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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDPO1-01773R000100140003-6 S 96 Congressional Directory MISSISSIPPI MISSISSIPPI (Population, 1970 census, 2,216,912) SENATORS JAMES OLIVER EASTLAND, Democrat, of Doddsville, Miss.; born in Doddsville, Miss., November 28, 1904; Methodist; attended the University of Mississippi, Vanderbilt University, and the University of Alabama; LL.D., Mississippi College, 1971; moved to Forest, Miss., in 1905 and was reared in Scott County, Miss.; studied law, was admitted to the bar in 1927, and commenced practice in Forest, Miss.; also engaged in farming; member of the State house of representatives from Scott County, Miss., 1928-32; married Elizabeth Coleman in 1932; three daughters, Nell, Ann, and Sue, and one son, Woods Eugene; moved to Sunflower County, Miss., in 1934; appointed to the United States Senate to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Hon. Pat Harrison, and served from June 30, 1941, to September 28, 1941, when a duly elected successor qualified; elected to the United States Senate on November 3, 1942, for the term beginning January 3, 1943; unopposed for the term beginning January 3, 1949; reelected for term beginning January 1955; reelected for term beginning January 3, 1961: reelected for term beginning January 10, 1967; reelected for term beginning January 3, 1973; elected President Pro Tempore, July 29, 1972; reelected January 3, 1973; chairman, Committee on the Judiciary; member, Committee on Agri- culture, Nutrition, and Forestry. JOHN CORNELIUS STENNIS, Democrat, of De Kalb, Miss., was born in Kemper County, Miss., August 3, 1901, the son o` Hampton Howell and Cornelia (Adams) Stennis; B.S. degree, Mississippi State University, 1923; LL.B. degree, University of Virginia Law School, 1928; LL.D., Millsaps College, 1957; LL.D., University of Wyoming, 1962; LL.D., Mississippi College, 1969; LL.D., Belhaven College, 1972; member of Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Alpha Delta (legal), and Alpha Chi Rho fraternities; Presbyterian, Mason, Lion, Mississippi and American Bar Associations; elected Mississippi House of Representatives 1928-32; elected district prosecuting attorney, Sixteenth Judical District, 1931 and 1935; appointed circuit judge, 1937, and elected 1938, 1942, 1946; elected United States Senator November 4, 1947; reelected 1952, 1958, 1964, 1970, and 1976; chairman, Armed Services Committee; member, Appropriations Committee; married Coy Hines, 1929; two children: John Hampton and Mrs. Margaret S. Womble; two grand- daughters, Jane Grey Syme and Martha Laurin Stennis, and two grandsons, John Stennis Syme and Hampton Hines Stennis. REPRESENTATIVES FIRST DISTRICT.-COUNTIES: Alcorn, Benton, Coahorna, T)e Soto. Grenada. Itawamba. Lafayette. Lee. Marshall, Panola, Pontotoc, Prentiss. Quitman, Tate, Tallahatchie. Tippsh. Tishomingo, Tunica. Union, and Yalobusha (20 counties). Population (1970), 433.825. JAMIE L. WHITTEN, Democrat, of Charleston, Miss.; born at Castilla, Miss.; married to Miss Rebecca Thompson, of Saltillo, Miss.; two children: James Lloyd and Beverly Rebecca (now Mrs. Dr. Walter Merritt) ; member of Presbyterian Church, Masonic Order, Rotarian, Lions Club, Phi Alpha Delta and Beta Theta Pi fraternities; educated in the public schools of Cascilla and Charles- ton, Miss.; attended both literary and law departments of the University of Missis- sippi and has since practiced law at Charleston, IIiss.; served 1 year as school principal; elected to the Mississippi House of Representatives when 21 years of age and served one session; elected district attorney, at the age of 23, of the 17th District of Mississi pi (Tallahatchie, Yalobusha, Panola, Tate, and De Soto Counties) ; reelectedp district attorney twice and served in that capacity until elected to the 77th Congress at a special election; reelected to the 78th and each succeeding Congress, now serving 19th term; ranking member, Committee on Appropriations (Public Works, Agriculture, and Food and Drug and Related Agencies Subcommittees) ; author: "That We May Live," 1966. SECOND DISTRICT.