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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
November 12, 1951
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R009300080006-2 CLASSIFICATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATION RE-PORT COUNTRY Poland SUBJECT ?,ai lroad T:afosti PLACE ACQUIRE6 DATE OF INFO. CD NO. NO. OF ENCLS. CIRCULATE (LISTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 50X1-HUM 12 t1ov. 191 2 THIS DOCVt 0T 'O" AFRO IMt OTiMATiOM APPECRMOTTdI: tlATFOMAIDEFRp03 OP TIE tuiTED OT&TES Kl1T61R vat HTMOIN0 OF rail Esplomair AM be 6.0. PC.. Al AMD AZ, AS AMI MOS0. IT0 TVANSMMION OR TH6 REIBLA100n OP FTS GOMTEHTU IS ARV VAI`+MT@ TO AM SilA1ITHO88'SD PEOSOA Is P0O. OmITTEs 817 LAW. Im"WO00POTi OF THIS FOUR to PS012OWTE0. 1? Single track stretches of the Kostrzyn (Kustrin)-Gierdatir (Gcrdauen) rail-- road line wore being double-tracked bet ee and re, 50X1-HUM and 27 June and 4 July, 1951. I.. j the middle of ugu t, by rfiic_i ti:_ie the entire Kostrzyn-Oierdawy line would be o rated as a double track line. 2.. During V-zo aforcr,1ent:innecd periods, Russian en-listed men rrc;'e o.)eervcd laying 3. an extra to ep1iono cable alori;side the existing ovc:.hhcad railroad tole telegraph U Jtom folio r, : ? strctnh of ,n Ii L"!y to Pita (?raCt1Y? .~.dG:1~, 11 t terry ,~-~e1~2c? 50X1-HUM 1 oven=ally laid as far as toctr z the object of la? inc; this additional. line eras to provide a tnczvie o_ ec iun;:.cat .cn bct.:een the '.~usclan Tra:sport Staffs now located tat the rya: n Polish station: r; rL eh rras ~ependent of the existing railroad cora_nzrd.c:ations cyctem. bissian Transport Staffs are locatcd at the follcnr ng six tons: a. 7A'ran':2urt/C or-Brest Li tov ,k :1.oute '.baszynok (ttou Jcntschen) Poinan-- rana.7o Kutno Sochacczew ;!arnarr est and East `iiedlce Lukolv ?3ydgoszrcz (Bromberg) loran (litrorn) Pila (Schneidemtih1) Mm (*)eutsch "ylau) Olsztyn (nllenstein) Korsze (Korschen) b. Koatrzyn/Kietz- nierclairy route Kostrzyn kltstadt GorzoYM V7i--1kopo18ki. (Land; borf; an der /arthe ) 04 n CLASSIFICATION I NW X. I UM x x Fet Na CI angs In Class. D ifl feeIasslflc Class. Changfa Ti: TS Aadh.: Rf 30-2 Late: __5 '.z~.------- OR?_J Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R009300080006-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R009300080006-2 rf,IMOL - U.S. OFFICIALS ONLY SECURITY I:I OFD ITION CENT221L IIJTELLIGEIICE `.GEIICY 4. The Staffs usually consist of three or four officers to -whom the engine, drivers mint reports, in addition to reporting to the Polish authorities, upon arrival at their, station, There are also Russian NCO' s attached to each Staff whose task is apparently that of supervising the coaling-up of Brigade engines at these points, 5s Observations during early June 19.1>'l revealed that a hotel vld' ch lies imme- diately behind the station in Olsztyn had been taken over by the Russians. This hotel is guarded by Russian soldiers wearing red shoulder boards and it is generally presumed that the hotel 50X1-HUM houses a Russian Transport S r0 T/CONTROL - ".S. OFFICIALS ONLY Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/04: CIA-RDP82-00457R009300080006-2