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A d F R Ie 2 R0V1300070 25X1 pprove or e se = _ ~ 25X1 1 = OF M OR Action Memorandum No. A-249 Date 4 June 1963 General Counsel Deputy Director (Research) SUBJECT : Dutie of the Deputy Director, NRO Memorandum for Director, NRO Program B, from Colonel John L. Martin, Jr., Director, NRO Staff, dated 10 May 1963, Subject: Duties of the Deputy Director, INTRO, w/attachrrment Entitled "Method of Operation for DDNRO" 1. Attached herewith is a memorandum of 10 May, Subject: Duties of the Deputy Director, NRO, signed by the Director of the NRO Staff. 2. These duties have some merit In certain areas but in others are entirely too specific and appear to denigrate the position of Deputy Director of NRO far below the clear intent of the basic NRO agreement. Furthermore, any directive assigning duties to the Deputy Director, NRO, should come only and directly from Dr. McMillan and should have the prior approval of the Director of Central Intelligence, Mr. McCone. 3. Please take the necessary action to prepare a draft revision of these duties to conform to the NCI's clear intent to have a full-time Deputy on duty at NRO in the chain of command on all matters. These duties should be broad, general, and all-inclusive insofar as a Deputy should be concerned. 4. The duties of the Director, NRO Program B, need not necessarily probably should not) conform to the duties of the Deputy Director, NRO. In other words, it is quite likely that there will be a Deputy Director, NRO, a Director, NRO Program B, and a Deputy Director of Research, all three different people and all from CIA. They interrelationships between the three SUSPENSE DATE: Approved For Releas 1676RO01300070052-6 A C T I 0 N 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/07/01 CIA-RDP801'301676ROO.U00070052-6 is a matter for DC# to determine but the functions and duties should be spelled out separately. 5. It is the DCI's intention to require the withdrawal of the attached dum of 10 May &a d the reissuance over McMillan's signature of a proper terms of reference for the Deputy Director, NRO. This information and intent should not be discussed with Department of Defense personnel since the DCI wishes first to discuss it with Secretary Cilpatric. Marshall 3. Carter Lieutenant General, USA Deputy Director Attachment p bution: Copy 1 - General Counsel w/cy I, Series D, od att Copy 2 - DD/R w/cy 1, Series C, of att ...C py 3 ? DDCI w/cy 2, Series I.7, of att Copy 4 - Executive Director w/o att Copy 5 - LA/DCI w/o att Copy 6 . LR w/o att ,Y,e3 Approved For Release 2003/OT/ fA=P,DP8OBO1676R001300070052-6 25X1 DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE WASHINGTON Approved Fohi lease 2003/07/01 : CIA-RDP80B016 01300070052- 10 May 1963 MEMORANDUM FOR DIRECTOR, NRO PROGRAM B SUBJECT: Duties of the Deputy Director, NRO The 13 March 1963 DOD-CIA Agreement concerning the establishment of the NRO provides for a Deputy Director, Attached herewith for your information and compliance are the duties of the Deputy Director, ?NRO, which have been approved by the Director, NRO. o hn L. Martin, Jr. Colonel, USAF Director, NRO Staff A tch Approved Fa Rele Approved1 of elease 200?/07/Q1 : CIA-RDP80B0'16' OQ13000'0052-6 ATE, TIIOD OF' f~~=E TION r,, OR D.YDN. O 25X1 1. The reforencod agrooraont defines the duties of th rr TA,, reference: DO ?. moat on NI O, datod 13 March 10 03 . F 7 1 ?.?v ~,,-.:r~on or the DNI-O a? follo~vsi a., :tiepin ;fully all d Curren"ly informed as to nil activities of the NRP. b? Supervising relations boty;con the NRO and the United States Intolligenco board and its subcom,mitt es , -and the i t sunPor; g V.= as the nenuty Director (RCLearch) C IA._..In. edition d. Por~Porming such other duties as may be assigned by Director, NRO. y G. Acting for, and a orcl ,hig the Powers of tyo Di n olliance oxnloitatUon com;uun3ty. C-' Supervising all r;;,; a t asL : a,si ;nQd by the Direr NRO to the Central Intollfae;zco ~`, one tor, y, . . ractor, NRO durlnn hi,, r J absence or di"wbiilty. 2? The DDN1,O will retain hi z present office location wnd 25X1 C op Y - or / S' confeg Control No . T 4`' +)f'',bNPP'r.Oue ..F~rt Re eas " FA 4 - E)OB r,., r -,:~'rtic,,~? 3 0052-6 Approved Fo elease 2003/07/01: CIA-RDP80BO16 001300070052-6 the Director, NRO Staff will provide a Pentagon office for the DDNRO within the restricted area presently.occtrpied by the NRO Staff. The NRO Staff will provide secretarial and =y other assistance required by the DDNRO during occupancy cZ his, Pentagon office. Nqr ly, the DDNR O will.- use his ,Pentagon o:Uico on a part-time basis. However, when serving as Acting DNRO due to absence or disability of the DNRO, he will occupy his Pentagon offico as required. 3. In order to permit the DDNRO to be kept fully and currently informed on all activities of the NR P, a. The Director, NO ".:f;' will establish internal NRO will receive on a routine rouwin basis copies of all incoming and outgoing administrative procedures which will insure that the office of the DDNRO correspondence, cables, etc. The N.RO Staff will earmark those items which they beLtov? require specific atter?1tion of the DDNRO, and arrange for priority delivery when appro,3r late. b. The Director, BIRO Stan will. establish procedures to assist the DDNRO to keep info.;cd on NRO problems and actions In work. These procedures will cen:3: t of regularly scheduled Informal discussions with the DDNRO by senior NNRO Staff personnel. Normally, these disc ?