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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360475-5 ~ ~~ CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIAL C/~~~~~~~~~1~~~ CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY REPORT INFORMATIGN FROM FOREIGN DOCUMENTS OR RADIO BROADCASTS CD N0. SUBJECT Economic - Light industry HOW DATE PUBLI~IED LANGUAGE PUBLISHED 22 Aug - 19 Sep 1950 Albanian TNIS DOCVY [NT CONTAIN! IX IOlYAT10X A!/[CTIN! TXl NATIONAL D[1[N ){ O/ TN[ UXIT[0 [TATtS WITNIM TNt Y[A YIMD Of U/IO MAO[ ACT t0 V. S. C? SI AMO St. A! AYtND[0. li! TRA NS YISlIOM OR TN[ R[Y[LATIOM 0/ ITS CO NT[NT3 IN AMY MANNIR TO AX UNAUTN ORIL [0 /[Rl ON Il /RO? Nllli[D lT LAt. R[/RnDUCTION OS TNIS /ORY I! /RO NI[IT[D. DATE DIST.c2oZ. Nov 1950 NO. OF PAGES 2 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION SHOE?FACTORY IMPROVISES NEEDED E UIPMENT; EXPAND CROP-PROCESSING FACILITIE3 MAKES OWN PRECISION TOOLS -- Tirana, Puna, 22 Aug 50 A ahortage of high-precision spare parts has been in evidence in the shoe factory is Tirana since the beginning of August 19'", These tools were not made is Albania heretofore. Because c?~ the ahortage, a large proportion of the ma- chinery in the factory was beginning to drop out of service. As a result, the plan was not being fulfilled and quality was falling. The management reported this critical situation and requested the neces- sary parts from.the Ministry of Industry, but the order hen not been filled thus far. In March 1950, a technician at the factory, Piro Nushi, installed a new unit of 23 Soviet "Kalenina" machines, replacing an old unit of tea machines, to raise production in the factory. He made a new and improved transmission which developed more revolutions per mimite. Then, after many experiments, and using the limited facilities available at the Factory, he made a new chrome-steel spindle ~athe?] of the same precision as the orl.ginal. Nushi also overhauled, for the first time, a machine for sewing soles which was out of service because many of its parts were worn out sad could not be re- placed in the absence o? a spindle. He also made another spindle and a great many other new tools. NEW FACTORY TO PROCESS COTTON -- Tiretta, Baehkimi, 6 Sep 50 Fier (Albanian Telegraphic Agency) -- A factory for ginning and processing cotton ie now under construction is the vi'??ity of Fier. This factory will handle cotton from the Lushn,je, Valona, and other districts for the Stalin Com- bi>$e which under construction in Tirana. ARMY AIR ~(~~ NSRa DISTRIBUTION ~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360475-5 -1- CLASSIFICATION CONFIDENTIA*ti Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360475-5 r ~ The factory will be built on a site 10,500 square meters in area. The grounds will contain an industrial area and workers' housing. According to the plan, two factory warehouses, a power plant, and the main factory building will be under construction this year. The rest of the project will be finished in 1951. At present the foundations of the two warehouses and the power plant for the factory have been laid, The walls of the factory proper have been started, and building materials for further construction have been procured. TO BUILD RICE-HULLING FACTORY -- Tirana, Baehkimi, 5 Sep 50 Valona (Albanian Telegraphic Agency) -- Work began a few days ago on the construction of arice-hulling factory which is being built with Soviet aid in the city of Valona. The factory will occupy as area of 20,000 square meters, and will process about 300 quintals of rice daily. Thus, it will be able to handle all the rice grown is Albania. Part of the construction will be completed this year, the remainder in A sum of 26 million lek has been allocated for the project. The "Perlat Rexhepi" State Building Enterprise has accepted the contract. RESUME SUGAR PRODUCTION -- Tirana, Puna, ly 3ep 50 Korce (Albanian Telegraphic Agency) -- The "Ali Kelmendi" Sugar Factory in the city of Korce renamed operation on 1~+ September. During the idle off Bea- son, repairs wexe made on the machinery. This year 53 women are employed in the factory, ea compared with only 30 last year. The crop purchase of sugar beets is proceeding more regularly than last year, and quotas have been met since the first day. The motor pool is doing a good ,job of transporting sugar beets +.~ the factory, in accordance with its con- tract. -~~61~~fQ~ ~~ r~dA1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/22 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600360475-5