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III] ~STAT- k' 1 I I ,, 1,111 111 I III I 1 1 _ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/22 : CIA-RDP90-01208R000100070100-5 n tMaual1 V i VLV r'j i Protecting the CIA Tucked Into President Ford's- speech tb?Congress, and ignored in the emo- tional controversy over Vietnam, was a,carefully worded warning that secret operations of the Central Intelligence Agency .(CIA) must be protected from "altered" congressional oversigat that threatens "essential secrets." Mr. Ford's purpose: repeat of an oversight provision stuck into a new law last December. That provision requires the President to notify "ap- 1propriate committees" including the notoriously leaky Senate Foreign Re- .ations and House International Rela- ions Committees, before approving any :overt CIA operation abroad. Such wide listribution of this country's most se- ret operations "makes the protection of vital information very, very diffi- cult." Mr. Ford said. ' t? This presidential concern comes not a:moment too soon for the few friends of the CIA still willing to buck the Rowland Evans an political lynch-mob psychology which Lion to .the separate, year-long probes began with disclosures about the CIA's about to start in the Senate and House. clandestine work In Chile and illegal Intimates say that when the assassina- spying on American citizens. tion charge first came up, he refused Indeed, the apparent reluctance of categorical denials on grounds that both the White House and embattled these probers might turn up shreds of CIA Director William Colby to shout evidence-unknown to him-tending to their fears about destruction of the link CIA with summit murders. agency has infuriated serious-minded .. intelligence experts. "For the life, of. me," one such expert, told us. "I can- not figure out why President Ford and Colby have handled this 'assassina- political climate, his job is to reveal lion' issue so ineptly.". 'almost everything to any duly-consti. ? Asking anonymity, this uniquely tuted . congressional, committee and well-informed official continued: "As claim executive privilege only in ex. far as I know the CIA never killed traordinary cases. any foreign leaders. Plotting may be Some former intelligence. officials something else again, but if every believe he has no alternative. Within thought a nian had were translated the agency itself, one group of officials automatically into action, there would- has pressed for total exposure of ev- be few of us out of jail or still alive. erything the agency has ever done and Would you like to be hung for every for prosecution of officials who broke nasty fantasy in which you indulged? laws. But assassination, no.-sir, and I defy But another faction violently dig-. anyone to prove differently." agrees. Their thesis: almost everything 'But when the charge of possible CIA the CIA has done was under direct assassinations of foreign leaders sur- faced, the instinctive White House re- action was to hand that hot issue to the presidential commission headed by Vice President Nelson Rockefeller. That only gave new wings to rumors that CIA may, indeed, have been ex-. ecutioner at high levels. Colby, a straight arrow without guile, is desperately trying to hold back the floodgates-by offering his-full coopera- STAT Colby's policy is passionately de- bated by him and top-level CIA offi- cials with their own conflicting views. Colby contends that in today's rancid Sr Geoffrey itou Lor'rhe WaahSatton Post deals with foreign intelligence agen. cies are drying up and U.S. business= men, acting for years as invaluable in- formants and CI.A. fronts, have become "impassioned" in' breaking off all-CIA contacts. Also evaporating are the highly use. ful deals by, which a foreign nation's intelligence service does field work for the CIA in "coattail operations financed by the CIA. When one such foreign service demanded a signed letter from the CIA that a particular operation would never surface, the agency could not give such assurance; the operation was aborted. Colby is well aware of criticism against his policy of total cooperation with the multitude of investigators.- His aim is to avoid an "adversary rela tionship" with congressional probers, depending on their self-control-to prey serve national security. But critics fear that as the House and Senate" probes get up steam, the penchant for leak- ing long-burled secrets ' extremely harmful to U.S. foreign policy will orders from a President of the United prove irresistible. States. Yet the agency is now asked to The President's signal that he in- take the rap for extra-legal activity. tends to tighten the new scatter-gun So, take the heat-but tell nothing that oversight role of Congress serves as a could compromise the CIA's daily rou- somber warning to the two investigat. tine. - in- committees. If their-21 members - In In fact, daily routine is already com- cannot keep the CIA's past and pres- promised to a point that the agency ent secrets, Congress will not have a is now engaging in a bare handful of long-range oversight role. The CIA will covert "operations" abroad, none par- have died an unnatural death. ticularly sensitive. Moreover, exchange . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/02/22 : CIA-RDP90-01208R000100070100-5