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~~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/21 :CIA-RDP82-004578007100470004-2 GL.RSSiFlGATlON `Oaf . !~'7:C~.S DTd1 GENTl~AL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CUUM'R1? cesms,~y. (Rrass3Ean Z~,na) SUB,lECT .~~ l~u~. De~lot~ REPURII ~~ No? [SATE ifllSTR, 1~ A~,t?ch 1951 N?. U~' PAGES ~, NU' OF ENG!-S? 1 ?~~ 50X1-HUM crrsrea B>w~ow> firEtfT 16709}9AE@Si fii~'A@A7Wt1 &'1?FLbRtW94f9~ 47~T7dY9AL O~TIGNBE O! T61E ONITar? TAE 1TA[it OH TAE 6W?70RA6II ACT SCn tJ. $. C.. 5'A /~. 8i,- i8 kOiiMDBIA, t8A'pLh~8P8G1t981Q7! OD TA@ @6Ytt@.NTIOid ~' n1f1L Yl Ri@P 0 'T!f t8 ITAABTPFOFl3'~ P.6"BkSON 8Z HMr? ~++~EIOa9t dE t.WP'. mpg yR Tel 808E is &'itlpE3lty1T8p, THIS !S UNEVA~LUATE? lNFURNlATld~N :~ o a s a 3~rt~.~t de.~ot ea,.~t of the Soviet f~unl de~oto (1) ~` -50X1-HUM -- v ~uau.~ 4tir ,7,.t .L:1 Ut1tJ tYnro~a-scary Iauildin,_; ,just rrovt a_~ the :gain ~ate ~'12ore cr ~ F c ~ .~ y ocate.. ,Iuyt south o3 :,lbert I.rl~or in "?r~~sdarr (?J ~2/F ry~~ an~~~ contains nureerous stationarf Duel tanxc;;a 'hc entire cYeaot :~r;:~a rra:s uurro+anc?ed ~,~r a (once Ln 1:~to Octal~er any' *Zi.c?-idovezbcr l~>0, anc? the ward at the :~^xn ;;ate -.oro red-bor~Iercd I-;1acl: e~~au:L:;ts?,, :iCi1(~l ('3T?R tJratiwin:-r. >-:r7_t,,. ~..,..,. a z.q __,- -_--- - Dresden t~l}~srtha.fen Fuel '~e;~t. 1~ "'he Soviet Duel de?~ot an fiha former ~ro,~issos ai' Ln~ ;~lxoll and Standard. C ~- Car-r~anie ~ i ~" 1 ~ - Za~itV o,"-1C:t3 L" Cd:l~,. CL't?~';E? fi`T+nm +~ea+.-.n e.?F..,......-?7V/~I-fIUIVI l acee e thr ou;;h ~3Y'C;131i,'r x?trasse, U 50X1-HUM A fire e~ctxn ;u~.shxn~ aci~ony~~ration lvas held be~ore a ?raup of 20 :;ov~,c~c .-__ o~ficc;rs autUidc~ the daaot area, east of Yaf?itzcr Drid;e, on the %lbq ~, .ij.vor ba~L,, bet:~en 3430 a:ad !x:30 ~.m? :~'urninn fuel ~?ras crtin~uislied ~ _4 kr,~ :leans oa f'aar;! axon, vishers l4 ourteon railracacl tank cars ?rrerc ~~w.~.~,.a:. standing, an tha siciin;s ,just no: th os the Catholic comet?r,~, :~cl't1,Qife Fuel ~7epata 3~ After faici: Nave~~.~er, the secur~.~:=~ ^~caeures at t'~c~ ;;clzloi#"e (G ~2/~'1 71~) fuel de .sot ~rere ti~;Iatenec:o xll the ci~~ilian erorl.eru ~r?~viou.~l;~ e:a,~Zo;,~ad t~~crQ :sero :#.ischarCecl c?~arin t.le second :,:,L-`:' of .~otabero Jurin,; t'ie far; od fro: 20 to 2~ llove::~e~?, tha ue sot alas ~,~arded i,y a :~ovic~t dc;tai~. of 2~ rsen, Fran 200 to 2~;0 ^~r.~~a:~ y~olice, rak:out haL-: oi' thers z~o~n, r~~rvd ~.nto the :~ettlenont housQS at th~a t~restern c~xi?~ of tlzQ tom abut tlio enc?, of "dovcral.~er a2? tha bt3g~,riri-iT~; of Decor.-ber, Ger:3ar1 police arx?. cri Final ~~7olice ~a:?rotaranol :rho :rare alua quart;:rcd in ?;,he set~t~lez~ent houv,~a~ con--- tinuall;~ checlcal all the stroets and c_?irt raad.a noar tha cle_~ot.~.e ~e~? condar~,~ roads Troia Grassucben anc? T.,iosl:au to Sc?ileife tirero ~sluc?cod to r ~~ ~~ - ,_ . d ~ , v, ~ :_ ~ :~ ~ ~: ~s s ~ ~...~ a~.~ ~ ~-~ STATE tdAW AR09Y ~ AIR CLASSlFlCATlQN ~ll~!'fC?NTROY. - il,S. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/21 :CIA-RDP82-004578007100470004-2 DCUi+1ViS G.t. LL1C-' ~orz area ar~x r d d ? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/21 :CIA-RDP82-004578007100470004-2 S~3CA~/CO1q~A0L .?' t1. So C~'FIC IALS 01~1LY C Zt11T~::~~~CE A~iFNGY V'elten Fuel. Ne-sot m ..~,o._.~.~,~.:~, !