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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/28 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600220930-5 GAUNTRY CLASSlFICATiON r ?, 1; CENTI .INTELLIGENCE AGENCY iNFQRMATI4N FRAM FCIRE6GN PJc)CUMENTS AR RADIO BR?ADCASTS SUBJECT $coaamic - P]aa fu7~illmeat Haw 6'U9LISHEp ]b:ily aeyrepaper INHERE PUBLISHED Baku, Azerbaydsbea 96R `DATE E'UBLI3liED 30 den 1949 LANGUAGE Ruselan tine mel~raati aoliwaR earautewe Ila~aenaa tiMR Renasu ovmaaR ar tine aRlro ssrtu >rm11e 9otR rtiulw or pnoaue: per: w n. n.,C. 61 ARa aR.9a Atlaaap. In tiwnnanoR N tiNR a[fRYT10a @@~~ 11n CaW1inR 111 anti ^RCaRn w Yb1aYRORIfYO pa00a In. rRo- Mama R ue. ureaaemoa o/ ~ule aon w neaRlns.,` ' =PORE CD ND. DATE OF . INFORMATIpN 1948 DATE FIST. /? gg~y 1949 NO.OF PAGES 5 SUPPLEMENT Tp REPORT N0. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMAtION Aaocrding to the 3tatistias Adninietratioa as the Aserbp~ydchsn ffiR, ipdneit'y of ths?rerublia aowplsted the 1948 p]an for g"oas paodnatian 102 percent, xith regablia and raycn indnatry aaa~plstbng the gran production plea 101.1 percent, H9~IS~er, for n aaasidsntble nua~sr of basic psodnats the year plna vas not fu].tilled. Goss praduatian in 1948 szaeedsd the 1947 figiae by 13 percent. Bnta'pa'isee of indiridnal Aiaietrisn and departsante fulfilled the 1948 'grw? pradnotiaa p]sa ae fol~oes: P oat IlLnistry of Petrolena Iadnstry 102 lflallatry of Eleati"ic Power P]ant? 100,9 1[taistry of Chaaipal Industry 128.4 1[iaistr,- of Eleotrioal Iaiwltry 83.5 !tlnistry of Antaawbile and Tiaatar Industry 104,8 1Baistry of Oonstrnctian ItatariaL Iadnstry 100,2 luring Bepublio enter prises 116,8 Ataistry of TiADer Industry .88.9 lttaistr,~ of .Tert:le Industr y 104,7 11laistry of I,tght Industry g6, 3 -fib ~e -T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/28 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600220930-5 50X1-HUM Ministry of Fieh Industry including Republic enterprises yn~~ i ;;~.0 Ministry of Meat and hairy Industry 1G3 including Fepublic enterprises 101.7 Ministry of Food Industry 105 3 including Republic, oblaat, and rayon ente.rprisea 105.6 Ministry of Gustatory Industry lOl.~a including Republic, oblaet, and rayon enterprises 100.5 Ministry aP Local Industry lOr.l Ministry of Automobile Transport 115.E A.dmiaistration of Trade Co-operatives Imallds' Co-operatives j.;;,~. ~;~?, Administration for Po1,g~aphy and .Publishing 1G4.? The Ministries of Petroleum Industry, Constructiaa Materials industry, Teztile'Induetry, Light Industry, Meat sad Dairy :Industry, Food Industry, Gustatory Inluetry, and Local Ind:atry, and the Invalids' Co-operatives, failed to fulfill tie plan for mnr~v important types of products. The 1948 plan for gross produatioa vne flxlfilled ar ezoeeded by 2 petroleum-extraoting trusts, 7 petroleum refineries and 25 metal-varkiag enterp~rieee of Ministry of Petroleum Indwstry; by 11 enterprises of Ministry of COnetruction Materials Industry; by 2 enterprises of Ministry of Timber Industry; by 17 enterprises of Ministry of Teztile Industry; by 9 enterprises of Minis+ay of Light JAdustry; by 8 ante iaea of Min ova~sft , "?luzova9aeft'," "gergezneft'," "Kirovnbadneft'," "Sinz~n'aeft'," end `ifeftecha].._- neft'" Petroleum Truete; the Ship-Repair Plant imeai Ynae 9turua; Bnkn Sleetrs- ~aeohnnioal Plant; the Kiro-nbnd, IDubiaakiy, Znkntaly, nod Pukhinekiy Brick Plante; the Biaegndy Stage Quarries; the Chichiaekly Snvmill' the Iamnillinekiy Timber Management; mntoh factory; oloth factory; the Pornahenakiy, Yavlakh, ash IIdzhnry Cotton-Ginning pler~te; the Saving Fa^tory lmesi 36 go?leenrw; Shoe Fnotery Ho 'Y "Aztrikotezh" (Azerbgydzhnn inittinet) Combine; the Yalema, l~ndat, Bhachmes, Divichi, 1(yzyl-Burua, and ApeLaroa Fieh Plante; the ice- oream factory; the Baku City Dairy; the biscuit factory; "Azduztreet," the nacblc~hoiic beverag9e plant; the Baku and Kirovabad ~laat rdminietrntions o* "Azsavkhestreet" (3zorbgydzhen Sovkhoz Trust), and ethers. The 19bFi plar. for output of mayor products vas ne follows: rPr istry of Fieh Industry, by 29 enterprises of Ministry of Mont and Dairy Industry; by 32 enterprises of Ministry of Food Industry; by 24 eaterpsieea of Ministry .,f Gustatory Industry; by 8 enterprises of Miaiet_~y of Local Industry; sad by 5 enterprises of Ministry of Antamobile `.reaepaa~t . Among those fnilirg to fulfill the 1948 plan Her,: "Helot ' " Fulfillment of 48 Dian (%)_ 48 in '~ of 47 Petroleum 93.3 10x.3 Anturnl gas 86.L 97 filectric power 100.b lli S Sanitized Copv Approved for Release 2011/06/28 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600220930-5 _ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/28 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600220930-5 50X1-HUM i Dr1211a~ machiixee ,> 10~i,7 108.3 Fump'piretoa tads (naeoenaya ehte.nga) 128.7 147.8 fps for areil caeiag 1007.6 113.7 free=bJede chive-ls 83 305.4 ~Ydrebhloric said 71 255.8 8ulitsic sale 106.3 116,1 Lhv,tlc soda 103.$ 115.2 Ceiomffit 103,2 112 1a01uding p~t:g8ize8 (taa~po~a3~yy) Dement 11]..1 128.8 ~S1ak SdR;k 125,1 I~ae 92 128 $auilaag of food. 57.9 86,8 ~iada+r glebe 126.7 142 Cotten fiber 100. 114,9 Cotton fsbrio 107.3 119.6 Yoolen fabrio 7g~7 yy,8 Sills fAbric 98.2 110.9 shoes 86.5 113.7 Bard leather goods 95.1 99.3' 8oeiery prodaate 80.3 128.2 l~nitted outer veer. 62.3 66.7 lrnitts8 ~mderrce~r ;84.4 158.8 mat 104.6 113.4 Meh catch 81.2 88 ~~ asl 94.8 119.6 Ye~etable oil 103.1 128.5 Confeaticgery products 95.4 131.1 1ka-roni products 100.9 122.4 'ape vine 62.9 76.5 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/28 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600220930-5 Oigsrettee 8f:;.`i Smoking tobacco 97,5 Salt l7.7 The 1948 plan for grain harvest xas fulfilled '100 percent, Only 93 percent of the plan for combine harvesting wee completed, The plan for tpareabing rdae completed 100 percent, but only 85 percent of the plan for vim,sewing by d+ilu Lhreshing machines van completed. The plan for tobacoo picking vas Pulfille8 115 percent, On7,p 8? percent oP the cot tan picking plan, 99.5 percent of the plan for socaing winter grains Por harvest in 1949, end 83 percent of the plea for ploughing were completed. The plan for the seed stock for sc-r grain crops was fulfilled 104 percent, MTSe fulfilled the pine Por tractor tl.iling 109 percent and the fourth- QQua,rter plan for fell-winter repairs was fulfilled lO0 percen?. Divichinskiy, imnge3.anekiy, Eakhsle:iy, '9'nrtaehenskiy, Delokmekiy, 2nkntal?gkiy, had Ehiziaekiy Rayons are lagging in the eoMing of xinter crops, The year plan for the de- centralQsed p~oduotioa of epasrg parts for tractors aced agricultural machinery .vas fnl.4i11ed 182.2 peroent. The plea for tractor parts alone was fulfilled. 