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Publication Date: 
January 2, 1980
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/22 : CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0100150002-2 AR T I CL:: LOS ANGELES TIMES 03 PAG" 2 JANUARY 1980 aD a n By DAh1 FISHER : ? cialists who aid in national develoorzent pro;; ams, and it ttr,,..Staff nrt+w sponsors art exhibits -m d other such activities. "It's a non- MOSCOW-The Kremlin,'intensifying the anti-Arneri- political organization,'. one source familiar with its work can campaign with which it is attempting to jus said. tify its mil- Western sources here rejected +.he 'Soviet charges. itay move into Afghanistan, charged Tuesday that CIA "They're just resorting to the big Ii?" one said. They officers are using a humanitarian foundation and an anti- drug program as a cover to train Afghan rebels fighting don't have any other justification (for their incursion into ,,the pro?Moscow regime in Kabul. < .. Afghanistan)." ? "They're trying to prove a case that's unprovable," an- The charge came in an article in the government news- other source said. - - paper Izvestia, which accused "American Imperialism" as ...The Izvestia article said that 12 refugee camps in Pak;.- being most directly invovled in organizing . . actions di- tan have- been used to train Afghan counter-revolutiona- rected against the Afghan people, who embarked upon the ries..-"About 5,000 saboteurs underwent training for con- road of building a new society... spirative actions in all Afghan provinces bordering on Pa- ? -The Kremlin charge followed a statement by President kistan," the article said. - ' 'Carter- on Monday saying that Soviet President Leonid I. - It listed Pakistan, the United States, Britain, China and Brezhnev had lied to him about the Soviet action in a hot- Egypt among those nations trying to subvert the pro-Mos. line message to the White House last week. There has cow govern ment in Afghanistan, but it clearly laid the pci- been no direct reply to the Carter accusation here as yet. wary blame at America's door. The Soviets have claimed that they sent "a limited mili - -Washington's motives, Izvestia said"are directly linked Lary contingent" into Afghanistan last month at the re- with the loss by the -United States- of -its dominant in- quest of the Afghan government to counter an external . fluence in Iran. How much the United States would like at threat to the country. American officials say that the con this time to subjugate Afghanistan to its desi ns, primarily tingent now numbers more than 30,060 troops and that the anti-Soviet designs, to make the Afghan people give up Soviet forces played the major role in last week's coup, the new revolutionary course!" which saw former President Hafizullah Amin executed and . The article reiterated Moscow's earlier statement that replaced by Babrak Karmal. the Soviet troops "will be fully withdrawn froi-n Afghanis- The Soviet move-its first of such magnitude outside of tan when there is no longer the reason that caused the ne- Eastern Europe since World War. 11-has, spurred sharp .,cessity of such action:" - . ~. '. :...:;~ criticism of the Kremlin, particularly among nations of the. Middle Fast and southern Asia. Moscow's claim that it acted only after Afghanistan was threatened by external enemies of the April, 1978, revolu- tion that threw it into. the socialist camp is reminiscent of . ? Kremlin statements in .1968 that'-Soviet troops invaded Czechoslovakia.because that nation was threatened. by West Germany. = In the face of such criticism, the Soviets have been in- creasingly specific in their accusations of an "imperialist" threat- to Afghanistan. The Izvestia article charged that e Central Intelligence s enc~ rs direct involved in training g an rebels in camps in Pakistan and maintains , contacts with counter-revo uttonaries and reactionaries in Afghanistan itself. CIA officers operate in the area of the Afghan- a frontier specifically n er the cover of ? the anti-dr board and the American Asian Fund " Izves- tiac Western diplomatic sources here said-that the article ap- parently referred to the Drug Enforcement Agency and the that Asia Foundation, a private American. humanitari- an organization. The DEA has officers attached to the U.S. embassies in both Kabul and Islamabad, Pakistan, charged with helping to curb the flow of opium from these. coun- tries. ., .:... ? ...?...~;.. .:... The. sot>rces'said theAsiafFpuidatiorr operates in many underdeveloped countries of Asia and compared it'with the J Ford Foundation. It provides teachers and technical spa- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/22 : CIA-RDP9O-00806ROO0100150002-2