:e and terrorisrrr." ~ ~ order. "if misinterpreted or stretdred C.I.A.'s role in the United States and "To thoseoi you w~bo vievr this t:.>range t beyond tht legitimate intent of their au- 'that many of the provisions were "sub- ccxrldposesomeproblems." 'staniiallythesame"asthosecontained ".Presi6a:t~ ibors of direetianrritD susQicocr . , RP:?gan stared, "'let me assure yw that i in ad ition to pezmittirb the sec:pt w;L ie 1 icy this officeoo'iatelligeace-; collection of sigai~csrrt foreign intelli- a~ _ : ?: ~ oL the United Stales, or aaI- other ~ _ information raithin the United a~. _? xy for that matter, wilt be gven'he States the order gives the C.I.A. author- .: 1.:??ority~roviolatethe rights and lil:~r- ` ity ~ axrduC, vrithin the United States i,? guaranteed to all Americans `.your .'special activities; ' or covert opeca- tiorrs, approved by the PresideaL. Mr. G:l:6CitLttifXlandla7-3." ~ ' f ari,.r'c nrtler nmhihited stub actions