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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230368-9 r! ASSIFICATiON CENT rat. KITE COUNTRY USSR SUBJECT Pbysioe -wane guides HOW RUBLiSHED MoniGhsq periodioal WHERE. PUBLISHED I~alaingnad DATE PUBLISHED aptt 1943 LANGUAGE Rne?1aa flXi RDeus~n GI~uYaat: uro>runea ArlI6TIM. Mll wtnaq~t epreaiR er aXU unli- tram elYxlR Yql grauat ar R1r1RaAit' ?er.'ti Y. i. G.:'11 Apt 81,.61 6aig010?`; iYt TRAtligIt110a OM laq R19RlAYlOa RI.?'t OOgY1tlYt 1tl AWr gAWglO 40 AM tlpAYYMORIla011RtOtl ItliR~ INR1710 f1 L6p. YXOg0000TOX VI ttlli Ibia i1'rtOXIi11iR.,, , SOURCE r~EPORT CD NO. DATE OF INFORMATION DATE D9ST. g"Jius 1949 N0. OF PAGES 8 SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT N0. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION ivo 4, 1848. EEPERJD~NTAL Ii'S4SARCH ox ?vlnvE c;xrT~ PROPSRTI~4 o>r a bDLTIPOIJIR ~~ ~iguree are appoaded_? pkm the olsebioal work o2 Rayleigh, wr know that a statiaaes~ weve prooees is aooaetio and. eleotrosegaetio ware guides my be regarded ne n enperposition of trains oS various mtnrnl waves, each with ito own phase veloeit~ and frontal e=plitnde dietribation. . ginae, starting with Stm~a ~1~, algebnio ezp?~eeeioae in thb torn of ohaiae and nsteorlpe ~ aensieting of diearete ela~ents have tdraiehed oos of the naia sbthods a[ a*.I;.~jing +Jie dietribe>tion e~eteee, it Se na+~nl to aee they i Y.. e- esaroh on ?ave guides: The first espstia~atal efforts along this lice Mule mde b7 Ateri~.Yans ~~ }ut, is oor opinloa, rithant theclreEicnl coneidsretisa or dieoover~ of antnrai waves. . pnlsstiag pheaostsaa and other effsote dseoribsd below. The thsaa7- of wave proosdeee in ohain anltipo]ar filters was introdnoed by P. E. ~asnnshkin is 1943? Tha purpose ~f this artiole U to oontira hie theo- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230368-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230368-9 A.a the easiest system atCaihable by experimoat We chose a nhai,n 6-polar f41-. tar ;Figure 1), which would imitate the preperties of the Shat tro"rare types of as acoustic wave Fruido, Aa Ma1II Aapeo$a of thq Theory The eguatione deaoribiag stationary xave processes is such n multipolar fil- ter are: Cv/(k--I)--~`?II~~J~-~v~~l'C1-~~\~-~~)~~~~1./T'3?~`L? V) _~~V~. Q. L '?' C~ ~k-~-)- ~VZ (~)1--CVx (k)-va (k-+-i)1=L2c2 ~~--~,~.v, --~ v,.(1) The goneral eolutiaa of these egvatioaa gives two different sutural waves: .. ~ A i (wP.aaD.of) n 1 i. d ~. y : i.. ys=sk~A,eefwC+T,e)tkl~ettw$?~ih++)9~+~iC~i[w+'N1~-~t'~,f~'ai("'f ~an)~2) Marc ~j ~j G. ~ .y which ms, also be galled normal if re carry out the apa~-nano danlogy betereea emivee .nnd,oeo37C1atiene of coamectad pendulums (eee C) 3 . 'la ezpreeeoa (2).aaoh normal nave is described by tag expreaeioas~ ne St aaa be reinted in two diroctioaa. The annul ware numbers kl and kp are found nocasding to genml formula 9a)m'.~3 =~Sin~-ti--sln~?~?~ ~y(Sin ~ - S%n Z"~i.~..4a~ ~L , (3) and bl and kp are the coefficients of the emplitnde distribntiam of aorsnl waeee; they are found by r k =~)~1~ ~ =2~~Lsin~~-sr-:~"-r y~Sin~_sin ~ {.~+~~~s (k) ~?Z i~q~~ 2 ~" z ,.3?. Here the follotin~notatione ere iatroducod: '~~~LS~~1~~; sine=L~C~w'--~;sin.