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Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT This material contains information affecting the Na- tional Defense of the United States within the mean- ing of the Espionage Laws, Title 18, U.S.C. Secs. 793 and 794, the transmission or revelation of which in any manner to an unauthorized person is prohibited COUNTRY Bulgaria Changes in Frontier Troops; Training REPORT DATE DISTR. NO. OF PAGES REQUIREMENT REFERENCES THE SOURCE EVALUATIONS IN THIS REPORT ARE DEFINITIVE. THE APPRAISAL OF CONTENT IS TENTATIVE. (FOR KEY SEE REVERSE) Attached is a 103-page report on: a. Otryads; b. Changes in Frontier Troops; c. Frontier Troop Training; d. Frontier Dog Training; e. 16 Otryad; and f. Documentation for Frontier Troops STATE $ ARMY X NAVY I JIM ::~.:~1~,'i,': ' 'FBI Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 28 November 1956 25X1 7 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 a SCe Iz, ~_` 7 Second Cemmendature with Headquarters in Sleshtcn? Ntmrnkn-) okolivq 1. Headquarters and sleeping quarter for the bnrdwr gurds ettnchf-d to the commendsturM reserve company. This is a to story brand now building. 2. Bakery and flour storemrnom. 3. Stable. 4. Pent-house. 5. Flower garden. 6. Roads to Tukhovishta o through ravine. 7. Ravine connecting Sleshten with Tukhovishte. 8. Road to Setovcha 9. Officer's quarters This is a brand new building. IOo Slashten village, IL Private fields. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 I " Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 S~e2E7- pith Border Otr axed bar roc located in Nevroop cijv I; Headquarters and soldier sleeping quarter (in the back )o 2. Soldier sleeping quarter. 3. Storehouse and stable. 4. Hospital on the second floor. Bakery and kichen on the first floor, 5 A building whose use is unknown. bo Lavatories and more store-houses 7. Watering place. 8. Sport ground. 9. Parade ground. Its. "Amain Bair', hill. II. Nevrokop river. Ito Nevrokop I3. Guard 14. Night patrole. 15. A -shallow gorge,, Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 SCALE = i' 1000 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 S~cT2E7- Former "Musomishta" airfield' now training komandatura barracks of 16 Border Otryad IQ Highway to Nevrokop 20 Highway, to Kopri,len Communication reads 4, Communication'road 5. Road running to tteste river 6. Training komandatura headouerters 7o Soldiers sleeping quarter - for 1st training zastava 8o Soldiers sleeping quarter - for 2nd training zastava 9o Lavatory TO. Lavatory II. Soldiers sleeping quarter - for 3,4 and 5 training zastava 12. Soldiers sleeping quarter - for 3,4 and 5 training zastava 13, Kitchen 140 Guard house for the corporal from the air-force. 15. Poligon (training place: ao For Istr training zestava b0 7or 2nd training zastava ea For 3d training zastava do For 4th training zastava e. For 5th training zastava I6b Parade ground 17. Training area with artifficial border obstacles 18. Fields Igo Orchard 2o. Airfield. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 15E I ISD I 15t, I 15P, Ti r I,J p tk U rr 10 MALE _ i 5000 IT Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 B R D Z R T ft O 0 P$ JAM U G ? UPRAV E GRANICANI 0 UM) Bft OO ' HS U 1. PP80Rl1E1: a. CRAKUROY, general-colonel,, commander of Border troops. b. DIMITROV, general-major. Probably political commander of Border Troops. XARAXACHANOV, colonel (rank known since 1952)1, deputy chief of Border Troops (probably since 1954). Born in Yambol. Before 9.9.1944 comnmist guerilas or concealer. His father used to work in Tawbol Okolia People's Council - branch "Zhilfand". Around 1951-1952 he used to be colonel in an gambol Infantry unit. d. DANEY or DVIEV (fnu ), major. Unknown duty. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 2, j OA11S.: LQC#T . Iaforasat shins that around 31.March 1955 there were 17 border otryads in Bulgaria a. ELBBOPO - 6th border otryad. b. ITUSTI DIL - IIth border otryad, poddelenie - 61-20 o. BEYROICOP - I6th border otryad, podielenis - 66-70 d. SKOLYAN e. PRrRICH. f. BMW* g. VARIIA. h. RUSE. i. EEHILORAD. j. KULA - probably 17th border otryad. D_ SIG I7IG_Q IN BCRDBR TROOPS. 3. 111 Qa $ A!T'_ Foy DI3R , 0i 9F-TP-T.WM SMIA SIAM. Usually till 1954 all youths recruited in Border Troops were sent to the training bataliions of the respective border otrayda and after the finishing of their 3 - months training period used to be destribated to one or another training school or to one or another border oconandatura or sastava. Since the Autumn of I954 this system was completely changed. Now the youths after their recruitment and in the first day of their arriving in respective Border guard barracks passed again full medical examination and before even to receive their uniforms used to be destributed to different places, as follows: a. A group was separated for the Bulgarian Sea-Guard troops (Morska Okhrana) and accompanied by a navy officer sent to its appointment. (NOTE: during Octo- ber 1954 recruitment all youth from Shuaen districh, around 15 were separated from 16th border otrayd and sent to Burgas sea-guard troops). Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 %Mviwa b. A ascend group of youths was separated aae because of bad health condi- tion or political attestation and the youths were sent back to their native places. (NOTE - during October I954 recruitment, approx. 20 youths as from I6th border otrzyad were sent back to their villages.) e. A third group of youths was defined for training school for Border Junior ssrjsaute and before even to enter the barracks of respective otryad were sent to Ardino, wlhere the location of this training school used to be. (NOTE - du- ring October 1954 recruitment, approx. 20-30 youth from, 16th border otryad were separated ;nd sent to Ardino training school). d. All remained youths were attached to the training batallim (NOTES during the October 1954 re- cruitment approx* 280 youth remained in 16th Border Otryad and were attached to it& training bata#ilion.) 25X1 COMMENTS As it is known till the Autumn of 1954 the youths who would be sat to the training school for junior sergeants had been chosen and sent after the finishing of the training period of the respective border otrayd training batalkion, which means 3-4 months after the date of their rectuitment in the border troops. Except of that the border guards had been chosen not to much on the base of their political affiliation or attestation, #lmoess but on the base of what they had a3mr shown during their training in the training batallion. So it had been possible even youths who had not been DON members to be send to the training school for junior sergeants, that means that the political control in Border Troops had been not so tighten. Since Ostober 1954 this system was completely changed and Informant states the youths chosen for training school for junior sergeant did not attend the otrayd's training batallion at all. They had chosen from the military committee which used to examined the ysntb en the next day after their recruitment and imasdiately sent to Ardino training school for junior sergeants.That's means a. That the eoaumists ape" up the training of junior sergeants. Instead of keeping them 3-4 months in Otryad training betallion and afterward sending then to training school for junior sergeants ace whose will remains another 6 months i.e. whole 10 months they will remains away from the border sastavas, now the communists sent them to this training school Immediately after their recruitment and so only after 6 months they will have new junior sergeants i.e. more qualified border guards to the sastavase b. That the eomunists iasreass the political control over the Border Troops and especially over its training school for junior sergeants. Now the political affiliation, activities sad reliability are the factors which defined who of the youth will be seat to training school for junior sergeants. It is obvious that such immediate defiading and sending is possible only on the base of the attestations rewind from the villages or towns where the youths are from. That's means that in Ardins sschoolo will be sent only ardent and active DON and Party members ' the communists will have faithful and 42., Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/_06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 S high qualified border guards in their sastavu able to control their follow border guards. o. Another advantage of this new system is that now the youth chosen for training school for junior sergeants will be kept away from the border sons only during the winter months ? from October till April, when the violations are not to often and when the snow and the bad weather are natu- ral obstacles for penetration or escape. So when so called openrational period oases (Spring, Summer, Autumn) the training school for junior aer- goants would finishe its training and the communist junior sergeants will be back to the sastavas. That is actually just opposite of the system we had till now when the training was kept during the spring and the wormer and when the new junior sergeants arrived to the sastavas during the Autumn when the need of them was not to urgent already. 4. fi p of TBIAIjG_II BMAV$'?$4 .NSA I i4Izo$SJ6 Till the Autumn of 1954 the youths recruited for regular military service to the border troops used to be immediately attached to the otryads' trai- ning batalliona where separated in training companies for a period of 3* to 4 months they resolved their basic border training. According to In- formant since the Autumn of 1954 this system was completely changed and now: a. The otryads' training units were renamed Ut7IEBNI 1CORMATURI (TRAINING XCUANDATUM), and had the code number of the respective otryad with attached to it the letters U.K. (the initials of UCHEHNA BOM6 DATURA). (NOTE: as it is ]mows till the Autumn of 1954 these training units used ti be called UCHEBNI BATALIQ(I ? TRAINING BATALLIOh1S and before that UCHE 1I PONA OM ? TRAINING PLACES. ) b. These new training units - UChiEBNI ICMANDATURI were composed from 5,6,9 or more UCHEBNI ZASTAVI (TRAINING ZASTAVAS) which personnel used to be separated in 5 UGBEBKI VZYODA (TRAINING SQUADS) each me. (MOTE: as it is known till the Autumn of 1954 the training batalliens used to be composed by UC I ROTI - TRAINING CC*PAMIES). S. To the new training units ? UCHEBNI KQ[ANDATURI and in particulars to their main commanding personnel was created a new duty - CHIEF Ot STAFF. (NOTE: as it is known till the Autumn of I954 such a duty did not exist to the former training batallions) d. The training period in these new training units ? UCHEBNA KQMArIDATURA was reduced to !j months instead of 3} months as it used to be before in the former training batallionso e. The system of recruitment and distribution of the youths for these now training units was changed too. So now the military committee examining the youth on the next day after their recruitment used to be responsible for the distribution of the youths to the different subunits of the t IIEBNATI KC1i1ANDATURA. So the youths even before to receive their military uniform know to which admits UC ' A ZASTAVA from the UCHESNATA IOMAMDATURA they are going to serve. After the medical examination every soldier reaieved a note in which was marked the nr 111 A ZASTATA to which be is attached. (NOTE: as it is known till Gone Autumn of 1954 such a system did not exist - the soldier used to be gathered in the training batallion and after that separated of 3 or 4 groups each one of which formed a training company )o Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 " -00418R007600280001-6 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-"RDP83"?' CCNM! 1Ts I think this new communist system of trainins gives many advantageous of the caeunwists: Because$ a. With the shortening of the training period the communists will have awe soldiers to the sastavas. b. Because now they will be able to use the Autumn instead the Winther for training (now the training period is from I5.0atober till 30.Dooeiaber while before it was from October till the end of January or the begininq of February) So the soldiers will have more practical training and less theoretical suche o. The now system create condition similar of these of a real sastava and se accustoms and prepares the new soldiers for the conditions they will find when they would be sent to the border sores. d. The new training unit is a clear border unit for difference of the training batallions which used to be a clear infantry unit. e. For difference of the former training companies which used to be cam- posed from approx. 100 new soldiers, the new training sastavas are composed of approx. only 50 new soldiers.This smaller number of soldiers was easier to be oentroled and supervised and no to be trained better. Details about the training in these new otrayds' training units see in other place of this report. c8 TI8ATIc AL CHANGf88 IN BORD!M TROOPS: 5. komandaturu and sastavas. 5 of them were attached to 10th sastava AH jjgjG S_HJJ} 2tAY06 Informant knows that in the last months of 1954 samothing happened in Burgas Border Otryad. More than to soldier from this 25X1 otryad wore transferd d to I6th Border Otryad - Nevrokop and attached to its is Informant learnt latter the personnel of this otryad was 25X1 reduced significantly, but he board nothing about the deactivating of this otryad or of some of its komandaturas or sastavas, nor about some dismissing of border officers attached to it, or transferding of such from Burgas to some other border otryad. Nobody expected this reducing. All of a sudden the soldiers were gathered and sent to 16th Border etryad. Informant does not know whether soldiers from Burgas otryad were transferded and to other border etryads exempt to 16th Border otryad. COMMBMTs It is my opinion that the staff of Burgas Border otryad still exist in Burgas. Probably the komandaturas and zastavas attached to it had been tranaf ssdsd to Varna and Malko Turnovo border otaryads and a large part of its soldiers and even officer personnel transferded to other border otryada, but Purges otryad as a border unit continues to exist even only with staff. I will accept that Burgas otryad is completely deactivated only if some significant changes occurs in the line and code numbers of all otryad from 9 to 16th border otryad.Such information till now was not obtained. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 6 1,........._ 6. &B= LULIPQRPE *TADa,Informant claims that during the last months of 1954 or in the begining of 1955 a new border otryad was formed in LULA, Vidin okoliys This otryad would be 17th Border otryad in Bulgaria. For first time Informant heard about that during the second half of December 1954 when it was said among the soldiers that such an otryad is going to be formed. After during January or Februatry 1955 from soldiers serving in IOth sastava from I6th Border Otryad Informant heard that this I7th otryad in Yule was already formed. Informant not give any more details. ~NOTEs I think that this is only a rumor. From other sOUro25X1 we heard that a 17th Border otryad is going to be formed in Devin. 