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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
November 27, 1985
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Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605070038-6 Retiree Ke t p Chose CIA Ties Chin Indictment Details Alleged 30 Years as Spy ~By Joe Pichirallo _. Washington Post.Sta(f-Writer ----- . - - A former Central Intelligence Agency analyst accused of spying for China for more than 30 years worked as a consultant for the CIA until his arrest last week and maintained close ties with his ex-colleagues at the agency, according to an indictment returned yesterday. . The indictment, issued by a federal grand jury in Alexandria, alleged thaE Larry Wu- Tai Chin, 63, a former mid-level CIA em- ploye, met with Chinese intelligence offi- cials on at least a dozen occasions, including a 1981 meeting with a top Chinese intelli- gence officer. In 1982, the indictment said, Chinese intelligence officials conferred on Chin the title of deputy bureau chief, presumably for Washington. U.S. officials said they believe this was an honorary title for Chin, who, accordin? to the FBI, began spying for the ~~ Larry Wu-Tai Chin allegedly was paid more than 5140,000 by Chinese intelligence agents, Chinese even before he was hired by the CIA in 1952, Officials said Chin, who allegedly was paid more than $140,000 by Chinese intel- ligence agents, is believed to be the first person charged with spying for the Com- munist Chinese government in the United States. The suspect's lawyer, Peter Mey- WASHINGTON POST 27 November 1985 ers, said in court Saturday that his client was innocent. " Chin, an Alexandria resident who retired from the CIA in 1981 as a GS-13 intelligence officer, had ac- cess to a broad range of classified information in connection with his job in the agency's Foreign Broad- cast Information Service, according to the indictment.. The unit moni- tors and analyzes foreign radio broadcasts from around the world at its Roslyn headquarters, where Chin worked, and elsewhere. In addition, the indictment said, the foreign broadcast service trans- lates classified documents for other branches of the CIA, which means that Chin, who is fluent in Chinese and English, had access to sensitive CIA information relating to China. A former broadcast service em- ploye has said in an interview that part of Chin's duties included trans- lating documents dealing with co- vert CIA operations in the Far East. Chin met with the vice minister of China's Ministry of Public Secu- rity, the Chinese version of the So- viet KGB, in Hong Kong and Macao in 1981, the indictment says. "This guy was no slouch," said one source familiar with his alleged activities. "He was treated royally whenever he went over there." Under the more relaxed policies regarding foreign visits to China initiated by Deng Xiaoping, the na- tion's top leader, China has reorga- nized its security apparatus to im- prove its ability to catch spies. The Ministry of Public Security, for which Chin is accused of working, has become a powerfal agency with the prime responsibility for coun- terespionage. Much of the information about Chin's alleged espionage activities came from Chin, who discussed his tivork with FBI agents, according to ,ources familiar with the investiga- tion. Chin's arrest late Friday night climaxed a nearly two-year FBI in- vestigation. Officials have refused to say how Chin's alleged activities were uncovered. Chin, who was born in Peking, went to work for American govern- ment offices overseas in 1948, afid joined the CIA in Okinawa in 1952. He became a naturalized U.S. cit- izen in 1965, -four years after his transfer to the United States. He worked in Northern Virginia from 1970 until he retired 11 years later. One question being raised in the intelligence community is how Chin's alleged activities weft un- detected so long. Employes of the Foreign Broad- cast Information Service are among the CIA employes who are sup- posed to routinely receive poly- graph tests, according to a source familiar with CIA operations. [t could not be determined whether Chin was tested. Chin smuggled classified CIA documents from his office in his briefcase and in his jacket, accord- ing to the FBI. Between 1976 and 1982, he gave film of documents he photographed to a courier for the Chinese in periodic meetings at a Toronto shopping center; according to the indictment. Within 10 days of his January 1981 retirement, Chin began work- ing as a private contractor for the Foreign Broadcast Information Ser- vice's translating arm, and contin- ued to do so until his arrest, the indictment said. During that same period, Chin continued spying for the Chinese, the indictment said, and in a September 1983 meeting in Hong Kong pointed out another employe of the foreign broadcast service as a possible spy recruit. Chin met with Chinese in- telligence officials in the Far East as recently as last February and March, according to the indictment. Chin, who lives with his wife in Alexandria's Watergate at Land- mark condominiums, is being held without bond pending a hearing be- fore U.S. Magistrate W. Curtis Sewell at 2 p.m. today. Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Aronica, who is prosecuting Chin, will argue that Chin should remain in custody while awaiting trial. Chin is charged with one count of conspiring to commit espionage, which carries a maximum penalty of life in prison and a $250,000 fine. Declassified and Approved For Release 2012/05/04 :CIA-RDP90-009658000605070038-6