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Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005200640007-0 CLASSIFICATION COUNTRY TOPIC REPORT Quartering Area of the 10th Gds Tank Div EVALUATION a- DATE OF CONTEN DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES BATE PREPARED PAGES 2 ENCLOSURES (NO. & TYPE) REMARKS 23. September 1954 1. On 27 August 1954, the Kriegsschule (2288) in Potsdam was occupied by. approximately 1,000 soldiers who wore red bordered black epaulets with artillery insignia. Between 15 and 21 August, 2 x 76.2-mm field guns were observed for the first time in the barracks area. Between 22 and 27 August, 6 gun barrels were seen in a wooden shed. Twenty- -five to 30 tank trucks and 30 to 40 other trucks were parked in the installation as previously.-Approxdrmately 30 soldiers received instruction on 2 mortars, presumably of 1 caliber. and another 6C soldiers received training in fiz stored in the new shed.. guns were seen after 22 7imra _ '1'hc treznkm w r th tttartars, wer~- still 2. On 2/, August, about 60 to 70 percent of the windows of the Kriegssch.ule in Potsdam were lit at dusk. Sentries observed wore red bordered black epaulets with tank insignia. Two T-34 tanks and 15 tank trucks were seen in the barracks area. Approximately 30 trucks with canvas-covered 3. On 27 August, the Adolf Hitler Kaserne (2287) in Potsdam was occupied by 6CO to SOC soldiers who wore red-bordered black epaulets with tank and motor transport insignia. Twenty fiv? to 30 trucks were engaged in driving-school practices. Little training in firing and drill was observed in the barracks yard and at Bornstedter Feld. 4. On 24 August, the Adolf Hitler Kaserne in Potsdam was about 80 percent lighted at night. On 24 July, 20 soldiers with 2 x 76.2-mm field guns entered the installation. On 25 August, about 40 soldiers wearing red bordered black epaulets with tank insignia received instruction on a T-34 tank. Two T-34 tanks left the installation toward Bornstedter Feld. On 27 August, 15 trucks were seen on Pappel Allee in front of the barracks. The trucks were used for driving instruction. r,~ ~+c~c~rinnrcr i ?q ''Dr6 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005200640007-0 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A005200640007-0 SE:ORL"I 5. On 31 August,, the Kavallerie Schule (2161) in Krampnitz near Potsdam was occupied by approximately 5,000 soldiers wearing red bordered black epaulets with tank, artillery, signal and,motor transport insignia. The 16 tents which had been pitched on 23 August were still seen at the Bullenwinkel area. Twelve officers and 4 field kitchens were seen near iers practiced on the terrain. On 24 August, truck hich came from the direction of Krampnitz was seen en route to -the tents. Between early August and 31 August, 10 T-34/85 tanks frequently engaged ,in driving practices in the training area north of the installation. Approximately 120 soldiers received theor?tical.instruct' at ilia engineer trainim 6. On 4 September, the Kavallerie Schule in Krampnitz was occupied. A few buildings in the northeast section of the installation were not lighted after. nightfall. Small details repeatedly left the installation for short-term exercises after early August. Also beginning in early August, approximately 200 soldiers were repeatedly seen at infantry field 25X1 25X1 25X1 7. On 17 August, the Kavallerie Schule in Krampnitz was occupied by in Fahrland. Supply vehicles seen en route between the Satzkorn railro atation and he barracks installation 25X1 25X1 25X1 I UNCODED approximate 3.000 to 4,000 soldiers. On 11 August., a total of 24 SU-122 guns tanks were seen in the barracks area. Combat training, training in firing and maintenance work on tanks and motor vehicles was frequently observed. The crews of the 6 AA guns in the AA.A emplacement were quartered in 10 nearby tents. at least 20 to 22 JS-1 and JS-2 tanks and at eas to zto 5-3 en . The units of the 10th Gds Tank Div were distributed in the -military installations of the Potsdam post as previously. Training at the post training area and, presumbly, in the south section of the Doeberitz training grounds continued. The short-term absence of troops mentioned in paragraph 6 is believed to have been connected with exercises of el,enents.of the division in the Rathenow area. The unloading of these elements he Satzkorn railroad station was observed prior to 26 August. SECRET 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP80-00810A005200640007-0