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Approved For Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP91-00587R000100590028-9 :IT;rLE APP EARS ON PAGE 4/? WASHINGTON POST 45 February Analyses' Rejection Called POlitical Knight-Ridder A top intelligence analyst who quit the Central Intelligence Agen- cy after Director William J. Casey altered one of his secret reports on Mexico contends that Casey and Pentagon officials consistently re- ject analyses for political reasons. In a magazine article, John Hor- ton said Casey dismissed his esti- mate of the number of Cuban sol- diers on Grenada-later verified by the U.S. forces that invaded the is- land in October 1983-because it did not support the administration's hard-line views on the Cubans. Horton also accused a senior Pentagon official of rewriting a mil- itary analyst's report on weak- nesses in the Salvadoran armed forces and charged the administra- tion with a string of intelligence fail- ures, including the Grenada inva- sion and the mining .of Nicaraguan harbors, which he said the intelli-' gence community would have ad- vised against had it been asked. Horton, a top CIA operations of- ficer from 1948 to 1975 who was chief Latin America officer in 1983 and 1984 for the National Intelli- gence Council, which prepares for- eign intelligence estimates, made his accusations in this month's For- eign Service journal. The article accuses Casey of dis- approving the Grenada estimate be- cause it minimized the number of Cuban forces on the island and did not support administration claims that the Cuban-built airport there would be used for military pur- poses. Horton also wrote that a confi- dential study prepared by a military analyst in 1984 was rewritten by.:a Pentagon official because- it, "con- tained a discussion of the Salvador- an armed forces' weaknesses." Hor- ton said the official was "heavily in- volved in. supporting : the, armed forces of El Salvador."- ,71 The revision, Horton charged, was.typical of the practice of some administration officials to suppress internal discussion of tough, issues. . Approved For Release 2011/03/15: CIA-RDP91-00587R000100590028-9