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Approved For Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP90-00845R000201140003-7 VV _L -ii-ii n iLal IOU DON'T BE T00 SURE . Maybe you're right . . . Maybe Ronald Reagan will make America great again . . . but look at the other side for a moment--just for the purpose of argument. Within hours of Ronald Reagan's landslide victory, David Rock- efeller's Trilateral Commission moved to surround and capture the new President-elect. The Trilaterals were joined by the New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, ABC, CBS and NBC News. This consortium of Internationalists has now developed a battle plan that is close to victory . . . victory over 1~onaTd ffeaan, - vic-tory over America and victory over YOU. And what's worse is that the American people will never know the truth, so long as the ultra-liberal, socialistic national news media is controlling the news you read in your paper and the news you see on your television set. For them, an ignorant American and a misled American is the best news of all. What they are doing to Ronald Reagan will never be reported in the national news media. But it is being reported in The SPOTLIGHT: the most authoritative and important weekly newspaper in America today. Already a million Americans read The SPOTLIGHT each week--to learn the truth. In the few months since Ronald Reagan was elected President, Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission has moved to continue dictating America's foreign policy. Is it any wonder to discover that Henry Kissinger's protege Al- exander Haig is now Ronald Reagan's secretary of state? Henry Kissinger disagreed with Ronald Reagan on every aspect of America's national defense. And yetE K i s singe-Is m a n Hai is now secretary of state in Ronald Reagan's cabinet. Approved For Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP90-00845R000201140003-7 Approved For Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP90-00845R000201140003-7 -2- Think about that for a minute. How did it come to pass that Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States by attacking every point of Henry Kissinger's foreign policy position and now Henry Kissinger's man Haig ends up as secretary of state? Ronald Reagan fought Henry Kissinger's blueprint to give our canal in Panama away to a Marxist dictator. Ronald Reagan fought Henry Kissinger's Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty that would have given the Soviet Union nuclear superiority over America. Ronald Reagan took his vision of a strong America to the people. And the people elected him in a landslide. Ronald Reagan has supported the position of The SPOT- LIGHT since he entered political life. . . . And now Henry Kissinger is himself a "trusted advisor," even going on a secret mission to the Mideast for Reagan, according to The SPOTLIGHT. This is the first major victory of the Trilateralists over Ronald Reagan's administration, but you can be sure it won't be the last. And in economic, health and social issues, the Rockefeller Inter- national Cartel is on the verge of victory as well. As Managing Editor of The SPOTLIGHT, I am convinced that I must continue to publish the truth because, frankly, you cannot rely on the ultra-liberal socialistic national news media. That's why the Rockefeller Trilateralist dominated press fears The SPOTLIGHT. And with good reason. What makes The SPOTLIGHT so important to thinking Americans? The SPOTLIGHT, regardless of the consequences, publishes the truth! Just listen to the stories I am proud The SPOTLIGHT brought to the attention of an unknowing American public: Soviets Join Pace For Oil, CIA Warns Facts About Israel's Powerful Secret Police--the Nossad--and Their Activities State i)epartment Tells Red Cuba About Anti-Castro Activities in U.S. War in Persian Gulf "Planned" in America by Tri- lateral Commission 4 U.S. Soldiers, Israeli Planes in Persian War Approved For Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP90-00845R000201140003-7 Approved For Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP90-00845R000201140003-7 -.5- World Police Force Formed Soviets Launch Minerals War President Carter's Giveaway of One Million Acres of Oil in the Caribbean . . . The Rockefeller Cartel knows that controlling America's foreign policy is only half the battle. That's why the Internationalists have launched their final campaign to take over America's economy. With victory near, the Rockefeller Cartel will soon make Ronald Reagan an ineffective figurehead President. Just consider what the national press will not tell the American people: Vice President George Bush is a "former" mem- ber of Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission and is resvonsible for planning economic strategy Caspar Weinberger, secretary of defense and a longstanding Trilateralist, is also a senior economic advisor to President Reagan Paul Volcker, chairman of the Federal Reserve Board and a long time Trilateralist and lackey of David Rockefeller, is fast becoming America's economic czar * And David Rockefeller himself has publicly stated that he wants to "advise" President Reagan on economic issues. And we both know that what David Rockefeller wants, David Rockefeller gets! The handwriting is on the wall for America. And in large letters it says: THE TRILATERALISTS ARE IN CONTROL. What this means to you and your family can be simply stated: You will have higher taxes. You will continue to have double digit inflation. You will continue to pay outrageous interest rates. Only The SPOTLIGHT dared to report: Eurodollars Will Destroy Your Savings, Buying Power Energy