25X1 7. 1 I !Z!RLOZOP BO BS Q1'$S&Da Informant does not know when exactly this otryad had been formed. No heard that the staff of this otryad till the end of 1953 use to be in the village of SLTOVCRA, Nevrokop ekoliya. Around 15.lovember 1953 its training batailieo 4for youths from 33 and 34 recruit classes) had been established in Uevrokop and in the begining of I954 its staff had been ^^ trsnaferded to Nevrokop. ,%Mr17I ANT CBANGE8 13 BagDE L OOPS, PFft5NNEL. 8. R1WQA GJNf1 OF OMFICER+ LR_QM_TEff_BQRDER_ IR_QOPS,. During the and of 1954 and in particular between 10 and 31.December 1954 a number of officers serving in 16th Border Otryad - Nevrokop were discharged. Informant does not know whether such discharging occured and in the other border otryad, nor have any idea about the reasons for that. Informant claims that at least 5 officers from I6th Border Otryad'a training komandctura were discharged during that time= segnior lieutenants KUWOV, PRTROV and TOKOV, lieutenant IVANOV and junior- Lieutenant STOYICHEV. Even major NIKOLOV commander of Uchabnata Komandetura received a discharging note, b*#f 11 March 1955 be was not discharged. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 - 7 SECHEv a. According to Informant remaroable thing in this discharging was that the discharged officers were mainly such participated in the Training Komanda- tura of Ifith border otryad and almost no one of the officers serving in komaaw datura staff and in the sastavas was discharged. b. Informant thinks that the low education was not reason for discharging because with low education remained while others with higher education were discharged. o. For every one of the discharged officers a new job had been found in the country. Same of them had been appointed for ?lZS' presidents (like lieu- tenant IVAI09 - appointed for president of a TKZS in Vidin okoliya). Informant thinks that probably some of them will be appointed in some duties in Militia de -artments as well. 9. MUQIEG T$F'_S 3110 IC Zd$ ZOMS AIT, CHE2 V-1232 MR 1111 riLAS2 = Iasi W All youth attached to 1932 recruit class - First call had been discharged around 17.December 1954. Around 20.Deeember 1954 no one of them remained in 16th Border otryad. These soldiers were discharged after 31 months of service in stead after 36 months i.e. their serving period was reduced with 5 months. Informant does not know Fiat were the reasons for that, but according a rumor spread among the soldiers the service period for the Border Troops had been reduced from 36 to 30 months. This rumor existed till March when Informant *soared. It was said that the youths attached to the 1932 recruit clams - 2nd can will be discharged around the middle of May 1955 instead - around October 1955. Informant does not knows whether that happened or no, because during March 1955 be escaped to Greece. YCl'E. According later information till 23.May 25X1 1955 no one soldier from 1932 recruit class - 2nd call had been discharged. 25X1 even till August 1955 that did not happened. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 I0. !RRNSFII IIjG BCRAM GUARS TO OTM MILITARY UDRTSi end 4-5.Januery 1955 few soldiers from I6th border otryad - Nevrokop had been transferded f to other military units. Informant personally knows only a such case heard nothing about transferding from Burgas Border Otryad or officers from 25X1 the border troops to some other military units. II. LN7E4IAG OR GAG"T, Vl PERSc71QNDL. Informant claims that from the of 1955 there was a significantly increasing of the sastavss personnel. So till 20.Deoember 1954 there were apps. 35 border guards in I0th sastava from 16th border otryad. Then the soldiers from 1932 recruit class - First call were discharged in that sastava remained only 17 border guards. After S such from the other zastavas were transferded to IOth sastava, 5 awe came from Burgas otryad, and when the Otryad's training kamandatura was over, approx. I7-I8 more border guards were sent to 10th sasteva and so on. And so when in March 1955 Informant left IOth sastava exactly 55 persons (border guards end officers) were attached to it i.e. with 20 more than the sastave personnel before the discharging of 1932 recruit class - First call. Informant claims that such increasing of the personnel occured and in the other sastavss attache to 16th Pcrder otryad, because more soldiers (new and from Burgas otryad) came that these which had been discharged. This personnel will be increased with several more persons after the soldiers sent to Ardino training school for junior sergeants return to their sastavss. 25X1 NOTE: I think the reason for this inereas'.ng of saatavaa$ personnel is first of all the nee communist system of training in the otryad training komendatura (see point 4 from this report). It is obvious that the present corumini4t tendency is to keep the soldiers as short time as possible away from the border area. Their new system of training shows clearly that. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 9 - IJLWIN69 12. TRjIkI _ggoOf. DAR CSC,, Named "VASIL Lg9SBI" is located in Sofia. No details about that military school can be furnished by Informant. The only thing he knows is that after finishing of this school the new border officers signed a declaration promising to serve in Border Troops for 3 years. 13? IM 9 _ R-R-B N 97E O i"^Li S- O E M71 1 L-ii ;- i EZA RA NC QPLT I2. Freon tine to time officers serving in the border troops were sent of two months retraining courses in Sofia. Informant does not know whether after the finishing of these courses the officers returned to their previous appointments or received new such, nor where exactly this retraining school was located. 25X1 14. ICI II Qo& Zq !CAD _J$NICg CZ . For the last part of 1934 recruit Glass and the first such from 1935 recruit class, recruited during October 1954 the training school for border junior sergeants was established in ABDIJO again. The youths from 16th Border Otryad chosen for that training school left khvrokop in 12.Oatober 1954. Informant thinks that the training probably has began from I5.Ootober 1954. Informant knows that the training period used to be 6 months which means that around 15.April 1955 the new junior sergeants will come back to the otryads where from they were sent. NOTE: Prim the information furnished 25X1 by Informant is ob- vioua that the system for recruitin youths for the training school for ju- nior sergeants was changed - see note after poin 3 of this report. 25X1 15. ZWI!Q ICPP. TE P$ Q CSI 4 S AMSZI . Informant knows that there wan, m** school somewhere in or around Sofia but he does not know where exactly. 19% the youth chosen for that training Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 `lU ?kifCj school ware sent to Sofia immediately after their recruitment. They were gathered during October 1954 and were sent back to the respective border otryads around I5-16.9aroh I955. That's means that the training period used to be approve 5 months. (TOTE. Informant heard about that training school from three soldiers finished it and sent to 16th Border Otryad, Nevrokop. I tbd that ninE school is probably located in quarter DUR'BMTSJ Sofia (probably ZHECHE!). 25X1 This information proves again that the communist training system had been changed recently. As for the training school for junior sergeants (see the interrogator's note after point 3 from this report), so and for this training school for communication personnel the youths chosen for then had been sent immediately after their recruitment, while before that they used to be sent usually after the finishing of Otryad's Training batallion. 16. ZW_tll 3QHOOL toR BtI ER TROOPAI_3kNITAR! PUSONNA. A special training sehool for border troops' sanitary *ersonnel did not exist in the country, but there is a general training school for the whole Bulgarian army to which soldiers from the Border Troops were admited too. a. That was a O9=09OIISIOVA SANITARHA SHKOLA (training school for sanitary personnel for the whole Bulgarian army) located in RUSE. Its amber 6f poddeleaie used to be l I8O. The training period of this school continued 6 months and after finishing it the soldiers received rank BABITAR2 M WANTS. b. Soldiers from all military units including such from Border Troops were sent to this training school. 7 e. Informant guesses that this school is directly attached to N.V.R. (Ministry of interior). d. Informant heard that there was an order according to which every sastava should have its own sanitary sergeant. That is why during January 1955 it was required a soldier from every sastava to be chosen and sent to the training school for sanitary sergeants in Ruse. After the finishing of the training period it was supposed these soldiers to return to the sastavas whore from they were sent. It was said that only soldiers with at least 9 classes schooling will be admited to this school. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 K.Ua'i The soldiers chosen from 16th Border Otryad left Sevrokop in their way to Ruse in IO.January 1955. It was said that they will be back around IO.JuneI9SS 25X so kzoe4t to that training school for sanitary sergeants soldiers from 25X1 the Border Troops had been sent of 45 days sanitary courses in Sofia. That 25X1 was so called Q.S.O. course (Ready for Sanitary Defense). Informant can not give any details about these courses. R. does not know how man soldiers from 16th Border Otryad were sent to then. 17. ZR I1 G SS`eR00LS Fc B2RPR$ QD~B (M I TI _t t ZR )a a. Informant knows that the aaia training school for border dogs was legated in 1 LOrIT84. but he can net give any details about it. it was supposed very seem a group of border dogs to be sent from Berkovitsa to 16th Boarder etryad. That he heard in March 1955. b? there was another one training school for rasisk- ni (en track) dogs somewhere in a village nearly Burgas. So were details. 25X1 a. There was a local training school attached to 16th border otrsyd.This school used to be only for so called BTRd?AS7I dogs (dogs for common use in sastavas). This training school had been located nearly the village tot #0. PRIVLIM, Nevrokop okoliya. d. As far as Informant knows the training period for 7oldiers sent to Berk ovitsa training school continued 6 aomths, and for those sent to Lopriv'len training school - only 3 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418ROO7600280001-6 ? I~CRE~ e. The soldiers from 16th border otrayd chosen for Berkovitbsa training school were supposed to lets ievrokop in $I.Maroh 1955. I8. WIVIN2 2CAOQL FIR_ M. AW1EtS,, around 12,Narch 1955, three soldiers from 3d komandatura from I6th Border Otrayd had been sent to Sofia in order to attend a driving school. No more details. Informant does not know whether this training school was especially for the Border Troops or a general such (Obahtowapriskovi ? for the whole Bulgarian army central training school). 10 rgc sMi SIs& A4 2=1 AND 19. PPLAk VAINW-BATALP91 _1 B!ATI The only thing Informant knows is that probably this training batallion is located in SVILENGRAD. 25X1 25X1 20. MO TRaIRING I'OR THI Imo. Two time during 1955 (till March) once - around 3.4?J anuary 1955 and second time ? in I.Yarch I955, soldiers from 16th Border otrayd were gathered and sent to Sofia for ekes training. This training continued 20 days and was kept somewhere in Vitosha mountain. It was supposed these soldiers to be skes instructors after their returning 25X1 to the sastavas whore from they were sent. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418ROO7600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 ?13 E CRET 16th BORDER O TADI 210 Sill the begining of 1954 the staff of this otryad had been located in the village of Satovcha, Wevrokop okoliya, after that date it was transferded to Nevrokop where around March 1955 it occupied the barracks located in South-West (even hest) from Nevrokop. Informant heard nothing about some now transferdiad or deactivating of this border otrayd. J4RA_CKS . (see the cketoh). a. The barracks of this border otryad are located South-West (even West) from Nevrokop and almost beside the last houses in this part of the town and in the foot (West) from the height known as MAMAM 8AIR" (N.434;1.00) They are located on a comparatively high place from which MUSCII(ISETA AIRTILD (1.4133/341 1.2344/45) could be soon. b. The barracks area was approx. 200 a. long and 150 a. wide. There was a wooden fence of its last side. Informant does not know whether there were fences from the other side of its area. 5 or 6 buildings were located in that area from which only one - 2 stories (marked an the sketch - # 4). a. In that area only two naryads used to be puts One permanent day and night naryad (sentinel) on the gate (main entrahoe of barrack's area - North side) eemposed by one border guard and second - a night patrol, composed from two soldiers which came around the area from darkfall till the break of the day* d. Informant does not know where the weapon and the ammunition dumps of this otrayd were located but he think that they are probably in the former Nevrokop'a prison where a +ermanent naryad from the otryad reserve company used to be put. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 SECRET 23. Informant does not know with positivnee whether there was a russian adviser attached to this border otryad. But around I5.-Tanury 1955 he personally saw a Russian Lieutenant-Colonel (name unknown ), acompanied by colonel BAZBOEIVANSZ: and segnier-lieutenant DIMITROY coming around the sastavas attached to this otryad. 24. Informant can not give any details about the STAFF of 16th Border Otryad. He only knows that the following officers used to work in its BANHOHEV,ANSKI, (fnu ), colonel, commander of 16th Border Otryad. b. MARCHFV, (fnu ), major, deputy commander for political aff airs. o. NIHOL0V, (emu), safer, chief of staff. Former eammander of 16th Border Otryad's uohobna komazdatura (traininr kemandatnrw )_ d. STOYiNOV, (fnu), sognior-lieutenant, from the political section. Former oosmender of a uohebna aastava (training saatava) from I_th Border Otryad uchebns kosandatura. 25X 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 SECRET 25X1 e. GOCHE9, (fnu ), captain, unknown duty.; Former deputy commander for the po- litical affairs of the uchsbnata koawandatura. 25X1 f. PESHLEKOT, (fnu ); lieutenant, duty unknown. Former chief of staff of the 25X1 16th Border Otryad uohebna komandatura. 25. Informant claims that from the whole 16th Border 25X1 otryad only Tat lCosnandatura in loprivlen had been declared for a operational komandatura and its ragion - for a operational ragion. 