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Publication Date: 
June 5, 1986
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100150008-8 EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA P. 0. Box 199 Mbabane, Swaziland 5 June 1986 MMB-6001 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, FBIS THROUGH : Chief, Operations Group SUBJECT : Monthly Report--Swaziland Bureau--May 1986 Falling Rand -- The South African economy, which enjoyed a short improvement earlier in the year, has continued to weaken, resulting in a further continuing fall in the rand. During the month the currency fell against the dollar from R2.05 to R2.32. A. Editorial/Monitorial 1. On 19 May, SAPA carried a three-line announcement that South African forces had attacked "what is claimed to be ANC targets" in Botswana and Zimbabwe. Details of the raids followed and hours later, the South African Air Force announced it had carried out bombing missions in Zambia, the home of the ANC's headquarters. Coming as they did amid reports that the Commonwealth's Eminent Persons Group was close to reaching an agreement with the ANC on possible talks with the South African Government, the attacks provoked criticism from all sides--and the expulsion from the U.S. of the South African military attache. Both the U.S. and Britain strongly denounced the actions but still refused to endorse mandatory economic sanctions against South Africa, called for by the Frontline States foreign ministers who held an emergency session after the raids to discuss mutual defense. Besides considerable reportage and comment from South African sources, the bureau processed a large volume of reaction from the countries attacked, including a lengthy press conference by President Kaunda of Zambia. 2. On the 15th State President P. W. Botha addressed the president's council, announcing the formation of the long-promised National Statutory Council for black leaders, to include the heads of nonindependent homelands and urban black leaders. Most leaders greeted the proposal coolly, however. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100150008-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100150008-8 Chief Buthelezi, whose possible participation is a key to any possible success of the council, said the council had "potential" but that his pre- conditions, including the release of Nelson Mandela, would have to be met for him to participate. The bureau receives all of Chief Buthelezi's many statements over the SAPA PR Wire Service. 3. The National Party (NP) is experiencing a serious, and embarrassing, backlash from white voters in the Transvaal, long a strong-hold for Boer conservatives. The Afrikaaner Resistance Movement (AWB), led by charismatic Eugene TerreBlanche has sworn to disrupt every public meeting to be addressed by an NP cabinet member. After a meeting addressed by Deputy Information Minister Louis Nel was interrupted by AWB supporters, the government threw down the gauntlet and Foreign Minister Pik Botha took on the AWB on 22 May in Pietersburg, vowing to speak despite the AWB's efforts. He lost convincingly. After the AWB completely disrupted the meeting, TerreBlanche addressed an AWB meeting at the local stadium, just as he had promised to do. Although government ministers subsequently successfully addressed several meetings, they did so only with heavy police protection. 4. In Angola, President Dos Santos traveled to the Soviet Union on the 5th to confer with Soviet leaders and presumably to seek additional aid. A Soviet-Angolan declaration on southern Africa was released de- nouncing the U.S. for its aid to UNITA and its support for South Africa, as was a joint communique on the visit. Unlike a previous visit, a comparison showed no difference in Angolan and Soviet media treatment of the key issues. 5. Mozambique President Machel visited Japan at the end of the month, reportedly to seek Japanese investment to enable the country to replace the exports Japan receives from South Africa. A fair amount of material was processed from Mojnbique sources, which covered the visit considerably more thoroughly than did Japanese media. 6. With headquarters permission, the focus of the bureau's press review was changed during the month in an effort to reduce the considerable strain on limited bureau resources. The bureau has discontinued coverage of news from the papers and is concentrating on the editorial/column material, thereby reducing the pressure on harried bureau editors and reducing bureau overtime. The Press review had more than doubled since its inception as a result of consumer requests. 7. The bureau surveyed frequencies for Moscow English to Africa and Moscow English and Zulu to Southern Africa at the request of MOD. III. ADMINISTRATION A. Personnel 1. Portuguese monitor-trainee entered on duty 25 May. The bureau is now only one down on the o and is awaiting a clearance on an Afrikaans/Zulu monitorial applicant. