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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100510013-0 LONDON DAILY TELEGRAPH 30 MARCH 1981 S0 1E'of the most revealing' documents on the foriegn connections of El. 'Salva- dor's :guerrilla Left:. were -withheld 'by. the '.State Department- J from'. . the' inchthick- dossier it-made publib last month. { . ' Through Congressional sources in .. '..WVashington' .I... have , obtained , a .?' photographic that . contains a -. 22-page report - by - Senor Farid Handal, 'brother;. Of .. Shafik: Handal, the Salvadoran Communist: leader,. on a visit: he made;to the United States .in.? the' spring -of, last -year fo, mobilise support for'; the.., guerrilla 'cause In the"' 'report Farid Iiandai describes meetings l-with -Cuban intelligence .: officers , based--in. New York,'with a:: Palestine Liberation Organisa-? tioa s. representative.-'. V nth,. networks of - radical ::Latin-': American r'' ? exiles, 'with Congressmen'---- and : - 'with ? individuals from the Institute } for :Policy Studies ;and the { National Council of Churches. ., ?NYeb of - committee;,= I Hand':Ys;reoort details coatribu- tions -'made ? by these :and . others-notably- the. Commu- _ { gist -party,. USA to the creation of -a wreb `-`soli darity : - committees". -'and' lobbying caucuses that have 'since been, at the forefront... of -the campaign , to sabotage the-:Reagan Administration's ?intetvention in'support of-the present ? Government of, El Salvador.- 'The-'report also, contains some. startling revelations' -about the role' of : the- Mexican :.Government and 'a senior: -State Department official who, has since been removed. from his -job., ' Setting -off" from . San -Jose, Costa Rica, in February last year in the guise of a spokes- mart e for - the Salvadoran National Democratic Union party, Farid 'Handal''visited- New ~ York,- .. Washington; Chicago, San Francisco. "and ' Los ' Angeles, - and . created joint solidarity committees in several of these cities = al- though he--frequently com-' plains in his report about the bickering -between rival Sal- came. from the - merican '. Communist party' and the Cuban intelligence station in New York. . ? E Mr Sandy . 'Polak, '"'of the - Communist' part,' for ex-1 ample, "proposed a national _ /?. of. the. United States-Peac&- ? ;' Council J American arm of . y "ROBERT ' iOS5. h a World rnenc CF ~cll)'the The= . seminar: was ,'used . to -Amnesty - - 'International, assemble members for1a' new benefit ~f ? progressive';Con- , OLA-and various important International Committee of gressmen, -for toe purpose of ,unions . I?; . ., ;,Solidarity with the P ' ple:of El- Salvador ' ` c However,' gas ' Hapilaij notes, there .ivere-'only:'two ;Salva-. dorairs' on this committee ate the :outset.. The`other.members came from Chile; `, Argentina4- Bolivia, Ecuador, .Uruguay;,the .Dom: inican .Republic, ands Cuba. Council of Churches. ' In San Francisco, according to Farid Handal, his. meetings were': attended:';=;"three priests . from... the..National Council . of Churches.,,I . Of: them he says:- .`,'.They' com- pletely supported our??nlanc l' rudent he t _ _ ., . w. s en Only.. It was,. had initiated approaches and I He,:}yas 'contacted in ZVashiirx eery. tiring because the.Su co-operation . previously;?- but ton by Ycronica,lt a lean- talk_4- more than .I do,' 'Chi ...1. _ . . J b d >_ - bor h eg n inn a theT- ;division between:: the. groups'-and the .'lack- of a single directorate." Two' more ? priests .from "the National. Council- turned up. sn -the 'course-.'Of.?,Handal'3 j o w rking . discussions wvith Conrimunist, Trotskyite;-and. 1~2aoist. organisations. Tlie, Church in the- United States continues a..III leading role' 'in -`opposing American involvement in El Salvador., In:-"New" York, Farid' Handal' says, -he ?me?t officers of ? the ' Cuban:: secrcc service , the D G I, who are,. ..Operating under - cover at , the'' Cuban mission: ? to' .. the, ? -.United Nations,:. at-'.the home of. Senor - AIfredo. ? Garcia ' Almeida; } Significantly the `Cuban intelli gence -officers gave him his main: support in 'develooina contacts.' on Capitol Hill-' f confirmation of `the intensive efforts -of the D G I ? , and the'Americani; department of, the Cuban -' Communist party to--recruit agents of in- 1 fluent?n ;n r-Y,n-- vadoran Leftist groups, ? ' la Washington, he notes, Senora Isabel Lctelier?