26. PERSONNEL. According to Informant 16th Border Otryad personnel was composeds Off. icers, approx............80.90 Sergeants, approx...........50-60 Border guards, approx......900I000* a. Around March 1955 the soldiers attached to this border otryad were from the following recruit olassess 1432 - second call; 1933 - whole; 1934 - whole and a part of 1935 recruit class. If we take for example IOth sastava we will see that its personnel was composed bys 14 soldiers from 1932 r.o.; 17 soldiers from 1933/34 reo.olasses and 17 soldiers from 1934/35 r.c., b. Informant claims that from 1933 recruit class all youths for the border troops were recruited in one single call - during the Autumn of I953-From then on there were not any longer two calls yearly as it was for 1932 re- cruit class for instance. Prcpj9$~ there was only a call yearly - during the autumn. The soldiers from a recruit class utill used to be recruited Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 NUME1 in two calla but instead during the some year (Spring and Autumn calls) in two different years i.e. half of the recruit class this year and the other half ? the next year. For matinee during October 1954 had been re- cruited youts attached to 1934 recruit class and the first half of these attached to 1935 recruit class. During the Autumn of 1955 probably will be recruited the second half from the youths attached to 1935 recruit class and the first half of these attached to the 1936 recruit clean; during the Autumn of 1956 - probably the second half from the youths attached to the 1936 recruit class and the first half of these attached to the 1937 recruit class and so on. With this single reoruitmsn yearly the eomounist gain the advantage of having only one uohebna koaandatura yearly instead of two such as it was during 1952. So let us see what is the picture of the re- crutments for the border troops since 1952 year till nows I9 Y.I952 ? First half from 1932 r.o. 14.11,1952 ? Second half from 1932 r.c. XI-1953 ? whole 1933 r.o. and First half from 1934 r.c. 8.X.I954 ? second half from 1934 roe. and First half from 1935 r.c 27. ORGANISATION OF I th BORDBR OTRYAD Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 WilL@ 28. No information can be furni shed. by the subject concerning the following sub- units of 16th Border Otryadr Maneuver Group, Cco ioation platoon, Sap= Plation, Sypply company, weapon dumps, ammunition dumps, gas station and other. This otryad had the following vehicles: 1, trucks - two "ZIS", one "Molotov" and another one. 29. TVNIiiG 1.OMANDATUJJA (that is the former TRAINING BATALLION of 16th Border Otrye renamed after the changing of the training 25X1 system of the Border Troops - see point 4. ). a. LOCATION. 16th Border Otryad Uchebna Komandatura was not located in the otryad barracks, but in so called MUSCMISHTE AIRFIELD (N.4134/35; #.2344/4) (during the summer of 1954 the last two planes left this airfield, it was abandoned and given for the needs of the Border Troops and in particular for the 16th Border Otryad.). During the first months of 1954 three new buil- dings had been built in that airfield and since October 1954 they were occu- pied by the soldiers from I6th Border Gtryad Training Komandatura. (ass, the sketch.) b. F YIWS TRAINING BATALLII S. Informant )mows that the training batallion for the youths free 1933/34 escruit classes recruited in November 1953 had been kept in Jevrokopts barracks. During that time 16th Border Otryad Staff had been in Satovcha. This training batallion began around I5.N'ovember 1953 and finished around I5.February I954. Except of that Informant claims that during 1953/54 year new trained soldiers for 16th Border Otryad hnd been sent and from She training batalion of $th Border Otryad - then in Davin. NOTES As it is explained in point 4 of this report the 25X1 training system of Border Tys 0 fter this training batallion had been al? most completely changed. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 ./..en. a. TRAINING P?..RIOD. For the youths recruited on 8.0otober 1954 i.e. for these attached to the second half of 1934 and first half of 1935 recruit classes komendaturs the training bakdAtax began on I4.October 1954 and finished on 3I.December 1954 i.e. It continued 2 months and 15 days. That's means the training pe- riod had been reduced with approx, 15-20 days. 26.121.1954 had been the dry the youths gave their soldier's aught. d. PSONWL. Around 280 youths had been gathered and attached to this training kosendatura on 14.Ootober 1954. These youths were from the second half of 1934 and first half of 1935 recruit classes: and mainly from the following districts: 7ambol, Karnobat, p1.oudiv, Pazardzhik, Balchik, Dobrich, Svishtov, Ruse, Xazenluk, Gabrovo okoliya. Very few of then were from towns and very few of them with high-school education. The big part of then were with 4 to 7 classes schooling. Informant claims there was nobody completely illiterate. More of the soldiers had been in average material situation. e. OFFIG R PERSONNEL. The officer personnel of the new Border Training Unit - called UCHERNA KOMAiNDATURA was quite different from this of the previous UCHhB BATALION and similar of this of a regular oommandatura. Every training sastava (Uchebna Zastava) had its k=W aommander, its political commander and its atmvcommander (instead of oompazw commander and political ooamian- der and platoon commanders and assistant platoon commanders as it was in the training batallion.). Generally, Informant Claims, the commanding personnel of the uehebtiata kcmandatura, had been composed from: CFFICER$ .............Ig (commander, political officer, chief of staff and 3 officers for every training zaeteva.) SENIOR S1 c AIIT......I - supply master sergeant. $?9??9?9......4 (one for sastava - the 5th sastava had a junior sergeant of this duty.) JUNIQR'. r GLOTS.....26 ( 5 for every one sastava, plus another one with duty sergeant of the 5th sastava - see above). Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 - L7 - U314s KOMANDATURA f. ORGAZJIZATION. On the head of the UGEE2yATLL Y,Y--TXU there was a KOMAICDATUI.A's STAFF (Such a staff did not exist in the previous UCHEBSK EATALLION). This staff had been composed by three officerss commander, deputy commander for political affairs, chief of staff and probably a couple of other officers. The UCH$BNA KOKANDATURA of 16th Border Otryad had beenx composed by FIVE h UCHEBNI ZASTAVI, each one composed by FIVE UCEBEI YZVCDA (Training Squads). To every one of these uonobni eastavi had been attached 53 or 54 soldiers or about 10 or II for every training squad. The commanding personnel of every training sastava consists frous COMMANDER, POLITICAL GOt.IMANDER, ROEV OO QLANDER, SERGEANT OF TRAINING ZASTAVA and FIVE SQUAD COMMANDERS - JUNIOR SERGEANTS. Informant claims that this organization of the training komandatura and se.stavas was just like the organization of a regular komandatura and sastava Informant served in Ist Training sastava. g. OFFICERS FROM 16th BORDF OT&W TitAINIiG KO."RUATURAs From the commanding personnel of this training komandatura Informant known the following officer (I). NIKOLON, aaj or, oas+sander of UCKEBNATA KOMANDATURA. Described in point 240 of this report. (2). GOCHEY, captain, political commander (described in point 24e). (3). PE: HLEKOT, lieutenant, chief of staff (described in point 24f). We PSMOV- asaninr-lieutenant, commander of Ist Uohebna sastava. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 -trGr4tf16.A he ARMAV MT.The armament of a uohebna sastava oonaistes: "DIITERTOV" light sachin guns ............. "M.G." light maohin guns... ............... "SHPAGIN" sub-uohin guns ................. "SBRT0VIAN sub-machin guns ................ - 5 NVINTOYBA" rifles... ...................... -10 "11,1NNLIHFA" titles ......................... 43 "T.T." pistols ............................ 3 finery squad had a light maohin gun. Zastava'a sergeant and squad commanders were armed with sub-machin guns. Two soldiers from every squad - light ma- chino gunner and his assistant were armed with "Vintovka" rifles, and all the remained with "Manliher" rifles. The officers had "T.T. Pistols. Taking that information in account we sq find that in the whole Uchebna kcmandatura there wares Light machin gars. ...................... - 25 AA-machine guns ........................ ? 30 "V1ntovka" rifles ....................... - 50 "Namliher" rifles ....................... -215 For the whole Uahebna lomandatura there was a single "Snaiper" rifle and no one heavy machin gun, antiaircraft or antitank rifles. This uohebna komandatura received ammunitions from 16th otryad ammunition dumps, but Informant does not know where they were, i. TRAINING. (1). PROC AM OF A DAT IN 16th BORDER OTR?,AD UCLA IC ANDATURI. 0600 0600-0615 0615-0630 0630oI645 0645-0730 0730-0600 0800-0650 0650-0900 0900-0950 0950-1000 1000-1050 1050`1100 1100-1150 11501200 1200-1230 Reveille (1 hour later on Sunday3 Morning exercises (Fissaryadka) Washing, making beds Breakfast with cleaning the area Inspection (pregled) - in Zastavas?~ Inspection of training personnel first training hour Rest Second training hour Rest Third training hour Rest Fourth training hour Preparation for lunch Lunch Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 - 22 - 1230-1330 1330-1345 1345-1435 1435-1445 1445-I535 1535-1545 1545-1635 1635-1645 1645-1735 1735-I800 1800-1830 1830-1900 1900-1950 1950-2130 2130-2200 2200-2230 2230-2245 2245 Rest Daily rifle training Fifth training hour. Rest. Sixth training x hour. Rest. Seventh mdmaix hour. Rest. Eighth training hour. Rest and preparing for dinner. Dinner. Rest. "Zulturno Hasov" shour(Cultural hour - reading of newepapei and no on.) Free time (for preparing the material for the next day, reading groups for books, learning new songs, reading le- tters from the interior part of the country sent to zit training sastava) and almost not free time. Preparing for evening review. Free time. Evening review. Going to the beds. NODE: As it is obvious from the schedule in the training kotandatura the soldiers had usually 8 training and I cultu- ral hours per day except sunday when they used to km be freed from any training and Saturday - when they had only 6 training hours. So for a week they had: 46 training hours, 5 cultural hours and 8 self- educating hours or around 59 hours weekly all. Or for the whole traininf period of approx. 75 daps they had around 650 hours from which around 500 strictly training hours. (2). During the training period the soldiers were acquainted with 14 diffe- rent diseiplince, which can be separated in two groups: important and secondary. IYP(tTANT: GRAXICHNA SLUZHBA (Border Guard Service). POLITICI1ESUA PODGOTOVKA (Political trainin ) (RUNE (Aquaintance with the weapons).. SrR(ZVA P(RGOTOVBA ( ). OGNEYA PODGOTOVU (Manipulation with the weapons). TAETIIA PODGOTOTU (Tactical training). DISTSI PLI IAREN USTAY (Discipline rules). SECONDARY: 71 USrO PCVGOTOYXA (Sport - Physical training). NA SLUZHBA (Marti sore service - rules)* Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDPP883-00418R007600280001-6 23 - ~.UI1L! _ USTAY GARNIZONNA SLUZHBA (Garisone service - riles). sVURZOCHNA PODGOT0VXA (Communication training). ZAMASKIRANE (Camouflage). ORIENTIROYKA (Orientation* The I4th discipline was MARKSMANSHIP which used to be a practical exer- cise and was not included in the regular training hours, but as result of then. NOTES From the program and the materials the Sol- 25X1 diers learnt it is obvious that there are not any significant changes in that respect after the organisational changes oocured in Border Otryad training units. The only big charge consists in that that now the sol- diers had more practical training than theoretical training. (see the explanation given in the next point.) (3 ).DETAILS ABOUT THE TRAINING IN THE NEW OTRYADS' TRAINING KOMANDATURASs (a). GRAHICHNA SLUZHBA. The soldiers had approx. 100 training hours for the whole training period. This training began approx. 4-5 days after uohebaata komandatura had been formed. In the first I*-2 weeks they had only theory (2 hours twice weekly) and after began practice (4-5 hours twice weekly*t from which only 2 hours were theory). The soldiers practiced the material they passed during the hour of theory. So if they learnt a kind of border naryad for in- stance, during the practice a group of the soldiers was separated and sent as naryad and the others walked after that looking how their colegues carried their duty. After the 3d week those practical training went closer to the real border service, i.e. began demon- stration of illegal persons penetrated in Bulgarian territory. So one or several of the soldiers were appointed to play the role of illegal perseas while the soldiers appointed border naryad persued his and all the remains observed the exercise. So on practio the soldiers saw how every different kind of border naryad should act 69 case of penetration ,,violation. So from the 3d week untill the end of the training sud idemonstrations (prraotioe) with illegal Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 ? : CR persons took place and every kind of naryad was practiced and every soldier took place in one or another naryad and participated in persuating of "illegal Persons". So they had exercise with tillegal person" trying to pass near to the sentinel of sestava, through a place covered with a secret, or an ambush, or sentinel of the border; "illegal person" trying to escape from a border convoy; poyiskova groups and zaslon in action for capturing of "Illegal Persons" and so on. Informant claims that every one of the naryads used to be at least twice exercised with a "real illegal person" and "a real border naryad". All renamed soldiers observed the exercises. Every ins training zastava had its area for the practical exer- cises: Ist - South from the Musonishta Airfield; 2nd ? beside the Ist one. 3th, 4th and 5th in direction to the villages of Ogzyanovo and Abed shidinovo, Nevrokop okoliya. During the last two weeks of the training the soldiers used to be sent real border naryads. They recieved BOYINA ZAPOVED (Fighting order), went to a certain place (Mesta's big bridge, beside some highway and so on), stayed there 5 or 6 hours, used to be shifted from other shift and so on, (exactly like in the border area). Infor- mant claims that for 2 weeks all 280 soldiers attached to the 16th Border Otryad Training Aomendatura passed at least 3 times through such naryada. Most often they were sent as: 011 VATION POST, DOZCR, SECRET, PATROLES, SRRTIREL OF THE BOLDER, ZASTAVA's SENTINEL, and ALARM GROUP. places where theme naryade (training naryads) used to be sent most often were the folbosing: Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 ?nnrT Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 - 25 - AROUND THE BI EESTA RIVER's BRIDGE ON THE HIGHWAY TO DOSPAT. IN AND AROUND THE VILLAGE OF GURMM, Nevrokop okoliya. IN AND AROUND THE VILLAGE OF MUSONISHTA, Nevrokop okoliya. IN AND AROUND THE VILLAGE OF LESlLI, Nevrokop okoliya. BESIDE THE HIGHWAY NEVROKOF-KOPRIVLEN. Ehble sent in such naryads the soldiers carried their personal weapon, but had only training bullets. Only is a sergeant or Junior sergeant is included in the naryad he used to have real bullets. Except of that during the GRANICHNATA PODGOTOVKA, the soldiers got aogainted with the different kind of signals; what is the position of every one in the natyad when it went or returened from duty; how to check documents (they were not told how to recognise a folse from a real docu- neat) and so on. NOTE. This way of more practical and less theoretical 25X1 training shows clearly the communist tendency to crest for the soldiers from the training komandatura conditions very close and even similar to those which they will find when sent to sastavas and so accented then with the life they were supposed to have in the border area. It is my opinion that with this kind of training the communist will be able to sent to the sastavas more qualified border guards than untill now. The practical exercises around the place where the Training Konandatura Is located must be taken into account] because during the time when the Training Komandatura is kept there are plenty of training naryads in a large area which made the penetration of agents through that area very difficult and dangerous. POLITICHESKA PODGOTWKA. I I for the whole training pe- 25X1 riod not more than 70 hours were supposed. But actually to them have to be added and so called "Yulturno Yasovi" hours (Cultural hours) - approx. 