-Cc Leflore, Lowndes, Monro (16 counties). Populr,tio, DAVID R. BOWEL at Houston, Miss.; son of Cleveland High Sch, M.A.; U.S. Army; Assi: College; Assistant Prof nomic Opportunity; U. for Mississippi; elected succeeding Congress; c Agriculture-member, Subcommittee; memb( mittees on Coast Guar, the Environment, and THIRD DISTRICT.-CouNi Davis, Kemper, Lauderd Rankin, Scott, Sharkey, Si GILLESPIE V. MO Meridian; B.S., Mississi conflict; former brigadi signed to Standby Res( Commendation Medal, tificate of Merit by An tional Guard Associati Mississippi Broadcaster Award, and Distinguist United States; member. University Alumni Ass, National Guard Associat prior to being elected t( resenting Lauderdale C. 1966; reelected to 91st , Services Committee and on Compensation, Pensi' Committee on Missing president of Congressior FOURTH DISTRICT.-CoUN Lincoln, Pike, Walthall, Wi THAD COCHRAN,] December 7, 1937; grad Mississippi 1959; J.D., Rotary Foundation Felb at Trinity College, Univ. 1959-61; admitted to b Rotary Club, 1970-71; Junior Chamber of Com the Year in Mississippi, State Bar, 1972-73; ma children: Clayton and KE reelected to each succeed FIFTH DISTRICT.-CObNTIES Pearl River, Perry, Stone, al TRENT LOTT, Rept Grenada, Miss.; son of 1 cagoule public schools an( served as field represents l aw alumni secretary of t) in Pascagoula in 1967 wit Congressman William M. Phi Alpha Delta legal fra; Association, the Masons, Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDPO1-01773R000100140003-6 sl Directory [S OF SERVICE EXPIRE IN 19 :1; Republicans, 11; Independent, 1] D. D. I. D. D. R. D. R. D. R. R. R. D. D. D. R. D. D. D. D. D. D. D. R. D. D. R. R. D. R. R. D. D. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDPO Houston, Tex. Fargo, N. Dak. Sophia, W. Va. Warwick, R.I. Lakeland, Fla. Tucson, Ariz. Mill Valley, Calif. Pittsburgh, Pa. Everett, Wash. Boston, Mass. Indianapolis, Ind. Honolulu, Hawaii Forsyth, Mont. New York, N.Y. Madison, Wis. Flint, Mich. Baltimore, Md. Nashville, Tenn. Rutland, Vt. De Kalb, Miss. Big Horn, Wyo. Westfield, N.J. Omaha, Nebr. Eastland, James 0.1 __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fMcClellan, John L.1__________..__ Magnuson, Warren G.'---------- Young, Milton R______________ Sparkman, John J.'_____________ Stennis, John C________________ Long, Russell B------ __________ Jackson, Henry M.'____________ Curtis, Carl T.'________________ Thurmond, Strom 3_____________ .Talmadge, Herman E----------- Proxmire, William______________ (Byrd, Robert C.'_______________ Cannon, Howard, W____________ Muskie, Edmund S____ Burdick, Quentin N.' ----------- Tower, John G________________ Pearson, James B______________ Kennedy, Edward M___________ McIntyre. Thomas J__ Bayh, Birch___________________ Inouye, Daniel K.'_____________ McGovern, George S.1 Ribicoff, Abraham A.' ---------- Nelson, Gaylord_______________ Byrd, Harry F., Jr_____________ Griffin, Robert P.1______________ Baker, Howard H., Jr---------- Brooke, Edward Hansen, Clifford P_____________ Percy, Charles H_______________ Hatfield, Mark 0______________ Stevens, Ted------------------ Eagleton, Thomas F____________ Mississippi --------- Washington --------- Dec. 14, 1944 North Dakota------ Mar. 12, 1945 Alabama ----------- Nov. 6, 1946 Mississippi----___-_ Nov. 5, 1947 Louisiana ----------- Dec. 31, 1948 Washington--------- Jan. 3, 1953 Nebraska___________ Jan. 1,1955 New Jersey--------- Jan. 3, 1955 South Carolina------ Nov. 7, 1956 Idaho______________ 1Jan. 3,1957 Georgia----------- J New York__________ Jan. 9, 1957 