Officials Play Games With Nation's Oil Reserves Western Bankers and U.S. Government Financing Polish Communism Approved For Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP90-00845R000201140003-7 Approved For Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP90-00845R000201140003-7 Even in the personal realm of health and your family's health David Rockefeller and the Trilateralists want control. Drugs that can help millions of Americans conquer cancer are banned. Drugs that can help dying children live are banned. For the senior bureaucrats at the Food and Drug Administration owe their loyalty to David Rockefeller and not to you and your family's health. Just consider what The SPOTLIGHT uncovered with its dynamic, investigative reporting: Bureaucrats Try To Halt Treatment Which Thousands of Multiple Sclerosis Patients Say Is Their Only Hope Anti-Cancer Drugs Unveiled in The SPOTLIGHT IFarents "core HEW Booklet That Promotes Teenage Drinking Four Cancer Patients Die As FDA Blocks Their Laetrile And The SPOTLIGHT tells personal stories, too. Stories of common people just like you and me who get trampled in the crush of Big Brother government. Stories that are too "commonplace" for the huge, impersonal com- munications conglomerates, and would be lost unless The SPOTLIGHT brought them to the public's attention: Tax Strikers Protest IRS Piracy, Vo1,7 lot to Pay Taxpayer Dies, IRS Muzzles Agents Who Saw Him Last During Audit Mother Jailed, Harassed for Teaching Her Kids At Home Taxpayers Target of "Deliberate Embarrassment" Boasts Secret IRS Memo OSHA Moves to Control Leasing of Businessman's Private Land IRS Agents Terrorize Epileptic Woman, Husband Five years ago, critics said a people-oriented newspaper like The SPOTLIGHT 6ouldn't survive. But today not only has The SPOTLIGHT survived, nearly one million readers depend on it to stay in stride Approved For Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP90-00845R000201140003-7 Approved For Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP90-00845R000201140003-7 -5- with an everchanging world. The SPOTLIGHT is not subservient to any interest-based pressure group which distorts the truth. You can depend on The SPOTLIGHT for its news-packed, informative weekly features that in each issue offer valuable insights and important observations: * "This Is Liberty Lobby"--Bob Bartell's roundup of the best scripts broadcast over the 465 stations that carry this great radio program daily. * "News You May Have Missed"--Capsule summaries of late-breaking news you should know, news the con- trolled press "forgot" to print. * "SPOTLIGHT On Finance"--Including columns by often- quoted economists like tax specialist Martin A. Larson and the highly respected C. Gordon Tether. The information this feature provides is vital to anyone's clear understanding of behind the scene events that shape our economy and can drastically affect your living standard. This feature alone is worth at least ten times the price of the whole paper-- think of it as a weekly financial newsletter you would pay $160 per year for. * "SPOTLIGHT On Congress"--An in-depth look at bills pending in Congress, bills that affect YOU, and how your congressman voted. "SPOTLIGHT On People"--A weekly full-page photo essay highlighting the newsmakers both big and small. * "Datebook"--A roundup of upcoming patriotic events unequalled in today's press. These weekly features are, of course, vital, news-packed and informative items. But besides all the advantages The SPOTLIGHT offers to you personally, our newspaper is important to you in a broader sense as well. How can we, as Americans, effect the reforms we want unless people are informed about the problems? The SPOTLIGHT has shown itself to be the only publication will- ing to buck the Establishment and bring you the real facts. The choice is yours: You can read The SPOTLIGHT and know the truth, or you can continue believing the misleading tales put out by the national news media. Don't you think you should know what the Trilateral Commission Approved For Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP90-00845R000201140003-7 Approved For Release 2010/06/11: CIA-RDP90-00845R000201140003-7 -6- has in store for America and your family? Don't you think you should have the inside story on the Ronald Reagan Presidency? You'd expect a weekly newspaper with everything The SPOTLIGHT has to offer to cost at least as much as the major weekly "news" magazines. But the subscrip:tio price is only $16 for 52 issues--and you can have your money back for all unmailed copies if we've misrepresented The SPOTLIGHT in any way! And if you act today we'll send you a free copy of The Trilateral Connec ion--a collection of authoritative articles whic ave appeared in The TLIGHT giving you all of the facts you need to know to understand this enigmatic group--PLUS a copy of the newly-released, 244-page book by James Farrell, The Judas Syndrome. These highly readable but informative works contain a list of the members of David Rockefeller's Trilateral Commission, the history of the TC from its beginning, the TC's goals, accomplishments to date and how its actions and programs tie in with the aim of SOCIALISTIC WORLD CONTROL. This invaluable information--absolutely authoritative and factual--will be sent to you for no extra cost when I receive your subscription. Without a doubt, The SPOTLIGHT is today's greatest value in news that affects YOU--and with a money back guarantee, you can only be glad you subscribed. Enclosed is a return-addressed envelope and an order form for your convenience in replying. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely yours, JPT/cag ~2