55 for the whole period and I* hours free time which the soldiers had every evening but which actually had been occupied with reading of commu- nist books, communist propaganda and so on. If we take in account all these hours we will se that as matter of fact the soldier from the training ko. mandatura had more than 200 hours political training for the whole period. The only school book they had was so called "History and Traditions of Bulgaria". The maim part of the training consists of lesson read before the soldiers from the politico- Soere or BCP and DSNX activists. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 - ?G? - '),4JIlLj Usually the politics lessons concerned one of the following problems: ABOUT THE SOPSIALISTICI"IESKC1TO STRITELSTVO (Socialistic Construction program). ABOUT THE HEROISM OF SOVIET SOLDIERS AND BORDER GUARDS. ABOUT THE HEROISM OF BULGARIAN BORDER GUARDS. ABOUT SOME INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES. ABOUT THE PROSPERITY OF THE SOVIET UNION AND THE MISERY OF THE fU ABOUT THE NUCLEAR WEAPONS. Kam. ABOUT THE BRIG1 FUTURE OF BULGARIA UNDER COMMUNIST REGIM. ABOUT THE CONSTRUCTION WO IN SOVIET UNION. Every lesson used to be examined and the angers evaluated in 5 point system. The soldiers received special articles, newspapers, small books and so an in order to prepare themselves. The soldiers had been aogainted with so called Border Troops Noreen Informant claims that the soldiers from a Border Otryad had been acgainted only with the Border heroes served or serving in the same bor- der Otryad only, Nothing had been mention about such from other otryads. These Border Troops heroes used to be very often mention from the poli- tical officers and shown as an example for patriotism and bravery. Infer- mant claims there was not a single border guard who is not familir with these names. It is Informant opinion that if somebody of them escape to the Free World it will cause some like panic in the Border Troops and demoralisation among the border guards. According to Informant around 1/3 of the soldiers blindly believed of what the political officer talked to them, and almost everybody belie- ved that the mentioned above border guards are really heroes. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 (o ). tRUZHEZNANIE. The soldiers had approx. 70 hours for the whole trai- ming period. During the first south they had usually 2 hours every day and for the rest - 2 hours once or twice weekly. They had theore- tical and ,Tactical training. The soldiers were aogainted with the following weapons$ "VINTOVU" rifle. "SHPAGIN" sub-machine gun. "DICTF.RYOY" lii`ht-machine gun. MAND(3ftI11.AD5" - FI (like an egg) and RO-42 - new one, bulgarian made (in Sopot) Soviet model handgranada. The soldiers had been trained in manipulation with every one of these weapons. They had been regularly examined. (d). STROEVI P09)GOTOVKA. Tor the whole period they had approx. 55 training hours - most intensively during the first 2 weeks# after decreased, sad for the last two weeks of the training period there were not any streeva podgotovka. (e). BOTINA PODGCTOYKA. Approx. 45 hours for the whole training period. (for the first 4 weeks - 2 hours three times weekly; for the second 4 weeks - 2 hours twice weekly; and for the remaining part from the training period - 2 hours can, day weekly). Except of that every day after lunch the soldiers had 15 minutes additional training (aiming). For the purpose of the training special training places (spaces) had been prepared in the area of 16th Border Otryad Uchebna Kcmandaturao These places had been called - "SPRELtOYI POLIOON". Every uchebna sastava had its own "Strelkovi Poligoa" (see on the sketch under #I4) Thee. "Strelkovi Poligoni" had been around 30 a. long and 3 m.wide. (gp.oial pieces for aiming). They consistent Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 LV SECRET STuLOKOVI POLIGON. a. Frame for aiming - staying. b. Frame for aiming - on knees. o. Trans for aiming - laying. d. Small trench - for whole body. e. Small trench - for stryinh on knees. f. Strelkovi gnesda ( ), 4 or 5. g. A small table and 2 benches for the free soldiers from the sastava where the officer shown then the weapon and tahe way of manipulation with it. 0 (f), TAKTICHESKA FMGOTOVKA. Around 45 hours for the whole period or 4 hours weekly. They had been learnt how to prepare tranches for them- selves, how to pass through different kind of obstacles. The rules for attack and withdrawing and so on. Usually they had I hour theory and 3 hours practice. This discipline was not so important for the border soldiers as the officers used to may. (g ). DISTSIPLIKARFif USTAO. Around 40 hours for the whole training period. (first month - 2 hours three times weekly and for the second and third month - 2 or 3 hours one day weekly). During this training the soldiers had been acgainted with the obligations, punishments and rewards of the border guards. There was not any significant change in that dir oipliae after the ordanisationsl changes of the Border Troops training wits. (h. ).FIZICRESSA PODGOTOfA. Around 20 hours for the whole training period (I hour twice weekly). Except of that every morning for 15 minutes the soldiers had so calYt4,. FXSZARYADKA (morning szorai se ). Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06Y: CIA{-yRDepP83-00418R007600280001-6 2 - Y Rjfl (i). USTAV VGA SLUZHBA. Around 18 hours fol the whole training period. (only during the first 3 weeks - 2 hours thre times weekly). Q). USTAV GARNIZOt+iNA 8LUZHBA. Around I. hours for the whole training pe- riod (only during the first 3 weeks - 2 hours twice weekly.) (k). SVURZOCHNA PCDGOTOVKA. Around 8-9 hours for the whole training period. The soldiers had been acgainted with the telephon used in the army. Parts of the telephon and the receiver. A couple of these hours tied been spent for practice. (1 ). ZAMA XIRANE. Only around 8 hours during the whole training period (1 boors - to times). The soldiers were instructed how and when to use the camouflaging nets (# 7 - green color and # 9 - yellow color); how to camouflage themselves in different places; how to use so called mgt (geyapoted canvasses.). A couple of times they had practical exercised consists of searching a given area for an well camouflaged Pelson. (m). ORIENTIROVLA. The soldiers had only 5-6 hours during the whole training period. They had been aogainted with the Russian compass, how to use it; how to oriented themselves in the stars and so on. The had a couple of practical examinations and once even during the night. (n ). ILARX*ANSHI P. During these 2 months and 16 day training the soldiers from the Uchebna JCcmandatura had 13 ezeroisen in narkaaaship, which began since 25.Navamber 1954 and continued till the and of the trai- sing period. The following exercises took parts DAT-TIMZ 1 CISES....... - 9 NICK-TIME ERCISES..... - 4 From them t Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 - 30*4"!, WITH "VINTOVXA" RIFLE......... - 2 night-time 3 ds$-time. WITH "$LLPAGIN" SUB-2ACHI) E GUN - 2 night-time. 3 day-time. WITH "DIKTMYOV"LIGHT MACH.GUN - 2 day-time. VITA HANDGRJNAD RG-42..........- I day-time. Or in details: WITS "VIN' OVKA" RIFIE - DAY-TIME: Of 100 m., chest mark, with 2 billets for cheking and 4 regular. Of 200 m. p waist mark, 'r ? n n n " n Of 200 m. ,? waist mark, " n :? r? n n n n the last one is the final examination marmanship exercise). WITH "YI1iTCVKA" RILL - NICkiT-TIME. Of visability, around 25-30 a., whole body mark, 2 billets. Of visabiltty, " n " " " n WITH ' 12AGINN" SIB-MACHIZIF GUN - T)AI-TIDE. Of 50 m., chest mark, 5 billets. Of 100 in., " 7 Of 200 a. , 9 WITH ". 7ACTN" ;'UB-,,,AGr'ilsr*`1a GU.,' - NIC T-TI; . Of visability, around 25 in., whole body mark, 3 billets. Of viaability, n n a U+ 5 billets. WITH "DIKTERYOV" LIGHT MACHINE GUN - DAY-TINS. Of 100 a., okest mark (double),, 9 billets. Of 200 m., II billets. WITS BAKDGRANADE Free throwing. All thee* oxercisen too1k part in the place known as "TOPLIKA", and in par- tic;ular in the place locato-d on approx. 50 w. South from "Toplike" Electric Central !,paver plant) - for the night-time exercises, and on a place located on approx. 150 in. south from the same parser plant - for the day-time exer- sizes. There was not a special shooting range on that place and the soldiers used for the perpoaa one of the slopes of the hill located on that plae*, Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 neaffla Am- Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 ( 4).t FINAL EXAMINATION OF THE SOLDIERS ATTACHED TO UCHEBNA KONANDATURA. Around 20.Deoember 1954 the training period of the training korandatura actually finished and began the examinations of the soldiers for eva- luation of the results of their training. These examinations were attended and observed by a special committee from the 16th Border Ot- ryad Staff. Chief of that committee had been major NIKOLOV (described in point 24c from this report). Every zastava commander examined the soldiers attached to his aastava. Informant claims that these exami- nations were not very careful and basic and that there were even sol- diers who were not examined at all. More attention had been paid of the following three discipliness GRANICHNA SLUZIIBA POLITICIFSKA P(DGOTOVKA and ORUZBEZR.ANIE. Major Nikolov personally examined the soldier about the GRANICHNATA SLUZHBA. Informant claims no representative from Sofiya Border Troops' Headquarter or Soviet adviser attended these examinations. (5 ). SOLDIER's AU}IT. The soldiers from 1934/35 recruit classes recruited in October 1954 gage their soldier aukh in 26.Deoeaber 1954 in Musoa . ebta airfield i.e. the place where the barracks of 16th Border Otryad uchebna komandatura had been located. Some of the bop communists from Nevrokop and soldiers' relatives attended that ceremony. (6). DISTRIBUTION OF THE SOLDIERS AFTER THE FINISHING OF THEIR TRAINING, After the Uehebna Komendatura training period was over the soldiers had been distributed to the respective sub-units of 16th Border Otryad. So approx. 17 new soldiers had been sent to every one zastava; approx.8-9 soldiers had been sent to the komandaturas' reserve companies; sad approx. 10 now soldiers remained to the Otryad'a maneuver group. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418ROO7600280001-6 ?32? AMU SaCC ID YO NDATURA IRON 16th BcFDE'R OTRTAD. 30. Line number ? 2nd, to 16th Border Otryad. Informant heard nothin about any organizational changes in that komandatura. Be San not give any impor=tant or detailed information about that komandatura,, because actually he only ono* visited it. 31. LOCATION. 2nd booandatur oocupjres the barracks located 25X1 an approx. 200 meters North-East from the village of SLASSTEI (N.4130;3.2402) Nevrokop okoliya. The area of the barracks had length of approx. 100 m. ( (North ? Sloth) and width ? approx. 150 a. (West - East). This area if fenced with wooden fence (taraba). Nearly to the Southern side of that area a ravine passed, which run to the village of Tukhovishta (11.4130; E.2403/04), Nevrokop ekoliya. 4 building are located in that area (see the sketch). One more ? the officers' apartments is located out of the barracks$ area, West from it, and on approx. 50-60 meters North-East from the last houses in the East part of Slashten in the space between Slashten and komandatura'a area, (see the sketch). Informant claims that two of the buildings ? that for the komanda- tura's staff and that for the officers# families were brand new buildings, built probably 2 years ago. Subject does not know to which border otryad that kemandatura used to be attached before its transferring to 16th Border Otryad. 32. ORG 7 line saffit va 8 line sastava 9 line sastava ! 10 line sastava 2A1 unknown w1wre 25X1 GODES E'~'0, t MNHO!I9ATA, N. ok oy ? " 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418ROO7600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-004188007600280001-6 33. OCMiJIDING PERSONNEL. a. TS1BiOY er TSANOY, captain, konandant (commander of that kcsandatura ). 25X1 b., DIETROT (fnu), sesnior-lieutenant, chief of staff. a. ANGELINOY, (fnu), isgnior-lieutenant, unknown duty. 25X1 Informant heard nothing about discharging or transferring of some officers from 2nd komandatura, or some new appointments to it. 34. Informant claims that 2nd komandatura and the sastavas attached to it were not declared for operational or located in operational area. 35. A reserve company was attached to that kcmandatura. This company was com- posed by approx. 60 soldiers, wht occupied the building shown on the sketch under 0 I. No more details can be furnished by the Subject about that re- serve company. Subject heard that the sypply and amunition dumps of that komandatura were located somewhere near to 3lashten and beside the road running from Slashten to Satevaha, but he does not known where exactly. That komandatura had a couple of carts, approx. IO mules, which were attached to komandatura supply platoon. 36. 11ARYADS GIVEN BY THE k iR C( PANY Cr 2nd KOYANDATDRA. From a soldier ? barber in that komandatura Subject learn that untill I5.February 1955 no one naryad was given by the reserve company, but after that date it was or- dered some naryads to be given in the vicinity of the village. is Subject learnt that naryads were sent ter toilowing places: Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 . 24 .. SEEN. A permanent day and night naryad - secret was Pont to the ravine knom as "2IKALE DIRE" (N.4132/33; E.240I.), and exactly on the place where in that ravine there were some big rocks. That place is located an approa? 