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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410056-9 0 The report states that "the resumption of dialogue at the highest level between the United States and the Soviet Union is to be welcomed; however, it has not provided the anticipated impulse either for progress in disbar amen otiations or for a genuine relaxation of-ten on i9i n their mutual ?etions," ZIANA, the semi-official news agency reported. The report notes a continued acceleration of the arms race "with dangerous possibilities of its further exte ion into outer space." This has gone alongside "the sharpening of confrontation and mistrust between the military blocs."/ NAM Summit Adopts Draft,Resolution on RSA MB021622 Harare Domestic, Service in English 1600 GMT 2 Sep 86 [Text] The heads of state and government attending the eighth summit of the Nonaligned Movement in Harare have adopted a special draft on southern Africa. [as heard] The draft was submit- ted by the African g/oup. The delegates adopted the draft in view of the explosive situation in the region. The draft reaffirms that the United Natioi-s Security Council Rsolution 435 of 1978 is the only accepta a basis for the peaceful settlement of the issue of Namibia's inddpendence. The draft also rejects and condemns any linkage betty n the territory's independence to the with- drawal of Cuban fo ,s from Angola. It also calls upon all member states to set up assistance to SWAPO and to contribute to the Nonaligned Solidarity Fund for Namibia. In the draft resort ion, the heads of state and government demand the impositio of sanctions against South Africa to force it to abandon its syst m of racial segregation. Castro To Keep Troops in Angola During Apartheid MB021646 Johannesburg SAPA In English 1637 GMT 2 Sep 86 1 [Text] Harare, Sept 2, SAPA/- Cuban President Fidel Castro today pledged Cuba was ready to keep its troops in Angola "for as long as apartheid exists!in South Africa." Concluding his speech t6 the NAM summit in Harare, President Castro declared that/as long as South Africa had a fascist government "there will ll be no security for Angola nor for any other country in soul ern Africa, and the independence of Nami- bia will be no more than a myth," according to a report by the semi-official ZIA A news agency. He stated that "the presence of Cuban troops irf Angola is based on principle: It is in no way " motivated by Cullas national interests or matters of prestige. B Once apartheid ad come to an end "then no country will feel threatened, Na ibia will immediately be independent, not a single Cuban s ldier will be needed, and the immediate with- drawal of the quban troops in Angola may begin." President Castrolstressed Cuba's respect for Angola's sover- eignty, and said that the Angolan Government could decide "at any time whether it needs our military personnel there or not." a He attacked the United States for its military aid to UNITA, saying this organisation has-along histoiy of Aeration with the colonialists aniYrmperialists. during the independence war, and laterr "collaborated openly with the South Africans," the ZIAN4,feport said. It was "Cuban internati nalist combatants together with their heroic Angolan brother f who drove the "racist" troops "900 kilometres to the Nami ian border" after the 1975 invasion, "thus showing the world t at South African soldiers, like Hit- In the civilian field, Cuba had sent thousJnds of doctors, techni- cians, and other workers to Africa, whi16 some 15,000 Africans were studying in Cuba "free of cost." A total of over quarter of a millifn Cubans "have fulfilled missions in Africa as combatants r as civilian cooperation AI-Qadhdhafi Offers Arms, Training to Revolutionaries LD030222 Tripoli Voice of Greater Arab Homeland in Arabic 0115 GMT 3 Sep 86 [Text] The brother leader confirmed that the tense situation in the Mediterranean, which is the result of the irresponsible aggressive attitude of U.S. imperialism, constitues a serious danger to world peace and security, explaining that any deterio- ration in this sensitive part of the world will seriously damage world interests. He said in a radio and television interview conducted today in Zimbabwe, that I do not see a reasonable cause to use methods that the world had thought it was rid of after World War II. He added, I fear that the world will discover too late that peace and stability were sacrificed so that Washington and the Zionists could fulfill their ambitions to control the earth and impose their domination over it. On the U.S. threats, provocations and encroachments against the Great Jamahiriyah, the brother leader said the failed barbaric American-Atlantic aggression against the Libyan Arab people on 15 April was unjustified, and consequently no one would find it surprising if the United States commits another folly which will without doubt result in its defeat. He added that the fact that the international community had not punished Washington for its aggression encourages the U.S. generals' dreams. He said these generals are (?infatuated) with war and the issue of destruc- tion which has taken control of the madman Reagan. I warn here once again that all the small peoples are exposed to danger in the shadow of the continuation of the U.S. aggressive attitude. The brother leader confirmed the permanent readiness of the Great Jamahiriyah to fight until the end in defense of the sanctity of its territory, air space, waters, and freedom. He also said we Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410056-9 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410056-9 do not fear Washington's aggressive challenges and will continue to confirm our ability to teach the United States another lesson, explaining that Libya is not Grenada. The brother leader recalled the size of the losses suffered by the U.S. forces during their aggression against the Great Jama- hiriyah and said we shot down many of its planes and destroyed its strategic communications