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3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000807260009-3 ARTICLEA NEW YORK TIMES ON PAGE 3 October 1986 White House 'Most Favorable Light' Beyond this, Government officials' Any organization, Government or agreed today that the Reagan Adminls- corporate, tries to present its message tration's information policies were in the most favorable light," Mr. highly selective and marked by broad And Its Ne ws Speakes said. "That doesn't mean contradictions on the one h th Disclosures on Libya Raise Credibility Issue By BERNARD WEINRAUB Special to The New York Times WASHINGTON, Oct. 2 - In consider- ing "disinformation" as a means to un- dermine the Libyan leader, the Reagan Administration has not only risked damage to its credibility but also cast News Analysis doubt over its overall news policy. On the one hand- the Ad- ministration has encour- aged selective leaks of in- telligence information, some of it of questionable accuracy. But it has cou- pled this with a concerted effort to pun- ish journalists and newspapers that seek to publish accurate information, if the Administration finds the disclosure sensitive or potentially embarrassing. This two-pronged approach to the news was underscored today as the Ad- ministration virtually conceded that it was practicing "disinformation" in seeking to topple the Libyan leader, Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi. At the same time, it was disclosed that a newly formed team of Federal Bureau of Investigation agents was, looking into about a dozen cases of dis- closures of sensitive information to news organizations. This investigation came after aggressive moves by the i Administration to dismiss officials ac- cused of having made sensitive ma- , terial available to reporters, as well as efforts to put pressure on major news- papers to withold or alter possibly sensitive articles and generally to con- trol access within the White House and elsewhere to information and officials. These developments underscored a general pattern that has emerged in the last six years in which President j Reagan and his staff have stbstan-' tially altered - and successfully lim- ited - the kind of information the pub- lic receives about the Government. e managing the news. Look at those libel. Administration, which publicly de- suits against Time magazine and CBS. pounces and threatens Government of- There were an awful lot of no com- ficials for giving secret information to ments' by them, which we would get reporters, has disclosed - nrhin.l ' , aGILVU IVI. "This Administration, no more than any other, has tried to present its mes- sage in the most effective way, and that doesn't mean lying or misrepresenting the facts. We don't do that." Senior White House aides say pri- dum about Libya, which appeared to- in recent years - highly sensitive in- formation for the sake of policy and politics. The Administration made public reconnaissance photographs in 1982 that intelligence officials said proved Nicaragua, with Cuban and Soviet as i t s s ance, was assembling the largest day in The Washington Post, was both j military force in Central America and 'embarrassing and potentially damag- helping guerrillas in El Salvador. ing, especially abroad. In 1983, after the Soviet Union shot The memorandum, by Vice. Adm. down a South Korean airliner, killing John M. Poindexter, the White House tag people abroad, the United States re- national security adviser, reportedly vealed that American listening posts urged a campaign against Colonel Qad- had intercepted radio conversations daft involving "real and illusory events, between the Soviet fighter pilot and his - through a disinformation ro ra p g m intended to undermine and eventually to. topple the Libyan leader. 'All Right With Us' "We think for domestic consumption there will be no problems," a White House official said. "It's Qaddafi. After all, whatever it takes to get rid of him is all right with us - that's the feeling, we think, in the country. On the foreign scene it will cause problems, though. We're constantly talking about the 'Soviets' doing disinformation. It's going to cause difficulties for us. We don't think it's a major, lasting fire- storm, but there will be some ripples." Publicly, White House officials sought to play down the notion that the United States was engaged in deceiv- ing American news organizations in an effort to unsettle Colonel Qaddafi. Mr. Speakes, during nearly three hours of briefings on the issue today, repeated two points on many occasions. The first point was that "Poindexter says there was no attempt to provide disinformation to the U.S. media." The second concerned a lengthy arti- cle in The Wall Street Journal on Aug. 25 that said the United States and Libya were on a "collision course," This was an