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Document Release Date: 
July 26, 2010
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Publication Date: 
November 9, 1982
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/26: CIA-RDP90-00552R000706920001-8 ARTICLE f1f r OIZ PAS, THE WASHINGTON: TIMES 9 NOVEMBER 1982 Former. Nazi reportedly had U.S intelligence ties SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) - A for- mer Nazi SS captain who died this year after giving up his U.S. citizenship said in newly released documents that he worked for several U.S. intelligence agencies, the Sacramento Bee reported. The documents, obtained by the newspaper through the Freedom of Information Act, also show that. Otto von Bolschwing admitted in 1970, long after he was granted U.S. citizenship, that he had had ties with Adolf Eich-.- mann, since executed for war crimes. Von Bolschwing had been charged with concealing his Nazi Party mem- bership when applying for U.S. citizen- ship. Von Bolschwing died March 7,1982"- at age 72. He had voluntarily given up his U.S. citizenship in an agreement under which he would not be deported as long as was bad. 'He suffered from supra -nuclear palsy, -a rare and incurable brain disease. Nazi-hunters in this country had accused him of war crimes, including the persecution and forced emigration of Jews, and encouraging the .1941 Iron Guard rebellion in Romania, during which Jews were killed. But Von Bolschwing was not allowed' to reply to the charges in public because the U.S. Department of Justice had obtained a court order sealing his answer - the Rovernment apparently feared revealing military secrets. Von Bolschwing contended that be aided U.S. intelligence agencies during and after World War II. Justice Depart- ment documents carry testimony say- ing the Central Intelligence Agency had instructed him to keep secret his activities prior to applying for citizen- ship in 1945. The Bee reported that it obtained a copy of an interrogation conducted on Dec. 22, 1970, in which Von Bolscbwing admitted ties with .the Nazi Party,-the elite SS corps and. Eichmann. In the interrogation, he said he fell out of favor with the Nazis in '1942, was arrested by the Gestapo and held seven months without .charges. ' Later he -moved to Vienna where be acquired a small business. - After the July 1944 attempt on Adolf Hitler's life, a friend warned that he was to be arrested.Non Boischwing said he fled to the Tyrol and'hid in a mountain but in the Otz Valley until U.S. forces arrived. After the war, Von Bolschwing said he worked for several U.S. intelligence .agencies. He said he came . to the : , United States in 1954 with his son Gus, - now a San Francisco attorney. In 1959, Von Bolschwing became a U.S. citizen, and started a career as a financial officer and consultant. His health began deteriorating during the 1970s. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/07/26: CIA-RDP90-00552R000706920001-8