5-6 klm. North from Slashten. Through it passed the road ru- nning from Slashten to Satovcha (N?4138; E.2358/59.) and Koohan (N.4135; E.2402,/03.). Between that place and Slashten there was a big hill. Sub- ject thinks this narzyad probably was composed by two soldiers. No more details. b. lnbjsot heard that anther naryad used to be sent somewhere South from Slashten, but he ow not give any details about it. 37. Subject can not give any information about the first two sastavas attached to that komandatura except that the 7th line sastava is located somewhere Southern from Mesta river, and Ith line sastav* is located somewhere nearly to the village of GCD EiEVO, (N.4I49; E.2404.), Nevrokop okoliya. Z AST A IA. 38. Line number - 9th 39. LOCATION. This sastava is located nearly to the village of TUKHOVISHTA, (N.4130; E.2403. ), BTevrokop okoliya, or exactly beside (South-East) from . no called "Gornata Makhala" ey?1CIr *]loge, (coordinates of the probable Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 a ECHET place - 040 - 950.). The building of that sastava if from the new type, a " fors. No other information can be furnished by the subject about that sastava with the exception of sons of the naryade given by its. 40. NARTADS ? CHISOVI NA aRANITSATA (Sentinel of the Border). That naryad is a patrol. The soldiers appointed at that naryad left sastava building and started in North direction. They passed East and near to Tukhovishta and continued in North direction walking in the road running from Tukhovishta to the village of Zhisheve (1.4134; $.2402/03?), Nevrokop okoliya. They passed through the Eastern part of so called "Oudnevata Barchina" (a place located North-West and North from Tukhovishta), after passed Western from the bight marked on the sap as I0(7 and reached to the bight marked on the map as 1000 (located West and North from the ravine known as "Byaloto Dere" - 5.41321 p.2403/04). That path (road) in its lsnght from sastava building to the bight - 1000 represented the space this naryad should control. Usually this naryad (patrol) was composed by 2 or 3 border guards, every ens armed with his personal weapo% but the segnior of the patrol used to be always armed with a sub-machine gun. Subject saw several times the sol- diers from that patrols during the day-time, but he thinks that it is a day and night patrol.. Sometimes the border guards from that petrol. used to hide, themselves in the pall forest located in the area between that path and the bight - 1000. They used to check the documents of every passer by. passing through that place. lubjsot can not give any details about the shifts of that patrol. Informant thinks that if even a border guard from that sastava escape, the path and the area oontroled by that patrols will be not left without any border naryad. Subject thinks that in such a case probably this naryad will retain or it will be changed with a secret which probably will be established on the bighttr dik' d on the map as 858 or somewhere else on the bights located West the patrole's path. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/0_6: CIA-RDP83-00418ROO7600280001-6 ADVANTAQOBS. The advantagues of that patrols is that it cover a large area and without any risk for the border guards included in it, because it passes through place located not very close to the border line and had a very good observation field. Subject claims that sometimes ago that patrols used the path connecting 9th with loth Zastava, but later that paths was abandoned because it passes very close to the border line and because from the both sides of it there were plenty of bushes in which enemy agents could hide themselves and the soldiers from the patrols very easy to fall in a enemy's ambush. The DISADVANTAGE of that patrols is that the area through which the sol- diers passed was almost entirely bare and the soldiers could be notice from a big distance. HOW TO BE AVOID. According to Subject the most convinient way this pa- trols to be avoid is Dospat River Dore to be crossed somewhere around 052 - 972 i.e. around the place where so called "Byaloto Dore" joins Dospat River Derr, and in particular a little South from that place. The person should walk on the South slope of "Byaloto Dore" and so to reach somewhere around the bight marked on the map as - I007. Pros that place even during the nifht the person will be able to observe the path used by the patrols, to see the border guards and when they went to Tukhovishta to cross the path. Informant claims that West from that pezth no other naryad existed. Subject claims that using that way one will be able to avoid not only this patrols but as well and the naryad - secret given by IOth sastava somewhere North and be- side the ravine known as "Dyaloto Der*". But as Subject claims that area generally was not convinient because it was bare. That is why more convinien, than the way described above is it the person crosses the path curves in North direction and goes to the village of Zhishevo where the area is coverer with thick bushes and very good. vw hiding. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418ROO7600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 41. AUTHOYATIC SYGNALIZATC S, (, OSIGNALIZATORI ). Western from the patrols path (from Tukhovi ehta to bight I000' a number of authomutic eygnali zutors had been put. Usually they were of a distance of approx. 60-I(C: aetet s West from that path. Subject guesses that there were approx. 4 aygnslizators. The lengt of the threads used to be approx. 40-50 a. Subject claims that during the day these sygnelizators had been taken and during the evening pint again. No information about the exact location of these sygnaliaators can be furnish ZAST AVA. 42. Line nwnber - 10th. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 40 3KbQj 44. LOCATION. Zastava'a building is located to 063 - 0I5, on the place known as "Boylyarski Weyler" (N.4133/34; 1.2405.). Zastava's building is located on approx. 250-300 m. East from Dospat river, and on approx. 450-500 a. North-East from the huts in "Boylyarski Weeler" and almost on the top of the hill between two ravines. Zastava building is a old one - built probably during 1946/47. The area around it is covered with high eat bushes and only the area noth of it is bare. This sastava is built on a cleaned from the trees place with approx, length and width of 150 asters. Zastava'a area is fenced with wooden fence. Zastava'a stable, kichen and other small huts are located out from that area (see the sketch). 45. a. Until] March 1955 that zastava was not electrificated. be During the Spring of 1954 this zastava was declared for best one for the year (so called "0breztsove Zestave"), and as reward! it received a radio set. In the end of 1954 this radio set was broken end sent to Sofia for reDairing. Now this zesteva had only a phonogreph. e. With water this zastave used to be supplied by a water source (primitive]; made fountain) located somewhere nearly to the river, where from the wate: was carried by barrels, loadFd on donkeys. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RQDP83-00418R007600280001-6 MEET ,46. a. Untill February 1955 that sastava was declared for BObrasteova", but after that. date this title ras +-%*d 'fror that znstavr and given to the ITth zaetava from 3d kosnendatur? of I6th Border Otryad. b. Only a part of its area was declared for operational area. That area wass from the Eastern stick I boundary) of the sastava (the line connecting the old Bulgarian Border Post # 5 to so called "Brushtenaki Most" - Brue shten Bridge) to Dospat river and to the ravine located North from so called "Dulbokoto Dore" and from there again toward the Old Bulgarian Border Post # 5. That area was declared for operational because of the incident occurred beside the Brushten Bridge (Rimski Bridge) in June 1953. Informant does not know what cathegory is that sastava but he heard that it was called ? "Tisokoplaninska" (high-mountain sastava). 47. FtRTIFICATIONS AROUND THE ZASTAW. n. TRANCALS.h~e^t claims that on three Places around the zesteva building there were made small trenches: W. West and almost weido to sastava-e s building - to Dospat riever. Long not more than 25 meters. (2). On arproar. 100 a. North-Rant from anstave' a building (behind sastava lavatories),, with length around. TO m. nearly to it there was a wooden underground construction - place "or a light nacbine gun. (9 ). On apps. 40 a. South from zastpve' s building and nearly to the place where sasteva's dogs used t., be kept. It wa3 the mallest one. b. BLOCKHOUSE. Underground bunker by wooden construction. It 1s located as anproo. 100 m. South-Fast from znsteva's building - towards the border line. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 4B. p t,SONtEL. Subject claims that there is no saatava in 16th Border Otryad with personnel less than 50 border guards and comuoanciing personal together, but he thinks that depend mainly of the character aP sastava'a area* a. Around 3I.Varch 1955 to IOth zaatava 55 persons Officers ..................... ? 3 Sergeants...... .............. - 3 Junior Sergeants ............. 3 Corporals.................... - 4 Privates ..................... -42 were listed: b. Zastava'a soldier personnel was composed by youth attached to the following recruit classes: 1932 r.elass, recruited 14.11.1952 - 15 persons. 1933/34 r.olass, recruitedI.I953 - 17 persona. 1934/35 r.class, recruited 8.X.1954 - 18 persons. Subject thinks the personnel and of the other sastevaa is probably sywilar of that of I0th saatava. Subject is positive that from 1934/35 recruit class after the finishing of the training komandatura 17-I8 new border guards had been sent to every one brom the sastsvas attached to 16th Bor- der Otryad. Generally Subject thinks that during 1955 there was an inorea- sing of the soldiers personnel attached to the sastavas (see point II.) 49. COMMANDING PERSONi L. The commanding personnel of 10th saatava was composed by the following officers: no VITANOV u ior-lieutenant commander. X1 b. ar-lieutenant, deputy commander for political affairi25 SOYMIOV (fnu )junior-lieutenant, stroevi oonuander. 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 MI Subject knwos that until December 1954 comet nder of that sastava used to bo segr ior-I~cutenrnt P DICY11' (fro,' who wits ? repireed by eCni-ir-lieute- nmt 1?T'"AW . orn not ;dive my datr correrning Radi ebev. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 1+4 --V11161 52. UINF(7hCFIMT OF A BORDER ZASTAVA. b. iii Boma special Usually when necessary the sestavas received reinforcement from the res- pective komandatura's reserve company and in some special cases even from the respective otryad's maneuver group. The number of the soldiers and officers sent to a sasteva as reinforcement depend of the need. Subject claims during the time he served in 10th zasteve, reinforcement was not sent to it, oases soldiers from V.V. used to he sent as reinforcement of some border sastavas. So during,, 1953 Khristov with many other enldi.ers from V.V. had been sent as reinforcement to some border zastpva on the Pulgprlar-Yugo- slavis*z border line. Subject on not give any details about the exact time and exact zsstssva where the soldiers had been sent, neither how now and from I which exact poddelenie of V.V. they were sent. 25X1 25X1 as Subject claims that there was an order (unknown when issued) according to which every officer from the border troops (from Otryad or Komendatura Staff or from some other interior unit of the Border Troops) who for one or other reason visits a border sastava and spends there more than 24 hours nevermind what rank had or what duty occupied was obliged to be at least 4 or 5 hours any border neryeds checking of the nera ads or to xift stay with the soldiers secret in some place and so on. Subject claims that even major NIKOLOV who some time ago came to IOth sastava and stayed there more than 24 hours had been sent naryad the use night. A colonel from the Bor- der Troops headquarter in Sofis`j zLved in 10th zastava to hand some reward) of the soldiers spent amoral hours in Border naryad too. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 53, ARMAMENT OF IOth BORDER ZASTAVA, FROM I_th BORDER OrRYAD. Subject claims that the armament of that sastava consists of: "Ma-34" LIGHT XACHIW GUNS ............... ? I r TI tiY V 3 _t. i .d1. dr ,,......... . "VINTOVEA" karebines.................... 12 "VINTOV!f" rifles....................... 15 "01PAGI} " sub-machine guns.............. ? 25 _.1.1." pis oice ......................... - 5 Peavy machine guns; ...................... none Antisircr;:.ft machine guns ............... - tuns Antitank rifles ......................... - none Subject does not knownahat kind of weapons were kept in sastava weapon dump. AMMUNITIONN. Subject claims that in I0th sastpva's room for the officer or sergeant of duty the following ammunitions were kept. "F-I" handgrsnads ....................... - 55 "?G-42" he nrtgr u.. ................... - 55 Pulnit2li for sub machine guns.......... ? 20-25 (each one with 71 bullets Pu niteli for 11j'1t machine guns........ - 2 P with bullets for rifles......... 30 ( pnleeka contained 6 -^rr *it`h 5 bullets every one or 30 bullets in every palaska or 900 bullets in the room of the officer of d,.tv. i Sabjhct do,-,q rot 1-no,. wh.t. kind of P,T,,nurlttone Pram Ice :t in zr_atF;va ammunition dump. 54. ABOUT TUE A RikA' E PT Ok A BC'WER NA tYAD C01V?0S1 D BY rHRE BOHDF GUARDS. Usually every one of the border guards is armed with his personal weapon, but the es- gnior of the naryad always with a sub-machine gun. So the the neryad usuall,* has I sub machines gun and 2 rifles, but quite possible and 2 sub machine genes and I rifle. Such a nnryad usually carries the following ammunitions iteli for sub machine gun.......... 2 Ifor every one border guard arced with submachine gun). WggU with bullets for riflles....... - ?. or 60 bullets (for every one sri^ed ;;it_: rifle). Handgranads. .......................... - 2 (I - F-I and I - RG-42, for every one member of the naryad In addition of that every bcsrdr4r nary-id carted anal the follo?Ting items: First eld ?pekege ..................... ? I - for every member of the narya Cards for fasting captured persons. Receiver - is there to a telelahnne llno. Binoole - if the naryad' ''' # ,bbaervation post. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418ROO7600280001-6 'NtUfftI 55. UW )WIDGRANADS FOR THE BORDER TROOPS. a. Subject heard that for first time these new granads were delivered for the border troops during the seer of I954. These handgranads were known as 7-I DEFENSE RANDGRMAD and RO-42 ATTACK HANDORANAD. The P-I handgranad had form as an on. It had diameter of ncrashenie around 200 meters, that is why it was said that this handgranad should be thrown only from a =all tranche or the soldier should be hiden behind same rook or some big tree. It weighted 0.700 kgr. and according to the Subject the average distance of which it can be thrown is between 35 and 40 meters. The RO-42 hand-granad had the fors of a can. Its diameter of twalbaLt used to be not more than 40 asters. It was bigger than F-I, but lighter than it. It could be thrown of an average distance from 35 to 40 esters. It weighted around 0.450 kgr. Both handgranads used to be kept in a special bag Isaok). They were authosatioally saredenI and the only thing the soldier mould do when nee sessary to use them (and in particular RG-42) is to pull out the handgranade from the bag, to pall out the small ring on its head, and to push the handle Usually the handgranade exploided 2 to 4 seconds after the soldier released the handle, if he does not release it he could keep the handgranad in his hand for hour without fear that it can exploid. Subject claims that these handgranads were made in such a wy that they exploided almost just in the moment when they touched the ground and it was impossible and there was no time for the enaW to take it and throw it back. That was one of the big advantagues of these handgranads. 