article that The Post's re- port today implies was a direct product of a disinformation campaign and the article that led to other newspaper and television reports about possible Libyan plans for new terrorist activity. Disclosures 'Not Authorized' I The revelation that some of the infor- Mr. Speakes denied that The journal mation provided to the press about was the target 'of disinformation about, Libya may have been purposefully Libya. "Poindexter said this morning flawed underscores the pitfalls of a to me that the disclosures to The Wall policy whose hallmark is control, with Street Journal were not authorized by few news conferences and public ap- the U.S. Government, but were gen- pearances by Mr. Reagan, limited op- erally correct," Mr. Speakes said. portunities to question the President He also declined to confirm or deny and what the White House spokesman, that foreign news organizations were, Larry Speakes, says is a corporate- involved in a disinformation campaign. j style approach to the news. controllers, a disclosure'that may have told Moscow that the United States could intercept important Soviet mili- tary communications, Libyan Interceptions Revealed Earlier this year, Mr. Reagan pub- licly spoke of the Administratioin's knowledge of messages sent between Tripoli, the Libyan capital, and its dip- lomatic posts - messages, the Presi- dent said, that proved Libyan involve- ment in the terrorist attack April 5 against a discotheque in West Berlin, in which two people were killed and 230 others wounded. Some intelligence officials said they thou ht the disclosure would allow the Libyans to wart similar tercep ton in the future. "People have their own agenda." a In Washington, the official noted. The tion by officials or groups seeking to express a point of view, and The Wash- ington Times, which has a conservative editorial policy, is viewed as a vehicle for conservatives in the Administra- tion. 'Sort of Entrapment' Senator Daniel Pa ri k Mot ihanti Democrat of N w York, a former vise chairman of 1l14LSenate Intelligence Committees. said " k you o more leaking of intelligence informa- tion now than at other times But when somone leaks what they don't like, the inistrationaces after them aces after them." . "By apparently using unwitting American journalists and newspa- pers," the Senator said, "the Adminis- tration is going against the rules." "If the journalist doesn't know it, the Ad- ministration is compounding the in- fraction. It's sort of entrapment." Continued Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000807260009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000807260009-3 More than any other Administration in recent times, the Reagan Adminis- _ tration has exerted its muscle, often successfully, against newspapers. After several weeks of negotiation with the White House last spring, The Wash- ington Post published a story about Ronald W. Pelton, a former employe of the National Security Agency who was found guilty in June of selling sensitive intelligence secrets to the Soviet Union. The Post published a story about Mr. Pelton, but without details that Admin- istration officials argued would be potentially damaging. The article was published after threats that the news- paper would be prosecuted and after a phone call from President Reagan to Katharine M. Graham, the chief execu- tive officer of the Post Company. 'The President's Position' "On the basis of what I've observed over a series of Administrations, I don't think this one is all that different from the others," said Joseph Laitin, who served 17 years in key posts in the Defense and Treasury Departments and other agencies and who is now the ombudsman at The Washington Post. "People still leak to reporters, and what reporters tend to forget is that press secretaries are not there to give information. They're there to give the President's position, his point of view." The view was echoed by Austin Ran- ney, a political scientist at the Univer- sity of California in Berkeley and a for- mer president of the American Politi- cal Science Association. Mr. Ranney said: "Compared to the ineptness of the Carter Administation in dealing with the press, and the hos- tility of the Nixon and Johnson Admin- istrations, the Reagan Administration has been remarkably shrewd and suc- cessful. The news media are not ene- mies to them. They've tried to use the media to promote their goals, to ad- vance their own ends." "Whether they've been able to use news policy in a less-defensible way than other Administrations, by leaking false information, for example, is an- other question," he said. "F.D.R. did it in World War II, and L.B.J. during Viet- nam. But that was war. Of course it's different now: we're not in a war." Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/01/12 : CIA-RDP90-00965R000807260009-3