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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504430007-2 k;.` r1V LOS ANGELES TIMES 1; ,1anuarv 1987 Honduran Island Used as CIA Base for Contras that time, Nicaragua served as an 7 air base for the ri ht-wi b C g ng u an rebels. TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras-A Sources said that last month one remote Honduran island in the of the CIA-contracted supply Caribbean off Honduras has re- planes operating out of the islands poetedly become the main depot for crashed in the sea and sank. They a CIA-run military operation sup- `{ said the plane was of Spanish plying rebels fighting to oust the E... OND""as manufacture, with twin turbo en- Sandinista government of Nicara- r.q,Ki9?b? T'~., gines, and that it had a mechanical gua. O failure. They said it carried no Rebel sources and military ob- cargo at the time. One source said savers, who asked that they not be the crew was made up of Ameri- frtrther identified, said Americans cans, and that none were injured. are overseeing rebel supply opera- An average of two supply flights does on one of the Swan Islands, ? a week have been arriving at the once a v4 port base for the abortive Swan Islands site, along with some CIA-backed invasion of Cuba at the shipments by sea, the sources said. Hey of pigs. Em Angdn Times They said there is a 6,000-foot They said that since October, grass airstrip and a couple of when President Reagan signed recently built warehouses. legislation authorizing $100 million month at Eglin Air Force Base in From the island. they said. then in military and other aid to the Florida supplies are ferried to Aguacate, a rebels, U.&-bought weapons and Since December, U.S. and rebel Honduran air base long used by the military supplies have been deliv- sources said, the newly equipped contras, and Palmerola. headquar- ered regularly to the larger of the insurgent forces, or contras, have ters of the U.S.-Honduras pint task Swan Islands, which are two been infiltrating into Nicaragua in force Bravo. A rebel source said specks of limestone owned by Hon- small groups from their bases in that contra pilots air-drop the duras and lying about 110 miles Honduras. Contra civilian leader supplies to their men in Nicaragua. north of the Honduran coast. Adolfo Calero says that 10,000 The sources said that other piec- contras are inside Nicaragua. Ac- "The goal." one source said, "is es of the U.S. aid program are also cording to Pentagon officials, 7,000 to eventually be able to run [from in place. have infiltrated, but Nicaraguan the island] right into Nicaragua." -At least two American intelli- and diplomatic sources say the The shipments, the sources say, gence agents are based at the number-is much lower. have included uniforms and other rebels' headquarters, at Yamales in The Swan Islands site is said to equipment for 10,000 men, 3,000 southern Honduras. have been selected for the supply shoulder-fired light anti-tank -A second group of rebels, operation because of the Honduran weapons, several thousand M-79 nearly 140 men, has arrived in the government's desire to keep contra grenade launchers and about 35 United States for military training. activities out of public view, in Soviet-made SAM-7 portable ..,..- U - ground-to-air missiles. completed a six-week course last sy and to head off diplomatic "The troops are OK now," a complaints from Nicaragua. The contra leader said. 'lbey are a lot Sandinista government of Nicara- better off than before," gua has filed suit against Honduras One rebel source said the contras in the World Court for allowing the expect to receive about 100 U.S.- contras to operate from Honduran made Red Eye missiles. This is a territory. weapon similar to the SAM-7. "The Hondurans want a lower "When you receive U.S. money," profile," one source here said. he said in reference to the U.S. "They want this out of the lime- weapons, "it's fair you buy their light." product." Also, the Swan Islands were The sources here said that on considered safe from any possible Jan. 4, about 140 contras began the attack. second six-week training course The sparsely inhabited larger offered by U.S. Special Forces island, two miles long, served as a under the military aid package. CIA-run radio operation center for Most of the trainees are members anti-Castro rebels during their at- of the Nicaraguan Democratic tack on the Bay of Pigs in 1961. At Force (FDN), the largest armed rebel group. Its military leader is Enrique Bermudez and its civilian leader is Calero. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504430007-2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504430007-2 An FDN source complained that the U.S. trainers had tried to "brainwash" contra commanders into leaving the FDN and joining the United Nicaraguan Opposition (UNO), a contra umbrella group. "They kept saying that UNO is best, that the FDN should disap- pear," the source said bitterly. UNO, formed under pressure from U.S. officials, is run by Calero and the more politically moderate Alfonso Robelo and Arturo Cruz. The FDN's military leader, Ber- mudez, was a colonel in the Nicara- guan National Guard under the dictator Anastasio Somoza, who was ousted by the Marxist-led Sandinistas in 1979. Bermudez has been a controversial figure, consid- ered too right-wing by some con- tras and ineffective by some. U.S. officials have been trying to in- crease the power of Cruz and Robelo within UNO, but the two represent few armed contras. The FDN source said the trainers were "anti-nationalistic." They compared the pressure to a suc- cessful CIA effort last year to persuade Costa Rica-based rebel commanders to abandon their lead- er, Eden Pastora, and join UNO. They reportedly were assured of receiving arms and supplies in exchange for leaving Pastora. "The FDN commanders protest- ed," one source said. "They said they have been in the FDN for five years and they agreed to partici - pate in the UNO alliance as long as their right to keep their own movement was respected." Pilot, Paratroop Tralniag The training reportedly includes instruction in leadership, demoli- tion, the use of mortars and artil- lery, ambush tactics and first aid. Some contras, the sources said, will soon be trained as pilots and para- troopers, either in Honduras or the United States. Contra leaders and other sources say the insurgents have been infil- trating into Nicaragua from areas east of the Honduran salient where the contra headquarters is situated. "Their strategy previously was based on massive infiltrations, from 1,000 to 2,000 people," a political analyst said. "But since last Octo- ber the Sandinistas have shown that is not possible. The Sandinistas put 14,000 to 16,000 troops along the border." In October, the contras and San- dinistas engaged in conventional combat in Honduras that resulted in hundreds of casualties on both sides. In December, the Sandinistas again attacked the contras in Hon- duras, and the Honduran air force retaliated by bombing targets in northern Nicaragua. "The contras are now in the stage of penetrating Nicaragua in small units, something they should have done a long time ago," the analyst said. "The next stage is to be able to stay in Nicaragua and stay alive. The only way they are going to do that is if they change their attitude and instead of seeing a Sandinista in every farmer, see a potential anti-Sandinista." This month the contras began a propaganda campaign known as Radio Liberacion, with a 50,000- watt transmitter in El Salvador. The broadcast, heard nightly, is still in the test stage. "By March, the situation is going to be very difficult for the Sandin- istas," a rebel leader said. According to a rebel source, "two or three" U.S. intelligence agents are based at the Yamales camp in Honduras, about 12 miles east of Las Trojes and 12 miles from the Nicaraguan border. He declined to say specifically what the Ameri- cans are doing. The legislation providing the $100 million in aid prohibits U.S. officials from furnishing "any training or other service" within 20 miles of the border, but it appar- ently does not prohibit U.S. intelli- gence gathering. "The U.S. Embassy scrupulously respects this and all other legisla- tion," an embassy spokesman said. 2 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/02/28: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504430007-2