Wisconsin- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Aug. 28, 1957 West Virginia- _ _ _ _ _ _ Nov. 5, 1958 West Virginia_______ Nevada____________ Jan. 3,1959 Mai ne_____________ New Jersey_________ North Dakota------ Aug. Montana------;---- Rhode Island- _ _ _ _ _ _ J1 Texas______________ June Kansas_____________ Jan. Massachusetts------ New Nov. Hampshire----- Indiana____________ Hawaii-------------Ilro? 14 laaq Connecticut_________ Michigan___________I May 11, 1966 _ ^ I Jan. 3, 1967 Wyoming --------- Illinois_____________ Oregon_____________- Jan. 10,1967 Alaska_____________ Dec. 24, 1968 Missouri ----------- Dec. 28, 1968 8, 1960 3, 1961 15, 1961 31, 1962 7, 1962 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDP01-01773R000100140003-6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDPO1-01773ROO0100140003-6 232 Congressional Directory CLASS I.-SENATORS WHOSE TERMS OF SERVICE EXPIRE IN 1983 [33 Senators in this group: Democrats, 21; Republicans, 11; Independent, 1] Bentsen, Lloyd M_________________________ Burdick, Quentin N________________________ Byrd, Harry F., Jr------------------------- Byrd, Robert C___________________________ Cannon, Howard W________________________ Chafee, John H--------------------------- Chiles, Lawton____________________________ Danforth, John C_________________________ DeConcini, Dennis------------------------ Hatch, Orrin G___-___-____ _------ Hayakawa, S. I ------------------- Heinz, H. John, 3d______________________ Humphrey, Hubert H______________________ Jackson, Henry M_________________________ Kennedy, Edward M_______-__ __-__-- Lugar, Richard G______________ ---- Matsunaga, Spark M _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ Melcher, John _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Metzenbaum, Howard M__________________ Moynihan, Daniel P____-..__ --- Muskie, Edmund S________________________ Proxmire, William_________________________ Riegle, Donald W., Jr_____________________ Roth, William V., Jr_______________________ Sarbanes, Paul S -------------------------- Sasser, James R___________________-------- Schmitt, Harrison H____________________-__ Stafford, Robert T________________________ Stennis, John C___________________________ Wallop, Malcolm_____________ _------ Weicker, Lowell P., Jr---------------------- Williams , Harrison A., Jr___________________ Zorinsky, Edward------------------------- Houston, Tex. Fargo, N. Dak. Winchester, Va. Sophia, W. Va. Las Vegas, Nev. Warwick, R.I. Lakeland, Fla. Jefferson City, Mo. Tucson, Ariz. Salt Lake City, Utah. Mill Valley, Calif. Pittsburgh, Pa. Waverly, Minn. Everett, Wash. Boston, Mass. Indianapolis, Ind. Honolulu, Hawaii Forsyth, Mont. Shaker Heights, Ohio. New York, N.Y. Waterville, Maine. Madison, Wis. Flint, Mich. Wilmington, Del. Baltimore, Md. Nashville, Tenn. Silver City, N. Mex. Rutland, Vt. De Kalb, Miss. Big Horn, Wyo. Greenwich, Conn. Westfield, N.J. Omaha, Nebr. Eastland, James O. McClellan, John L. Magnuson, Warren Young, Milton R_ . Sparkman, John J.' Stennis, John C--- Long, Russell B___. Jackson, Henry M. Curtis, Carl T.' _ _ _ . Case, Clifford P.'__. Thurmond, Strom '_ Church, Frank ----- Talmadge, Herman Javits, Jacob K.'_ _ _ Proxmire, William__ Randolph, Jennings Byrd, Robert C.'___ Cannon, Howard, V6 Muskie, Edmund S_ Williams, Harrison I Burdick, Quentin N. f Metcalf, Lee ' _ _ _ _ _ Pell, Claiborne----- Tower, John G---- Pearson, James B - _ . 5 Kennedy, Edward M McIntyre, Thomas J Bayh, Birch __-_____ Inouye, Daniel K.'_ - McGovern, George S Ribicoff, Abraham A Nelson, Gaylord - - - - Byrd, Harry F., Jr_ _ Griffin, Robert P.'__. Hollings, Ernest F___ Baker, Howard H., J. Brooke, Edward W__ Hansen, Clifford P__ Percy, Charles H____ Hatfield, Mark O--- Stevens, Ted________ Eagleton, Thomas F_ Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/08: CIA-RDPO1-01773ROO0100140003-6