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100150008-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100150008-8 -3- 2. Po rtuauese itor has legally changed STAT his name to The change was effected in the Kenya Gazetta STAT of 21 March. STAT Chief, Swaziland Bureau Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100150008-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02: CIA-RDP87-01104R000100150008-8 Swaziland Bureau Production Report for MAY 1986 TOTAL PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH: 674850 'TOTAL NON-PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH: 16250 TOTAL NUMBER OF PUBLISHABLE ITEMS FILED DURING MONTH: 1414 T I . INPUT OF REGULAR COVERAGE: (mi nutes or issues per week) III. OUTPUT FROM ALL SOURCES: (publishable words per month) ANGOLA Luanda Domestic Service in Portuguese Luanda ANGOP in English Luanda ANGOP in French Luanda ANGOP in Spanish BOTSWANA Gaborone Domestic Service in English Gaborone BOTSWANA DAILY NEWS in English CLANDESTINE (Clandestine) Voice of Resistance of the Black Cockerel in Portuguese to Angola (Clandestine) Radio Truth in English to Zimbabwe (Clandestine) Radio Truth in Ndebele to Zimbabwe (Clandestine) Voice of Truth in Portuguese to Angola (Clandestine) KUP in Portuguese to Southern and Central Africa (Clandestine) in English to Southern and Central Africa BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS 5715.C.)(_-) 11310.00 139.00 min. min. issues Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100150008-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100150008-8 (Clandestine) k::UP in French to Southern and Central Africa LESOTHO Maseru Domestic Service in English Maseru Domestic Service in seSotho Maseru MOCHOCHONONO in seSotho Maseru NATION in English Maseru THE COMET in English MADAGASCAR Antantanarivo Domestic Service in French MALAW I Blantyre Domestic Service in English Blantyre DAILY TIMES in English Blantyre MALAWI NEWS in English MOZAMBIQUE Maputo Domestic Service in Portuguese Maputo in English to Southern Africa Maputo NOTICIAS in Portuguese Maputo 'TEMPO in Portuguese Beira DIARIO DE MOCAMBIQUE in Portuguese NAMIBIA Windhoek. Domestic Service in Afri kaans Windhoek: DIE REPUBLIKEIN in Afri kaans BROAD- F'RESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100150008-8 - Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100150008-8 BROAD- PRESS F'UBL I - CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS Windhoek DIE SUIDWESTER in Afri aans Windhoek THE WINDHOEK ADVERTISER in English Windhoek WINDHOEK: OBSERVER in English SENEGAL Dakar DANA in English Dakar DANA in French SOUTH AFRICA Johannesburg International Service in English 9050 Johannesburg Domestic Service in Afrikaans 1860 Johannesburg Domestic Service in English 2909101 Johannesburg Television in Afrikaans 12 660 Johannesburg Television in English 30690 Umtata Capital Radio in English 15480 Johannesburg SAF'A in English Pretoria DIE TRANSVALER in Afrikaans Cape Town CAPE TIMES in English Durban ILANGA in Zit1 u Johannesburg BEELD in Afrikaans Johannesburg BUSINESS DAY in English Johannesburg CITY PRESS in English Johannesburg O'SECULO in Portuguese Johannesburg RAPPORT in Afrikaans Johannesburg SOWETAN in English Johannesburg SUNDAY STAR in English Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100150008-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100150008-8 BROAD- PRESS CASTS AGENCIES PUBL I - CATIONS Johannesburg English SUNDAY TIMES 2670 Johannesburg English Johannesburg English THE CITIZEN in THE STAR in 5050 Johannesburg English WEEKLY MAIL in 6060 RSA Editorial Press Review of Afrikaans and English Papers SWAZILAND Mbabane Domestic Service in English Mbabane Domestic Service in siSwati Mbabane Television in English Mbabane Television in si Swat i Mbabane THE SWAZI NEWS in English Mbabane THE SWAZI OBSERVER in English Mbabane THE TIMES OF SWAZILAND in English UNITED KINGDOM London BBC World Service in English USSR Moscow in Ndebele to Zimbabwe Moscow in Zulu to Southern Africa Moscow in Afrikaans to Southern Africa Moscow in English to Southern Africa ZAMBIA Lusaka Domestic Service in English Lusaka Radio Freedom in English Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100150008-8 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100150008-8 Lusaka Radio Freedom in Zulu to Southern Africa Lusaka Voice of Namibia English Lusaka SUNDAY TIMES OF ZAMBIA in English Lusaka TIMES OF ZAMBIA in English Lusaka ZAMBIA DAILY MAIL in English ZIMBABWE Harare Domestic Service in English Harare Domestic Service in English Harare Voice of Namibia in English Harare THE FINANCIAL GAZETTE in English Harare THE HERALD in English Harare THE SUNDAY MAIL in English BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CAST'S AGENCIES CATIONS 8080 i> 2''30 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100150008-8