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Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004700060008-9 CLASSIFICATION SECRET r ' COUNTRY East" Germany TOPIC, REPORT Quartering Area of the 94th Gds Mtz Rifle Div and Hq Units of the IX Mtz Rifle Corps in Schwerin, Wismar and Hagenow EVALUATION LA OBTAINED_ DATE OF CONTENT DATE OBTAINED REFERENCES- PAGES 3 REMARKS 21 July 1954 25X1 This is UNEVALUATED Information 1. Prior to 22 May 1954, the Fritsch Kaserne (5544) in Schwerin was occupied by a signal unit and, presumably, by a headquarters since field-grade officers were repeatedly observed entering and leaving .the installation. Sentries at the gate wore black-bordered black epaulets. One or two groups of 6 to 8 soldiers were repeatedly seen 25X1 receiving telephone training in the barracks yard. On 22 May, about 50 percent of the windows of the three quartering buildings were lit at dusk. 2. Prior to 22 May, the holtke Kaserne (5543) in Schwerin was occupied by a tank unit. Three canvas-covered tanks were seen in front of vehicle sheds in the rear of the installation. Up to 100 soldiers repeatedly drilled in the yard on weekdays. Soldiers wearing red- bordered black epaulets and officers wearing summer terms with tank insignia were continually seen in the immediate vicinity of the installation. 3. Between 2 and 12 June, the Moltke Kaserne in Schwerin was occupied by an estimated 200 to 250 soldiers. On 9 June, 10 T-34 tanks and 4 SP guns were seen in the yard. Tank training was held at the drill ground. Four to 5 T-34 tanks practiced taking position on a slope and aiming. Several T-34 tanks fired individually at mobile targets in an open area in the Buchholz Forest, 1.5 km south of Stern. In early June, the Krueger Kaserne (5542) in Schwerin was occupied by 450 to 500 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets. On 10 June, S x 100-mm AT guns were seen in the yard. In the evening on the same day, 4 YA-12 prime movers towing 4 x 122-mm field howitzers left the installation toward Sternbuchholz. Prime movers and ere seen. Trucks eac carrying x OO-mm AT gun and towing x -mm ie gun passed through the barracks gate. 5. Between 2 and 12 June, the Hindenburg Kaserne (5545) in Schwerin was occupied by an estiiated 500 to 600 soldiers. Sixteen M-13 rocket launchers were observed. Between 2000 and 2100, 4 to 5 rocket launchers PqAe-e.trW-A7& U CIFIIW TJ 0 ~. 25X1 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004700060008-9 SECRET) almost daily left the installation toward Rastow for firing. The rocket launchers returned after 2 to 3 days. No gun training was held in the installation. Telephone sections of 8 soldiers, who wore red-boraered black epaulets with signal insignia, practiced in the Werderholz and at Sachsenberg. 6. On 8 June, the Adolf Hitler Kaserne (5541) in Schwerin was probably occupied by about 2,000 soldiers wearing red-bordered black epaulets, a few with signal insignia. An undetermined number of soldiers received instruction on machine guns on tripods in the barracks yard. No heavy weapons were observed. 7. Prior to late May, the Adolf Hitler Kaserne in Schwerin was occupied by an infantry unit, the soldiers of which wore black-bordered red epaulets. About 100 to 120 soldiers wearing black-.;ordered red epaulets, and equipped with entrenching tools, submachine guns and light and heavy machine guns left the installation almost daily toward Ludwigsluster Chaussee, 00 .+$Xl area. S. On 8 June, the Schwerin-Goerries airfield (5546) was occupied by about 1,000 soldiers, most of whom wore black-bordered black epaulets Lnd, a few who wore red-bordered black epaulets. About 60 soldiers practiced the construction of bridges and landing ramps at the lake.. 9. On 20 i,:ay, a column of 15 prime movers towing 15 x 122-mm field howitzers, and about 30 trucks entered the barracks installation at Goerries airfield (5546). Each prime mover was occupied by 8 soldiers.2 10. Between 2 and 22 June, the infantry and artillery section of the Flak Kaserne (5641) in Wismar was occupied to capacity. About 200 to 300 soldiers who wore black-bordered red epaulets almost daily marched from the infantry section to the former Dornier airfield. On 20 May, 2 SU-76 guns including left the installation toward hoepernitztal. On 21 and 25 May, about 70 soldiers fired with live ammunition at a x?iniature village in Koepernitztal from bunkers immediately east- southeast of the installation. The soldiers wore black-bordered red epaulets. At 1000 on 21 June, 2 SU-76 guns left the installation and went toward the town. They returned at about 2200. Troops and marie+l which left the installation on the same day included: 6 trucks, 6 trucks towing 6 field howitzers, 2 amb 3 jeeps. On 22 June, 3 trucks, each towin entered the installation from the directio seen entering and leaving the installation included: 11. Between 25 May and 27 June an undetermined number of soldiers trained on about 5 x 122-mm field howitzers, 4 heavy mortars and 4 SU-76 guns in the training area near Flugplatz Kaserne (5161) in Hagenow. Infantry units received close-combat training and field training at.plat6on- level..Firing with live ammunition with rifles, submachine guns and Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004700060008-9 Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004700060008-9 machine guns was daily held at the firing range. A railroadman stated that, during the night on 17 June, about 100 trucks with soldiers left the installation for an undetermined destination and returned during the following night. Comment. The service color mentioned in paragraph 6 is believed to be incorrect. The occupation of Adolf Hitler Kaserne is assumed to include the 286th Gds Mtz Rifle Regt. Comment. Field howitzers are reported in the Flugplatz Kaserne: or the first time. It is assumed that the artillery unit was only temporarily stationed in the installation. Comment_ The information does not indicate any major changes in the occupation of d e ,;ns)ta.llations mentioned prior to mid-June. the low occupation figures of some installations result from the fact that individual units were still absent from Schwerin for training, as for example elements of the 4th Gds Arty Brig from Krueger Kaserne and the 74th (Hv`) Tank SP Regt and the 940th AAA Bn of the 94th Gds Mtz Rifle Div from Moltke Kaserne and Fritsch Kaserne respectively. The units from Wismar and Hagenow appeared to have been stationed at their posts until the second half of June. SECRET Approved For Release 2007/10/19: CIA-RDP80-0081 OA004700060008-9