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Document Release Date: 
July 22, 2010
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Publication Date: 
September 28, 1983
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STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/22 : CIA-RDP90-00552R000403680009-3 NEWSDAY 28 September 1983 Wilson: This Time I'll. Testi*fy. By John Cummings the media for three years," Dowd said: New York - Former CIA agent Edwin P. Wilson is scheduled to go on trial Mon- Wilson, answering questions for the first day in U.S. District Court in Manhattan on time since his arrest last year, said yester- attempted -murder and conspiracy charges -day that be had been made a "-sacrificial stemming. from 'what the government says lamb' by the U.S. government and wants to was a plot in which he offered $1.2 million take the stand in his own defense .in Ins ; for the murder of a number of people, in- upcoming conspiracy-to-murder trial. eluding two federal prosecutors, his former '2 consider myself a patriot, I have never wife*nd six=witnesses against him:in past done anvthnig to hurt my country, and I His :"year-old son, Erik, is -a co= - intend to talk .freely about everything I defendant ;in"?he;case - "-,- know and have done,' Wilson said in .re- Wilson, who has -been -labeled .a "rene- . sponse to questions put to him through .his : gade' -and a 'rogue agent," already has chief defense attorney, Michael Dowd of - ,been convicted of 'illegally shipping fire- Kew Gardens. "The defense. has obtained : .arms to Libya andillegally transporting ex. from the government some secret docu. plosives. He is serving a 34-year term in the ments in order to prepare its case, but Dowd federal prison -at Otisville, N.Y. He faces a said he doesn't know yet how much the life sentence -if-.convicted on the new judge will allow Wilson to be questioned charges. He :was .acquitted last year .of about his life and activities during his gov- charges that he-plotted to assassinate a po- ernment service. - litical foe of Libyan strongman-Moammar Wilson also hinted in his remarks that Khadafy. Wilson did not testify in any of these trials. there were connections between U.S. rote} don't deny-I made money" Wilson said, refer- ligeace and at least one of two Cuban exile ring to the arms deals, but he claimed that he did not fugitives wanted in connection with the violate any U.S.Jaws in doing -soand that the deals 1976 murder in Washington of former Chi- 'took place in the-late 1970E through a 'Swiss propri- lean Defense Minister Orlando Letelier. etary that -Wilson owned when- the 'U.S. and Libya The Questions were put to Wilson still "maintained normal relations through Dowd and answers were relayed . ' "Mut I was also performing intelligence functions through the attorney because the Justice for the United States . . . the United States was Department refused to let Wilson be inter. aware and wanted me to do this . :: I could have viewed face-to-face in prison, where he is ` not been in this [intelligence) as long as I have and now serving a 34-year term for. illegally not known how to cover myself, Wilson said. When selling weapons to Libya. Assistant U.S. adverse publicity, generated primarily by former CIA Attorney Eugene Kaplan said he barred the operative Kevin Mulcahy, began to emerge -about his interview because he feared that links to I~hadafy, Wilson said he -was "tossed to the publicity wolves and -made a sacrificial lamb might prejudice potential jurors against :David Lewis, Wilson's co-defense counsel, said Wilson. The former intelligence operative had been the subject of a three-year inter- maintained contact with U.S., intelligence national rnnn'bunt through Waldo Dubberstein, a retired intelligence of- Dowd labeled.Kaplan's statement the - -ficial who was:found shot to death last April 29 in his ;'height of hypocrisy. " Arlington; -Va.;-apartment in what -was described by authorities as a suicide. _ r. "The Justice Department has been leak :Another purported link was through shadowy damaging information about Wilson to was exile named Rafael w Quintero,a man who, gov-. eminent -sources told Newsday,-is still employed by- U.S. military intelligence. He is one of the people Wil- son is accused of plotting to kill and the man reported to have worked with the FBL Quintero worked with Wilson in the super-secret naval intelligence project known as Task Force 157 until 1976, according to government sources. Quintero might .be called as a government witness, but U.S. authorities refuse to give his whereabouts.. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/22 : CIA-RDP90-00552R000403680009-3