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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100310003-0 STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100310003-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100310003-0 Executive Intelligence Review P.O. Box 17390, Washington, D.C 20041-0390 (202) 955-5930 Executive Intelligence Review Announces Briefing on Just-Released Global Showdown Study July 25 Briefing by Criton Zoakos, Webster Tarpley and Rachel Douglas Authors of GLOBAL SHOWDOWN Thursday, July 25, 1985, AT 10 A.M. Embassy Row Hotel, 2015 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, D.C. July 17 (NSIPS)-On May 9 1983, an article appeared in the Soviet government newspaper, Izvestia, by Soviet Marshal Nikolai Ogarkov, at the time Chief of the Soviet General Staff, and since September 1984, the Soviet wartime Commander in Chief. That article, published six weeks after President Rea- gan's historic March 23, 1983 SDI policy declaration, was a military blueprint for global Soviet conquest within less than a decade. The international statesman and economist Lyndon La- Rouche, EIR founder and contributing editor, immediately commented in EIR on Ogarkov's article: "It's been a long time since any major power announced in the press that it has a definite war-plan implied to be ready to go into operation as early as this year. That is exactly what the author of the article, Soviet Chief of the General Staff Marshal Nikolai Ogarkov, did." EIR now presents in a 400 page special report entitled Global Showdown, with 34 maps and many charts, the only existing comprehensive documentation of the Ogarkov Soviet war-plan. The Global Showdown Special Report is no mere compi- lation of numerical force comparisons, with numbers of troops, tanks and warheads. Airy idiot in a defense or strategic studies institute can sit down with a calculator and add up warheads on the basis of an "authoritative" estimate. Politically, the Soviet Union has already declared war on the U.S.A. Global Showdown thoroughly documents the ex- istence and unfolding of that war plan-the countdown to war-underway since the early 1970s. One sees the methodical escalation of the Soviets' systematic perfecting of their nuclear war-winning plan in all areas. Addressed to a U.S.A. and Western Europe asleep before the gathering storm, EIR presents the staggering evidence of how little time the West has left, as the Russian Empire proceeds in a countdown to war. The Global Showdown report documents: ? The Soviet weaponry and force build up; Rehearsing and perfecting a "Blitzkrieg" surprise attack; ? How the Soviets would actually conduct general war against the U.S., and what "Hour 1" of a Soviet surprise attack on Western Europe would look like; ? The command and control reorganization shift to wartime high commands; ? The shift to a war economy; War production; ? The in-depth overhaul and organizing of the Soviet econ- omy and the population through civil defense, population dis- persal, and Siberian infrastructure development programs-to win a nuclear war with "acceptable losses," and relocate the majority that survives to non-contaminated regions. Global Showdown takes you into the minds of the Soviet High Command-the Ogarkov war-plan team. The enemy is no longer "faceless," myth-like, or unreal. The thoughts, schemes, doctrines of the Ogarkov team of marshals and gen- erals who have worked overtime for over a decade, getting all capabilities in place for the decisive showdown with the U.S. and NATO, are made public for the citizen of every Western republic. EIR takes you into their minds by another route: docu- menting the historical "cultural matrix" that shapes and deter- mines the "1,000-Year Reich" mindset that grips the Soviet military-political elite, who are determined that the Russian Empire achieve global rule and become the "Third and Final Roman Empire." This study contains those vital truths that the CIA Director is not allowed to know or communicate, and which the Director of the National Security Council is incapable of understanding. It completes the discrediting of the Kissinger-Harriman-Brze- zinski-Kennan charlatan school of Kremlinology. Global Showdown is must reading for every American patriot. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100310003-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100310003-0 Hemispheric Union Leaders Seek Meeting on Debt with President Reagan MEXICO CITY, July 18 (NSIPS)-Labor leaders from eight Western Hemisphere nations, from trade unions that represent millions of workers, asked here yesterday for a meeting with President of the United States Ronald Reagan "with the aim of posing and discussing the problem of the foreign debt of each country and the future development of all of Ibero- America." The trade union leaders, from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, the United States, Mexico, Panama, and Peru, met here for a three-day conference under the auspices of the Schill- er Institute Labor Commission. In their final communique, 36 of the leaders pledged their efforts to save "our Western, Judeo- Christian civilization, as we have known it since the period of the Golden Renaissance." They cited the words of Friedrich Schiller, the great German Poet of Freedom for whom the Schiller Institute was named, that "there are limits to the power of tyranny," as the watchword of their commitment to lead the trade union movement to "as- sume the responsibility which some of our governments have not wanted to take on." "The genocidal programs imposed on our economies by such supranational agencies as the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the commercial banks, are generating an ecological-biological holocaust of such proportions that the pandemics and plagues already spreading on a world scale, may possibly cause more deaths than a thermonuclear war," the communique reads in part. "Neither Kissinger nor Castro!" The labor leaders rejected outright the recent "solutions" to the foreign debt problem proposed by former U.S. Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger and Cuban leader Fidel Castro, noting that "both proposals have in common the idea of preserving the existence of the International Monetary Fund and the usu- rious commercial banks. At the core of both proposals is the profound strategic commitment to hand our continent over to the Soviets." They committed themselves to "win the war against the drug trade," and to "achieve the economic and political inte- gration of Ibero-America." They stated that only "dramatic, radical, and immediate solutions . . . such as those indicated by U.S. economist Lyndon H. LaRouche in his writing, 'Op- eration Juarez,'... could achieve the accelerated development of the economies of both the North and South." The communique was approved by the first continental conference of the Schiller Institute trade union commission, led by coordinators Pedro Rubio, Secretary-General, Union of Workers of Bogota and Cundinamarca, Colombia; Juan Re- baza, Secretary-General, Peruvian Fishery Workers' Union; and Manuel Carulias, Argentina. 11rade Union Leaders Call for Nuremberg 1i-ibunal Against the IMF MEXICO CITY, July 18 (NSIPS)-Forty-two trade union leaders, from unions that represent millions of workers through- out the Western Hemisphere, have issued a call for a new Nuremberg Tribunal to investigate crimes against humanity committed by the International Monetary Fund. The call was released from a meeting of the Schiller Institute Labor Commission, which brought labor leaders from eight countries to Mexico City between July 15-17 to discuss means of mobilizing the international labor movement against the threat represented by the IMF. Taking the model of the tribunal convened by the allied powers after World War H to try Nazi criminals, after outlining the means by which the policies of the IMF, and its collabo- rators, have led to genocide by disease and famine in Africa, and enumerating the methods by which such genocide could have been, and could be, stopped, the unionists proposed a new tribunal be assembled by world governments to apply the same principles to the IMF, which has already killed more people by far than Adolf Hitler. EIR Executive Intelligence Review ON RADIO-Daily Briefing WUST 1120AM Washington, D.C. Every week: Monday through Friday 12:30pm to 12:45pm Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/06/03: CIA-RDP90-00845R000100310003-0