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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/16: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100340003-7 NF1,T YORK TIPES 17 February 1985 ~~iopoooeooooosobeooeooooeoooooooooaooooooornooooooeooeeoooooooooeosooooq t e FOREI GN.iNTE-LLI GENCE- _~ BOOK SERIES CAREERS IN SECRET OPERATIONS: How to Be a Federal Intelligence Officer - by David Atlee Pliffipi - David Atlee Phillips has created a very useful and. reliable guide for men and women who contemplate' p an intelligence career. He details the qualifications that the various federal intelligence organizations are looking for in their recruits; he offers practical advice on how to go about fording employment in secret operations in such agencies as the CIA, the FBI, the National Security Agency, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and the Secret Service, among others; and he describes what to expect from'these secret agencies-once a person is hired. ? - - 0 But Careers in Secret Operations is much more than just a "nuts- and bolts" summary. of job descriptions and application procedures. Phillips treats the ethics -and morality of secret operations and the dilemmas such activities raise for a free and open society. He, includes separate chapters on affirmative action programs and clandestine careers; opportunities for those without college degrees; federal retirement programs;-the special jargon of the intelligence agent; and a useful bibliography of further reading. Phillips haealso peppered his book with personal anecdotes and fascinating bits of information oo garnered during his twenty-five-year. career as a CIA operative and his postretirement work as a writer 0 and lecturer on intelligence matters. Careers in Secret Operations is thus both a reliable and an -entertaining o source for ways to find careers in the federal intelligence establishment. - . - " Careers in Secret Operations is a must for those Americans interested in joining any U.S. intelligence organizwion. -Richard Helms former.Director of Central InWilgence Phillips's clear, readable style, his disausion of ethics -and the excellent annotated bibliography put this a notch fl -above the average career book ? - Librwy Journal 0 List Price: S15 00 (cloth) FIBS Price: $10.00 - bs o S 0 E I N FRANCE: An Account of the Work of the British Special - Operations Executive FranCe, 7940-7944 -o by M.R.D. Foot .. l o S 0 E, the Special Operations Executive,-was- an independent British secret service, set up in July e 1940 and disbanded in January 1946. S'O E's task was to coordinate subversive and sabotage activity 0 against the enemy, even if necessary to initiate it In:every German-occupied country there were spontaneous 0 outbursts of national fury at Nazi rule.' S 0 E's objectives included -discovering where these outbursts o were, encouraging them when they were feeble,-arming their members as they grew, and coaxing them 0 when they were strong into" the channels: of greatest common advantage to the Allies. S ? O Es scope This it a unique and irmorkable book . It. j,s Jtot;artly the fast British history, -commissioned wader'gove nmeit auspic s mud based on offtdd xeords aof a. agnt service in titre of war,'. bra also the most masteidy, detailed - and imaginative account of all the hnphcationr-0f the conduct of clandestine operations, written by a trained mud' independent historian.. Mr ..Foots. meticulous and scrupulous account of these special operations, in their widest implications,-is-a new and particular contribution to those general historical controversies that enliven{, and ai tbnes darker, the study of the last war. -The Econounist . This book contains much that afresh and thriling, even to one familiar with most of the literature of the Resistance 4 -History Tode, --List Price: $29:50 (cloth). --FIBS price: $22.50 IN STALIN'S SECRET SERVICE by Walter Krivitsky WA a nep preface by William J. Hood, Author of Mole Walter Krivitsky's account of Soviet intelligence and espionage, which created ,a sensation when first published in 1939, tells many stories: it offers an "inside" look at Soviet espionage activities; it is - a personal indictment of Stalinist terror and a 'poignant (and self-accusatory) autobiography of one of Stalin's men; it-is a story told against the backdrop of the