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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/23: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200160009-8 S 3160 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE March 26, 1984 URGENT SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS KENNEDY AMENDMENTS NOS. 2835 THROUGH 2843 (Ordered to lie on the table.) Mr. KENNEDY submitted . nine amendments intended to be proposed by him to the joint resolution (H.J. Res. 492,) making an urgent supple- mental appropriation for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1984, for the Department of Agriculture, as fol- lows: AMENDMENT No. 2895 On page 3, line 6, delete the figure '192.750,000" and substitute in lieu thereof the figure "$21,000,000". AMENDMENT No. 2836 At the appropriate place add the follow- ing: "The Senate and House Select Commit- tees on Intelligence, in coordination with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the House Foreign Affairs Committee, shall conduct a full investigation of death squads in El Salvador and shall report to the Senate and the House of Representa- tives by May 31, 1984, on the extent of death squad activity, responsibility for orga- nizing, directing and carrying out death squad killings, and progress in prosecuting those responsible for such killings." AMENDMENT No. 2837 At the appropriate place add the following language: "No funds shall be available under this or any other legislation for mili- tary assistance to the Government of El Sal- vador after May 31, 1984, unless the Salva- doran authorities have brought those na- tional guardsmen charged with murder in the deaths of the four United States churchwomen in December 1980 to trial and have obtained a verdict." AMENDMENT No. 2838 At the appropriate place in the section en- titled "MILITARY ASSISTANCE" of H.J. Res. 492, add the following: No funds appro- priated in this bill or other legislation shall be available for military assistance for the Government of El Salvador after May 31, 1984, unless that government has initiated a prosecution of those involved in the murder of two American Labor advisers in 1981. AMENDMENT No. 2839 At the appropriate place in H.J. Res. 492, insert the following: "No additional funds shall be available under this or any other legislation for military assistance to the Government of El Salvador unless the Presi- dent certifies to Congress by June 30, 1984, that the Salvadoran Government has agreed to participate in unconditional nego- tiations with all major parties to the con- flict in El Salvador which are willing to par- ticipate unconditionally in such a negotia- tion process, and that upon the beginning of such negotiations, the Government of El Salvador agrees to attend and to negotiate in good faith: Provided, however, That this provision shall not take effect unless the op- position forces represented by the FDR/ FMLN have agreed by such date to partici- pate in such negotiations and to attend and negotiate in good faith. AMENDMENT No. 2840 On page 3, at the end of line 15, insert the following: "land reform,". AMENDMENT No. 2841 At the appropriate place add the follow- ing: "No United States ground forces shall be introduced into the territory of El Salva- dor, Honduras or Nicaragua for the pur- poses of combat unless: "(1) Congress has declared war or author- ized the presence of such forces in advance by a joint resolution signed by the President of the United States: or "(2) the presence of such forces is neces- sary to provide for the immediate evacua- tion of United States citize or to respond to a clear and present danger of military attack on the United States. In either case described in paragraph (2), the President shall advise and, to the extent possible, consult in advance with the Con- gress." AMENDMENT No. 2842 At an appropriate place add the following: "No funds appropriated-in this or any other legislation may be obligated or expended for the participation of United States Armed Forces in military training exercises in Hon- duras unless the Congress has authorized the exercises in advance by joint resolution signed by the President of the United States." AMENDMENT No. 2843 Beginning with line 19 on page all through line 2 on page 5. CENTRAL AMERICA 4, delete Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, this week, the Senate begins a historic debate on the question of U.S. policy in Central America. The administra- tion has successfully amended House Joint Resolution 492 to include an ad- ditional $93 million in military assist- ance to the Government of El Salva- dor and an additional $21 million in as- sistance to the contras in Nicaragua. Before reaching the merits of this proposed legislation, some comments are in order about the vehicle that the administration has chosen to appropri- ate this money, and the procedures that the administration has employed to achieve its purposes. It is indecent that the administra- tion misuses a bill to appropriate money to assist the most desperate millions in Africa-who are now in the midst of one of the most serious fam- ines and droughts in their history-as the vehicle by which the Congress is asked to provide more weapons to the military forces at war in Central America. In order to cast a vote for bread for the people of Africa, it may well be necessary for Senators also to cast a vote for more guns and bullets in Central America. As for the legislative strategy here, the administration has chosen proce- dures that short-circuit the legislative process and minimize full considera- tion of these matters by the duly con- stituted committees of Congress. I object to the