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Document Release Date: 
August 5, 2011
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Publication Date: 
January 26, 1976
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Approved For Release 2011/08/05: CIA-RDP09TOO207RO01000030029-1 11Y WASHINGTON POST 26 January 1976 CIAOp~rathiis, Costs 'inclose. By Jim Adams A-.soclated Press The total cost of U.S. intelligence operations is $10 billion a year. three or four times the amount listed in the an- nual defense appropriations bill, ac- cording to the final report of the Secret ]louse Intelligence Committee. The 338-page report was approved Friday by the committee by a 9-4 vote. It has not been released publicly but. sources familiar with it described Sunday some of its contents. They said the report gives top-secret details on Navy submarine spying on Soviet missile launchings and other covert C.S. operations. including CIA aid for Angola, Kurdish rebels and Italian political parties. It blames U.S. intelligence's failure to predict the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 19t+8 on the CIA losing track of an entire Soviet division in Poland. the sources said. The report iurludes, in a footnote, a CIA memo saying that Sen. Ifenry M. Jackson, D-Wash., gave the agency advice in 1973 on how to protect itself against exposure in Senate hearings on Chile. Jackson, asked about the memo in Jacksonville, Fla., said that was ridiculous" and that he advised the agency only on procedures, not on any matter of substance." The CIA memo says Jackson recom- mended the CIA have then-director James Schlesinger get former President Richard M. Nixon to request personally that the Chile hearings, which were to unravel CIA involvement, be held by a friendlier committee. The CIA involvement against the late President Salvador Allende of Chile began to emerge in the hearings held in 1913 by Sen. Frank Church, D-Idaho, and his Senate multi-national corporations subcommittee. _ -., ...1 . . The CIA memo says Jackson suggested that Nixon request they he held by the CIA appropriations oversight subcommittee headed by Sen. John ,McClellan, D-Ark. Sen. Jackson repeatedly made the comment." the CIA memo says, that in his view the CIA oversight committee had the responsibility of protecting the agency in the type of situation that was inherent in the Church sub- committee. As a result of. this conviction, Sen. Jackson would work with the agency to see that we got this protec- tion." Jackson said he was ap- proached in February 1973 by Jack Maury, congressional liaison officer for the CIA. and asked for advice because Sen. John Stennis, chairman of the Armed Services Committee who would normally handle such matters, had been shot and was critically wounded. lie said he advised the CIA to get in touch with McClellan. Jackson added: ' That is all I advised them. I advised them to talk to him because Sen. Stennis of course was not available. I also suggested that Sen. McClellan would be the proper person to confer with Sen. Church on this matter. I (lid not deal with any matter of substance. It was only a question of procedure." Jackson also said: I was not involved in anything that pertained to protecting the agency." The CIA memo was written by William Broe. who had been chief of the western hemisphere division of the CIA clandestine plans division in 1970 and thus oversaw CIA operations there. Approved For Release 2011/08/05: CIA-RDP09TOO207RO01000030029-1