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May 25, 1985
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/06: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504850047-2 WASHINGTON POST 25 May 1985 Angrily U.S. Reacts To South Africa's Raid Near Oil Plank Explanation of Angolan Foray Demanded By Don Oberdorfer Washington Post Staff Writer foray was "deep displeasure," which has been made known to the Pre- toria government. Other officials expressed conster- nation about what appeared to be "an unfriendly act by a supposedly friendly [South African] govern- ment," especially since it could have sabotaged not only a U.S.-operated oil installation but also the shaky southern Africa peace initiative sponsored by the United States. U.S. Ambassador Herman Nickel was instructed to lodge a strong protest in Pretoria and demand a full explanation, State Department sources said. South African Ambas- sador Bernardus G. Fourie was summoned to the State Department for the second straight day to hear similar representations from senior officials, the sources said.. The apparent South African threat to a U.S. installation comes as sentiment in Congress is becom- ing increasingly hostile to South Af- rica and to the administration's "constructive engagement" policy of working closely with the Pretoria government to seek regional peace and amelioration of the apartheid system. As South Africa sent a message to Angola requesting an urgent meeting to arrange return of the An angry Reagan administration demanded yesterday that South Af- rica explain why two of its comman- dos were killed and another cap- tured in northern Angola Tuesday night only 300 yards from an Amer- ican-operated Gulf Oil Co. facility. State Department spokesman Edward Djerejian said the U.S. re- action to the South African military bodies of two commandos reported killed and a third commando cap- tured, Washington Post special cor respondent Allister Sparks reported strong criticism of the military ac- tion across a broad spectrum of South African political opinion. , .- The rightist Conservative Party,,. hawkish on defense, accused the. government of bungling and of giv- ing the South African Defense Force a bad name. Liberal spokes- men, meanwhile, questioned the government's claim that its troops were seeking information about guerrilla bases, noting that the oil- processing enclave of Cabinda in the far north is an improbable place for such bases. In the message to the Angolan government, released in Pretoria, South African Foreign Minister Roelof F. (Pik) Botha justified the incursion on grounds that "South African security forces have felt it necessary to gather intelligence on the activities of the ANC lAfrican National Congress and SWAPO South-West Africa People's Or an- ization terrorists in Angola and to take a ropriate counteraction." An Angolan De tense mistry communique called the South Af- rican intruders "saboteurs" rather than intelligence-gatherers, and said they were caught "trying to de- stroy" the oil installation jointly owned by the Angolan government and Gulf Oil. The communique said the South Africans were armed with land mines, incendiary shells and boxes of powerful explosives as, well as personal weapons. Reports reaching the State De- partment said the South African commandos were caught by An- golan military forces only about 300 yards outside the Gulf Oil com- pound, where several dozen Amer- icans along with Europeans work and are housed. Some local employ- es of the oil installation are re- ported to have heard the gun battle, which took place late Tuesday af- ternoon Angola time. The Cabinda facility produces about 170,000 barrels a day of crude oil from offshore valued at more than $4 million. The pro- ceeds, divided almost equally be- tween Angola and Gulf, are the fi- nancial mainstay of the Marxist government in Luanda. The State Department spokes- man said the U.S. government views "most seriously any effort from any source which would have the effect of placing in danger Gulf Oil employes or property in Cabinda." Djerejian said the United States had "no knowledge of the possibility of any South African mil- itary operation in Cabinda" until the announcements after the clash. "The United States deplores the presence of South African intelli- gence operations inside Angola as contrary to the aims of its diploma- cy and the achievement of peace in the region," the State Department spokesman said. Among other things, he said, the operations are contrary to the Lusaka accords. to which the United States is a party, calling for South African withdrawal from Angola. STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/06: CIA-RDP90-00965R000504850047-2