Great Purges, the Spanish Civil War, and Hitler's mounting aggression in Europe; it is the portrait of the birth of a new international order. William Hood's new preface places the work in its political and historical perspective as one of the indispensable books in the fields of intelligence, Soviet studies, and twentieth-century international politics. Reviews of the Gust edition (1939): - No matter where you stand on the question of Soviet politics, you are going. to want to read In Stalin's Secret Service. --The Nation pro One of the most valuable, most interesting, and at'-the same time one of the most frightening books of our epoch. mew Yorker Lo List Price: $24.00 (cloth). FIBS Price: $19.00 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/16: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100340003-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/16: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100340003-7 It is one swdy of intelligence that merits that often overworked term.?':defanitive. carciully and painstakingly charts this long and complex history, from its pre-World War II intelligence roots, through the eventful record of the Office of Strategic Services, to its culmination in the,IVational Security Act of 1947, which established today's Central Intelligence Agency. dramas=the slow and sometimes painful genesis of a central intelligence headquarters in the U-S Troy, Originally. conceived as an'"in-hawse" study for' employees of the CIA, Thomas F. Tray's Dorwvmt-- A History of the Establishment of the Central lntelllgencI Agency DONOVAN AND THE CIA: p Donovanand the CIA is an invaluable study-aitthoritative,_readable, and thoroughly documented-of America's entry into the business of professional intelligence: I. . -Arthur Schlesinger, Jr. List Price: $29.50 (clo 1. FIBS Price: $22.50 ~' (cont. an fouowt g pige) i '_~DOOGO000000000000000000.O.OQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQOOODQQOQGO000000.OGOO.OG tooooceasboiQoOtt+ooooooooobop oooooaosael?ooQoo~sti~oo~oeetfoaooQOOQeeec YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE: Memories ot?ian Fleming rvis A.v? t - _ O b y followers with his dashing, mysterious, and sometimes' ruthless behavior. But.the man who imagined o ,and crafted Bond's legendary exploits, the creator of 007-lan Fleming-is unfortunately less well known, c though he enjoyed an adventurous and exotic life of his own. ?p In You Only Live Once, now published in America for the first time, Ivar Bryce provides a fascinating o picture of the many-sided Fleming. B,rycc was one of the few men admitted to real friendship with o Fierning. a partner of his life* and work. From his early years at Eton and Oxfofd to his work in p naval intelligence to his fame as super-spy novelist, Fleming trusted and-depended on the confidence o and support of his long-standing friend, professional colleague, and enthusiastic fan. a, You Only Live Once is the history of a long and close friendship; the portrait of a frurful partnership o o f in terests; a vivid account of clandestine intelligence operations in World War 11-including the surprising o story of a forged Nazi map of South America, authored by Bryce and accepted as genuine at the o highest levels of the American intelligence establishment; and an "inside" look ai the career and literary a habits of one of our time's most popular novelists. u You Onlt Live Once is "must" reading for those interested in the modern legend of James Bond, o age-it 007, and the real-life adventures of the man behind the James Bond myth. ? List Price: S 12.00 (cloth). FIBS Price: 59.50 0 Now "T years after i1tnu tg} death. his dosist friend has his memories of the dynamic author republished. and O a new generatior of Bond farts{ will be abk to discoi'er something more of the man behind the myth -Andrew Knight to nnvels like Dr. No, Tatil 'arbcll, and Casino Royale, James -Bond has captivated millions of-divoted p ENIGRRA: How the German Machine,Cipher Was Broken, and How if Was Read by the Allies in World War ii by NN'ladyshw Koznduk ' Edited and Translated by Christopher Kasparek . Although the British and American codebreakers who worked on the ULTRA project have been well publicized, this book, translated from. the Polish, is the first detailed account of the accomplishments of the small team