-,ions will be hold in the CYF, office of the DDNRO, at a time r t . .c t ,i T.GL.Y.a1i. P Approved For' elease 2003/07/01: CIA-RDP80B01.6 001300070052-6 action matters of particular intoroct in rcgard to his azsignod responsi.. bilitics prior to presenting thoia to the w NR O, although such prior coordination shall not be a prerequisite for the Staff to take up any d. The NI O Staff; rorxnally will coordinate with the DDNRO selected by him. C. The NRO M :U wJU lzocp the DDNRO office uiformcd of all major meetings or briefings in oxdor that the DDNRO may attend, or send a representative, if apj ropriato. matter with the DNRO. In prescntir. a:I actions to tho DNRO, the NRO Staff will indicate the coordination vihica :ins been obtained, and vrill obtain any additional coordination which may be required by the DNRO. ~. In order to carry out his respon ibrtics for supervising relation ships between the NRO and U I , tho DDNRO will, work with development and execution of t h-, N.P. HIe Avill insure that the NRO keeps the USYl3 and the DIA ado ua-tely f wormed on NR O pro grams so that this guidance will be moaningful. With appropriate assistance from NRO Staff, the DDNRO will work with the intelli ;erco ezploitation community, primarily NPIC, NSA, and DIA, to insure that a proper- interface exists between the NfiP and those responsible for a nloitin the U ;II 3'- and its subcommittooz, and with the DIES, to insuro that appropriate requirements guic rco is p ovidod to the NItO for the Approved For Release 29 ? ~- Y i.Jb'1 "?~ E. I ~ n~, a a4', w'? d. Insuring that all N1 O +un%-; , made avaiiable to the CIA c. iubmittin, to the DNJRO for a_proval the programs and budgets for XRO projects and nor f ;st-u assigned to the CIA; and guidance on all NRP projects :, .ad/or t s;;s assigned to the CIA; b. insuring that the DNR O is i .formed . on the progress of all NRO projects and/or tasks ss,;igne i to tho CIA, and on any critical problems arising in aoni action thorowith; re n h O davolopment and operation of the collection sy ten3 5. In carrying, out his du, s in r.:g;ard to the CIA support of? the NRP, the DDNRO will be responziialo for: a. Insuring that the CLI is responsive to NIZO direction insuring that spociali, ed reruir emcnts of the e~q loitors aro adequatoly consi~c d i t to insure adequate propagation to h, rule the couectod products, and Approved- For41 elease 2003/07/01 : CIA-RDP80B016 001300070052-6 its products. This activity will involve Loth working with the exploltora are used only for work which has boon approved by the DNiiO; 25X1 63/O7A+-YC4A+?R?P8GB01676RO013000,7005, e. insuring that the CIA has within its own budget the - necessary funds and personnel to provide Liternal CIA support for all assigned N.RP responsibilitiep; be submitted to the DNRO, and upon his approval, forwardod to the f. initiating prep, ration of proposals for operational employment of NRO projects to the CIA. Such proposals will ' Special Group and highor authority or appro ,, as necessary. The Approved For Release 2Q 25X1 DDNRO will act as the NRO spo;ccsnian durinsuch higher level scntations when approprl ta, as dcta niinxied by the DNRO.. G., In carrying out the dutic3 of Acting DN;O during a designated absence of the DNRO, tho DDNI O will perform all of the functions of the DI MO, following the policies previcusly established by the DNI?O. The NRO Staff will carry out all of its activities in support of the Acting DNRO the DNRO, although not an intermediary echelon between the DNRO and __ in the same manner as for the DNI O. 7. The DDNRO shall be in the chain of command directly under' the NRO when serving as Aging DNRO during the absence or disability NRO Pro ;ram Directors, tho N ZO CociAroller, or the Director, NRO Staff. The DDNVRO shall have comriai d authority over all elements of of the DNRO. Copy 55' ofd copies Approved For Rd eas V Q/S701 %: tjgtA- DP$OBOTG RDD~1 Approved Foy' elease &.637071- " i 1 DP80B01.6001300070052-6 Approved Fol"Welease 2003 rf'R) bP8 Rfl1~ 'MA001300070052-6 (CLASSIFICATION) Handle Via Indicated Controls This document contains information effecting the national security of the United States within the mean. ing of the espionage lows U. S. Code Title 18, Sections 793 and 794. The law prohibits its transmis. sion or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unouthorizcd person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign govern. ment to the detriment of the United States. It is to be seen only by U. S. personnel especially indoc- trinated and authorised to receive information in the designated control channels. Its security must be mc.intained in ccordance with regulations pertaining to the designated controls. This document contains information referring to Projects: Approved For Release L 5 F 0 76R001300070052-6 Approved FoT~RreleasP 7n . 7/ d flP8fRfli6 001300070052-6 (CLASSIFICATION) Handle Via Indicated Controls This document contains information affecting the national security of the United States within the mean- ing of the espionage lows U. S. Code Title 18, Sections 793 and 794. The law prohibits its tronsmis. lion or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign govern. ment to the detriment of the United States. It is to be seen only by U. S. personnel especially indoc- trinated and authorized to receive information in the designated control channels. Its security must be ric.intained in accordance with regulations pertaining to the designated controls. This document contains information referring to Projects: Approved For Release L s, ~, A 76R001300070052-6