center in Lampedusa. We will not hesitate to confront U.S. terrorism once again. We will also continue to anticipate it, and so will the fish. The leader explained that the U.S. concept of terrorism is an intentional falsification of the truth. He added that the Libyan Arab people are one of the victims of U.S. terrorism which the world has come to know as the real terrorism, represented in attacks by fleets and raids, wars of starvation, pressure, and economic and military siege. He added that the Great Jamahiriyah will not retreat from its support for just causes in occupied Palestine, South Africa, Namibia, Central America, and Latin America. The leader said we consider the presence of whites in South Africa as colonialism which should be ended. We also consider it to be a shame which requires removal, and I confirm here our rejection of any bar- gaining or talks on this issue. He explained that the issue in South Africa is one of annihilation, not of political dispute. He said it fully resembles the historic war in which the Americans annihi- lated the red indian nation. He said that the whites are endeav- oring to eliminate the Africans and thus there is nothing ahead of us other than to fight to expel the whites from our continent or to annihilate them. The leader warned that the independence of Africa, and particularly that of the confrontation states; is in danger unless the racist cancer is removed and amputated com- pletely and Africa is returned to the Africans. The brother leader confirmed that the Libyan Arab Jamahiriyah had confirmed at its popular conferences its absolute support for the causes of freedom all over the world and to work for their triumph. Therefore, it announces that it places all its capabilities at the disposal of the revolutionaries of South Africa and Nami- bia, to train and arm them. We consider this self-defense. If the United States considers this struggle terrorism, we say to it again loudly: To hell with America. The leader said that the continuation of racism in South Africa depends on our fighting activities against the racists. We can shorten this existence if we are serious in this. On the situation in Chad, the leader said that the Great Jama- hiriyah supports the government of national unity in Chad which has won legitimacy by world recognition. He added that the current regime in Ndjamena is a rebellion protected by U.S. and French forces. He also said that what should have been proposed was the withdrawal of the French, American and Zairean bases, and that if the conflict in Chad is raging among Chadian parties, then the Great Jamahiriyah will not intervene, but if it is an international conflict, Libya will defend its borders and security. He added, we are ready to send forces to Chad to achieve peace and to restore security and stability to this African country which was torn apart by foreign interference. At the end of his radio and television interview, the brother leader expressed his pleasure at being in independent Zimbabwe and said we feel profound happiness and thank God for our joint efforts with the revolutionaries of Zimbabwe who have led to this glorious result and we have become certain that our support for the Zimbabwe revolutionaries was sound. We highly appreciate the great effort which has been made by the Africans whom we have trained and prepared militarily for the liberation of Zim- babwe from racist colonialism. Iran's Khamene'i Proposes Iraq's Expulsion From NAM LD021946 Tehran Domestic Service in Persian 1630 GMT 2 Sep 86 [Excerpts] In the name of God, the compassiona At 1210 Tehran time today Mr Seyyed `Ali country's president, made a detailed speech a4E aligned Summit. First, he congratulated minister of Zimbabwe, on becoming the struggle against South Africa] the merciful. hamene'i, our he Eighth Non- r Mugabe, prime naligned Movement's Afterward, the president ref red to the weaknesses shown by the Nonaligned Movement in of adopting a definite stance against aggression and in failing oppose the military, economic, politi- cal, and propaganda on aught of the major powers. While stressing that the moveme as not demonstrated the expected response to the crimes and atr `f the archsatan in Nicara- gua and against the Islamic Revolut ran, the president said: I say it openly that this dangerous wea s of the Non- aligned Movement stems from two points: first, 'ts abandon- ment of its primary principles, which were introduc d when the movement was founded, and second, the lack of res sibility felt by the members toward international issues. President Khamene'i added: As the preside of a country whose system is the fruit of a huge bloody upr' ing by its people against U.S. imperialism, I warn the move nt that if it fails to take a basic and fundamental step to r ove its deep-rooted problems, its future will be in grave dagger and the nations will lose hope in its ability. Commenting further on removin the deep-rooted difficulties of the Nonaligned Movement, r Khamene'i proposed that it 11 should revive the principle o onalignment, promote the idea of nonalignment, greatly en urage the morale of resistance to aggression and hegemony mong the nations, revive a responsible attitude toward interna tonal issues among all the members, extend the nonaligned phere of activity in various areas, and approve practical reg ations and criteria on the basis of the movement's principles to enable it to adopt a logical approach toward international a ents and issues. Referring to the fact t t in the 25 years since the founding of this movement there has been a remarkable acceleration in the trend of countries joining t i movement, the president said: At this juncture of its life the movement ought to compile a political, cultural, and economic policy fbNqanaging the world. And instead of just facing the problems it s ould play an active role and effectively intervene in determining the direction of move- Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/30: CIA-RDP05-01559R000400410056-9