197.1 peroent. The 1948. pinti foe' average dal ay freight hauling on Republic railroads Mae fulfilled 100.5 percent. The plan for hauling flour was completed 159 (,~). Oal,'gl percent of the plea for hauling aonatructian materidle, '~6 percent of the play icx hauling aement~ 60 peroent of the plan for hauling grain, and 85 peroent of the plan for healing oottcn fiber n~ raw cotton, were oompleteL. Average tinily hauling during 1948 exceeded the 194? figure by 13,9 peroent. The Cnepian TnnYer Fleet completed 90.7 percent of the 1948 ylan for tone and 91.6 peroent for ton-silos. Compared Wilk lgb7, towage use up 3.:1 psrasnt and ton-miles were up 3.7 percent in 1948. The Adaia~etration Por the Development of Small Rivers for Transport, Soviet of MiaUten Aaerbnydshen SBR, completed 90.6 pe-rount of the 1948 freight plea for tonnage and 89.5 peroent for tarn-miles, The 19%-$ plan for ~ ipYtal oonstruotioa vas 89.9 rercent, of whiou ~ .ia~n ea-tsrpr3sae completed 9u.3 peroent of their plan ani Republia enterprises 83.2 peroent. The various sinistries fulfilled tae 1948 capital oonstruotion plea ~s follow in peroent: Ministry of State Forme, 202; Ministry of Fieb Industry, 123; Ministry of I.ooal Industry, 108; Ministry of Mast nail Dsiry Industry, 103; Ministry o2 Food Industry, 102; Ministry oS Light Indust:, 101y Miinistry of water soonosp, 84; Ministry of Agriculture, 82; Ministry of CosRt~ s`~n~', h9; Ministry of Coaetruotian Mateeials Industry, 65; Ministry of Autoaobile Transport, 6T; Ministry oS Health, 58; end Ministry of Educnticn, 53. Individual trade systems fulfilled the 1948 plan for trade turnover ae folloves Retail Tiede Turnover of Public Turrnover IDstlaa Enter~risee anitized --~~ ~ ~~~~---_ ._.. --~---- -- ...--~-- . _.... --~ -- -----~ ~------------ - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/28 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600220930-5 ~ .. ,R _-~ Azex~UeyBshen Bureau of Fancy Grocery Stores Elnkia t%emtb2'87. Store Mtilitaxy Ccy?ieeary tlldsiti~e 'i'E~de Caaan9:eeary Aze2?t,+aydlEhi~ Bureau oP Raidr~d Heatauraste wzex?ittitnk Aterbaydzhan Fish Con?uviA1^o'i~ion ~ (W~ters" 8upp1~ A~laietx?ation) of ?e~a,ft" .~iti~ ~& 'ot 1?Atr~tteLaY~" Aeeoaint3oa (iiorlearr'gupply Bectiox~, of "Miageahsur~ gesrt~roy" (Nf~sohrxiager Co~truatiao) ~'"Hrasnn~a Zreala" Strafe Regional ?prat .,P]enL AIB ~ Textile Iadttetry ~ of ALerbegdshau Rsilroa3 ~ aS piye-rollipg s!L' ORB ~ Aas~ba7Aahtn 1[nittias Colbipe ORB 02 MinLtry of Cmstruntiien i$tetia~.e Zainetsy ~dainiete+at:m of Ts~de Co-ope~titee, Soviet ~ !tlnistero AserbsyQsbaa 88R Ia~ali~' Co-operiti~ee Rt8 ad "7~pn~cotroy" Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/06/28 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600220930-5