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418ROO7600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 45 % on nrT b. Subject knows that these 7-1 and RG-42 handgrahads were Soviet model han425X1 granads. RG-42 handgranads were produced in Sopot military plant, a. Subject heard that sometimes ago (exact date unknown) a border guard 25X1 from Elkhovo Border Otryad was killed by the explosion of one of the new handgranad. That secured because the handgranada had been authosatioally and when the border guards sat down, by acoedent he presses the handle of the RG-42 handgranab and when after a little while he stand up the handgranade exploded and killed his. That accident became reason these now handgranades to be esteaated as dangerous for the life of the border guards and that is why it was decided a new part to be added to the hand' grenades in order to be prevented the pushing of the handle by accident. That new part (prisposoblenie - ) was a special piece of wood (see the sketch). In the middle of it there was a hole in which MRSALU ( ) lp, on the one of the sides of this wooden piece there was a special place for the handle which was unseparatable part from the ,? So between the M2A" and the handle there was a piece of wood which prevented the pushing of the handle. Si the Subject claims that these new handgranades no longer were authosatically ?C2"g , because their sava3Jd were pulled out and put in the wooden piece, which was kept in the son bag with the handgranada. So now if a border guard wants to use it be mould take to handgranade and the wrsoden piece, after to pull out sapalkata and to insert it in the handgranade, after to pull out the small ring to push the ndle and then to throw the handgranade. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 - 46 - JtLfff f Subject claims that in March 1955 these wooden pieces for IOth sastava were brought. 56. Subject does not know whether Si some of IOth sastava dumps there were anti- gas mask or not. He claims that the border guards were not given anti-gas mask. 57. DOGS - 10 th ZASTAVA. a. Around March 1955 there were 12 or 13 dogs in IOth Border sastava. From then an]y 2 - "EIKI" and "BOR" were really well trained border dogs - on track (so called RAZISM KUCKETA). Subject does not know where these dogs were trained. Usually such dogs could fallow a track of 6 kin distanam but it was said that "Milo" was able to fallow a track even for 20 klm. "Mika" was oonoidersd as one of the beat border dogs. It looks like a wolf and is a very cruel dog. Subject claims that these dogs had a rank. "Itiki" used to be a segaior-sergeant. Private TSANKOV, I93A. Lom okoliya, used to be instructor of "MIki", and corporal PE2KOV, 1933, Asenovgrad okoliya - instructor of "Dor", b. There were and 2 so called STRAZHEVI kUCHETA (dogs trained mainly to watch and warn the soldiers witout barking). The name of one of them is "RAZLOG" In spite of the fact that this dog is a Strashevo kuohe, it was able to fallow a track of distance not bigger than 3 kln. a. All of the remaining dogs were ordinary dogs able to follow a track of 500.600 asters and were using mainly for so called BLOCKPOSTS (fastened of a wire stretch between two trees nearly the border line and trainsds to bark when somebody approch then, and to receive food only by a single soldier. So if a violation occurs in the area where a blockpost is put, the dog's barking will warn tb, b di r guards. Subject knows the names of two of then: "ISKUa" and "FEU" (the last one is a red colour dog.) Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-ReeDnnP~~ CW 83-00418R007600280001-6 y " -0 L,,VI 5$. SUPPLY. Subject claims that 10th zastava used to be supplied with every kind of foods from the village of Kochan, Nevrokop okoliya, that is why Subject guesses that there are some store houses in Koohan. The foods were brought by mules. When the quantity of the foods was big, peasants from the closest villages were used to transport them from Kochan to zastava'a building. With such large quantity foods the sastava was usually supplied once monthly, and 3.4 soldiers from zastava went to Koohan for additional foods. The soldiers usuall$ passed through Dospat river bridge and after fallow the path running from the bridge, through the village of Zhishevo to Koohan. 59. IZAYZ3 FM THE SOWIRRS ATTACHED TO IOth ZASTAVA. a. HOMPUATE8. Untill October 1954 every border guard had right of 20 days hc*sleave after 22 months servisb; During October 1954 this system was changed. Around I9.20.October 1954 an order from Border Troops headquarter was issued. According this order every soldiers had right of 20 days home- leave after each 12 months of service. To these 20 day should be added and 2, 3 or more days necessary for going and coming back from the native place of the soldiers. No border guard could be deprived by home leave. b. SPECIAL CASES. A border guard could receive a hamo leave and in one of the following (I). Death or heavy desease of close relative ? 7 days (father, mother, wufe, children, father, brother, sister. ). The soldier received such a home leave only after receiving of a telegrams sent through the village president to the units in which the soldier served. (2 ). firer marriage ? 7 day. Not very often, because the border guard used that leave only to go home and after came back without sertificate. When a border guard receive such a home leave, after returning he b should bring a ssrtificat ,.=jf he did not most probably he will be tried by military trial. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 ? 4O - SECRET (3). For trial - a couple of days; (4). As reward - 10-15 days. For good service; for good training in the training kmandatura; for courage; for successful participation in some action; for killing or capturing illegal persons and so on. c. SHAY LEAVES. Subject claims that the Sunday leaves depended from the location of the sastava. Especially for 10th sastava they were a prob- lay because that sastava was located away from any village, and because the populace of the closes villages was bilgarian-aoslems and the border guards had no interest to go there. Usually they proffered to stay in or around the sastava and spent sleeping their free time. The other rea- sm was the lack of money. That is wby very scarce 2 soldiers free from naryad went to bryshten - it was said for sunday leave, but they actually acted as a naryad. Subject knows that in some other sastavas located near some village the border guards used to go often for sunday leave. Subject does not know whether any order exist, but he claims that it was forbiden a border guard to go alone to Brushten in sunday leave - it was permited only for groups composed at least by two border guards. 60. DSM ORGANIZATICN IN IOth ZASTAVA. Subject claims that everybody in IOth sastav used to be a DSNM member. Only 2 officers and 2 border guards were regular party members. Every sastava by itself representes a DSNN organisation with ith Presidentship, composed by 4 border guards. Around March 1955 the Presi- dentship of 10th zastava was composed by the following border guards. 25X1 a. IIIKOLOV (fnu ), private), DSNM secretary since IO.Pbbruary 1955 when a DSNM yearly meeting was kept. Before him private TSAIIKOY used to be DSIIM secretarye b. TSANKOV (fnu), private, I9340 Los okoliya. Propagandist. a. YULKOV, (fnu), junior-sergeant. d. YA3zLEY, (fnu ), private. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418ROO7600280001-6 ~r!66_wl Fery often border guards from 10th aastava used to be called by the sastava DSNM managment, the members of which talked to them a tried to persuade then to serve better. These 4 border guards (the management) kept permanent oontao' with the officers from R.S. (5th) section of kosandatura. 61. HOW THE SOLDIERS INCLUDED IN A BORDER NARTAD MONIED THROUGH THE BORDER AREA. NARYAD COMPOSED BY TWO BORDER GUARDS. During the day-time the border guard kept distance between them of approx. 20-25 a. The junior usually walked firsto During the night-time the distance between the both border guards depends from the visability - always the second border guard (the segnior) should as. the first one (the junior)* b. NARTAD COMPOSED BY THREE BORDER GUARDS. Day-time - distance approx. 20-25 a. between the border guards; the segnior walked in the middle; During the night - depends from the visability. c. CHASOTI NA GRANITSATA (SENTINEL OF THE BORDER). In the fighting order was said that every 20 staters the border guards should stops to observe the area and after that to continue their way. Subject claims that usually no" bock paid any attention of that order, d. No border gaurd included in any border naryad had right to separate him- self from his fellow-border guards from the naryad and to go for one or another reason somewhere else in sastava area& for the border guards.) e. While free from naryad the border guards should remain in the area around the aastava building. No border guards had right to leave that area and to go somewhere else in $astava area. That was possible only after perait_ion from acme of the officers and usually in groups (But subject claims he now heard about the existence of a .od'fioial order concerning such restrictions Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418ROO7600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Mb 62. BOUNDARIES OF IOth ZASRAVA "MALINA" from 16th BORDER 0TR!AD, a, SOUTH BOUNDARY. The south boundary of IOth sastava (and the North boundary of 9th sastava) passed in the bottom of so called "BYALOTO DIRE" (N.4132; 1.2404.), So the north slope of that ravine belong to the area of IOth sat tava while the South slope of the same ravine remained in the area of fth sastava. be EAST BOUNDARY. Starts from so called 5th Old Bulgarian Border Post - 086 - 015 and straight through the field reaches to Dospat river bridge (so called Rimeki Most) - 063 - 029, located between the villages of Brushten and Tornnoha (N.4134/35; E.2407 )~ As 5th Old Border Post as and so called "Rimeki Rost" remained in the area of Ilth sastava, which were located in an operational area and the naryads given around them were composed by border guards from IIth sastava. Untill May 1954 10th and Ilth sastava shifted in Bending neryads in the place near to the "Rimaki Most". The area of 10 the sastaba since its East boundary in 'Test direction to the Dospat river was an operational area. 63. NARYADS GIVEN FROM IOth BORDER ZASTAVA FOR 24 HOURS - GENzALLY. Usually fcYr 24 hours the following naryads were given by the border guards attached to IOth Border sastava from 16th Border Otryed -Nevrokop. (10. Chasovi ma sastava (Sentinel of sastava) .......... . I day and night (2). De shuren p0 sastava (on duty in sastava ).......... OR I (3). Trevoshna grupa (Alarm group) ..................... ? I (usually from 6 to 8 border guards). (4). Night-time naryads ................................ - 7 (from which 6 permanent and I from time to tine). (5). Day-tine faryads .................................. 5 (from which 4 permanent and I from time to tine). Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 OR 5 r" From the might-time naryades (I). Secrets - permanent ............................... 4 Combinations sometime secret, sometime sentinel... - I M. Chasovi na granitsata (Sentinel of the border)... - 2 From the day-time naryads: (10. Observation posts ................................ I (2). Sentinel of the border ........................... - 4 Subject claims no secret was given during the day-time., b. Subject claims sastava's commanders had not right at all to change the places of the naryada, planed and fixed by the komandaturs'a Staff. The only person who could change these places was the Commandant - (the co- mmander of komandatura). As proof for that Subject states that during the period he need to serve in that sastava - I.January untill $I.xaroh 1955 no changes in the places where the naryads used to be given, oeeured. Sub- ject claims that zastavate commander had not right even to change the kind of the naryad sent to a certain place, except in some special cases - such like cold weather during the wintker when instead of a secret the commander could send a sentinel of the border. According the subject the only thing zaatava'a commander had. right to do was to change the place where the bor- der guards from a naryad should hide themselves in the area fixed for the naryad - for instance instead South from the given point the commander could order the border guards to hide themselves somewhere North from that paint. In addition od that the commander had right to send 2 more naryads in addi- tion of these fixed in zastava plan from the komandaturas but only if he had some serious reason to do that. In that ease the co mander all by him- self fixed the place where the naryade will be sent, without to ask for any permition his superiors from komandatura. Is sastava'a commander change witout permition the place of any naryad and if any violation ooovr*d in the area where this naryad supposed to be Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 the ooamander had personal re span sabilitie a for that. 64. PLACES WJM THE COMMUNIST OFFICER I LFM TO LENT B(tD :h NARYADS. places where the officers proffered to send naryads were the followings 25X1 a. In the ravines, and especially on one of the both slopes of the ravines. Subject claims that almost never a naryad was put in the bottom of the ravines. Puting the naryads on the slope had been practiced because the border guards will be able better place to hide themselves and meanwhile will have larger observation field as to the opposite slope as to the bottom of the ravine, b. Beside some paths which ran from the border line to the interior part of the country. ?he small paths were abandoned, and the naryads were given mainly beside the bigger of them. c. Around the place where a path comming from the border line crosses another one running parelelly of the border line. For the perpose were chosen not the small paths but the bigger one. d. Around the place where a big path branched out of two path (branches). Usually the nar'ad was not established before the place where the path branched out, but somewhere after the place where the path branched out. Usually one naryad was established beside one of the branches, while ano- ther one was established several hundred meters away from that place but in such place where from the border guards will be able to observe a part from the second branch. So the whole path will be controled very well by these two naryads while a larger area will be cover around the place of their establishment. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418ROO7600280001-6 At 1 65. MOST C0NTROLED PLACES IN ThE AREA OF 10th BOBBER ZASTAVA. According to Subject the most controled and well watched places in the area of 10th border sastava used to be the area declared as operational area (sea above), as well the area around the Dospat River Bridge (not so called Rimaki Most, but this one through which the road for Zhiahevo passes.) 66. MOST CONVINI FOR PEly' ATION PLACE IN THE AREA OF 10th BORDER ZASTAVA. According to Subject that is the space between sasteva's building (063 ? 015) until the ravine known as "Byaloto Der*" (with exception of the space around the bridge). Subject claims that that area used to be watched by only one sentinel of the border (since sastava building to the bridge), who used the path connecting sastava'a building with the bridge. That sentinel could be watch from big distance and when he passed in one or another direction one can cross the area and the path. But Subject claims that that is possible only during the night, because during the day there was an observation post located South and near to the 4th Bulgarian Old Border Post (see below ? the point about that observation post), the border guards of which will be able to we if somebody try to penetrate in Bulgarian teritorry through that place. 67. I'VH A PENETRATION (or violation) IS ESTABLISEi I) depends how many hours have passed) one, two or more naryads usually were sent to perue the persons pene- trated (if only 6 hours have passed). Meanwhile sastava's commander informed the Otryad's Staff, where the officers evaluated the information received (mainly about the direction in which the person was supposed to be walling, the time he was noticed and so on) and organised a sa@lf& somewhere in the interior part of the country, far away from the border line, where the per- son was expected to pass. Meanwhile the militia and the Groups for Assistance of the Border Troops in the neighbour villages were informed and order to take measures for increased alertness. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418ROO7600280001-6 :CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/0~(p6tCRE ? 68. 1REN A BORDER GUARD FROM A GIVEN ZASTAVA ESCAPES, according to the Subject probably the whole or pert of asstave personnel will be changed and the places of some of the naryads arobebly changed as well. But he claims that there were naryede which will remain because the characteristic of the area did not per- sit their replacing or changing. Especially for IOth sastava Subject thinks that it is almost impossible a complete ohanges of the naryads. According to him probably more of then will be only transferred in some short distance in one or another direction from the place where they used to be sent before the escape of the border guard. NARTADS - E BLI5HED N THE AREA OF 10th ZASTAVA MMALINA", PROM 2nd m HOIIAEATURA OF 16th BORDER OTRYAU (untill 31.Maroh 1955.) 25X1 5ECKET 69.Naeie - "NA MQQSTA" ("On the bridge"). a. LOCATION. This naryad is located around Dospat River Bridge - 051 - 984, on the place where Zhizhevaka River joins Dospat River. All. the place around the bridge is covered with oak bushes - thick in direction towards the bor- der line and rare - towards the village of Zhishevo. The exact place where the border guards from that secret used to hide themselves is one of the followings (I). If the secret is composed by 3 border guards. One of then star West from the bridge and the other 2 - .at from the bridge. From the last two - one hides himself somewhere South and beside the path passing through the bridge, and the other one - North from it. The border guards usually stagy nearly to the bridge uo in case of alarm to be able to see each other. The segnior of the naryad usually stayed from the West side of the bridge. All of them hid themselves in the bushes r*th itch that place is covered. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 >7 -VkMU1M'L' If the naryad - secret is composed by to border guards there are 4 different possible places for them to hide themselves, as fallowss (a). Both of them somewhere on the slope located Last from the bridge, hidden among the bushes, and on a.)prax. 20-30 meters from the bridge. From that high place the border guards can observe wry well the bridge, the path passing through it and as well the area West from the bridge to the border line. (b). The cams situation but Western from'the bridge on the slope located there. (a). Both of them East from the bridge, but one of them South from the path passing through the bridge, and the other one - North from the same path, but so that to be able to see each other. W. The same disposition but neat from the bridge. On which of these places this secret will be established depended from the decision of zastava' a commander or from the segnior of the naryad if he has received permition for free choice of place. ;.;ubjact claims that when the border guards hid themselves among the hushes it was almost impossible to be notice from a person untill to moment he comes of only few afters distance from them, b. Usually that secret is composed by 2 border guards, but sometimes sastava's commander could send 3 border guards. But usually that happened not more than twice weekly. The border guards were armed with their personal weapon. a. SHIFTS. This secret is an only night naryad, composed usually by 2 shifts, and only in bad weather - by 3 shifts, (as it was during II and III.I955), It was arrenged so that the first shift of that secret went to the bridge exactly when the border guards from the observation post (or sentinel of the border) established near to the 4th Old Border Post started back to the sastava vuilding. So when the latte4 treed the apace, the secret going to the Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Ituht l bridge meanwhile covered again that area but in a line located deeper. Accor- ding the Subject the following used to be the schedule of this secret: First shift - leaves 17309 returns 2230 Second shift- leaves 2130, returns 0230 Third shift - leaves 0130, returns 0630 But the shifts depend from the season. So in winter time every shift usually stayed 5 hours in duty, while during the maser - 6 hours. In this times, the time for going and returning from the place used to be included. The shifts chande themselves on the spot i.e. the first shift did not leave the place before the next one comes. Usually the shifts became on approx. 20-30 meters West from the bridge, d. WA? OF GOING. The way for going and coming to the place where this secret used to be established, was fixed in the oasander, fighting order to the border guards taking part in the secrete Subject claims that usually two paths were used for the psrposes 41). The one shown on the map and passing through the bridge. Somewhere around 060 - 001 this path ramified of two brahehes, both of which run from the bridge to the sastava building. And both of these paths were used by this secret in depsndanoe of the commander's ardor. (2). The second path is not shown on the map. That is a small path running from the place known as "Boyryanski Weiler" to the bridge and always beside the Dospat River ? on 5 to 20 maters last from it. Subject thinks more often the border guards used the first path (I) and espe- cially the Western one of its branches. After the serving term of the third shift was over the border guards left the place and using one of the paths shown above returned straight to sastava without to spent any time as Jgsor or sentinel of the borde'. Only in few ocoations when the break of the day comes before the serving term to be over, then before to leave the border guard. used to make a couple of walks around the place of their du hr. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 CGUE e. Subject thinks this secret probably will be not abolished after his escape, because no other naryad will be able to cover that place (area) so success- fully. The only way according to his is to be abandoned the bridge and a secret to be put beside the path running from the border line to the bridge. f? The main advantage of this secret is the fact that in this area the only place for crossing of Dospat River is through this bridge, because just in that area the bed of the river is narrow, the stopss sleep and the ooure? very strong and fast. Subject claims that the passing through the bridge is almost impossible and there is no way this secret to be avoided. g. The border guards liked this secret because while serving on it they felt themselves awe secure than in any other naryad. They had good position, very good bidding place and observation field, and away from the border line h. This secret used to be more often *hooked by officers from the sastava, than any of the ethers naryads. Subject claims that from IO shifts usually 3 or 4 were checked, and especially these during the winter. That used to be so because it was concidered almost as the only possible place through which an illegal person could cross the Dospat River. 25X1 70. Name ? ]%AL0OO D_ " ("White Ravine") a. LOCATION. This secret is located in the angle formed by Dospat River and the brook running through so called "Syaloto Dore". Exact place of the sr cret ? 050 - 974. This place is on approx. 100 a. West from Dospat river and on approx. 50-100 an North from "Hyaloto Dere" and beside the path running from the bridge through "Byaloto Dore" to Tukhoviahta. Very often this secret is located betwe*jk,,% t bath and Dospat River, but sometimes Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 ? ,O 407...W1116U the soldiers hid thesiselvos somewhere in the bothe sides of that path among the rocks and bushes with which that area was covered. In January 1955 for several times instead of the place shown above this naryad was established in the Eastern bask of Dospat river - just in the angle formed by Dospats River and the Border Line (somewhere around 053 978). On that place this naryad acted as a naryad for assistance of the naryad located near the bridge. After January 1955 this nary-ad no longer had been given on that place. be Usually this naryad was composed by 3 border guards and very seldom by 4 border guards, armed with their personal weapons. Very seldom the sol? diers carried and a light machine gun with theme as SHIFTS. That is an only night naryad. During the daytime this area was watched (covered) by the observation post located South from 4th Bulgarian Old Border Post, the border guards of which had a very good observation field to Greek teritorry, and were able to see almost every person trying to penetrate to Bulgarian toritorry trought that particular area. Only very seldom an additional naryad had been sent to the place between Dospat River and "Byaloto Dore" ("White Ravine"). This additional naryad consists of a soldier and a rasY kWh* (Track dog) who went to that place observed it for tracks and case back to sastava building. Usually this naryad had been composed by 3 shifts. The first one usually left sastava's building j hour before the soldiers appointed to the naryad known under the name "Na Mesta". In the fighting order it was said that from the time of service II hours were given for going to the place of the appointment, Ij ? for coming back and 3.4 hours for staying on the place. In bad weather this naryad had been tranforred from secret to patrols. The changing of the shifts usually became not on the spot, but somewhere . 7, in the middle of the distance,bdl en the place when this naryad was supposes Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 to be and the bridge (probably around 050 - 979). Usually the third shift was appointed for a 7 hours terms, from which only 4 hours the soldiers spent an the spot* The other two shifts usually were appointed for a 6 hours term, from which only 3 hours they spent on the spot. After the finishing of its service term the third shift same straight back to the sastava building without to spent any time for acting as dolor or sentinel of the border line* d. The way the border guards should use for going and comraing back from the place of their appointment used to be pointed out in the fighting order. The border guards used the same path with the secret "Na most," for going to the Dospat River bridge. From the bridge they continued in the path running through "Byaloto Dore" ("White Ravine") to the village of Tukhovishta. When the border guards attached to this secret passed through the bridge they were obliged to give certain signals (onoenavatelnienatsi) for the soldirers attached to the secret "Na Monte", who usually knew the approximately time when the border guards from secret "Byaloto Dore" should pass through the bridge. e. The place when the secret "Byaloto Dore" used to be established was consider from the communist officers as one of the most convinient for penetration place in that zastava area, because in that very place Dospat River was wider not so deep and especially during the summer months easy for crossing. That was the reason for ordering the border guards to shoot whitout warning to everybody noticed in that area and trying to cross the river. That is why in order to be avoided any aecedents it was ordered the shifting of the shifts the become not on the spot but some 300.400 motors North from the place. A special way of checking of that naryed was arranged too. So the officer or the sergeant checking it should walk only to a certain path and when he reached to a certain place he. std give the signs 'lopozneva a ni znatsi) f r i.. - &" Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIIA-RDP83-00418ROO7600280001-6 iEUREi to reoieve the answer and without to see anybody from the border guards attaehei to this nariyad to went back to the zastava building. Informant does not know what is actually the reason sucxh a strahge way of checking to be established for this border naryad. This naryad used to be very often checked by officers or sergeants from that zastava and especially when the nights were too dark. 25X1 g. ADVANTAGES OF THAT NARYAD. It covers an easy to be cross part of Dospat River (Especially in summer time) From that place the border guards are able to observe a part from "Byaloto Dore' From that place the border guards had a comparatively good observation field in different directions. This place give opportunity of the border guards to find a spot wher to hide themselves so well that from a couple of esters they can not be notice ? this place was covered with rooks and bushes among theme h. HO's THIS NARYAD CAN BE AVOIDED. According to Informant this naryad can be avoided only if one cross the river of a place of approx. 