~'=L2 C,,aa1_~. f the sboTe system be eoaeidered ae two ahnina ar,?nnged in parallel and oo~neiating of the usual. four-ogler filters interaa~;ing on eaoh other through the iaduotanes Io, thea ~'srid p~' m, be called wave maibere of parallel systems (sae 8 % ~j]. Ths eyeteee obtained from our chaise of multipolar filters by groundiag one of Lhela is a parallel system in this gees. This definition of a parallel syeteet permits n oeneept of coupling of the systems by analogy with Man'`el'ehtan'e oo- effiotent of oonpli:~,; Ths ooapling K !e deteraiaed by the dietnrbnaoe ~f the rave mmtbere. iihsn K !e eaall, the systems do sot interact; when St ie grant, ~!' s~, then they interest even rich n very reek eo~eotion,~, Aeeigniag tho amplitude dietr].bst:on in the first ccapart>runt (a =0), in aooaa~daaos rich the ratios viek~ or .y: ski ~ ~ (6) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230368-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230368-9 Tl ve ezoite, rsepectiveiy, waxes of the first and second type, which are dietia- guiehed by the dependence of wave numbers ~i~d ~_y an frequency and forme of amplitude dletrlriutlan. In accordance with (4), in a wave of the first typo both olementh of the aoapaxtmcat oacillato 1a phase; sad in the second wsvb type, is aa~:ipbaae; hence we shall cult theta "aymphnee" aid "aatiphne?:" The phase velocity of propagation ie lose in aymp$ase than in nntiphase wae~ee. I1' ve take a gymaetrical filter with parameters C1 :.- Cn~ and L1 .: T,g, these wave t'pee will appear as algebraic ezpreeeione of the first and second ware of as ncrnaetic ware H. Skperlmeatnl 7aaetallation Figupe 2 rphotograph not repraduced7 shows t$e multipo]ar filter, sends of honeyccsib isduct.ioa coils e.nd variable condensers, ad3ueted with n precision convect to 0,5 percent. St was used is this ezpdr]meat, force tree me.intnined at the Sn t of $he ahpia =sane ofaaepwh ?pulltgeaertator, connected wit$ the filter on~the same pariaai by ple se a etepdbwn gntotraneformer, A doable-track generator outlet was need to ez- oite matlahne? walvee, A basic ezperimerntal dAffionity oougefeted in attalaAag rnnnlag wa7'::e in n .real ten'-link chain is a wide,fregnenay rnpge simnltnneonely for both ve,Fe tapes. This was done by applying-woltesge ?l and vp f~aa 4 high-fregro~eaay goraeratoa? to the fir?t oosgtseat (n ~ b}' is aoaordaaoe with rat9.o (6), pad th4 oapaoiLiea of the following 5 or'6 filter'linke were eihnnted ba n series of rseleteaoss, deoreaeiag moaotonioa].1, '`ram haadreds of thaneande to hnadrbda of ohms st the tree terminal of the chain. (Figure 3), This "wedge" of resietaaoes reewmblee a lasdita4 tith ea sttenaa:ion with smoothly varying properties, due to which these is ao refleotioa and the xawe is ooetpletely abearbed. Yte effect !a similar to the eP~sot of s, wedge applied in praoti~nl ways guides. Nith the help of this wedge a ran of the order or 95 to 97 percent was obtained Sa a wide fregnenoy i?ange !or both ways typos end the exieteacr of running eyaphnee and antiphsee waxes vas oorrobarated through the phase a~ emplltnde dietribntian alcng the chains. Figure b shove the phase dietributioa along the filter links for a raaaing wave recorded by na oeoillograph fair n feed frequency W, sad the amplitude dlstribntica of ?oltagee s~eaenred is the links of the filter by n 9B13-type oath- od,a vcitsaster. lleaearoe were taken for n filter with parameters L1~ iQ = 1hg~ttH; Ci C2- 165,,x. F; Le=300pw. Ae nay be assn t4~aa Figara 4, the change in phase of a wave in moving along the filtaa~, as determlaed oecillogrnphionlly trap Lieen~oue' figaree, nary serve as a rough soeseura of the dependence of phase velocity nn f~re4nsaoy, C. Meperelon of Raa~mal Flavee. lacking Phenomenon Ia etudjiag the diepsreiu that ie, the dependence of ~ on w , the ssr- tioal r47? method gave more esnct meneuresumte than the Iseea~one-figure yethod. To reoeiwe ~ertioE? ~rnvey the multipolar til.ter wne loaded vita. reactive resistanaee. The ezperimeat rue caadncted is the fallowing way, The gansrstor frequency was vnriad ~til the canpling was ad~neted to reeoaeace ae registered by n cath- ode ~oltamecer connected. with any filter. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230368-9 Tf the terminals of the links were lorded with considerably leas xeeletnnce than the Fsve reaieteace, when there Brae resananca 1a its length, as integral num- ber of hail-wa-as was piled up. -~- was determinod by pl.otting the curves of voltage diatributlon to the leak for resctnaaa irequenciaa against lnterno8al distance. Fr.~ these ds4a a graph of !~ (w) vas made, Ae meiy be seen from Figure ~, the xehnlte olxtaliaod in a filter rth the belay-meationad pnrat~tere obrxobarated the theore+tioal oalon- latione .given by fosamaln (3) , _ _. Thanks tm the dieoroternesa of the chain, both t ea of ~avee had threshold irequoncieoe of w fhi+sG 1~LC and w thres~~ ;~,~ 2 , above vhiah ao wave pro- aoee ozlete. L& /-0G break is eta propagation at frequencies laver then the critioal ~ ~.n,ie n specific charactexietic of the antiphaee vane. This phonomsaoa !e analogous to the. effect of "Iar,Marg" in wave guides [,~ and in acoaetio tubes 1VL' MOip 4 ?--~ --~-- 'pa .IL Tnis pconarmenoa does not 'occur' in a ymphe~se vanes. D, Spaee Fuleatiooe .Another intorraatimg fact r+hioh .requlxes experim?atal prc7f me the eppnar- anoe of 6pace pnlaatione. If both types of running verse are eaaited, ae a re- ealt of txae.,s eu:pexpoeitioa evil thanks to the differeage in pha?s velooity, ?pace pulsations era gsnerdted ani.logouely to the firma pulhatione of tvo aonaeoted pendtaluss, In foot, on the bneie of formals (2 ), provided that ~ c ~~ , it fellers frog solution (1) than V = rros ~Y1eiCwt orn)~ 1 y.~Fsin RneeCwt-an)` It aa~, theretaa~s, b~ acasidersd that one nave trnvsle in a ohaia, the energy of rhioh evinge pericdioally Sro>t ono gsrtinl eyetesr to another. Ta rsoeive apses palentione, one of the capaoitiee of the first oa~parber~t as 0, far iastanoe C2i ie grounded sad n eeoand oapaoltT has isptessed a si~e- o.dal voltegs. At the outlet of the ero].tipolar filte>: a cadge is placed to pro- vide s rm for both types of !suss IY the aeapling betresn the filters throagh the indnoternos Ip tends to vanish, a nays could bs propagated only is the first fraotiaoal b-pole oatensry. Beoatue of the oongling Io a eriag is the energy rae observed with the epeoe frsgnsnoy equal to the naranl vans Sregaeno7 ~a. -y2 ptleatians were deter- =insd by plotting the voltage dietribation craves is ~hs filter. In the 5.deatioal fraotioasl filters C1: Cp and ila Ida complete acing of snerp~ occarrsd. The table shore the thearetioal and sspsriaental dspsndenoe of apses-pales, Lion oyolee co frsqueaoy plotted for s filter of 26 links r1Lh the pesrtMtexe previoasiy given. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230368-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230368-9 Table of Dependence of apace-Pulsation Cycles on Frequenoy (A stage ie expressed by the number of compartments) 00 cycles/sec) ~\~j 1.1. 9 to 11.5 12 10,5 8 Sxperimeatal B. IIae7a?etrical Filters ' 3]AOe the chain, Irl~:. T,~ and C = C2, ie cD~aracteri~ed by a cohexenoe limited Aa foa?aie, both was?e v111 occur is both systems -rith iflaatioal Aaplitudele, A ohain is rhgch C1sq~eCg end Ll~kI.2 19 of oonrse n7ra general. Here the'msthod of aeae~ing the dependence of the ouoffloieats t on fre- qucnoy oanei?te of selecting,, at a gitea froquengy w , Qa anplitudo distribution at the iapnt~ enoh"that epnce puleetione vnaeh in it. In aooordaaoe tith (4), this relation pie equal to the distribution ooeffioient k. Figiae 6, n shows the ?reenlt of aeae~ing k (oo) for n filter ooneleting of l0 17.nte with paranstere Cla 100 F, Cg?srt20U~utt F, L1~ lb5 /'t H, IQ~300/t H, In~30C~ L. l-igere 5 gives ttl0 ireg4eL657 dr/'i68 0 ?