decision to circumvent the authorization procedures by which appropriations are debated and ap- proved in the Senate. Relying on the argument that there is an emergency in El Salvador which requires immedi- ate action by Congress, the adminis- tration has bypassed the Senate For- eign Relations Committee, rendering that committee inoperative and irrele- vant with respect to this so-called emergency military assistance. By going straight to the Appropriations Committee, the administration has avoided dealing with precisely those Members of the Senate who have spent the most time and energy and effort to become expert on the situa- tion in Central America. By the same token, the administra- tion's decision to attach its request for additional assistance to El Salvador and for the contras in Nicaragua to this legislation is a blatant effort to end-run the House of Representatives. One can only presume that, when it comes to this military assistance, the administration does not want to con- sult with its critics in the House. of Representatives-but prefers to deal with Republican rubberstamps, and then try to resolve this issue in the rel- ative obscurity of a House-Senate con- ference committee. These issues are too important to the future peace of this hemisphere and to the future of U.S. relations with the peoples of Central 4merica for debate to be cut short or for the committees of Congress to be circum- vented. Basic questions need to be stated, de- bated, and resolved before a single ad- ditional dollar of military aid is appro- priated for El Salvador. Every time there is a problem in the world, whether in Lebanon or with the Soviet Union, whether in Grenada or El Sal- vador or Nicaragua, the President rushes toward a military confronta- tion. All that he seems to understand in foreign policy is more guns, more bullets, and more troops. What ever happened to diplomacy? There has not been a single major successful diplo- matic initiative by this administration anywhere in the world since it took office. President Reagan's instinctive resort to military force as a substitute for wise diplomacy is the fundamental flaw in American foreign policy, espe- cially our policy in Central America. Everywhere we look, the President is seeking to use superior military power as a substitute for a steady, coherent, and balanced foreign policy, based on America's own best values. The Presi- dent is resorting to the military and the CIA to rescue a failed foreign policy and enforce short-sighted and short-term solutions. In Central Amer- ica, President Reagan is moving U.S. combat forces closer and closer to con- flict. I believe that the Contadora process offers a far more realistic way to peace in the region. Everything and any- thing de- Executive Registry Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/23: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200160009-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/23: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200160009-8 March 26, 1984 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -SENATE S 3161 signed to strengthen the Contadora progress on human rights and other do not need and we cannot afford an process, but the President is pursuing reforms. other Lebanon in El Salvador. policies that actually undermine and No more funds should be provided to In our relations with that troubled discourage the efforts of the Conta- the Government of El Salvador after region of the world, let us return to dora nations. May 31, 1984, unless there has been a the spirit of the Alliance for Progress. Instead of reducing the Sandinistas' verdict in the case of the four church. Let us revive the cause of human reliance on Cuba and' the Soviet women murdered in December 1980. jsights and human progress. Let us Union, the policies of the Reagan ad- No more funds should be provided to stand for what is -best in our own ministration have pushed the Sandin- the Government of El Salvador after people and our own traditions. istas into greater and greater depend- May 31, 1984, unless a prosecution has ence upon those two nations. begun in the case of the two American PRFSSLER AMENDMENT NO. 2844 Instead of challenging the Sandinis- labor advisers murdered in January the table.) tas' support at home by pushing for a 1981. (Ordered PRESSLER to to lie ie on on submitted an meaningful electoral process that No more funds should be provided to aMr. intended to be proposed would include vigorous participation the Government of El Salvador after by him amendment the joint rHouse by opponents of the regime, the June 30, 1984, unless that Government Resolution 4 resolution, s making se Reagan administration has pursued a 1s willing to conduct unconditional ne- Joint oint supplemental appropriation for policy that has consolidated support gotiations with opposition forces. the fiscal year ending September 30. inside Nicaragua for the Sandinistas. No more funds should be provided to 1984, for the Department of Agricu]- Instead of isolating the conflict in El the Government of El Salvador unless Lure; as follows: Salvador so that it does not spread there is continued progress in land into a regional war, the administration reform. At an appropriate place in the resolution. has expanded the conflict to the point insert the following new language: No more funds should be provided to Because the United States depends upon where Honduras is now in the verge of the Government of El Salvador unless satellites for preserving the peace through being draw into the hostilities. In fact, that Government has in fact made command and control of United States a regional war throughout