~~ fo3.lo~tinf; observations ~rere made at the ~lelten (S~ x,3/2 GG} s.tchi.n~; s~~~.tion from 1!~ ~daver~ber to 10 Decea~berr am On 2~, :~ovember~ a train of 3~. fue;l tank cars and ~. bo:scar?, ~nJhich ~ae~ ~+,t~rded b~,~ t~vo soldiers ~reArin~ red 1~ordered t~laek epaulets 8x~d i?~i~x? rai 1 ^oad ~olicea Baas standin;; tx~t~aeen the ~pe~.ten ar~d ~joYc~.asehoe~ai~~~ railroac' stati;~:~z, ? fuel tazx~: ears of this tr.,, ~n had alread~r been dispatchee3 to the arm fuel depot o bm C: 19 I`7ovembop-?, ~9 .fuel tanl> cars a.nd 2 ~~oxcars ,vere oar?~ed on ;;?~e sidin~s~ ~;~iarded bar an ~P senior lieutenant,, I~. soldiers tiro ,f them vrith .? i~ht bloc epaulets the other t:JO x?od-tuordered h3ac1;; e~joata7.?~ts? and. three railroad ~o1~.cea r.< A train of ;9 erffpt~ fuel tank ears and a.n escort; coach left the s~itchin~ sta~cion o1~ 20 Novc~rnber. do On .21 Novc~sliex?, a train of 1~?3 full i'uel tank cars arriveds warded bar soldiers Nearing crimsor~ epau? et:;. ea On 22 N~rember, a total of 13.9 f~zel tank cars, the i number of 1~.te1. ta~vk czars obsea^~ac. to dates per o observed a t the ~lelten rail- . road stations 11dc'titional f.'uel tantt cars Deere set,n at the armor and afr force fuel tank do;xJts o fo Dn 3 ~eoember., lII fuel tank cars crax?e standing at ?i;ho Volten rai~,road stationo Additional taut. cars ware seen on sidings bet~oeen the Velter anc~ Nohenschocr~pin#;en raailroad stations, g~ On 10 ~cer~ber, a train. of 3~ .fuel tang. cars a~n.:l a~~ escort coach ryas 50X1-HUM on a siding bast;~en Vel.tez? znd ~lohenschoe;~pingen, Tmro soldier rerc~~ved fi,he old shinp~fit labels and attached near ones bearing the in uC~?Lj3t1o}3 rrel~~tUr from 7et.ten to ~b,rf (~Zgbm ~ 1'~u~elsb~iarg)v Six fuel ax~y"a enQ eras n the titickers f.:xed on the tank cars, inn ;:t~~ty trat.n of_ duel tank cars left on ~ecembar a full tra~.n ~t~c~-r?~.vec?, 50X1-HUM Leo traira.s i of fuel; oars ar?~zve ev~ex^; T t^~~: a tho fuel de?9o Ass a ~~{, f The _~`0l3' ~rere 0 at the arm sertion of the Velten 50X1-HUM fuel de~s~t bet~en ~ ` over~er a;~d " 0 ~ece~iber 1950: as On 3_~. l~ovemb~:rs f:tve tan? car3 Keith shipping labels bearing the in-- scr_i.~tion ~f3'am ~'rankfur,%/Oiler to Qaltentt arrived at the depot4 The oer~~onn;:l af? the svitchin~; loconotiv~es, escorted by t~aJO soldierst tivho wore red ~aordex ed bla ck ~et~aulets, and ttiro railroad Ali ce ~ lverca received by a lieutenant nearing ;olden epaulets with red stripes and a t~lack hand arotrxsd l~.s ca~~o Trucks observed at the deA~ot ~rsad~ nth sight 200-liter barrels; roc with 20 liter containers; and. t_~?trck ~itYi trailer' both lc+acled Frith t~vo ~Ofl-liter containerso b o Nine:. rai ].road tank c~ rs, ~~ and truck the 50X1-H U M latter load~:d ~-e~~.~ht 2~~0~-litex? barrels, va'ere observed at .the depot d o .~sn~,?ty truck tank cars a:~d five boy;ca:~?s ~rere standing on a second sidl.raga The vnard ~nterai the de~7ot on 3 Aecember 3.;~~O~ 50X1-HUM the ins?.lla Lion on lt7 IlecercI;r carr?srin ~sarrelss left Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/21 :CIA-RDP82-004578007100470004-2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/04/21 :CIA-RDP82-004578007100470004-2 S~Ra~T f CONTROL ?? IIu S, OFF YC IALS CNLY CEI~TrRAj. Il~ITI~.LIGENCE AGENCY .~~ 6a The following observations ~rero made at the air Force section of the. Velten fuel deoot between lI~ ~over~ber and 10 I?ece*etber 195th: 50X1-HUM a~ l