- 1.2 ]degaoyolee per eeaond and 1.93 -~2~T ~gaoyclse per eaoond; !a area I the eyaphase wnve does not fade, but the antiphase waee fades, and vine versa is area II. Congsqusnt~, regardless o! the exoitat]4n loroe in the ohaia, oily eyaphaee waves will tno~ in area I ~d only antlphaee waves in area II !a the ones represented by F?.Q~e 6. The szperiaeatal naves ~ (w) for Loth wasee nre show is b of Figore 6. 'S'he ones when C1 Se oonsidarabl~ greater or lees than C2 differs iron the oaee rhers Cla C2 and I1- = i,2 also !a that its oonplAng ooaffioient x;jg) has Beall valaaei sad aorasl wave aoaberte elves to the oorrsepondips fraoticmrl Qome (sheen is b of li~guro 6 by the dotted lino (see B) ~. ':; .1i-.~ ;aj;: ] xe? .B~; es2;ect!i~ the par~s>tets$e of'~ ~i~te+r sad the coupling cah~! eani, 3~? ie the "looking" IYegneaoy for antlphaee waves higher thus the united fregnaaoy of a eyaphaee wave. Ia this oaee, regerdlees of the exoitntion farce, the oha]n of a aa],ti izr !liter appears to be a bead filler fac every tips of nc?~al ways (eeeC~T'~ This pheao~enon was dieoomed is the ten-oempertasat filter deeoribed ateca. The neae~saeaate denoaetrated that, is the fregnenoy latea~sl 0-~8G kilo- oyolee per eeoaa-d .: e~nphaee va~er ocJnrred, an antiphnoe wn~s iron 1.6 to 2.8 awgaoyoles par aeoood and that wave prooeeeee were abeemt in the fatevral 11roa 980 1cYlooyalee pea= sevens to 1.6 rmgaa~jolse per ssoond whioh ooiaoidee within 5 ~eroent with the oalonlatsd data. Ne take the oppc~rtua]ty .o ezpreee oor thBaks to Profeeeor P. E. A~aueh- kia fa hie gnidenos and aid in o~ vent. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230368-9 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230368-9 1. '3tm^~ay 5 d?. Iianvi7Llo, 1835 2. (lxtemmtoher, L? .'.., Wor$iag kith. ffilpotrio Alodals, 1943 3. ffi~sea~n?hk1n, P. Ee , Zli'P!?, YVII, .705, , X947 Bcon, J'. of APP1? Pl~ye,, doh, 1945; 51h9.naarg, Conooa?dia, Ridgviy'j E'ron, Proa: e~ the Rmd. ,, Jima, 194?s; 3~hilmar~, 8e?w P$88, l~ 19k~4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230368-9 ...50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230368-9 Figure 1. Alagreffi of n chnin filter made of eiz poles with capacities Cl and C~ and inductances Zl, l,o, Lo. figure 3. "Nedgs" o: resletnnce E1~R2>H3>R~> , deoreaeing tovarde the free terminal of the cLnin. Tigure 1-. Fhas? (I, ,rs, III) and s~plituds (IY} distribution cur~ss at filtsr links for a running rare. I: ?ak10 kiloo~olse per evooffi; II: ~~4k3 kiloc~ales par ssooffi; III: ~~720 kiloo~oles per ga0ffi. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230368-9 50X1-HUM Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230368-9 ~-~. e.c~-??~o .es.o~)soRTZ~i i.-~ Ter !r )~s ~?! o?n,~.~~a3Rriss~...~..~,.-- _.~ ~~ .....-v ~ .. ..-.. J-. va~,rva. Blgure 5. Caress ?hoWing the dependence of normal wa?aa aumbere ~! and~02 on frequency Gv for oymphaae l~G ([u) and nntiphnee b A (ray) vQSee; the eYperi~anntnl curse le ehot+n by ua rokea lines, the theoretical by deahe?. / ~ 1 / ~ 1 ~( as ~ 7 i~z 3~isyd~~la/~ figure 6. "n" le the ezperiaental curve of the dspendeace of the coefficisate of amplitude dictribution of aoranl va~ee kl (w) cad k2 (wj on frsquenoy; "b" gi~ee curves ?c (4+i ~d ~,f (~); I ie the even of antlphaae vase dfmping; II ie the nrsa of eyaphaee vase da~piag. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/18 :CIA-RDP80-00809A000600230368-9