(widow of the exiled Chilean Socialist leader Ir ua:raalu anuals own wordS:_ agent before ? his murder in' .~ Washingtonr '''organised a with regard to`my. stay in' seminar for him at the InstI- the-+United;States.' and", the tote 'for Policy Studies: work- I --should-. accomplish Jthere, :theyy (the D.GI men) I recommended.. that.'-; I - should '; carry out work of an' informa-?? :finnal nah?rp ahnnF? _ `'? _ ? _ _>_- %' . f-?q v .nulu, aUU Zrlev15:on that. way protect my: visa.. ,. ! p_nxramm' s could -be?'?` finan- Handal's,; continues-:i seed ". under the public.broad- "." They" offered- to - facilitate. casting system, - according- to. contacts in- Washington,iAnd. Handal: they did that. Another o>= In i ewYork-,'Handal alsiibad interlocutors Was, a ii d a l'e a PLO - meetings.with-leaders. of: the representative-: who'' is not Communist' party; USA' 'i named in the-report' but'was' 116'&t off to a .bad'start .with apparently. a- member' of -the .'them, but in the. subsequent ! Democratic' 'Front for the; course of. his' trip '--'-thanks ') ... Liberation, of Palestine. -_ - I -largely: to the. efforts. of, Irr The Palestinian -proinisea that Sandy Polak, a member. of the:' - the P L 0 , "could -give us American Communist' party eery valuable help.':. central = comriiittee~ :.f~f and However, Handal 'ins cautious. A solidarity co-ordinator,t':-font "The truth 7he ? reports,tthe~' United_ StatesPtice"thathe seemed' ery strange - ?? va- aac-.. uunlf one nt - the most, fascinating mission," . ,Handal???'reports. sections- of- Handal's report "had recommended.' ? Juan describes-.-his-.meetings to 'Ferr-;ra -fro.r T. ruguay T' . wash t O Ku uiua a It L n (Washington O"ffce on Latin America.) 'Hetelped me at. W O L A and '.at the' National - Counj of.-Churches." Farid :''Handal ;met .-Rep. th u capjt}" e American -capital.. Ronald..:Dellums...a ' liberal I Senor . Ungo is said' to have ' black : Democi atic Conn re>;? been having: conversations in - giian, ind,hiis;staff, and they ' Washington with senior State -also helped.. to broaden ?'bis Department officials. avid -to network of'contacts; he said.: have ' quoted' M4r `-Robert In preparation' for a meeting White, then -American -Am-i with other. members of -the bassador to 'El Salvador, ?as'I black -caucus on- Capitol Hill. ? say-ing..lie was- "optimistic" ? Handal notes, "the offices of there would be no American Congressman 'Dellums -'were, intervention a'r.d ' as' "agree. turned ..into'L our;.,ofces inn %%itle'what 'Memo'- had Everything was done?ihere!' said." The meeting... with'the black Dr Sot "Castellanos .-is-said to caucus, he states, " took" place have .described a coaver sa- in the liver of the monster tion he claimed. to have'had itself "- a reference 'to the with ex-President Oduber of committee meeting ',room on Costa Rica. after he had Capitol Hill that was' made 1 talked with President. Lopes } available,. and an. interesting - Portillo of Mexico.:'.? reflection on Farid?' Handal's' According to this second hand attitude- - to democratic account, the ?Mexican leader. ~ institutions.. had expressed -.., sympathy - National conference. - . with the Salvadoran revolu- ` tion and had suggested that, It becomes apparent ` frown 'While there ' eras little he Handal's report -that many of . could do to' give direct' su p - the most productive proposals 'port. he could' "guarantee } for the . expansion ' of. ,, the , 'that the Guatemalan - Army. Salvadoran ."solidarity"cam- would' not' intervene:'.':= - - nairrn" in thn -tfnitnd Stataa -- -- ? ' Ungo. the Salvadoran revo- lutionary front leader, 'and Dr. Jorge Sol.. Castellanos Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/24: CIA-RDP90-00806R000100510013-0