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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP78-03424A002400050015-6 Office Memorandum'. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT FROM 56 SUBJECT: RS-11A/B, Contract XG1355 and Contract T.U. , epo on 2 April 1956 to monitor the subject contracts, which concern e - B and the AC power supply and hand crank genera- tor for the RS-11A/B. Present were: 2. Equipment Status - The Laboratory had completed tests of the initial sample RT-11B with corrective action indicated. The first sample RR-11A was ready. for delivery with the second sample to be air mailed next week. The contractor has phoned that initial progress was being made on the RS-11A/B Power System. Two RR-11B receivers are scheduled for delivery on 15 April 1956. 3. Harmonic Radiation - Initial discussions concerned excessive 3rd and 4th harmonic radiation reported by the Laboratory. Harmonic radiation below 70 megacycles was considered satisfactory; however, when the 3rd or 4th harmonic fell above 70 megacycles (TV band), lab- oratory tests, while'not positive, indicate that the 4th harmonic might be greater than the 2nd or that the 3rd was only 12 db down from the fund- amental indicating an unwanted series resonance, parasitic oscillation or faulty test equipment. Causes, remedies, and test procedure was dis- cussed, is without adequate test equipment (Stoddart field intensity meter , but agreed to make tests with a receiver having a sig- nal strength meter and a television set and to telephone corrective action. It was stressed that further efforts to minimize harmonic radi- ation by transmitter circuitry adjustments should be made prior to resorting to the installation of a low pass filter in the antenna circuit. 4. RF output with crystal removed - The Laboratory reported that there was some RF output at the low end of RT-11B Serial No. 1. None for Serial No. 2. This was a problem with the initial RT-11A samples and the subject of an earlier report. A very simple modification involving a compartment change of the oscillator - am lifier coupling condenser com- pletely corrected the RT-11A deficiency. was asked to investi- gate the RT-11B~in the same manner. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP78-03424A002400050015-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP78-03424AO02400050015-6 5. Dial Calibration - A second sample RR-llA was available to take back to Washington' and a trial RR-11B dial scale was available for inspec- tion. Neither the RR-11A or tentative RR-11B scale have sufficient gradu- ations for the scale length. To demon s, random frequencies were selected between graduation marks with engineers doing the tuning. A crystal frequency meter was then tuned to the selected frequency to check tuning accuracy. Although tuning accuracy was satisfactory, this test de- monstrated the need for additional dial calibration marks. The addition of more calibration marks is complicated on the B receiver because of in- sufficient tape width for both numerical presentation and additional cali- bration marks. The contractor was authorized to delete fractional mega- cycle figures at the high end of scale in favor of additional calibration points. A better solution to the problem would be to increase the scale width which does not appear possible without major redesign. 6. Frequency Shift Due to Handling - When the RR-11A sample was handled, a frequency shift occured when pressure was exerted on the case cover. The frequency shift (maximum of 2500 cycles was measured) is pro- portional to the mechanical movement of the case cover which lies directly over the oscillator stage. advised that this sample did not have the latest correction which sis ed of the simple addition of a screw securing the case cover to the condenser mount at a point adjacent to the oscillator stage. Since this screw could become loose, it is felt that frequency shift due to handling can be completely and permanently elimi- t na ed with a more rigid case cover as evidenced in the RR-11AA. has been so advised. 7. The 3B4 oscillator of the RT-11A does not provide sufficient drive for. the RT-11B; the redesigned oscillator of the RT-hlB consists of two lAK4ts with series filament and parallel plates with increased drive at a saving of 65 ma. Printed circuitry is also provided. The RT-11B oscillator circuitry thus represents improved design by simplifying production (printed circuitry in the oscillator stage), reduction of a tube type, reduction in current drain, and increased drive. It is felt that these advantages justify the additional tube. 0 said he would substitute such circuitry in the next RT-11A (first formal prototype). 8. AC Power Supply - Power transformer design has been completed and fabrication has commenced. An output of 8 watts RF nominal is planned for the 2 5A6 output tubes. A 30 watt input is planned to deliver 21.8 watts output as follows: 225 volts at 90 ma 2.25 volts at 1 amp. 125 volts at 15 ma 1.25 volts at 500 ma Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP78-03424AO02400050015-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP78-03424A002400050015-6 9. Hand Crank Generator - The contractors proposal for the RS-11A/B hand crank generator suggests a unit having the dimensions of the receiver and transmitter combined (without batteries) and a cubic volume of 70 cubic inches. The principal component size-wise is the generator. itself. The additional circuitry including filters, regula- tors, etc., may be quite compact.. The contractor advised that the _INew Hampshire, have indicated that they can design a satisfactory generator of such dimensions that the complete equipment can be housed in a volume of 35 cubic inches (or the dimensions of a single RS-11A/B component). Such is aim, and this would mean that a single RS-11Q/B carrying case could contain an RS-11A/B with two batteries, the AC power supply and the hand crank generator. There would be no room for accessories. 0 will seek authority from the Contracting Officer to increase the amount of funds which may be used for sub-contracting. The present limitation is $1,000 without approval, and it is estimated that hand crank development will cost between $3,000 and $4,000. 10. Additional Equipment for AF - The Contracting Officer plane that the additional RS-11A and RS-11B units will'be procured as an extension of XG-1355 and that the RS-11C units and engineering services will constitute a new Task Order to Contract RD-85. proposal as submitted by the former management was $920.00 per p , plus $7,250.00 for engineering services for C or D units. This Office feels that reasonable engineering services, per C or D unit might approximate $3,000.00 without condenser redesign, or the full $7,250.00 with con- denser redesign. The former management planned new condenser design. The new management feels that specifications can be met without condenser redesign for the C unit (sought by the AF) and is required for the D unit (not the AF). Consequently, the Contracting Officer has requested to submit a cost breakdown of engineering services. The above was explained to the company and a cost reduction should be reflected in the cost breakdown. 11. ~ - the company - Contractual performance seems to be borderline satisfactory. Management is tardy in reports to the contrac- ting officer. The lack of senior engineering supervision is becoming more apparent, and it was stated that is absent a good deal of the time. Rumors at the IRE show and at are that they were by bidder on a 3 to 4 million dollar contract with the Weather Bureau. the Treasurer under the old mana ement who was later dropped = has been reinstated by said he was forwarding a request for partial payment on XG-1355 for 426..000, which would bring the total to around $100,000. The undersigned expressed the opinion that it was doubtful that the Contracting Officer would -3- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP78-03424A002400050015-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP78-03424AO02400050015-6 E~ n I Ir f Ir \ 1 ~y ^ ;v r`11 ~~ Vu' IJIL/~,L J authorize such a payment until such time as formal acceptance of the sample prototypes is received. -4- N ~N F E A Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/20: CIA-RDP78-03424AO02400050015-6