of Poles who made the original breakthrough. Sound and readable, it deserves the attention of everyone interested in the history of World War 11, espionage, and cryptology. -Baltimore Sun This book celebrates the unassuming men who performed one of the greatest intelligence feat: of all times. It assembles on the bright stage of history the Polish codebreakers who solved Germany's Enigma cipher machine. Using human and documentary.sotoces in Polish, English, French, and German, Wladyslaw Kozaczuk has written what may become the definitive account of an accomplishment that, during World War Two, determined the fates of thousands. -David Kahn, Author of The Codebreakets and Hitler's Spies List Price: 524.00 (cloth). FIBS Price: 519.00 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/16: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100340003-7 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/16: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100340003-7 No longer primarilyespionagie no longer the occasional spying of generally disreputable and disowned 0 opportunists in the service of wily princes, intelligence has slowly emerged as a distinct;: wide=ranging, 0 oven sophisticated;sud.;permanent field-of-human and-political knowledge and activity. It has become o institutionalized, bureaucratized, and professionalized. It has become a recognized department of state- ? .a partner, perhapsthe .Zoegiial, of diplomacy and defense in dhe modern state's conduct of foreign o affairs 0 0 A consequence of the etnergtnce'af modernforeign intelligence as a distinct .field is a corresponding o transformation of the'literatu a of intelligence. To help-readers stay abreast of the- latest developments o in this interesting and :important field, we began three years ago to publish the Foreign Intelligence L':erory Scene (FILS), the only newsletter and book review devoted to the literature of foreign intelligence. o Edited by Thomas E_;- Troy, -a thirty: year veteran of the, CIA, FILS ;is. essential reading for anyone 0 in government; business, or private life who is. interested in intelligence. O FILS reports and comments on the treatment of foreign intelligence in books, articles, dissertations, movies, ` o television, and drama-indeed; in.any:medium of communication o e FILS covers inietligentz_and counterintelligence, espionage and counterespionage, special operations, coven 0 action, psychological warfare, deception operations,:and terrorism. ? 0 ? FILS is published every other month and is sent to 'its subscribers via first class mail. It is issued in ae 0 a_tractive S!A' x I I' format, is illustrated, and contains news stories, features, interviews. and book reviews. FILS is available now at the subscription price:of S25 for one year. o - -The New York Tuner o A comprehensive and authentic clearinghouse of :up-to-date information about intelligence books which is much 0 needed by the scholar, the researcher .and the y public-spirited citizen -Dr. Ray S.-lute, o. President of the 1labonal latelligenee Study Center ? and author of CIA undo Reagan, Busk, and Casey - ? Careers in Secret Operations -^ $15.00 (List) Instructions o ^ $10.00 (FIBS) The discounted FIBS prices may be used for orders S 0 E in France - ' - ^ $29.50 ('List) of two or more books; orders forjust-one book must o0 -?.^ -S22-50 (FIBS) use the list price. o ? Payment must accompany all orders. Kindly 0 in Statir.'s Seer et Service ' ^ $24.00 (List) send check or money order. 0 0 $19.00 (FIBS) ? Please add $1.00 per book for postage. ? ? 0 Donovan and the CIA ^ 522.50 (FIBS ALL ORDERS WILL BE SHIPPED IMMEDIATELY. ' 0 You Only Live Once ^ $12.00 (List) Please ship to o . 0$ 9.50 (FIBS) 0 Eniyrna ^ $24.00 (List) O 01 ^ $19.00 (FIBS) 0 1 Foreign Intelligence Literary Scene: Date O (1985 current subscription) - ^ $25.00 0 (1984 back Issues) ^ $25.00 Please send order form and payment to: (1983 back issues) . . ^ $25.00 UNIVERSITY PUBLICATIONS OF AMERICA ' o (1982 back Issues) ^ $25.00 44 North Market Street ? Frederick, MD 21701 (301) 694-0100 o 0 GGGGLGGGGGOGGtaOOOGOGGOGGOOOOOGOGODOOOOOGGOOGOGGGGOGOOOOGOOOOOOOOGOGOGc FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE LITERARY SCENE ORDER FORM 3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/16: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100340003-7