Central progress in eliminating the death forces worldwide and through early warning America may well be just around the squads. of strategic attack, among other functions: corner if President Reagan is permit- In addition, we must get to the Because satellites are vital for eertifica- ted to continue his policy of militariz bottom of the persistent lion of arms control agreements: ing the conflict. allegations Because the United States and .her na- Instead of carefully limiting the mil- that high Salvadoran officials are tions rely increasingly on space based svs- deeply involved in the death squads, terns for weather forecasting, eonmursica- itary assistance that we send to El Sal- possibly with the complicity or acqui- commercial exploration, and vador in the interest of pursuing a ne- other, mortalant resource essence of the CIA. other important activities: gotiated settlement of the conflict The members of the Senate and Because the maximum utilization of space there, the administration has given House Committees on Intelligence technology for commerce and science is as- the Salvadoran military a blank check, should be instructed to make a full in- sured only under peaceful conditions: thereby insuring that the war will vestigation of these allegations and Because the safety of such important mis- rage on. report to the Congress by May 31 of sions including those performed by the Instead of keeping U.S. troops out of space shuttle would be compromised by the the conflict, the Reagan administra- this year. threat posed by antisatellite weapons: tion has organized exercises in Hondu- With respect to Nicaragua, I am ab- Because an uncontrolled space arms race ras that bring out forces to the very solutely convinced that U.S. assistance would undermine strategic .stability and brink of the fighting. to the contras is both wrong and coun- divert resources needed to maintain strong -Instead of strengthening the new de- terproductive. I will offer an amend- and balanced defenses; and went striking that assistance from this Because the present pace of military de- velopments, including weapons tests, will tion has pursued policies which have legislation. There is no Justification soon reduce the prospects of avoiding the weakened that democratic Govern- whatever for this Congress to ratify areaponization of outer space: ment. Ronald Reagan's secret war against The Senate and House of Representatives I believe we need a new approach Nicaragua. The Senate should have of the United States of Asierica in Congress that will give diplomacy a chance. In ,the courage to stop it now, before it is assembled, hereby declare That the Presi- an effort to move the United States in Loo late. dent should seek agreement with the Soviet the direction of negotiation rather Finally, I will offer an amendment Union to- than confrontation, I intend to work to prohibit the use of G.S. Combat (1) ifiable declare an immediate, mutual and ver- moratorium of limited duration on with other Senators to amend this leg- 'troops in El Salvador, Honduras, and the testing in space of antisatellite weapons; islation and to develop an effective al- Nicaragua without advance approval (2) immediately resume negotiations on a ternative to the Reagan administra- by Congress. As we learned from the mutual and verifiable ban on the testing, tion's policies of more guns, more bul- failure of the administration's policy production, deployment, and use of any lets, more war. In Lebanon, even the War Powers Act antisatellite weapon; First, with respect to El Salvador, we 'gives this President too much leeway (3) seek, on an urgent basis, a comprehen- should provide only extremely limited to commit American troops to combat sive verifiable treaty prohibiting the testint. military assistance to the new govern- where the security of the Nation is not production, deployment, or use of any space-directed or space-based weapons meet until we know who will be run- at stake. system which is designed to inflict injury or ring that government. I will offer an In addition, we should amend this cause any other form of damage on the amendment to the Inouye amendment bill to prohibit military exercises in Earth, in the atmosphere, or on objects to provide sufficient military assist- Honduras unless the administration placed in space. ante to last only through the end of has obtained advance approval from SEC. 2. Such agreements should not re- May-$21,000,000 instead , of Congress. The provocative exercises strict operations in space not involving $63,000,000. At that time, we will learn mow underway should be canceled, so weapons, such as the United States space who has been elected President of El that the Senate and the House will shuttle program. Salvador, and we will know whether have the time to conduct a full review IT IS TIME TO STOP SPACE WEAPONS that Government will in fact commit of that policy. ? Mr. PRESSLER. Mr. President, Itself to human rights, to land reform, We must halt this rush to military today I am offering as an amendment and to the elimination of death confrontation in Central' America. We to House Joint Resolution 492, the squads. must change course before we find 1984 urgent supplemental appropri- Second, any military assistance that V.S. soldiers bogged down in a war in ation for the Public Law 480 program, we send to El Salvador should be Central America that will be bloody, the text of my resolution calling for a much more carefully conditioned on dirty, and ultimately unwinnable. We ban on weapons in space and on weap- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/09/23: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200160009-8