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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/07 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600240457-8 e CENTRAL iNl'ELLIG AGENCY IP3FORMHTION FROM CO[fNTRY Us~t SUBJECT Ecanomic'- Petroleum in0!xc?tty HOW PUBLISHED ' Lhily nerez+apere ~11HERE 'PUBLISHED DATE PUBLISHED G1NGUAGE 22 ~Y:'- 10 Jan 1949 wis oaaoaar unpl+n vwrouanoe urarnw~ non una~u atmaa~ a n1a aalna IPan1 nnllx Pal ^Iauaa oP unoaaac acr Ie a. a. c.. al Iap a1, u Swlaala. Inl TI.La1a111101 011a1 i1Plunoa O/ 1'11 LOanlawl la AaT aY1aa t? Aa YII.Yn1ai1R1 maiQa It IMO alalnla aP Law. a1m/HrnFa OP i11/ Poaa If IroaIIIMI., SOURGE . , EPOR7~ Cf) N0. DATE OF INFORMATION 1949 DATE DIST.~S Jul 194 Nq. OF PAGES. 2 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT.NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION PS'PRaLSiTri PRODUCTIOA Il9PR07ED; SALE R>lBTRICTl~ BAffil OIL FISLDB UP OOTPUT ~- batloedy Ltaboohiy, Ro 102, 27 >!~I% 49 A, P. Sernsev, hand of the "Asneft?' Aeeoointion, reports that tho 'Bnsovgyoeft?" Truat ie g:odncing mat's petroleum nor than ever before. `~ort:crs oY the tract heve plsRged to prodnoe 15,~d tone of petroloum above plan this year. xnterpriees is Stnlinetiy Rgvoc, chile aot putting any neu cells into ageratioe, ba~~e raised prodaotioo b- improvlag the caploitstion of eYieting re11e and reactivating noaproduo?ng aelleo Produatlon in some eeotcre ie lagging eeriouely~ Five of the seven fields in Molatovetiy Rayon did not fulfill the 4-month plnn~ 31nce the firm of the year, 39 wells havo been put out of oommieeion beoauee of teohno-? logfoal fnilnree and repair de.taye~ During the same period, 53 cells in the 8nrathany ftelde ceased prodnolug, onueing a total dn11y lose of 315 tone of petroleua. The Leninneft? Trnet Se producing uneatiefsatorily> During Juae, the Apeoaiation plane to put 264 SnnaY.ive velle back into prodaotion~ Batinetiy Rnboohiy -- Ao 112, i0 Jun 49 All petroleum fields of St4ltnekiy Rayon are fulfilling their pleoe. Field Ro 6 fulfilled 102.$ percent of its daily plan yesterday and field Bo 1 ie operating 4 percent above plan, The Bag~nnovioh Petroleum Trnet continnee to lag in ita petroleum-eatrnotion taste. The trnet hue decreased its output since 1 June. STAN NAIY AAMY AIR- - 1 - 0ll~wSIFICATiON _ _ NSR9 I ~ DISTRIBUTION 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/07 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600240457-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/07 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600240457-8 aOR'YaV FZgE.De Tqr DItILIaA(3 PLA1C3 __ $esekhat .:,eloiya. Freese,.. 190 109, 7 San 49 ~rilliag brlgadee of the SneblQSr Petrolei:m Field har? eignifia~antly ex. aeoded the Maya'tae9c!on axploitatiop dri111rsge. One bri~do annk e. deep sell at an,arernge epaed of dG0 oaeLe;? per +msohine-month, xinni:.,~ a drilling ooagpetltlone' The SnachaSyl Fetrol?um Field nlea exoeeded Ste May drilling Plano Hg{i: RBBfHICTY?H Og PLP1tOLffiSM, sALB -- 1Craanoye Znso4ya, Po 119, 22 May 49 3'ha Prlswrakly B;sap Ad,niai~f.ration of "Glarnei`:aebyt" (Alain Adminietration . ,of Petroi.eam Bales) nnaounoea that beginning l Ja9y, all consuadre of petrolepm prodaots meet equip their automobile tanks dad iron draae stn derides thnt will enable theca to te.etamped. Fetroleun'prodaots xi 11 oct be nlloved,to be tmhen iromi bemee of ,"Gi.a~nefteebyt"`in contaSaere FhYoh oncinot be stampede ~ikhnokeansbsars Zreeda, lie 12$, 28 Mai 49 The lmabaroeek Pe$roleaar pass annoanoee to all o0 prodaote tbat beginning 1 Daly 19b9'snle 'of petrolena naumere of petroleum produ6ts in contnYaere. whioh are not egaipped for stamping wi1L not be'peraf.ttede ; ~eglnniag 15 Ma, ooneaaeers wha ostnin -ethyl gasoline from the bees' suet 'have apmoinl olotktpg9 sooorfling'to inatrnotaneseete,blfehed for a1,1 min~etrlse~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/07 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600240457-8