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Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005200020004-1 GL SSIFIGAIIOd CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY O ,FOR if T REPORT COMM` ft- ot Geraany SUBJECT P amts Placed vndes or Se acted frcm the Ministry of Heavy Thdustr-y PLACE ACQUIRED DATE OCR ONF'O. .._Y _,._.... ~~i.,..n.,dC.i.a3.. A,4-__.11 k.t rx;c _.... T7]10 0OCU3 C'm CO117TA30S IV V0013ATROO APPECTIGO TUN UATIOVAL 03FUUZASLI OP 19110 UcITUD OTA705. l'lITU113 MU U0A01UO OF TIT1.B to. SECT1073 700 ASSO V04. OP THU t. V. CODU. 40 ADE0020. ITS TO4NSCUIS8109 On 4EVSt.- A71DU 0C to COUT0U70 4O 00 O3CQD07 By AD UCJAUT110A1ZED PERS00 IA PDO131EIVUD OV LAY! TOR OQP000UCTIOU O.. TRIO FOD1 i0 PROCJ18iTCD REPORT CD NO. DATE DISTR., 28 October 1;54 NO.OF PAGES I NO. OF ENCLS, 25X1 (USTEm 5ELOWD SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 1. By decree of tie Ministry for Heavy Industry in July 1954, the following plants. and installations were separated from their previous jurisdictions and placed under the overall. -^i.?.-isdf..ction of the cast German Ministry for Heavy Industry. as VEB Vereinigte %iarzer Kal.kwerke9 Ruebeland (Pi;?arz) 9 taken from the Ministry for Cogrettacti w and merged ~i-j th VEB Chemische Werke Buna9 effective date 1 January 1954 bo UEB Kalk"und Phosphatwer}: Steudnitz9 taken over from the Ministry for Conatiuotjof, effective 1 April 1954 and placed under the Main Adjninis",sation for Heavy Chemistry, 2. With an effectve date of 1 April 19549 an Administration of VEB?s for Technical Gases was established with its seat in Coswigo This new Admin- istration for ':2"s for T oc~-.nical Gases is placed under the Main Adainistra-. tion for Heavy Chemistry an& has supervision over all plants and installa tions for the production of oxygen9 acetylene, carbonic acid and carbon di- oxide. 3. As of 1 April 1954, the Section for Gases of VEB Energieprojektierung9 Ber- lin, has been merged with VEB Projektierungsm9 Konstruktions.und PMontage- buero (PKTrf)--Coal Processing--Leipzig0 4. _On 1 July 1954, the Bad Selzungen VEB branch office of VEB Metallwareno fabrik Bad ioiebenstein __ 8_' 1 transferred to the Council of Kreis Bad Salzungen and has been merged with VEB Kaltwalzwe,;k Salzungeno 5. By the same decree9 the following two plants were separated from the Minis- try for Heavy Industry and placed under the jurisdiction of the Council of Bezirk Cottbusg VEB Thermoplastwerk Bernsdorf VEB Gummiwerk Ortrand 6 This 1atteeF' chtnge was made retroactive to l U'aw. ary 1954:, CLAS IFICATION SI1,HET ~g1Ti~fi 2 ;alVY 7 NSRr3 f cISTRIBUTION Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005200020004-1 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005200020004-1 Iq Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA005200020004-1