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May 2, 1983
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/25: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201140002-1 ARIZONA DAILY WILDCA 2 Nov 1983 Star people visit Earth to spread peace message The reason for the cover-up is because Many of the' 300 million star By I.EEDS't'ASZEWSKI the.goverments want to keep the power people do not know who they they c ose enco... ounter of the third the third kind oc- have. He said the government are, but they will when the land-Friday red on the third doesn't want us to believe in star people- inBs occur to take them off the gyred the ,s Stu- (the government calls them aliens, but planet. Eventually everyone will - floor of the University of Arizona that term has a negative connotation. be removed from Earth and the dent Union. The El-Legions prefer .to call them space planet avill be cleansed. The It was there that star couple Michael .,,*~anilsistersorstarpeople) cleansing will involve a four-de- gree of the Earth's axis, and Aurora El-Legion said they were: b Smillion star people have come shift Orion ' caastellation - They said that ,n1 human -sewbw~s, and are awaiting a Gently, however,'they have been iiving a the day when-there will be open landings. Scottsdale. The n landings could occur next year, The El-Legtans say they have an in, portant mission on Earth. They nedd to The reason the star people ace here is tell all mankind that we are not alone in to protect the Earth from a .molar bolo the universe. They said they must tell as Aurorasaid. ust , ro because the governments of the world ` ..When they dropped the tatomic) will not. bomb on Nagasaki and Hir shima, this See, all the governments, which .are was in cpl danger," Aurora said really controlled by all the large industri- planet then realized alists, have been misleading mankind The star people that the next generation would with rhetoric of war as a way to control the masses. This is similar to the .tactic explained in George Orwell's book ??19&4." In fact, that book was more fact tg;n fiction, Michael says: It was a olueprint for the governments to follow ,.o control the world. ,.On the top level they are all in ca- hoots," Michael said. He says the United States and the So- viet Union are working so closely to- ,ether. that they even built a space col- c,ny. on Mars in the early 1960s. , Michael bays he gets most of this information Ii om people who know someone in the Central Intelli ence ency or National Aeronau cs pace Administration. The entire moon mission was a farce ,,,id technology is actually much more aJvanced than earthlings. ai< to ! - ciiael said from a planet circling star iVI42 40 Earth in-the-past 40 years, t .meaning gas .m the The open landings, which will involve. throe separate steps, will-occur just before the world is ready to blow itself up. "(The star people) art going to neutralize all bombs," Mi- cbael said. - Why, -the governments would blow each other up if they are in cahoots was never explained by the couple. . When asked why the-star peo- ple do not land sooner, -the) said they do not want to be locked up by the military. They showed .me a New York Times article that said NASA has a ? plan to quarantine-,any.- space visitor that may ,land. ?b3' is 'an extension of the agency's policy to, quarantine -astronauts after moon missions for fear of con- tracting any alien virus letnel to human life. The couple says the problems with Earth started 6 million years ago, when the star people had a war with a dissident, Lu- cifer. -After the war, Lucifer set up base on Earth with his fol- lowers. Before Lucifer, the .,ni- verse had been orderly, but tow there is an imbalance, Earth .masses. Once . ~cbaccsed, Earth will be repopulated by the star people and any humans that have reached a high level qE karma. The remaining folks will be destined to live on an- other planet, to evolve further. "Mother Earth will go from one of the lowest places in the universe to the highest," Aurora said. Earth will become the par- adise it wji,s destined lobe. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/25: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201140002-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/25: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201140002-1 Michael .and Aurora E1-Legion, who claim to have been residents of a , planet in the Orion constella- tion before moving to Scottsdale, spoke- at the UM-'s versity of Arizona on Friday. Their . message was clear. We are not alone in this universe. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/08/25: CIA-RDP90-00806R000201140002-1