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May 28, 1983
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Approved For Release 2011/01/07: CIA-RDP85M00364R000701230021-9 >_. I. Objectives/Perceptions --- Primary Perception problems Shared values and objectives of the industrial democracies far outweigh their differences' Grounds for international optimism abundant-. despite continuing complexity of economic Williamsburg a useful consultative link between Western economic concerns and security imperatives II. Key.audiences THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON WILLIAMSBURG ECONOMIC SUMMIT May 28-30, 1983 Framework for Public Affairs Strategy The President as leader of vision, whose policies spearheaded-U.S. recovery and help strengthen.the West as a. whole (Reaffirmation of U.S. Leadership Role) Secondary Perceptions specialized press (Business Week, Fortune, WSJ, etc.) general press (nets, wires, major dailies, national weeklies) Congress (Percy, Hamilton, Mathias) major interest. groups (AFL-CIO,. Business Roundtable, Business Council, NAM, etc.). --- Foreign -- most influential media (USIA lead) -- non-media opinion' leaders (USIA lead) Approved For Release 2011/01/07: CIA-RDP85M00364R000701230021-9 Approved For Release 2011/01/07: CIA-RDP85M00364R000701230021-9 III. Substantive Priorities (Summit Agenda Items) durable economic recovery, prosperity, and jobs'-'are. achievable through . IV. Major public affairs themes to support substantive .priorities Williamsburg is a "people-oriented" Summit: in special fora (OECD, IEA, COCOM, NATO) anti-inflationary policies,_sustained growth free/fair trade, long-term debt management viable international.financial system. sound East-West economic relations - (in addition to the-above topics, possible political discussion might focus on-Poland, Afghanistan, defense/arms issues, CSCE/Madrid,. Central America, etc.) popularly elected leaders are determining the agenda, not bureaucrats .("top-down") emphasis. on jobs, on bread-&-butter issues that matter to everybody informality of atmosphere and no-frills environ- ment will promote freer discussions Williamsburg coincides with marked improvement in U.S. economy ? the name of the Williamsburg game-is interrelationships and linkage; this is not a single issue summit (integrated view of domestic and.international aspects of the_ world economy) the Summit Partners will stress strategies (i.e., long- term as well as short-term approaches to world economic problems) : Williamsburg spurs important work already going forward the Summit will seek greater convergence of domestic economic policies toward low inflation Approved For Release 2011/01/07: CIA-RDP85M00364R000701230021-9 Approved For Release 2011/01/07: CIA-RDP85M00364R000701230021-9 --- Allied leaders intend to come to grips with long-term management of international debt problems (access to markets, need for adequate international finance, etc.) --- rejection of protectionism --- economic vitality in the Summit countries is an essential element of Western security- --- Superb logistical and administrative organization of Williamsburg Summit itself reflects dynamic U.S. leadership V. Some Desired Headlines "PRESIDENT'S DOMESTIC POLICIES HIGHLIGHT SUMMIT DELIBERATIONS" ".REAGAN: JOBS A CENTRAL SUBJECT AT WILLIAMSBURG" "WILLIAMSBURG TALKS: SUMMIT LEADERS TACKLE INTER- RELATED ECONOMIC TOPICS" -- "SUMMIT LEADERS TO CONTINUE STRONG ANTI-INFLATIONARY 'STANCE" "SUMMIT LEADERS SEE SOUND ECONOMIC POLICIES AT HOME AS KEY TO WORLD RECOVERY" "SUMMIT VIEW: DOMESTIC ECONOMIC POLICIES.CONVERGING" "WESTERN LEADERS FIGHT TRADE PROTECTIONISM" --- "MANAGEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL DEBT EMERGES AS MAJOR WILLIAMSBURG THEME" "SUMMIT HEADS ENDORSE PROGRESS ON EAST-WEST ECONOMIC STUDIES" --- "ALLIES AGREE TO SPEED UP NORTH SEA GAS DEVELOPMENT" "SUMMIT PARTNERS PRAISE WILLIAMSBURG ORGANIZATION" "SUMMIT LEADERS CONCLUDE WILLIAMSBURG IN SPIRIT OF UNITY" -VI. Preliminary Work Program (subject to revision). (See attached Annex) Approved For Release 2011/01/07: CIA-RDP85M00364R000701230021-9 Approved For Release 2011/01/07: CIA-RDP85M00364R000701230021-9 Public Aff'ai'rs Work' Program Event (* indicates tentative only,, not yet firmly scheduled)- Requirement April 22 Summit IG Meeting Debrief on April 16-17 Preparatory meeting, review first draft briefing materials including-P.A. aspects Pre- and post-meeting ".backgrounders which stress relationship of OECD issues to Summit April 25-26 OECD XCSS April 27 IMF/World Bank/ Development Committee Meeting April 27 Secretaries Shultz and Baidrige attend Confer- ence for Senior Business Executives April 24-26 Atlantic Alliance Conference/Hamburg April 25-26 ' NATO Secretary General Joseph Luns/Washington .April 27 IEA Governing Board/ .Paris April 28 * Trudeau bilateral May 3 Backgrounder relating work of meeting to Summit (esp- trade and finance agenda items) Public affairs overview of U.S. Summit approach Appropriate pre.- and post-meeting backgrounders Appropriate pre.- and post-meeting backgrounders Appropriate pre- and post-meeting backgrounders Pre- and post-meeting backgrounders which stress relevant P.A. themes (also South Lawn press remarks) Summit White House Group Review OECD Ministerial as step to Summit in- cluding P.A. responsibil- ities. Approved For Release 2011/01/07: CIA-RDP85M00364R000701230021-9 Approved For Release 2011/01/07: CIA-RDP85M00364R000701230021-9 May 4 May 5 Undersecretary Wallis meets with Government Research Corp. Summit IG Reiteration of U.,S. view of Summit issues, prior- ities, incorporating key "P.A. themes Revise final briefing materials (except final drafts of scope ;paper) Provide draft guidance .for Embassy Country Teams on handling of P.A. issues, priorities Appropriate pre-rand. post-meeting backgrounders Backgrounder and on-the- record briefings relating OECD issues to-Summit . May 6-13 *Special Williamsburg Action Team (SWAT) in Summit capitals May 8 IEA Ministerial/Paris May 9-10 OECD Ministerial May 11 U.S. Sherpa. Meeting May 12 Summit White.House Group May 13 President's a.m. meeting with U.S. Sherpa Group Review of key public af- fairs issues Review of key public af- fairs issues . Review of key public af- fairs issues,_pre-Summit priorities May 13 Secretary Shultz ad- U.S. view of Summit pre- 'dresses.the Business parations and expecta- Council (Hot?Springs, VA) tions incorporating relevant P.A. themes May 14-15 Final . Summit.. Preparation Meeting in Washington May 15-17 Ambassador Brock meets with University of S.C. forum on the Summit . .May 17 Summit White House Group May 17 *Tri-State World Trade Council address in Evansville, Indiana P.A. aspects of Summit agenda trade items Preparation for Presidential Briefings Identify Cabinet or sub-Cabinet official to lay out U.S. approach to Summit Approved For Release 2011/01/07: CIA-RDP85M00364R000701230021-9 Approved For Release 2011/01/07: CIA-RDP85M00364R000701230021-9 May 18 Undersecretary Wallis Update on U.S. view of Summit issues, prior- ities incorporating key P.A. themes .May*19 Final briefing papers P.A. themes highlighted ? due in White House in appropriate sections May 19 Secretary Shultz and Overview of U.S. Summit. Amb Brock meet with priorities, expectations Young Political Leaders May 22 * Key Cabinet participant Highlight U.S. view of in Summit matters to '. Summit issues, priorities, appear on major Sunday P.A. 'objectives, one -week network panel preceding Williamsburg May 23-24 Briefings for President Review'of all relevant items, including P.A. May 24-27 *Final pre-Summit bi- laterals (Mitterrand, Thatcher, Fanfani, Nakasone) May.25 *President meets with foreign media reps May 26 *Major Presidential "Curtain-Raiser" for Summit May 28-30 Williamsburg Summit May 31 .*Major address with national audience June 20 Undersecretary Wallis addresses Americas Society of Business Paper Editors Pre- and post-meeting backgrounders, South Lawn press remarks incor- porating key P.1. themes Focus on Summit themes for foreign audiences Communicate to American people President's view of Summit stakes, expec- tations Coordination of on-site briefings, backgrounders in accordance with Sherpa-developed ground rules Follow-up summary of Summit accomplishments, relation of these to U.S. economic and security ob- jectives "After Williamsburg, What?" Approved For Release 2011/01/07: CIA-RDP85M00364R000701230021-9