150 m. South from the ravine known as "Byaloto Dore" ? around the place 052 - 097. This place is covered with thick bushes. So using that place for penetration the person can not be noticed from the border guards attached to that naryad. From that place one should go straight to the height marked on the map under # I0(17# Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418ROO7600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 ttCRET where from he will have a good opportunity to observe the area around and when he sees the naryad from 9-th zastava (see there). Informant claims that it was almost impossible one to penetrate through the area between that naryad and Dospat River bridge, because of the very steep slope of Dospat River in that place (almost perpendicular) and because of the fact that in that place Dospat River used to be very deep and with a very strong course. i. The border guards did not like this naryad and were afraid to stay there, mainly because that area was very good hiding place not only for the border guards but also and for illegal persons, who to establish an ambush for them. Informant personally served many times as member of that naryad. 71. jEERET_ - nm "DtDLBO 0 DERE"_ ("The Deep Ravine") a. LOCATION. The ravine known as "Dulbokoto Dore" is located of approx. 7-800 m. Nobth from zastava's building. Its direction is West - East (location - 060 to 069 and 018). It reaches to the Dospat River. The slopes of these ravine are very steep and covered with bushes. That is a big and deep, dry ravine. Somewhere in the middle of its length the path running from Tukhovishta to Brushten crosses that ravine (that place is on approx. 800 m. East from Dospat river. On the both sides from that path and beside it, the soldiers attached to this naryad hide themselves. Usually the stayed an the South sloper of the ravine. There was and another path crossing that ravine and joing the first on somewhere m nearly to the top of the North slope of the ravine. That place mbitz where the both paths joined each other could be observed from the place where the border guards attached to this naryad hid themselves. b. This naryad was composed by two soldiirs each one armed with his personal Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 6 S!CRET e. This is an only night time naryad composed by 3 shifts. The border guards attached to the first shift left zastava building usually - hour after the border guard attached to the naryad known as "Brushtenaki Naryad" (see there) i.e. around 1830-1900 o'clock, becuase the place established for that naryad is close to the zastava buildings The third shift left the place with the breaking of the day. The shifts changed themselves on the spot i.e. the previous shift did not leave the place before the next one comes. d. The border guards went to the place of their appointment using the ventral path running from Tukhovishta, passing East from zastava building, crossing the ravin known as "Dulbokoto Dore" and reacing to Bruahten. e. Informant thinks that after his escape that secret probably will be changed i.e. it will be established in some other place but not for away from its previous place, that's meant that it will be only transferred a little in one or another direction from the place established previously. f. ADVANTAGES. Cover a central path. Cover a big ravine. Good opportunitis for choosing a hiding place in the area. The only disadvantage of that naryad is that it had not a good and large observation field, g. HOW TO BE AVOIDED. Informant claims that this naryad can be avoided easily. According to him that can be done by passing through the area between zas+ tava building and the place where this naryad is established moreover that thic area is covered with bushes providing good opportunity for concealing, and because the soldiers attached to that naryad actually had not almost any observation field to South and South?Vest i.e. in direction to the zas- tava building, nor from zasto:$ ?ltre was observation field to the place Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 63 SECRET where this naryad is located. Informant claims that very easyly that naryad can be avoided with night time penetration. If one use the area shown above for penetration the only dangerous would come from the additionpl nsryad sent from zastave almost every other day somewhere in the area between the border line and the place where the secret known as "Dulbokoto Dore" is lo- cated. No danger or surprises can be expected from the narmy'ad located South from the 4th Old Bulgarian Border Post ? but only during the night timeo h. The border guards liked that naryad mainly because it was close to the zastevas and because no sign of violations in that area had bean marked till now. But this naryad used to be eftenly checked by officers or sergeants from the zae- tava. Informant personally never served as a member of this secret. 72. iSE2RET nips "NA SRALATA"_(_On VIP. rogk" LOCATION. This secret is located on approx. 500-550 meters slightly North- West (almost West) from 5th Old Bulgarian Border Post and on approx. 750-800 m. South from Brushten and on approx. 200 meters South-West from the big curve of the path running from Brushten to the 5th Bulgarian Border Post. (So the exact place of this secret is somewhere around 080 - 016. On approx. 50 m. South from this place to the border line the area is covered with forest from different trees. From this place to Brushten the area is almost bare. The border guards attached to this secret usually hide themselves around a characteristic rock located among the barely place around. Between this rock and the big curve of the path there was a small fountain. From the South and North-West sides of the rock there were two small ravines. This secret is located in the operational part of 10th Zasta-ala region. b. Usually this secret is composed by 2 border guards and seldom from 3 border guards - all of them armed with their personal weapon. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 SECT c. This is an only during the night secret, composed by 3 shifts. The first shift left zastava around 1700 o'clock, for a 6 hours service period from which were included 1.20 hours for going and 1920 hours for eomming back to the sastava. The third shift left the place (the rock) after is its ser- vice period is over. If the break of the day comes before this term to be over the border guards attached to this secret ceased to act as a secret, the left the rock and went in South direction towards the border line, where they began to act as Sentinels of the Border (Chasovi na Qraniteata). They reached to a small 'Path running peralelly of the border line (almost) and on approx. I00-I50 m. North from it, and the part of that path located between 5th Bulgarian Old Border Post and Border Pyramid # 184 i.e. a length of approx. 400-500 in, was the area of their duty as Sentinels of the Border they walked in that path fortkward and back. The night time shifts changed themselves on the spot i.e. the previous naryad left only after the comming of the next one. But during the Winter time tkm sometime the first shift left the place ' hour earlier and waited for the next shift on the place where the central path Brushten?Tukhovishta was crossed by another one (exact place (776 - 020). The third shift did not leave the place before to be sure that the day- time naryad - Chasovi na grenitsata (Sentinel of the Border) given on the place shown above (between 5th Post and pyramid 184) was already arrived. So the last shift of the night time secret and the first shift from the day time Sentinel of the Border (two different naryads) shifted themselves an the place known as "Golyamata Skala" ("The Big Rock") ? located on approx, 400 me almost West from the rock("Skalata") where the night time secret used to stay, and on approx. 200 a. East from the central path Tukhovishta?Brushte Exact place of the shifting ? 076 ? 015). About the day-time Sentinel of the Border see in a further place of this report. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 . n7 . OWEI d. PATHS USED FOR GOING AND COM1ING. The soldiers left zastava building and started in the central path runnino, to Brushten. They reached and passed through the ravine known as "Dulbokoto Dere" and continued to I3ruahten. When the border guards reached on approx. 600 meters before Brushten ? a place where several prthes crossed each other. From this place the bord der guards left the central path and curved in a small path running at first in SouthhEest directions, passing on approx. 50"7d m. North-East from the place known ad "Golyamata Skala" and reaching to the place where this na- ryed was supposed to stay i.e. to the place known as "Skelata" ("The Rock") From that place this path curved in South direction after made a big curve and reached to 5th Old Bulgarian Border Post. Pirsts, Second and Third shift used this way to go to the place of their duty, but only First and Second shift used the same way for returning to the zastave. The way of the Third shift back used to be quite different. A. we said before with the break of the day the third shift ceased to act as a secret, left the place going to the border line and authomaticaly began to act as a Chasovi na Graniteata I"Sentinels of the Border"). then its term was over the border guards left the ragion of their duty and using a small path reached beside and South from the place known as "Golyamnta Skala". From that place this small (goat) path continued in West direction and reached an approx. 50 m. East from the central path Tukhovishte-Arushten. From that place the path continued in slightly South-'fiest direction and more or less paralelly and closer or facer from the central path contunued and reached to the zastava without to cross anywhere the central. path. The soldiers used that path sainly in order to avoid meets with the local population who during that time (around 0800 o'clock) passed in the central path in one or another direction. That was a preventative measure, because if somebody see the b border guards coming back to zastava will be able Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 . 61tjjj&5 to understand the probable place they used to stay naryad and if some of them would like ti escape he would be able to find the best way for that. 25X1 f. ADVANTAGES: Cover two all ravines. Observes the path Brushten-5th Old Border Post. Observes the whole area between "Skelata" and Brushten (the area is bare). Cover a small path connecting the central path Tukhovishta-brushten with 5th Old Bulgarian Border Post. In case of need it is able to give immediate help to the Sentinel of the Bor- der located South and Beside the border line. If necessary it will hel} the naryed from I1th zasteva given near to that place Watch an operational area. HOW TO BE AVOIDED. Informant claims that this neryad can be avoided during the night time by passing West from it through the place known as "Golyamata Skala". This place is convinient because as Informant claims there is no secret t~iot~ during the night in the area between the border line and IGolya- meta Skala"q and no dangerous exist that the person will be noticed from the night patrol located nearly the village of Brushtenj because the Agion of this patrols is located East from the village. Once reached to the PGolyameta Skala" the person should cross the central path somewhere South from the place where this path is crossed by a couple of other paths and after to continue in North-West direction towards the big curve of Dospat River. h. The soldiers liked this naryad because it was loeatad in a bare place with good observation around and near-to it there is cold water. But they they did not liked it becau s to far from the zestava. Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 easy to be avoided this naryad. To be approached the path and when the solders passed and went in some distance then to be around that path and walking in W direction to reach 154.010 nlace of Dospat River, where the latter used to be wid$r and easier to be passed. This naryad was always checked when c~iecks had been made to Na Moats and Ne byoto dire . Chasovi "Fxtekata za 4th post" This is a nighttime g i9dt*xi6*tododx 'As yovia4l MAO x3ct9rY~e- not stationary and not permanent naryad not listed in the zastava roster, and on duty 3-4 times a week only when the zastava commander wishes it. This used to be a permanent naryad prior to February 1955. The area of this naryad is the small path running from "Old Post 4" ( 061-989 ) to "Golyamata skala" then to "Malkata skala", and back to the zastava. The path between "alyamata I Malkata skali" is also patrolled by the last shift of secret naryad "Naskalata". From pyramid 183 ( i.e. opposite and almost above the zastava ) - 071-005 to somewhere between pyramids 181 and 182 - 068-000 the path does not run very close to the border. The soldiers patrolled back and forth as described above. At times. the naryad would lay in ambush somewhere along the path for periods not exceeding one hour. The naryad is composed of 2 soldiers, and is not activated except on rare occasions, for more than a one shif period during the night. The shifts aret from dark to midnight , or from 0200-0300 o'clock to daybreak. sually, the naryrad soldiers are not the ones that had a 7 -8 hour tour of duty the same day. The area is covered with trees, which make it impossible to see the narya.d, unless one is watching the length of the path. The nn ryad went to and returned from their post by crossing a ravine just south of the zas tava, then past a small spring - 065-010 to the path. On occasions when one naryad was on du.#, .(rpm 0200-0300 hours to daybreak. the oldiers remained there and acted as an observation post, but most of the time another Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Itir -7QUOLT This narvad. usually pfltroll'=d every nt!-,rr rih ht, is lecatcd I.~! nr, np rntj nrnal area which can be easily ohs>rved from e diste,r.ce of 15 to 21 maters. 73. Secret "B etc" Thi3 is a combined narra~ which is utilized both as a secret and as a chatnyi for meetings with the sastnas com-nnder. As secret This secret, situat C "fig 0w kU1~ v k 0.LC Ulf~~~m .6 L& v)tY'~ i" /I Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 SEC T raw; ~a~ r~ shy au c ~~ J cUu~ F cW/ ash - z~ yo ~C 4~ t~? IDO ' SQLb / cvmt At .. ~? e.o av w eh, ~ ~, Qt c arnc y , 1; ?d. 4f N d IRP-chbN P u Ca.r~c AAA PI, . T row- lb l n ~ 4 ~~~ ~~/oN c~ Aj 6/w cov Out n, crrzA1f' g,OUA seas o~ . 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C, Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 Approved For Release 2007/09/06: CIA-RDP83-00418R007600280001-6 T11- , hb- V%(kt4AVJ j~ I A~ -~r ~ Glow ti C~#Pmw, CUQA" ~O or, (00 . ?~h H i.LCC It'e2c,~( ot,a~.a vls c cur ,lw~. u, c~,tic ~( ~3~~ v pot ~n ~a a2 ou H c/ ~. Pos . w ht r C t4 aJ 01 ~l d 3 (cy)p?o)c ? 0 - OQ.S GMO( ) )I CWp ox. -lOo vyK Mkt .40-iLtnw . 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